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Thầy Tuấn ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đại học 01663247755

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each
1. A. polio B. police C. polite D. pollute
2. A. chaos B. character C. charity D. chord
3. A. says B. plays C. days D. raise
4.A. Southern B. mathematics C. breath D. truth
5. A. disguise B. cruise C. bruise D. suit
6. A. hour B. our C. pour D. sour
7. A. sergeant B. servant C. service D. servile
8. A. promised B. reduced C. released D. relieved
9. A. apology B. classify C. trestify D. verify
10. A. beloved B. naked C. ploughed D. learned
Choose the word with the different stress pattern.
11.A. because B. method C. Standard D. wooden
12. A. American B. industrious C. prosperity D. variation
13. A. eventual B. community C. infected D. militarism
14. A. refugee B. electronic C. education D. deficiency
15. A. assassinate B. equality C. intelligence D. understanding
16. A. ashtray B. music C. severe D. temper
17. A. challenging B. consultant C. purity D. wholesaler
18. A. assemble B. glorious C. majestic D. together
19. A. antonym B. consequence C. phenomenon D. ingot
20. A. destination B. enthusiast C. hallucinate D. technology
Identify the mistake in each sentence:
1. Although most known for her prose works, Maya Angelou also published several collections of poetry.
A. most known B. her prose works C. also published D. poetry
2. Technically speaking, astronauts can be able to visit the moon and live there briefly.
A. Technically B. can be able to C. visit D. briefly
3. There are many species of birds in danger of extinction, with a large number of which, 117 in all, found
on oceanic islands.
A. There are B. extinction C. of which D. in all
4. If it is kept dry, a seed can still sprout up to forty years after their formation.
A. kept B. can still sprout C. up to D. their
5. Some snakes have hollow teeth they are called fangs that they use to poison their victims.
A. Some B. they are called C. use D. their
6. The nitrogen makes up over 78 percent of the Earth’s atmosphere, the gaseous mass surrounding the
A. The nitrogen B. over C. percent of D. surrounding
Barack Obama, the president newly elected of the USA, paid a visit to Vietnam
7. Why so many students graduate weak at reading and math are questions continuing to disturb educators.
A. so many B. weak at C. are questions D.continuing
8. Although apples do not grow during the cold season, apple trees must have such season in order to
A. Although B. during C. such season D. to flourish
9. Dentistry is a branch of medicine that developed very dramatically in the last twenty years.
A. Dentistry B. branch of C. developed D. dramatically
10. Rabbits have large front tooth, short tails, and hind legs feet adapted for running and jumping.

Thầy Tuấn ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đại học 01663247755
A. Rabbits B. tooth C. and D. running and jumping
Choose the best answer.
1. If Harold__________with his piano playing, he could eventually reach concert Standard.
A. sustains B. perseveres C. maintains D. survives
2. Anna is a very nervous child and she’s very__________of strangers.
A. terrified B. frightened C. petrified D. horrified
3. The government is thinking of bringing__________a law to make it compulsory for cyclists to wear crash
A. on B. up C. in D. round
4.I love the painting of an old man. He has such a beautiful,.... smile.
A. childhood B. childish C. childless D. childlike
5. She caught a__________of the thief as he made his get-away.
A. glance B. sight C. glimpse D. flash
6. It was a Service__________I will be eternally grateful. (to be grate to sb/sth for sth
A. lo which B. for which C. to whom D. for whom
The table at which I sat on was damaged
The chair on which you sat on was damaged
7. Frank has a house in the__________
A. outskirts B. edges C. limits D. suburbs
8. The film lasted every three hours with__________of 15 minutes between part one and part two.
A. a pause B. an interruption C. an interval D. a stop
9. The person who writes symphonies or concertos is a__________
A. composer B. conductor C. pianist D. playwright
10. Is it far to Stamford? - Not at all. It’s only a__________from here.
A. stone’s throw B. bird’s eye view C. short cut D. step in the right direction
11. I’d rather you__________at my party last night.
A. be B. were C. had been D. have been
12__________.will Mr. Forbes be able to regain control of the company.
A. With hard work B. In spite of his hard work
C. Only if he works hardly D. Only with hard work
13. Barbara didn't mention__________ about her progress report at work, but I’m sure she is.
A. concerning B. to concern C. being concerned D. to be concerned
14. Snow and rain__________ of nature.
A. are phenomenon B. are phenomena C. is phenomena D. is phenomenon
15 Everyone was going away on holiday this week,__________?
A. wasn’t it B. wasn’t he C. weren’t they D. wasn’t she
16 __________my key, I wasn’t able to get into the room.
A. Losing B. I had lost C. I lost D. Having lost
I had lost my key, I wasn’t able

