Penilaian Akhir Semester Genap SMK Dinamika Pembangunan 2 Jakarta Bidang Keahlian Bisnis Dan Manajemen Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019

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Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Standar Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris setara level Advance
Kelas/Program Keahlian : XII/ (Semua Jurusan)
Hari/Tanggal : Sabtu / 23 Februari 2019
Waktu : 90 Menit
Guru Mata Pelajaran : Dwi Wahyuningsih, M. Pd (XII AK 1,2,3)
Gesta Rahayu, M.Pd (XII AP 1,2,4, XII AK 4, XII PM 1,2,3)
Syifa Fauziah, S.Pd (XII AP 3)

Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat dengan menghitamkan ( ) pada salah satu huruf A, B, C, D,
atau E yang anda anggap paling benar sesuai dengan pertanyaan soal pada lembar jawab computer yang
disediakan dengan menggunakan PENSIL 2B.

1. Kiki : Do you think that on job training program is necessary for vocational students?
Athira : … because this program will give the students a chance to apply their knowledge into real
A. No, I am not on your side
B. I don’t think so
C. I have no idea
D. No, it’s not
E. Sure, it is

2. Andre : Bagas and I are going to see a movie tonight? Do you want to come with us?
Chandra : I don’t think I can. ..., so I can have a day off tomorrow.
A. I really like it
B. I should go with you
C. I don’t like to go out tonight
D. I have to work overtime today
E. I need to buy some movie CDs

3. Aditya : Can you tell me the activities you do every day?

Brian : I always get up at five o’clock. I take a bath and after that, I have breakfast and
…. My class starts at 6.30 a.m.
Aditya : How far is it from your house?
Brian : Well, about 20 minutes by motorcycle.
A. take a nap
B. go to school
C. prepare the meal
D. wash my clothes
E. cook some meal

4. Tina : Good afternoon, Sir. …

Bob : Could you give me some details about your package tours?
Tina : Certainly. Would you like to see our brochures? Here they are.
A. Would you help me?
B. What can I do for you?
C. When can I visit your office?
D. Would you like to book a ticket?
E. Can you help me with this task?
5. Jessica : Hi Bill, …
Bill : Couldn’t be better. How’s it going Jess?  
Jessica : I do really sorry Bill; I am late to pick you up. I have something to do with my classmates.
A. how have you been?
B. how do you know me?
C. have you got the news?
D. have we ever met before?
E. how long have you moved?

6. Harry : Hi Kim. Do you know about our new semester’s subject? Who is the lecture?
Kim : On Monday we’ll get Accounting and Finance. We will be taught by Mr.
Hutchinson who is the grumpiest lecture in this college and if he gives us
assignments, …. Otherwise, he won’t let us join his class.
A. it won’t be score for the whole semester
B. it will be assisted by his favorite student
C. it has to be discussed in the small groups
D. it need to be checked by the accountant
E. it must be turned in two days before the class

7. Barbara : Where shall we go for our vacation this year, Ted?

Ted : How about Florida? It's cheap, and good weather is guaranteed.
Barbara : …. Have you seen this ad for adventure holidays in Canada?
A. I’d rather listen to some music in my room
B. I would like to watch some movies in theatre
C. I'd rather do something more exciting this year
D. I prefer staying at home doing nothing to going out
E. I would prefer buying some new clothes to travelling

8. Ardi : It’s hot here. Isn’t it?

Banu : Yes, it is. I think it will help if we open a window.
Ardi : That’s right. …, please?
Banu : Yes, certainly.
A. Will you broke it
B. Can you wash it
C. Can you paint it
D. Will you close it
E. Will you do it

9. Sandi : So, how was your vacation?

Sifra : Oh! … I’ve ever had in my life. I like it very much.
Sandi : Wow! Where did you go?
Sifra : We went to the Bahamas. It’s such an amazing place.
A. This was the best trip
B. This is the worst dream
C. This was a terrible vacation
D. This is the happiest moment
E. This is my last hope

