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Note: result and discussion and conclusion is an individual effort, make sure that it has

relevance to the sets of answered given to the questions.

Leader of the group should be the one to collate individual’s task in video with his/her
discussion and conclusion and upon reporting, the group will post a video in the
section’s private facebook page. While non-presentor will be submitting an experiment in
pdf form in google drive or even in our group chat (if possible). Commenting of the non
presentor will be done on the set time schedule after the assigned group posted their
video presentation.

Name of the members Section:

Group no.


Laboratory Exercise No.1

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM(Fig.l1): Every cell in an insect body, regardless of its function,
requires some source of energy for its maintenance, and synthesizing activities. For this
it is necessary to take food, digest the same and transport the nutrients to the individual
cells and throw out the undigested material (excreta). The various parts associated to
perform these processes are the mouth-parts and the alimentary canal. Between these
two, there is a pair of salivary glands. The alimentary canal extends from an anterior
opening (mouth) to a posterior anus. It can be divided into three distinct regions -
foregut, midgut and hindgut. The fore- and hindguts possess a chitinous lining. Foregut
- Mouth or buccal cavity is followed by pharynx and oesophagus. Pharynx is an
elaborate musculature concerned with ingestion and deglutition of the food.
Oesophagus is a simple narrow tube leading to midgut, its hind part is symmetrically
dilated to form a crop. The crop serves as a temporary reservoir for the food taken by
the insect. The crop is followed by muscular proventriculus often provided with a strong
cuticular plates or teeth for mixing the food. Midgut - The most active part of alimentary
canal, being concerned with digestive and absortive functions. Opening anteriorly into
midgut are 2 to 6 gastric caecae. At the junction of midgut and hindgut are malpighian
tubules - numerous fine long tubes of yellow colour. They tunction as excretory organs.
Hindgut - It is differentiated into an anterior ileum; middle narrow. curved intestine called
colon and the terminal enlarged portion - recturm, which bears six rectal pads and
opens posteriorly as anus. The undigested good material passes out through anus.

REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM(Fig, 11): Reproduction in most insects is bisexual. The

male repro ductive system functions in the production, storage and delivery of
spermatozoa while the female produces and stores eggs, receives spermatozoa, is site
of fertilization and lays eggs'. The male reproductive system is located in the posterior
part of abdomen and consists of paired gonads (testes) ±eading to lateral ducts called
vasa deferentia. Each testis consists of a number of sperm tubules or follicles called
testicular follicles which contain sperms or germ cells in various stages of development.
Each sperm tube leads to a vas efferens and these vasa efferentia open into the vas
deferens. The two vasa deferentia unite to form median ejaculatory duct, terminal end of
this duct is enclosed in an i->tromittent organ called aedeagus or penis. One to three
pairs of accessory glands are usually associated with the ejaculatory duct; these glands
secrete the seminal fluid. The female reproductive system is also located in the
posterior part of abdomen and typically consists of paired gonads or ovaries. Each
ovary is composed of a number of ovarioles or egg-tubes opening at their proximal ends
into oviducts. Each ovariole contains eggs in various stages of development. The
ovaries are connected by lateral oviducts to a common oviduct that leads to bursa
copulatrix or vagina, which opens to the exterior and receives the penis during mating.
There is usually a single outpocketing from bursa copulatrix, called spermatheca in
which spermatozoa received from male are stcred prior to fertilization. 6

NERVOUS SYSTEM(Fig. 11): system is the nerve The basic functional unit of nervous
45 to 50 microns in cell or neuron - a thin-walled tube, diameter. an insect consists of a
double The central nervous system of lateral and logitudinal chain of ganglia connected
by The anterior most ganglion commonly called brain is connections. the head. It
complex and is located dorsal to foregut in very deutocerebrum and tritocerebrum. It
comprises of protocerebrum, cord. is followed by suboesophageal ganglion and ventral
nerve I to V There are 3 ganglia in thorax and 6 ganglia lying in 6th one little behind.
Each pair of abdominal segments, the a is connected with preceding and succeeding
ganglia by two gangli called connectives. The posterior most or longitudinal cords
control of caudal ganglion is intimately involved in the copulation and oviposition.