17. It’s no good pretending. You’ve got to__________reality.

A. come up to B. face up to C. come up with D. get round to
18. I haven’t__________ decided where to go on holiday this year.
A. still B. yet C. already D. then
19. “Why are you angry at Bob?”
- “I don’t like it when he makes jokes__________my expense”.
A. for B. on C. at D. to
20. A car__________many different parts.

Thầy Tuấn ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đại học 01663247755
A. is made B. is made up of C. is made of D. makes up of
21. I have never seen _______ before.
A. such good film B. so good film C. so good a film D. such good a film
22. As a_____ parent, my main concern is balancing the needs of a small child with the need to earn a
A. solo B. single C. sole D. solitary
23. Don't be silly! Thai________ possibly be Madonna.
A. mustn’t B. shouldn't C. won't D. can't
24. To begin studying chemistry at this level. You must already have proved your ability in a related
A. line B. discipline C. region D. rule
25. This sad song movingly conveys ________ of the lovers’ final parting.
A. ache B. argument C. anxiety D. anguish
26. The _______ exam in January prepared pupils for the real thing in June.
A. false B. unreal C. untrue D. imaginary
27. These periodicals generally appear at regular and frequent intervals – weekly ____________ or monthly.
A. double weekly B. biweekly C. twice weekly D. every two weekly
28. The book collector who expands an unusual collection over a__________helps to preserve books for
A. lifelike B. lifestyle C. life D. lifetime
29. In the larger communities, special schools are provided for children who have physical or
A. inabilities B. disabilities C. incompetence D. immature
30. We were shocked to hear the news of your__________
A. to be fired B. having fired C. to fire D. having been fired
31. Do you hear the guitar music? John______________ his new guitar.
A. must be playing B. could play C. should play D. will be playing
32. - Have you heard anything from Tom? Is he still in Africa?
- He______________ be, or he______________ already be on his way home. I'm not sure.
A. could/ must B. must/ could C. could/ could D. must/ must
33. The doctor arranged for me to see the______________ at the hospital about my neck.
A. authority B. expert C. adviser D. specialist
34. At the end of the musical, the entire______________ burst into applause.
A. watchers B. audience C. viewers D. spectators
35. Two days passed during which we did not______________a single word.
A. changed B. exchanged C. snapped D. converted
36. The match will be broadcast_________ to various countries in the world.
A. live B. lively C. alive D. living
37. It is imperative_________ what to do when there is a fire
A. he must know about B. that everyone know
C. we knew D. that he knew
38. If I were you, I would regard their offer with considerable_________because it seems too good to be
A. suspicion B. doubt C. reservation D. disbelief
39. "The inflation rate in Greece is five times________ my country,” he said.
A. as much as B. more than C. as many as that in D. as high as that in
40. Be careful! Here’s a wasps’ nest. Don’t________ it.
A. interfere B. disturb C. blast D. thrill