10. Reza : I came late due to a flat tire. I missed Mr. Anwar’s class. I guess he won’t be happy with me.
Noval : I think he’s very wise. … He will understand.
Reza : I guess I’ve got to do that. Thanks for the advice.
A. You had better stay away from him
B. You should be thankful to him
C. It’s better for you to stay at home
D. Why don’t you go back home
E. Just meet him and apologize
11. Ralin : Have you met our new English teacher?
Olla : Miss Reety? I’m not so sure about it. How does she look like?
Ralin : Well, she is a pretty nice young lady who … . She looks like Maudy Koesnaedi.
A. has long black hair
B. looking for Indian food
C. likes wearing a long dress
D. has taught for such a long time
E. can speak in many foreign languages

12. Teacher : What will you do to face the next school competition?
Coach : We will do the training harder and longer. If we have more training, …
Teacher : Hopefully we will be the winner.
A. We will meet new players
B. We will spend more time
C. We will get better result
D. We will lose our hope
E. We will start playing the games

13. Bety : Daddy, can I go to my friend’s birthday party?

Father : … You have to study for the final test tomorrow.
A. Sure, go ahead
B. Of course, you need to go
C. Yes, don’t worry about it
D. I don’t know where it is
E. I don’t think it’s necessary

14. Bobi : Dan, come here, please. I need a hand.

Dani : Wait. What can I do for you?
Bobi : Hold this iron bar tightly. … I need to screw them both altogether.
A. I join them
B. I’ve joined them
C. I want to join them
D. I’ll join them
E. I joined them

15. Qory : You look so happy. What’s up?

Nia : Guess what? …
Qory : Congratulations!
A. She has just got married
B. I’ve just received a scholarship
C. Today is very special for us
D. I’ve finished my homework
E. You will be the candidate of class leader

Questions 16 - 18 are based on the following short dialog.

Tharith : So, what are you going to do after graduation, Cheng?

Cheng : Well, I’ve saved some money, and I think I really like to travel.
Tharith : Lucky you. That sounds exciting!
Cheng : Yeah. Then I plan to get a job and my own apartment.
Tharith : Oh, you’re not going to live at home?
Cheng : No, I don’t want to live with my parents when I start to work.
What about you?
16. What is the topic mainly about?
A. Losing a job.
B. Renting a house.
C. Saving some money.
D. Planning after school.
E. Doing homework together.

17. What will Cheng probably do after getting a job?

A. Opening business.
B. Staying at home.
C. Renting a house.
D. Continuing his study.
E. Travelling with some friends.

18. “I’m going to get a job and live at home. I’m broke.”
The underlined word could be best replaced with ….
A. rich
B. wealthy
C. annoying
D. penniless
E. ridiculous

Questions 19 – 21 are based on the following short dialog.

Idhay : Wien, do you have plans for the weekend?

Wien : I have nothing definite planned. Why?
Idhay : Saturday is Mary's birthday party. Would you like to join with us?
Wien : Sure, I could come to her party. Where are you going to have it?
Idhay : It's going to be a pool party at Jay's apartment building.
Wien : That sounds like fun. Is it a potluck?
Idhay : Yes, we would like for people to help us by bringing side dishes and drinks.

19. What is the dialog mainly about?

A. A new apartment building
B. A large swimming pool
C. A various side dishes
D. A new recipe from Mary
E. A party invitation

20. What will each of them do before going to the party?

A. Swim at the pool with their friends.
B. Prepare certain food to take with them.
C. Buy a new swimsuit for the party.
D. Decorate the apartment room.
E. Blow some colorful balloons.

21. “… by bringing side dishes and drinks.” What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. beverages
B. meals
C. container
D. tableware
E. ingredients
Questions 22 – 24 are based on the following short dialog.

Dani : Are you OK?

Dina : I’m having stomachache
Dani : Is there anything that I can do for you?
Dina : No need, thanks. Everything will be OK.
Dani : I hope you’ll get better soon, then.
Dina : Yes, hopefully

22. What is the purpose of the dialog?

A. To advice someone in taking medicine
B. To ask about someone’s opinion
C. To give someone’s motivation
D. To offer someone help
E. To give an exercise to make healthier

23. What does Dina want Dani to do?

A. Bring her a jacket
B. Nothing
C. Get her some help
D. Buy her medicine
E. Take everything away

24. “I hope you’ll get better soon...”