Study these systems is necessary to relate the physiological processes of internal organs with
insect behavior, development, their survival and the means to be taken for their control or

1. Freshly killed specimen (cockroach)
2. Dissecting tray
3. Pair of scissors
4. Pins
5. Cp/any digital camera

1. Take a freshly killed cockroach cut off its legs and wings.
2. Place the cockroach in dissecting tray and pin on its head, cover with water.
3. Give a dorsal cut from the posterior region towards the head with the use of scissors.
4. Remove dorsal body wall with the use of a pin and forceps
5. Pin the lateral margins placing them at an angle of 45 degree. Remove all fatty tissues,
air sacs, trachaea and muscles.
6. Bring alimentary canal apart and observe its various parts(Fig 11).
7. To observe reproductive parts, remove alimentary canal separating it from rectum, pin
the rectum streaching porteriorly.
8. Separate ovaries, testes and observe their various parts(fig 1)
9. Compare different systems and their parts with sample dissection.


Locate and label the following using your own dissected specimen
1. Label various parts of respiratory and reproductive systems(fig 1)
2. What is malphighian tubule? What is its function in insect physiology.
3. Label its Respiratory system.
4. Label its Reproductive system using your own specimen
5. How will you distinguish between a male and female reproductive system?


Fig1. For reference only

Fig1 , Attached photo of your own properly labeled specimen

Fig. 2 Reproductive Systems

Fig.2 Attached photo of your own properly labeled specimen

Fig 3 Digestive system

Figure 3 attached your own labeled specimen’s digestive system

Name of the members Section:

Group no.


Laboratory Exercise No.2


oxygen and throwing out carbon The process of as respiration or ventilation. dioxide is
known hymenop in a few insects like springtails and some Except where all gaseous
exchange occurs through the terous larvae an elaborate system of integument, it is
accomplished by means of called tracheae. The intake of oxygen branching tubules
commonly lateral openings is through paired, segmentally arranged small thorax and 8
pairs on known as spiracles - usually one pair on sub-divide and ramify till their
abdomen. The tracheae divide, (0.1 to 0.2 micron in tracheoles ultimate branches called
in the tissues, where they further divide into diameter) end micron in smaller, finer,
capillaries that are less than 0.1 diameter. lead into a short, spiracular trachea that The
spiracles tracheae, visceral subsequently ;Iivides into a pair of dorsal tracheae and
ventral tracheae. The first one lies on each side of the alimentary canal while the the
heart, second one lies on cord covering the under the ventral nerve ventral pair lies
ventral musculature of legs. 59
CIRCULATORY SYSTEM(Fig. 12): The circulatory system in insects is rather different
from that of vertebrates and.many other invertebrates in that major portion of the blood
or haemolymph is not found within the confines of a closed system of conductive
vessels but instead bathes the internal organs directly in the body cavity. Haemolymph
is a clear fluid, usually colourless or may have yellowish or greenish tinge imparted by
certain pigments. It carries nutritive substance from the gut to the storage sites where
these are metabolized; it also takes the excretory materials te the malpighian tubes. The
circulatory system comprises of a dorsal blood vessel and blood communicating
sinuses. The dorsal blood vessel lies along the mid-dorsal body region and comprises
of heart and aorta. The heart is a long-chambered yellow tube with eight pairs of lateral
ostia. The aorta is a narrow tube, extending from first abdominal segment to head. 58

Study of these systems helps to identify the various parts, their position and functioning

1. Freshly killed grasshopper or cockroach
2. Dissecting tray
3. Pins
4. Forceps
5. Sharp blade
6. Digital camera/Cp camera
1. Take a freshly killed grasshopper or cockroach
2. Remove its legs and wings
3. Place the specimen in tray covering with water.
4. Make a laterodorsal cut on both sides with the help of a sharp blade.
5. Remove tergum carefully and observe heart and alary muscles.
6. On both sides observe the silvery white tracheae running parallel to heart.
7. Remove digestive tract and observe visceral longitudinal tracheal trunk and spiracular
8. Observe the ventral nerve cord and thoracic ganglia.
9. Also observe ventral pair of longitudinal trachea.
Result and Discussion
1. Identify the positions of circulatory, and respiratory systems in an insect body and label
them (fig.2).
2. What are alary muscles? How do they function in blood circulation?
3. How exchange of gases does take place in an insect?

Fig 2. For reference only

Fig. 2 Attached photo of your own specimen.
Name of the members

Laboratory Exercise No.3

Insect go through different stages of development in their Insects and which is known as
metamorphosis. In general, life cycle (Fig. 13,14): there are 4 basic types of metamorphosis
in insects (No or simple metamorphosis): There are no
1. Ametabola immatures except size and some differences between adults and internal
developmental process. Example: Apterygotes and secondarily apterygote insects. Stages:
Egg - Young - Adult. Adults differ from
2. Paurometabola (Gradual metamorphosis): only in having fully developed wings.
Immatures immatures gradually develop wings and become adults. Example: cockroaches,
crickets, grasshoppers. Stages: Egg - Nymph - Adults.
3. Hemimetabola (incomplete metamorphosis): The immatures are breathing. They differ
from aquatic and bear gills for adults in appearance. Example: Mayflies, Dragonflies,
Damselflies. Stages: Egg - Naiad - Adult. They are completely (complete metamorphosis):
4. Holometabola There are four stages different from the above three types. Larvae are
worm-like and they do not have of development. a stage known compound eyes. After last
moult they turn into as pupa.-Pupae do not eat and move. Example: Butterflies, moths,
beetles, flies, wasps, bees etc. – Stages: eglarva-pupa -Adult.