Thầy Tuấn ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đại học 01663247755
41. I don’t see any _______ in arriving early at the theater if the show doesn’t start until 9 o’clock.
A. cause B. reason C. aim D. point
42. The new manager’s office has _______ new equipment.
A. many B. a lot of C. some of D. a few
43. I don’t _______ to change my job because I like it.
A. risk B. intend C. persist D. insist
44. You thought I did wrong but the result _______ my action.
A. agreed B. approved C. proved D. justified
45. Thomas has a garden which is _______ mine.
A. double as large B. semi-larger than
C. twice as large as D. as two-time as large
46. _ “What do you think of the film we’ve watched?” _ “____________”
A. It’s a breeze! B. No kidding!
C. I’ve seen better. D. None of your business!
47. In 1870, _______, John D. Rockefeller and others created the Standard Oil Company.
A. that oil prices fluctuated B. despite fluctuating oil prices
C. but the oil prices fluctuated D. oil prices were fluctuating
48. ______ to school by bus.
A. Many a student goes B. Many the students go
C. Many of students go D. Much student goes
49. Careless driving also accounts ______ the increasing number of traffic accidents.
A. on B. into C. for D. with
50. ______ is not clear to researchers.
A. Why dinosaurs having become extinct
B. Why dinosaurs became extinct
C. Did dinosaurs become extinct
D. Dinosaurs became extinct
51. The new manager is ______ easy-going. He is always very serious about the work.
A. by no means B. by means of C. by all means D. in the mean time
52. We enjoy the hams and coffee at this _______ restaurant.
A. family-owning B. family-owned C. owning-family D. owned-family
53. I’d rather ______ to the party with my parents because there was nothing interesting there.
A. haven’t been invited B. hadn’t been invited
C. not be invited D. not have been invited
Would rather:
S1 would rather S2 did (present)/ had done (QK)= it is high time
Would rather = would like
S would rather do sth (present)
S would rathe have done (past)
54. When the university suggested _______, the student union protested vigorously. (subjunctive) – do or
should do
A. tuition be raised (do) (be done) B. to raise tuition
C. on raising tuition D. that tuition should raise (should do)
55. Whereas conventional computers handle tasks ______ one after another, parallel computers perform
groups of operations at the same time.
A. Conventional computers, by handling tasks
B. Since tasks being handled by conventional computers

Thầy Tuấn ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đại học 01663247755
D. While tasks handled by conventional computers
56. She ______ him of having lied to her.
A. threatened B. blamed C. criticized D. accused
57. We have bought extra food _______ our friends stay to have dinner.
A. in case B. if C. provided D. as long as
58. Cut this cake into six _______ pieces.
A. same B. alike (adj- khong bao gio co danh tu dung sau- alive, awake) C. like
D. equal
59. If only it _______ differently! I had hoped to be acquitted.
A. had been concluded B. were concluded
C. had concluded D. concluded
60. I was ______ in the countryside but went to school in HCMC.
A. brought up B. taken over C. made up D. put off
61. Most of ____ what ___ archaeologists know about prehistoric cultures is based on studies of material
remains. (cleft sentence)
A. these B. C. which D. their
62. We couldn’t afford that house because it ________.
A. was over my head B. paid through the nose
C. cost an arm and a leg D. blew my own trumpet
63. ______ the Christmas shopping season begins.
A. That is after Thanksgiving B. After Thanksgiving it is
C. It is after Thanksgiving that D. It is Thanksgiving that
64. New York City is America’s largest city, ______ it is not the capital of New York State.
A. therefore B. but C. so D. however
65. He promised her an Oxford dictionary, but disappointingly he _______ on his word.
A. turned over B. stood up C. went back D. sat down
66. This young music composer is very famous _______ the most influential composer.
A. for B. to C. as D. with
67. She came ______ a lot of problems at work.
A. up with B. down with C. in for D. up against
68. They take ______ each other like two peas.
A. in B. after C. to D. for
69. Didn’t it ever ______ to them that they would be severely punished?
A. occur B. happen C. enter D. come
70. If you want to ______ weight, cut down on fat.
A. put off B. come down C. take over D. cut off
71. By the time we get out of this traffic jam, all the guests _______ home.
A. have gone B. had gone C. will go D. will have gone
72. ______ members of the class has to be responsible for his own actions.
A. Each of the B. Every C. None of D. All
73. The teacher _______ them the answer to the question.
A. explained B. said C. discussed D. told
74. We met each other at the meeting ______ coincidence.
A. by B. in C. for D. to
75. As we’ve been discussing for 2 hours without any solution, I’d like to ______ my own solution to this
A. come up B. bring down C. put forward D. take in
76. The accident resulted ______ some minor injuries.