What does the underlined expression mean?
A. Giving suggestion
B. Asking for help
C. Offering something
D. Giving sympathy
E. Thanking someone

Questions 25 – 27 are based on the following short dialog.

Haris : You’d better work faster.

Adit : Why is it so?
Haris : All of the workers are being videotaped now.
Adit : I don’t like to be videotaped while I work. I feel annoyed.
Haris : This factory is being evaluated now.
Adit : Evaluated? I hope they don’t close it. I don’t want to lose this job.

25. What does Haris intent to do?

A. Finish the work as soon as possible.
B. Evaluate Adit’s performance.
C. Videotape all the workers
D. Tell Adit to work hard.
E. Stop working.

26. From the text, we can conclude that Adit ....

A. doesn’t like to be evaluated
B. is a wise and responsible worker
C. is very smart to solve problem
D. easily gets displeased and worried
E. feels certain that the factory will be closed

27. “All of the workers are being videotaped now.” (line 3)

The underlined word has the closest meaning with ....
A. watched
B. recorded
C. checked
D. evaluated
E. investigated

Questions 28 – 30 refer to the following text.
It all happened about two months ago. I was in the girls’ changing room belting out my favorite song when
my music teacher walked in. She commented that I had a mellifluous voice but I did not think much about it.
The next thing I knew, she had signed me up for the Teachers’ Day Singing Contest. When I first learnt about
it, I was flabbergasted and protested immediately.

On the big day, my heart skipped a beat when I heard my name being called. Biting my lip nervously, I strode
onto the stage gingerly, my hands clammy from perspiration. “God, please help me!” I prayed desperately.
However, when I saw the countless pairs of eyes staring at me, the rubber band of stress in me snapped.

I had always been an awfully shy person who disliked any form of attention. I hardly spoke up in class or
participated in group activities. Thus, it was not surprising that my history teacher of two years did not even
know my name. Being in the limelight stressed me out, so asking me to perform on stage in front of the whole
school was as good as telling me to jump off a plane without a parachute.

Standing on the stage, I looked at the audience with mute horror. The music had started playing but I could
not utter a single word. An irrational fear overwhelmed me, causing my heart to palpitate so fast that it might
just leap out from my mouth. I had never felt more nervous and embarrassed in my life before. How I wished
the ground would open up and swallow me.

I took a deep breath and asked the judges if I could start again. Perhaps out of pity, they agreed readily. The
familiar music played once more. Shutting my eyes, I blocked out all negative thoughts in my mind and sang
my heart out. To my surprise, the audience were so blown away that they gave me a rapturous ovation.
Happiness bubbled up inside me as I walked off the stage. Although I could not see my own face, I knew I
was glowing in delight.

28. Who wrote the story?

A. A timid student
B. A talented singer
C. A music teacher
D. A singing judge
E. A quiet teacher

29. What happened when she was on the stage for the first time while the music had begun?
A. She was glowing in delight.
B. Her voice didn’t come out.
C. She felt totally embarrassed.
D. The audience were all amazed.
E. She was frightened to look at the audience.

30. “Perhaps out of pity, they agreed readily.” (paragraph 5)

The underlined word refers to ....
A. The audiences
B. The teachers
C. The judges
D. The students
E. The songs
Questions 31 – 33 refer to the following information. (factual report: plants, animals, etc.)

Giraffe is the highest animal in the world. Its height can reach 4.8 to 5.5 meters and its
weight about 1360 pounds. Giraffe has a unique characteristic. They have a very long neck and
two small horns on its head. Giraffes have big brown eyes and protected by thick and long
eyebrows. Her body is covered with a unique pattern that is attached by brown spots all over their
Just like camels, giraffes can survive without drinking for long time because giraffes can rely
on the water contained in leaves they eat. Giraffes are very selective in choosing food. They
always eat young leaves that grow in the tree tops. Their tongue shaped like a knife help them to
cut branches which are very hard.
Female giraffes can start pregnant at the age of five years, with a gestation period of 15
months. Commonly female giraffe bear one baby, but sometimes two babies at once. Giraffes
bear its baby with a standing position. When the baby is about to be born, they just drop it to the
ground from a 1.5 meter of height. Baby giraffe can stand with about 20 minutes since being
born, and begin breastfeeding within an hour of birth.