OBJECTIVE: Study of different growth stages in development of an insect, helps in timing

the control operations as also forecasting the helps in insect epidemics.

1. Preserved specimens including various stages of
a. Silverfish, termites
b. Grasshopper, cockroaches, crickets,
c. Mayfly/dragonfly, damselflies
d. Butterfly, moths, beetles, flies,
2 camera/digital camera
1. Working tray or any flat surface to lay your specimens if vials are not available
2. Labelling pen

1. Observe the different growth stages of and in the laboratory(Fig. 13 )
2. Note the external characteristics immatures (young, nymph, naiads larvae and pupae).

Result and Discussion

1. Label the various stages (fig 13, 14) using your own specimens
2. How does a nymph differ from its adult? and
3. Differentiate between the gradual incomplete metamorphosis.
4. Name the various stages of development in a moth, and write their characteristics.

Fig 13

Presentation of your specimens with label on each stage of the

metamorphosis they are included.

Name of members: Section:

Group no.
Laboratory Exercise no.4


The integument of insects (and other arthropods) comprises the basement membrane,
epidermis, and cuticle. It is often thought of as the “skin” of an insect but, functionally
speaking, it is far more than just that (Locke, 1974). Not only does it provide physical
protection for internal organs but, because of its rigidity, it serves as a skeleton to which
muscles can be attached. 
The study of factors governing the penetration of foreign molecules across the insect cuticle
is, however, of more than academic interest. Most investigations in this field have been
related, directly or indirectly, to the chemical control of species harmful to man and his

1. To be able to determine the effectiveness of some commercially available insecticide
2. To compare commercially available insecticides versus the biological (BTi) and plant
based pesticide

Materials (per group)

1. Larval forceps
2. Bt mixtures/insecticide
plastic cups
3. Insect larvae or any pest that is available within near your place (houseflies,
cockroaches, or mosquito ) etc
4. Sharpie markers
5. Graduated cylinder
6. 1 ml pipette or syringe/ water/ dropper
7. Plant based pesticide
8. Test tubes or small bottles
9. PPE

Collecting of insect larvae
Visit a nearby field of vegetable and collect each group assigned test organisms and store them
in an airy container with fresh leaves. Prepare all the other above listed materials and work in
group. Several types of larvae can be obtained from most locations. Expertise in identifying the
insects is not required as long as the students can group them as different types. The collected
types should be placed into orders based on their physical characteristics.
Treating the larvae with Bti toxin
1. Each group will be testing the sensitivity of mosquito larvae and one other insect type.
2. Acquire 9 plastic cups (3 replicates of insect larvae per treatment). Label the plastic cups
according to which type of larvae they will contain and the appropriate Bti concentration
(0 µg ml-1, 1 µg ml-1, 10 µg ml-1,). Each group will do the experiment in triplicate to allow
for experimental error and variability among insects. Pool class data to compare each
concentration for each type of insect larva.
3. Standard Bti solutions have been prepared. Pipette 1 ml of the appropriate Bti stock
solution into each of the cups with the use of 1ml syringe. These will give final
concentrations of 0 µg ml-1, 1 µg ml-1, and 10 µg ml-1, (get 1 ml from the main stock
solution and add in to 9m of distilled water 0 µg ml-1 and so on)
4. Place two test specimens into each cup and record the time the larva was placed into
the solution.
5. Larvae should be checked as often as possible (two-hour intervals work best). At the
minimum, larvae should be rechecked 15mins post exposure to identify whether the
larvae are still alive. Living larvae will respond by movement when the cup is gently
agitated. Larvae that do not move should be considered dead and the time of death
should be entered in Table 1.
6. Once your data have been compiled, compare your results with that of the other groups
in the class.
7. Repeat the procedure with the two remaining treatments which are T2-Kakawate extract
(or any available) and T3-check treatment (available insecticide)

Time of exposure Concentration of treatment 1

0 µg ml-1 0 µg ml-1 0 µg ml-1
5 mins
10 mins
15 mins
20 mins
Time of exposure Concentration of treatment 2
0 µg ml-1 0 µg ml-1 0 µg ml-1
5 mins
10 mins
15 mins
20 mins
Time of exposure Concentration of treatment 3
0 µg ml-1 0 µg ml-1 0 µg ml-1
5 mins
10 mins
15 mins
20 mins

Result and Discussions (provide photos, videos of workmanship, report attendance of


Answer the following questions:

1. Which concentration(s) of Bti killed the larvae? Estimate the time necessary for death of half
the test subjects (LT50) for each concentration of Bti.