Thầy Tuấn ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đại học 01663247755
A. to B. from C. in D. of
77. Dave, I really appreciate _______ me. But I think I could manage it myself.
A. you to help B. you helped C. your helping D. that you would help
78. One of the robbers was described by the witnesses _______ tall and about 25.
A. like B. by C. in D. as
79. I left the purse at home. Can you _______ without breakfast today, dear?
A. go B. do C. make D. live
80. One of the solutions _______ by environmentalists is to ban vehicles from the city center.
A. are suggested B. is suggested C. suggesting D. suggested
81. While the boss was away, her assistant stood ______ her and helped her solve any problems arising.
A. up to B. in for C. up against D. out of
82. I would like to rent a house, modern, comfortable, and _______ in a quite place.
A. before all B. above all C. first of all D. after all
83. We could never get ready for the test at such short _______.
A. call B. notice C. advice D. note
84. To resist corrosion _______ for today's car to prevent havoc caused by road salts, gravel and other
A. have new coatings been developed B. new coatings developing
C. development of new coatings D. new coatings have been developed
85. Some scientists say it is essential that mankind _______ the amount of air pollution in big cities.
A. be reduced B. reduced C. reduce D. will reduce
86. She couldn’t but _____ there crying.
A. stood B. standing C. to stand D. stand
87. ______ where to find the key, the boy could not open the safe.
A. Knowing not B. Knew not C. Not knowing D. Didn’t know
88. They received _______ advice from their parents that they became successful.
A. so good B. such a good C. so good an D. such good
89. Computers are said to be _______ for the development of mankind.
A. here to stay B. neither here nor there
C. here and there D. here today, gone tomorrow
90. _ “She’s the best pianist in the school.” _ “__________”
A. That’s that. B. Never mind!
C. That’s OK! D. You can say that again.
Read the passage and choose the best answer to complete each gap
Panic is rising (1) ______ hair stylists in Denmark. Some of those who often colour, perm or highlight hair -
125 stylists in all - are complaining (2) ______ symptoms which may indicate brain damage. Authorities
have been forced to investigate, and it appears that many stylists are (3) ______ from memory loss, nausea
and frequent headaches. The reason is that the chemicals (4) ______ produce harmful fumes. The
hairdressers' unions are funding investigations into the problem. However, scientists are (5) ______ because
the quantity of chemicals used is not enough to be harmful. Many stylists are now worried, so Denmark has
(6) ______ strict regulations. Manufacturers must now list all the chemicals contained in the products. (7)
______ ventilation must be provided in hairdressing salons and clients will wear a special perm-helmet, (8)
______ the fumes away from stylist. All of Europe will have to (9) ______ these new regulations. At the
moment, everything is still at the committee stage, but soon the revolutionary perm-helmet will be worn in
all salons. Final decisions will be (10) ______ when hairdressers' unions meet in Brussels to discuss the
1. A. in B. among C. between D. at
2. A. from B. about C. of D. because

