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Offering Help
ALAN: Good Morning.. Welcome to ABC Hotel..

BOB: Good Morning..

ALAN: Well.. May I assist you Sir.. Do you want to check in?

BOB: Yes I do.

ALAN: May I take your luggage?

BOB: Yes, that would be great!

ALAN: Please follow me to front desk. Just come this way Sir.

BOB: Thanks for your help.


1. What is the relationship between the speakers ?
Answer : service hotel receptionist with costumer.
2. Where does the dialogue take place ?
Answer : in hotel.
3. What does Bob want ?
Answer : check in hotel.
4. What does Bob bring ?
Answer : luggage.
5. Write the expressions of offering help!
Answer : Well.. May I assist you Sir. AND May I take your luggage?
6. Write the expressions of accepting help!
Answer : Yes, that would be great!. AND Thanks for your help.

Offering Help – Dialog 2

Lana: I don’t think I will pass chemistry this semester.

Mia: What? Why?

Lana: I got D for my last assignment. As well as for my other assignments.

Mia: Well, there will still be a final test, right? What did you get for the midterm test?

Lana: B

Well, that’s a start. Don’t give up just yet. We still have three weeks before finals. Can I
help you with anything?

Lana: I suppose I could have a little tutoring with chemistry.

Mia: I can help you with that! Would you like me to tutor you?

Lana: If you could, and if you don’t mind…

Of course, I don’t mind! I would love to! Let’s start with three days a week, just an hour
each after school. You pick the days. How about that?

Lana: Thank you so much, Mia!


1. What is the relationship between the speakers ?

Answer : Friend

2. Where does the dialogue take place ?

Answer : Classroom

3. What problem does Lana have ?

Answer : She got D for assignment and she will pass chemistry this semester.

4. How will Mia study chemistry to face the final test ?

Answer : She can tutor Lana.

5. How long will Mia study chemistry to face the final test ?

Answer : Three days a week just an hour each after school.

6. Write the expressions of offering help!

Answer : I can help you with that! Would you like me to tutor you?

7. Write the expressions of accepting help

Answer : Thank you so much, Mia!

Offering Help or Things

Formal Informal
Would you like some help? Can I help you?
May I help you? Need any help?
May I offer my assistance? Do you need a hand?
Could I help you? Can I give you a hand?
What can I do for you? Do you need any help?
What shall I do for you? Can I do anything to help?
I’ll be glad to help? Do you need any help

Accepting (Offering help) Refusing (Offering help)

How kind of you! Thank you very much.
No, you don’t need to.
That’s very good of you!
Don’t bother yourself, thanks.
That’s terribly kind,. Thank you very much.
No, thank you.
Yes, please do.
That’s very kind, but I can manage myself.
What a good idea!
That’s very kind of you, but I don’t think
Yes, please.
-it’s necessary.
Thanks. That would be excellent.

Offering Help or Things

Pengertian: Offering help or things adalah ungkapan menawarkan bantuan
atau sesuatu kepada seseorang.

Accepting Offer : Menerima tawaran

Declining / Refusing Offer : menolak tawaran

Ali : What happened to your smartphone?
Nia : It was suddenly off.
Ali : Let me check it.
Nia : That’s very good of you. Here it is

Ani : Have you finished your assignment?

Edo : Not yet.
Ani : Do you need any help?
Edo : No, thanks. I can manage myself.

Ita : Do you have a plan for the next weekend?

Eko : Yes, I do. What about visiting our uncle?
Ita : That’s a good idea.

Exercise: Answer the following questions!

Dialogue 1

Bryan : Nugy, where are you?

Nugy : I’m in the house. What’s matter?
Bryan : oh _____________ .
Nugy : I’d like to help you. For what?

Complete the dialogue 1 above with suitable expression ....

A. Would you like some help?

B. Sorry, I can’t help you
C. Could I possibly ask you to help me?
D. Let me help you
E. No, you don’t need to help
Answer : C

Dialogue 2

Romy : May I help you ?

Deny : Hmmm. Don’t bother yourself, thanks.

The underlined sentence express ....

A. Asking help
B. Giving help
C. Offering help
D. Refusing an offer
E. Accepting an offer
Elsa: Will you help me to build a snowman?
Olaf: Yes, of course. _____ .
Answer : D

Complete the dialogue below (for questions number 3 and 4)

Mr Iqbal: Jon, come here please!

Andy: Yes, sir. I'm coming.
Mr Iqbal: (3) __________ the goods to the shop, please?
Andy: With pleasure, sir.
Mr Iqbal: Don't forget to put into the correct case!
Andy: (4) ______, sir.
Mr Iqbal: Thanks.

3. The suitable expression is ....

A. Can you bring
B. Can I bring
C. May I bring
D. Don't bring
E. I would like to bring
Answer : A

4. The suitable expression is ....

A. Sorry, I can't
B. I wish I could help you
C. I'm busy
D. I need some help
E. Don't worry
Answer : E

Complete the following dialogues with the suitable expressions of offering and responses.
1. Nela : Have you finish your English paper?
Dira : No, I haven’t. My computer is broken, so I haven’t type it yet.
Nela : Sorry to hear that. Can I help you?
Dira : Don’t bother yourself, thanks.
I’ll finish it soon

2. Budi : Excuse me. You look confuse. Need any help?

Mr X : Yes, please I’ve been searching for this address for an our.

3. Sukma : Wow, that’s a big suitcase! It must be heavy. May I help you?
Mr. B : That’s terribly kind,. Thank you very much



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