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Chapter 4

Example 4.4-3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A distillation column receives a feed that is 40 mole % n-pentane and 60 mole % n-hexane.
Feed flow rate is 2,500 lbmol/hr and feed temperature is 30oC. The column is at 1 atm. A
distillate that is 97 mole % n-pentane is desired. A total condenser is used. Reflux is a
saturated liquid. The external reflux ratio is L0/D = 3. Bottoms from the partial reboiler is 98
mole % n-hexane. Find D, B, QR, QC, and the number of equilibrium stages.

Data: Vapor pressure, Psat, data: ln Psat = A − B/(T + C), where Psat is in kPa and T is in K.

Compound A B C
n-pentane (1) 13.9778 2554.6 − 36.2529
n-hexane (2) 14.0568 2825.42 − 42.7089

Heat of evaporation for n-pentane, λC5 = 11,369 Btu/lbmol, CpL,C5 = 39.7 Btu/lbmol⋅oF
Heat of evaporation for n-hexane, λC6 = 13,572 Btu/lbmol, CpL,C6 = 51.7 Btu/lbmol⋅oF

Solution ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(a) Distillate and bottoms flow rates

Overall material balance over the entire tower gives

D + B = 2,500

Material balance for n-pentane over the entire tower gives

0.97D + 0.02B = (0.4)(2,500) = 1,000 ⇒ 0.97(2,500 − B) + 0.02B = 1,000

Solving for B and D from the above equations we have B = 1,500 lbmoles/hr and D = 1000

(b) Heating and cooling loads

QC = V1(H1 − hD) ≈ V1∆Hevap = V1(0.97λC5 + 0.03λC6)

V1 = L0 + D = (L0/D + 1)D = 4D = (4)(1000) = 4000 lbmoles/hr

QC = (4,000)(0.97×11,369 + 0.03×13,572) = 4.574×107 Btu/hr

The temperatures of the reflux stream and the reboiler must be known to solve for the heat
load of the reboiler. Since the distillate is almost pure pentane and the bottoms product is
almost pure hexane, the boiling temperatures of pure pentane and hexane at 1 atm are used
for the temperatures of the reflux stream and the reboiler, respectively. Hence

TD ≈ 309 K and TB ≈ 342 K

v1 QC

L0 D, xD = 0.97
0 =3

F = 2,500 lbmol/hr
T = 30o C
P = 1 atm F, xF
feed plate

QR B, xB = 0.02

Figure E-1. Distillation column with total condenser and partial reboiler.

The equilibrium data for n-pentane and n-hexane at 1 atm are listed in Table 2.4-4. The data
were generated with the Matlab codes listed in Table 4.4-5 assuming ideal solution.

Table 4.4-4 Equilibrium data for n-pentane and n-hexane system at 1 atm.
x = mole fraction of n-pentane in the liquid
y = mole fraction of n-pentane in the vapor
x = 0.00000 , y = 0.00000, T(K) = 342.06
x = 0.05000 , y = 0.12705, T(K) = 339.40
x = 0.10000 , y = 0.23699, T(K) = 336.91
x = 0.15000 , y = 0.33263, T(K) = 334.58
x = 0.20000 , y = 0.41626, T(K) = 332.39
x = 0.25000 , y = 0.48975, T(K) = 330.32
x = 0.30000 , y = 0.55462, T(K) = 328.38
x = 0.35000 , y = 0.61214, T(K) = 326.53
x = 0.40000 , y = 0.66335, T(K) = 324.79
x = 0.45000 , y = 0.70911, T(K) = 323.14
x = 0.50000 , y = 0.75016, T(K) = 321.56
x = 0.55000 , y = 0.78711, T(K) = 320.07
x = 0.60000 , y = 0.82048, T(K) = 318.64
x = 0.65000 , y = 0.85070, T(K) = 317.28
x = 0.70000 , y = 0.87816, T(K) = 315.97
x = 0.75000 , y = 0.90317, T(K) = 314.72
x = 0.80000 , y = 0.92601, T(K) = 313.53
x = 0.85000 , y = 0.94692, T(K) = 312.38
x = 0.90000 , y = 0.96610, T(K) = 311.28
x = 0.95000 , y = 0.98374, T(K) = 310.22
x = 1.00000 , y = 1.00000, T(K) = 309.20