Thầy Tuấn ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đại học 01663247755
3. A. experiencing B. suffering C. impaired D. injured
4. A. operated B. consumed C. used D. exploited
5. A. sceptical B. thoughtful C. doubtful D. scornful
6. A. initiated B. launched C. passed D. introduced
7. A. Abundant B. Ample C. Surplus D. Plenty
8. A. directing B. leading C. turning D. guiding
9. A. apply to B. follow C. comply with D. fulfil
10. A. introduced B. done C. given D. made
Choose the suitable word to fill in each blank:
While (1)________ everyone accepts the goal of developing (2)_______ in the three "R's" - reading,
writing, and arithmetic - it often seems impossible to (3)_______ agreement on any goal beyond that. In the
broadest (4)________, the conflict over educational goals can be (5)_______ as a conflict between
conservatives and liberals, or, (6)_______ they are sometimes called, essentialists and progressives.
The conservatives, or essentialists, tend to identify (7)________ desirable education with the transmission of
the cultural heritage, a no-nonsense (8)_______ featuring the three R's at the elementary-school level, and
academic studies or strong vocational or business courses in the secondary school. They put (9)_______ on
the training of the mind and cultivation of the intellect.
The liberals, or progressives, tend to be interested in the development of the (10)_______ child, not merely
in training the child's mind or in preparing the child for adult (11)_______ in a remote future. They
emphasize rich, meaningful school living in the present, and they view subject matter as a resource
(12)________ total human development (13)_______ as a goal in itself. They do not downgrade content but
believe it should be (14)_______ not for (15)________ own sake but as a means of fostering thought and
1. A. most B. mostly C. almost D. utmost
2. A. talents B. actions C. skills D. techniques
3. A. get B. accomplish C. take D. reach
4. A. terms B. words C. letters D. means
5. A. viewed B. thought C. counted D. named
6. A. but B. when C. although D. as
7. A. certain B. a C. the D. as
8. A. subject B. curriculum C. object D. program
9. A. significance B. stress C. emphasis D. strength
10. A. complete B. whole C. all-round D. total
11. A. living B. lives C. liveliness D. life
12. A. at B. in C. of D. for
13. A. but for B. rather than C. instead D. better
14. A. inquired B. required C. acquired D. requested
15. A. it B. its C. them D. their
Fill in each blank with one suitable word.
Clean fresh water resources are essential for drinking, bathing, cooking, irrigation, industry and for plant and
animal (1)__________. Unfortunately, the global supply of freshwater is (2)__________ unevenly. Chronic
water shortages (3 )__________in most of Africa and drought is common over much of the globe. The (4 )
__________of most freshwater supplies - groundwater (water located below the soil surface), reservoirs, and
rivers- are under severe and (5)......, environmental stress because of overuse, water pollution, and ecosystem
degradation. Over 95 percent of urban sewage in (6)__________ countries is (7)__________untreated into
surface waters such as rivers and harbors.