2. Did the Bti toxin affect your other test insect? Why is it important that Bti toxin work on
specific insects?

3. Could we have done this lab using a much higher concentration or other biological
insecticide? What would you recommend considering your test organism?


Name: Section:
Group no

Pesticide Toxidromes
Laboratory Exercise no. 5


A toxidrome (a portmanteau of toxic and syndrome) is a syndrome caused by a dangerous level

of toxins in the body. The term was coined in 1970 by Mofenson and Greensher. It is often the
consequence of a drug overdose. Common symptoms include dizziness, disorientation, nausea,
vomiting, and oscillopsia.
This will help us be familiarized and be consciously aware to be able to recognize manifestation
of pesticide poisoning.

1. To elaborate the effect of the pesticides that are available in the community as to
its effect on non-target organisms such as the applicators and other people living
within an active agro-ecosystem.
2. To list down the pesticides, symptoms of poisoning, diagnose and treatments.
3. To identify the socio-demographic that is susceptible with the movement of
pesticides in the community.


1. Lab. Manual and accomplished lab. Report.

2. Active farm community( 1 farmer each member)
3. Recording equipment such as cp, digi-camera
4. Internet based information to support data gathered


1. Visit an active farm community and ask for the active farmers that are into
conventional farming system.
2. Prepare a table or graph indicating the pesticides applicator’s name, age and
3. Prepare a photo while conducting an interview.
4. Record the interview according to your preference of presentation the socio-
demographic situation.
5. Determine what common chemical pesticides he/she is using on their farm.
6. Write your discussion basing on the interview. Your observation of the health
status of the farmer/applicator of the pesticides will be noted.
7. Prepare a table presenting the chemical being used in the farm, indicate the
toxindromes table (symptoms, diagnose and treatments)
8. Write your conclusion.

1. What is toxindromes?
2. How to evade such occurrence of syndrome?
Name of members: Section:
Group no

Movement of Pesticide: Food

Laboratory Exercise no. 6


The term pesticide covers a wide range of compounds including insecticides, fungicides,
herbicides, rodenticides, molluscicides, nematicides, plant growth regulators and others. Among
these, organochlorine (OC) insecticides, used successfully in controlling a number of diseases,
such as malaria and typhus, were banned or restricted after the 1960s in most of the
technologically advanced countries. The introduction of other synthetic insecticides –
organophosphate (OP) insecticides in the 1960s, carbamates in 1970s and pyrethroids in 1980s
and the introduction of herbicides and fungicides in the 1970s–1980s contributed greatly to pest
control and agricultural output. Ideally a pesticide must be lethal to the targeted pests, but not to
non-target species, including man. Unfortunately, this is not the case, so the controversy of use
and abuse of pesticides has surfaced. The rampant use of these chemicals, under the adage, “if
little is good, a lot more will be better” has played havoc with human and other life forms.

1. To be familiar of the common pesticides effect on the food materials.

2. To list down effects on the physical state of the chemically treated food materials.


1. 3-pc.on-season vegetable freshly purchased from both conventional and non-

conventional vegetable farm. (1 per group)
2. 2-transparent container (plastic or wide mouthed glass container)
3. Basin/water
4. 1 food material put any other post-harvest operations to prolong shelf-life.


1. Submerge your experimental commodities in a basin with your selected method

to prolong shelf life. (t2-chosen post production method) Set aside in the cool
area in your home for 24 and 48 hours
2. One food material will be un treated (T1- control)
3. One food material from the un-conventional farm will be submerged in water,(t3)
4. Observe the food products using the organoleptic test. Cut all three vegetable in
twice to rate each one according to following rating system.
5. Invite any member of your household to test the commodities with your chosen

Score Touch Score Smell Score See

description description description

1 Supple 1 No odor 1 Fresh Green badly

3 Rough 3 Bad odor 3 Discolored

6. Prepare your report in the table or graph form and discuss.

7. Write your conclusion

1. How to eliminate toxic residues on each food materials we eat?
2. Are there nutrient differences between chemically sprayed to organically sprayed
commodities? Present a table comparing each nutrient of any commodity.

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