31.The text tells us about?

A. Giraffe’s reproduction
B. The strange animals
C. The highest animal
D. Baby giraffe
E. The heaviest animal

32.The second paragraph mainly discussed about?

A. Giraffe’s food
B. Giraffe’s characteristic
C. Giraffe’s life
D. Giraffe’s reproduction
E. Giraffe’s baby

33. What ages can female giraffes start pregnant?

A. At five years
B. At ten years
C. At fifteen months
D. At twenty months
E. At twenty five years

Questions 34 – 36 refer to the following information. (procedure: manuals)

Grab is a smartphone-based transport-booking platform that started in Malaysia as MyTeksi to revamp

the taxi and transport industry. Today, Grab is present in six countries across the region. And countless
people nowadays are using the services every day. Whether it’s taxis, cars, bikes or other vehicles, all
the rides are fairly priced. So there’s one for everyone’s need. Anywhere Anytime From going to work
in the morning, to heading home after a night of partying, we plan to be there for all of you.
How to get started:
With Grab, you have the freedom to go anywhere. After you download the application on your phone,
follow the instructions below:
1. Book in Just 2 Taps
Key in your pick-up and drop-off locations to get your estimated fare.
2. Get a Driver
Grab will find you the nearest available driver. It can also track your driver. You are able to know
your driver’s location and ETA in real-time.
3. Arrive Safely
Share your ride with loved ones for added safety.
34. Who might find this information more useful?
A. A taxi driver
B. A tourist
C. A passenger
D. A motorcyclist
E. A transportation company

35. What should we do first when we want to order this service?

A. Type your pick-up and drop-off points.
B. Share your ride for added safety.
C. Launch the application.
D. Get the nearest driver.
E. Give a rate for the app.

36. “It can also track your driver.” (Instruction 2)

The underlined word refers to ....
A. Phone
B. Driver
C. Grab
D. Fare
E. Vehicle

Questions 37 – 40 refer to the following text.

21 June 2017
Mr. John Curtis
Mitchell Hill PLC

Dear Mr. Curtis,

I am writing to you on the recommendation of David McLean, Assistant Manager in your Securities
Department. He told me that you often employ people from other countries on one-year temporary contracts,
and I am writing to enquire about the possibility of such a post.

I am at present employed by the International Bank in Hanover, in their Securities Department. I have worked
here since 2010, when I graduated from the University of Munich with a degree in Economics. In my current
position as Assistant to Wolfgang Luers, Director of the Securities Department, I deal with a wide range of
investments from companies throughout Europe, buying shares and bonds from them on a worldwide basis. As
well as speaking fluent English, I also have a good working knowledge of French.

I would like to spend a year in the UK to gain further experience in securities investment with a British bank,
and believe that my experience, training, and language skills would prove useful to your organizations. My
employer encourages all its staff to spend a year abroad and Mr. Luers would be willing to give you a

I would be grateful if you could send me an application form and further information about the posts currently
available. If you need any further information, I can be contacted by email on or telephone
on 49 511 506941x155.

Yours sincerely

Marcus Bauer
What is the text mainly about?
A. Applying for a job vacancy
B. Replying someone’s letter
C. Requesting for extending a contract
D. Employing people from other countries
E. Recommending someone to be a manager

38. What will Mr. Curtis probably do to Bauer?

A. Ask him for the salary
B. Call him for some details
C. Send him a new application
D. Invite him for posting the jobs
E. Remind him of email availability

39. “In my current position as …” (paragraph 2)

The underlined is closest in meaning to ….
A. efficient
B. important
C. present
D. earlier
E. past

40. Is he able to speak in French?

A. Yes, He is
B. Yes, he will
C. Yes, he want
D. No, he isn’t
E. No, he won’t

______________________________GOOD LUCK________________________________________

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