Thầy Tuấn ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đại học 01663247755
About 65 percent of the global freshwater supply is used in (8)__________ and 25 percent is used in
industry. Freshwater (9).......... therefore requires a reduction in wasteful practices like
(10)__________irrigation, reforms in agriculture and industry, and soil pollution Controls worldwide.
Read the passage and choose ONE suitable answer to fill in
One of the greatest problem with holidays, __________( 1) from the usual travel complications and
accommodation difficulties,__________( 2) the expectations people have of__________( 3).When we go on
holiday, we expect to leave all the stresses and strains of our daily lives __________( 4) us. We imagine we
will be able to escape to__________(5) a degree that we even tend to believe, consciously or not, that we
can change our own personalities and become completely different people. The average business- person,
tense, preoccupied, short- tempered,__________( 6) to relax, envisages herself/ himself__________( 7) ,
from the moment of locking the office door, a radically different __________(8) of person: carefree, good-
humored, ready to relax and enjoy whatever adventures present__________( 9). In practice, we take
ourselves with us __________( 10) we go, and the personality that is shaped over years of stress and tension
is almost impossible to shake off at a moment's notice.
Supply each blank with one suitable word:
Many tourists who visit Central America find (1)______ surprising to learn that the Mayas still live there.
(2)______ it is true that their ancient civilization came to an end when their country was (3)______ over by
the Spanish conquistadors, the Mayan people carried (4)______ living in the area. Today there are an
estimated 1.2 million Mayas (5)______ live in southern Mexico, and many other areas of Central America
states have large Mayan populations as (6)______.
Many of their stories and art forms have remained (7)______ over time, and today, women weave clothing
and carpets that have signs and symbols that are the same as (8)______ found in ancient temples.
The different patterns and symbols on these brightly coloured (9)______ not only look attractive,
(10)______ can also communicate important information such as marital (11)______.
Even though the majority of the Mayas are now Catholics, many of the festivals that they (12)_______ part
in are a mixture of the old rituals that their ancestors (13)______ to practise and more modern Christian
elements. It was perhaps the Mayas' ability to (14)_______ and change that made it possible for them to
survive to the (15)______ day.
Give the correct form of words in brackets
Lichens are a unique group of complex, 1. (FLOWER) __________ plants growing on rocks and trees.
There are thousands of kinds of lichens, which come in a wide variety of colors. The are composed of algae
and fungi which 2. (UNITY) ________ to satisfy the needs of the lichens.
The autotrophic green algae 3. (PRODUCTION) ________ all their own food through a process called
photosynthesis and provide the lichen with 4. (NUTRITION) _______ elements. On the other hand, the
heterotrophic fungus, which 5. (DEPENDENCE)________ on other elements to provide its food, not only 6.
(ABSORPTION) ________ and stores water for the plant, but also helps protect it. This 7. (UNITE)
_________ by which two 8. (SIMILARITY) _______ organisms live together is called "symbiosis."
This 9. (SHARE) _________ enables lichens to resist the most adverse environmental conditions found on
earth. They can be found in some very 10. (LIKE) _________ places such as the polar ice caps as well as in
tropical zone, in dry areas as well as in wet ones, on mountain peaks and along coastal areas.
The lichen's strong resistance to its hostile environment and its ability to live in harmony with such
environments is one example that humanity should consider in trying to solve its own problems.
1. Young children should be well aware of their ________ manner. (BEHAVE)
2. Please put the books back to where you took them. Don’t ________ any of them. (PLACE)
3. The ________ are scheduled to take off at 15:00 and 15:30. (FLY)
4. I’ve never met such a strong man. His energy seems ________. (EXHAUST)
5. Those rose bushes need protection. Spray them with ________. (INSECT)
6. Don’t you know that your good result will make your parents _______ proud of you? (MEASURE)

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7. Be careful. You may be _______ to put all your eggs in one basket. (ADVICE)
8. The boy watched the performance of the tigers, _______ with amazement. (BREATHE)
9. I would like to express my admiration for his _______ of knowledge. (PROFOUND)
10. The cancellation of the case resulted from the ________ in court of the defendant resulted in.
11. The _______ of the Ministry of Education announced the date of the graduation exam. (SPEAK)
12. Mercedes is a very ________ car. (DEPEND)
13. There should be ________ staff in case someone is absent and needs to be replaced. (STAND)
14. You’ll be punished for all your ________. (DO)
15. With all the modern facilities, doing housework is still very ________. (CONSUME)
Fill in each gap with the correct form of the word in brackets.
1. Tax exemption only applies to those with (resident)__________status.
2. His busy schedule made him completely (access)__________to his students.
3. He works for UNESCO in a purely (advice)__________role.
4. The sun and the moon are often (person)__________in poetry.
5. Now there is every (like)__________that the residents will have a private plane in their garage.
6. They told me the museum was open today but I was obviously (inform).....
7. Do you think these children are (nourish)__________? They look very thin.
8. Have you read the latest (reveal)__________about Madonna’s private life?
9. We try to ensure the (be)__________of our employees.
10. Tourists forget their (conceive).... ideas as soon as they visit our country.
Fill in each gap with a suitable prepositions
1. He promised to mend the broken wheel soon ________ fail.
2. With total diregard ________ her own saftety, Ann jumped in to rescue the dog.
3. My Mum told me _________ for coming home late from school.
4. Bill and Mike took ________ each other straightaway and became firm friends.
5. His business is growing so fast that he must take _______ more workers.
6. After a week on the run, he gave himself _________ to the police.
7. At first he didn’t let her drive the car but she was so persuasive that eventually he gave ______
8. It isn’t fair to shout the speaker _________ without giving him a chance to explain.
9. Mom’s having a day’s holiday; we are waiting ________ her for a change.
10. She is always running ________ her friends behind their backs. She won’t have any friends left, I’m
Finish each of the following sentences so that it means exactly the sentence above it.
Andrew is the most generous person I have ever met.
I’ve yet________________________________________.......
2. Far more people live to retirement age in Britain than in the Philippines.
3. His father is going to fix the ball for him tomorrow.
He is going__________________________________________________
4. She never seems to succeed even though she studies much.
5.I never thought that I would win a prize.
It had __________________________________________________
6.I would love to be rich and famous.
7. Simon hadn’t expected that he would feel so weak after thc operation.
The operation left________________________________________

