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FS2 – Micro-teaching and the Alternative Mode of Teaching Delivery

Learning Content No. 1: The Teacher and The Learner

Teachers are important part of the learner’s educational environment. Without them, the other elements of the educational
environment would be ineffective, for they guide, direct, and stimulate the learners in their goal seeking (Bent, et al., as
cited by Aquino, 1988).
The learner is the subject of the schooling process. Every learner is a unique personality. The teacher, therefore, takes
into account his/her varied intelligences, interests, emotional stability and task-readiness along with his/her levels of
aptitude and degree of maturity.

Observation Sheet 1: The Teacher and the Learner

Observation Guide:

A. Throwback. Try to recall the observations you have done during 2 nd Year (1st Sem) for the subject teaching
Mathematics, Science and Social Studies and when you were in your Elementary or Junior High school. Make a
written response for discussion about the following points: (Provide examples to support your comments).
1. Which of the teacher’s personal traits seem to have a favorable effect on the learning of the students?

A teacher's personality traits are a combination of characteristics that are innate to people as
individuals as well as characteristics that develop from their life and professional experiences.

During our observation on high school classes, there is this one teacher that had the traits that I find
interesting, and at the same time effective. These are her creativeness, interpersonal skills, and intuitiveness.
Creative in a way that she interestingly teaches the mathematical concepts, using models and visuals that
allow the students to fully grasp the concept faster and easier. She also maintains a positive and supportive
interaction with every student in class, that is why asking and answering questions is observed in the
classroom. With that, it enables the students to be immersed and engage with the lesson at hand. Also, as
she continues to teach the student, I have observed that beyond her interpersonal skills and being a positive
person lies her maintained dignity, her confidence in doing her craft that students see all times, which
creates an atmosphere of trust and respect in her in their classroom.

Certainly, there are personality traits that help the teaching and learning process to succeed.
Although success may mean different things for different people, I believe that teachers who possess the
following characteristics mention above are almost or always successful regardless of how success is defined
in the teaching and learning process.
2. To make learning experiences vivid and direct, what media were used in teaching?

There are many ways to make the learning experience vivid and direct, one of them is making use of
instructional media. Instructional media is the “Aid” of teachers, this “aid” refers to all device and material
used in the teaching and learning process.

Remembering back our observation, the teachers made use of different media in teaching, like
chalkboard, photographs, teacher-made diagrams, charts, real objects and handouts. As observe many of
them made use of traditional materials, opposite to the current trend but it’s still of help to the teachers to
teach more effectively and meet their objectives and making the teaching-learning process interesting and
3. Cite 2 specific teaching strategies that demonstrate active learning.

Teachers are constantly on the lookout for fresh and innovative instructional methods that can
keep their students interested and inspired. You can feel confused by all of the latest educational
buzzwords, ideas, and tactics out there, whether you're a new or experienced teacher.
On our observations, I've seen some strategies that teachers incorporate into their class that
make their lesson or topic interesting, some also demonstrate active learning like the rotating chair
group discussions on English class that we've observed - the strategy encourages his students to
actively listen, by selecting speakers who follow a pattern of guiding class discussion and
summarizing previous points. Students lead and stimulate class discussion as they “rotate” roles,
repeatedly selecting the following speaker. With this strategy, all students are engaged in attentive
listening, frequently jotting down notes and ideas to stay on track in the spaces between speaking,
and encourages direct engagement with the lesson. There is also the math teacher, who incorporates
peer teaching activities in her class. The activity was called reading buddies activity — a cooperative
learning strategy that pairs two students who work together to read and understand an assigned text,
the text contains a range of scenarios where students explain concepts and solve problems with their
buddies. The activity allows the student to boost their vital skills and behaviors including student
interaction, accountability, and group processing.
Given the effectiveness of the examples teaching strategies, it also shows how teachers dedicate their
time and effort to come up with an interesting and effective strategy, for their students to learn
effectively, a thing worthy to be noted for.

4. Does the teacher use question that encourage higher order thinking skills (HOTS)? Cite 2 examples.

Yes, some of the teachers always ask the students reflective questions after the activity that
was given to them or discussions that was held. Like "How is computing the area of a circle similar
or different to computing the area of a trapezoid?" and "What are some instances that can you make
use of trigonometric identities in a real-world context?"
As a teacher, we must remember that higher-order thinking skills are essential to the students.
They need to be taught and be engage in higher-order questioning for them to acquire these skills, as
B. Recall the learners. Make a report covering the points in the following questions:
it allows them to be critical, creative, and self-regulated which is needed for them to function as
productive members of society.
1. Describe four (4) observed talents and skills of the learners as demonstrated in the class.

All students possess latent and unique talents and skills, it is a teacher's job to identify and
reinforce these talents and skills of the students.
During our observation, I've observed different kinds of talent and skills of the students, and
the majority of them demonstrate critical thinking, the ability to communicate, organize, and
collaborate with others. During the grouped activity, students were able to thoroughly explain the
concept, or model that the teacher taught to them, they've shared what it means to be applied in real
life and support their answers and opinions, which demonstrate critical thinking skills that enabled
them to understand and internalize the topic or concept. The student's also displayed and effective
communication within them, sharing and discussing their ideas, opinions, and view, which led to a
meaningful discussion where knowledge and understanding thrive and improves. With that, their
level of organization skills is also above average, they understand where and when they will speak
and share their view in an accurate need during the discussion and activity. Also, students showed an
2. Cite 3 different observations about how pupils presented their output.

There are many ways to present outputs and works, but apply the right mix of creativity along
with being innovative and having good communication skills can guarantee the success of one's
I've witnessed some students present their works and output in many ways during our
observation, there is a group that makes use of models and figures to present their work on the area
of polygons and made a roleplay out of it, some presented their group work with an original song to
introduce their group, others presented their work with a PowerPoint presentation that has a video
clip and an aesthetic design. With that, they presented their measurements, solutions, and answers
true to the content and in a creative way.
These are presentations of the students, prove that creativity is a thing that a teacher must
appreciate, and it is our responsibility to reinforce these skills, which is essential for their youth and
What percentminds.
of the learners were inclined to provide answers when the questioning techniques below were

CONVERGENT Convergent questions only require student's memory to recall facts.

About 40 percent of the students were inclined in answering when convergent
(knowledge level) questions were used, this indicates that students are having a hard time
committing mistakes and they should be encouraged to voice out their thought
and ideas.
Divergent questions allow the students to explore, give a various view,
and think of the topic beyond its horizon, Around, 60 percent of the students
are inclined in answering this kind of questions, mainly because it allows them
to make reflections and voice out their opinions and view, which activates their
critical thinking. Moreover, further encouragement is still needed as this
technique promotes active participation, in sharing their views and ideas.

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