Thầy Tuấn ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đại học 01663247755
8. They secretly declared independence two days ago.
A secret__________________________________________________
9. Juliet simply couldn’t wait for his return.
Juliet could____________________...!____________________........
10.I don’t intend to apologize to either of them.
I have____________________________________________________________
Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning:
1. It was wrong of you to scare your little brother like that.
You oughtn’t ____________________________________________________________
2. I dislike it when people criticize me unfairly.
I object ____________________________________________________________
3. The fund-raisers haven’t officially decided where to send the proceeds of the concert.
No ____________________________________________________________
4. She is proud that she is such a good DJ.
She prides ____________________________________________________________
5. He delayed writing the book until he had a lot of research.
Only ____________________________________________________________
6. Foolishly, I paid all the money before collecting the goods.
I paid ____________________________________________________________
7. It was an impressive building but it wasn’t to my taste.
Impressive ____________________________________________________________
8. The idea no longer interests her.
She has gone ____________________________________________________________
9. It would have been a superb weekend if the weather had been better.
But ____________________________________________________________
10. Scientists have tried very hard to find a cure for this disease.
Enormous ____________________________________________________________
Read the passage and answer the questions
It is commonly believed in the United States that school is where people go to get an education.
Nevertheless, it has been said that today children interrupt their education to go to school. The distinction
between schooling and education implied by this remark is important.
Education is much more open-ended and all-inclusive than schooling. Education knows no bounds.
It can take place anywhere, whether in the shower or on the job, whether in a kitchen or on a tractor. It
includes both the formal learning that takes place in schools and the whole universe of informal learning.
The agents of education can range from a revered grandparent to the people debating politics on the radio,
from a child to a distinguished scientist. Whereas schooling has a certain predictability, education quite
often produces surprises. A chance conversation with a stranger may lead a person to discover how little is
known of other religions. People are engaged in education from infancy on. Education, then, is a very broad,
inclusive term. It is a lifelong process, a process that starts long before the start of school, and one that
should be an integral part of one's entire life.
Schooling, on the other hand, is a specific, formalized process, whose general pattern varies little
from one setting to the next. Throughout a country, children arrive at school at approximately the same time,
take assigned seats, are taught by an adult, use similar textbooks, do homework, take exams, and so on. The
slices of reality that are to be learned, whether they are the alphabet or an understanding of the workings of
government, have usually been limited by the boundaries of the subject being taught. For example,
high school students know that they are not likely to find out in their classes the truth about political
problems in their communities or what the newest filmmakers are experimenting with. There are definite
conditions surrounding the formalized process of schooling.

Thầy Tuấn ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đại học 01663247755
1. What is the main idea of the passage
A. The best schools teach wide variety of subjects
B. Education and schooling are quite different experiences
C. Students benefits from school, which require long hours and homework.
D. The more years students go to school, the better their education is
2. What does the author probably mean by using the expression “children interrupt their education to go to
A. Going to several different schools is educationally beneficial.
B. School vacations interrupt the continuity of the school year.
C. Summer school makes the school year too long.
D. All of life is an education.
3. The word “bounds”in line 6 is closest in meaning to
A. rules B. experience C. limits D. exceptions
4. The word “chance” in line 11 is closest in meaning to
A. unplanned B. unusual C. lengthy D. lively
5. The word “an integral” in line 15 is closest in meaning to
A. an equitable B. a profitable C. a pleasant D. an essential
6. The word “they” in line 20 refers to
A. slices of reality B. similar textbooks C. boundaries D. seats
7. The phrase “For example,” line 22, introduces a sentence that gives examples of
A. similar textbooks B. the results of schooling
C. the workings of a government D. the boundaries of classroom subjects
8. The passage supports which of the followng conclusions?
A. Without formal education, people would remain ignorant.
B. Education systems need to be radically reformed.
C. Going to school is only part of how people become educated.
D. Education involves many years of professional training.
9. The passage is organized by
A. listing and discussing several educational problems
B. contrasting the meanings of two related words
C. narrating a story about excellent teachers
D. giving examples of different kinds of schools
10. The writer seems to agree that
A. Schooling is as important as education
B. Education is not as important as schooling
C. Schooling is unlimited and more informal
D. Education is more influential than schooling.
Read the following passage and choose the best answers to the questions:
A pioneering study by Donald Appleyard made the astounding discovery that a sudden increase in the
volume of traffic through an area affects people in the way that a sudden increase in crime does. Appleyard
observed this by finding three blocks of houses in San Francisco that looked much alike and had the same
kind of middle-class and working-class residents, with approximately the same ethnic mix. The difference
was that only 2,000 cars a day ran down Octavia Street (LIGHT street, in Appleyard’s terminology) while
Gough Street (MEDIUM street) was used by 8,000 cars daily, and Franklin Street (HEAVY street) had
around 16,000 cars a day. Franklin Street often had as many cars in an hour as Octavia had in a day.
Heavy traffic brought with it danger, noise, fumes and soot, directly, and trash secondarily. That is, the cars
didn’t bring in much trash, but when trash accumulated, residents seldom picked it up. The cars, Appleyard
determined, reduced the amount of territory residents felt responsible for. Noise was a constant intrusion

Thầy Tuấn ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đại học 01663247755
into their homes. Many Franklin Street residents covered their doors and windows and spent most of their
time in the rear of their houses. Most families with children had already left.
Conditions on Octavia Street were much different. Residents picked up trash. They sat on their front steps
and chatted with neighbors. They had three times as many friends and twice as many acquaintances as the
people on Franklin.
On Gough Street, residents said that the old feeling of community was disappearing as traffic increased.
People were becoming more and more preoccupied with their own lives. A number of families had recently
moved and more were considering. Those who were staying expressed deep regret at the destruction of their
1. The word “astounding” in line 1 is closest in meaning to __________.
A. startling B. disappointing C. dubious D. alternative
2. The three streets mentioned in this passage are different in that __________.
A. they are in different cities.
B. the residents are of different ethnic backgrounds.
C. they have varying amounts of traffic.
D. the income levels of the residents vary considerably.
3. Approximately how many cars used Franklin Street daily?
A. 2,000 B. 8,000 C. 16,000 D. 20,000
4. All of the following are direct results of heavy traffic EXCEPT __________.
A. increased amount of trash B. greater danger to residents
C. more pollution D. more vibrations
5. The author’s main purpose in the second paragraph is to __________.
A. discuss the problem of trash disposal
B. point out the disadvantage of heavy traffic
C. propose an alternate system of transportation
D. suggest ways to cope with traffic problems
6. On which street was there the most social interaction?
A. Octavia Street B. Gough Street
C. Franklin Street D. There was no significance social interaction on any of the three streets
7. The word “chatted” in line 14 is closest in meaning to __________.
A. joked B. talked C. argued D. walked
8. Which of the following is NOT a statement you would expect from a resident of Gough Street?
A. People on this street are unhappy because the neighborhood is deteriorating.
B. People on this street think mostly of themselves.
C. People on this street have more and more space for which they feel responsible.
D. A number of people are preparing to leave this street.
9. In what order does the author present detailed discussions of the three streets?
10. What is the writer’s attitude toward heavy traffic when he mentions the Appleyard’s study?
A. neutral B. favorable C. critical D. doubtful


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