-------Table 4.4-5 Matlab codes for n-pentane and n-hexane system -------
A=[13.9778 14.0568];B =[2554.6 2825.42];C=[-36.2529 -42.7089];
for i=1:21;
% Assume a temperature for the buble point calculation
% Solve for the bubble point temperature using Newton's method
for n=1:20;
if abs(eT)<0.001,break, end
% Solve for the mole fraction in the vapor phase using equilibrium relation for
ideal system
fprintf('x = %8.5f , y = %8.5f, T(K) = %8.2f\n',xi,yi,T)

Since the boiling point of a 40 mole % n-pentane is 324.79 K, the feed enters the column at
30oC (or 303.15 K) is a subcooled liquid. Making an energy balance over the column, we

FhF + QR = DhD + QC + BhB

Let the reference state be liquid at 30oC, then hF = 0.

hD = CpL,C5(TD − TF) = (39.7)(309 − 303)(1.8) = 428.8 Btu/lbmol

hB = CpL,C6(TB − TF) = (51.7)(342 − 303)(1.8) = 3,629.3 Btu/lbmol

QR = DhD + QC + BhB = (1,500)( 3,629.3) + 4.574×107 + (1,000)(428.8) = 5.1613×107 Btu/hr

(c) Number of equilibrium stages

Making a balance over the top part of the tower on n-pentane gives the operating line

yn+1Vn+1 = xnLn + xDD

Since CMO is assumed, Vn+1 = V = constant and Ln = L = constant, we have

yn+1 = xnL/V + xDD/V

From the total balance V = L + D ⇒ D/V = 1 − L/V. In terms of the reflux ratio R = L/D

= = =
V L+D L / D +1 R +1

D D 1 1
= = =
V L+D L / D +1 R +1

The operating line becomes

R 1
yn+1 = xn + xD
R +1 R +1

Since R = 3 and xD = (0.97) we have

3 1
yn+1 = xn + (0.97) = 0.75 xn + 0.2425
3 +1 3 +1

The q-line is determined next. Since feed is subcooled liquid we have

HV − H F H − hL + hL − H F C pL (Tboil − TF )
q= = V =1+
HV − hL HV − hL HV − hL

In this equation

HV − hL = latent heat = 0.4λC5 + 0.6λC6 = (0.4)(11,369) + (0.6)( 13,572)

HV − hL = 12,691 Btu/lbmol

CpL = 0.4CpL,C5 + 0.6CpL,C6 = (0.4)(39.7) + (0.6)(51.7) = 46.9 Btu/lbmol⋅oF

(46.9)(324.79 − 303.15)
q=1+ = 1.08
12, 691

The q-line (4.4-21) derived in earlier section is

q x 1.08 0.4
y= x− F = x− = 13.5x − 5
q −1 q − 1 1.08 − 1 1.08 − 1

At the intersection of the q-line and the enriching operating line y = yn+1 or

13.5x − 5 = 0.75x + 0.2425 ⇒ x = 0.41118, y = 0.55088

The stripping operating line is

yN = xN-1 − xB

At xN-1 = xB, yN = xB = xB = xB

The stripping operating line can be plotted by connecting two points (x = xB, y = xB) and (x
= xq = 0.41118, y = yq = 0.55088). Starting from the bottoms, point (x = xB = 0.02, y = xB),
the following graphical procedure, illustrated in Figure E-2, will determine the number of
equilibrium stages

1) Draw a vertical line to meet the equilibrium curve. This determines the mole fraction
of n-pentane in the vapor flow leaving the equilibrium stage.
2) Draw a horizontal line to meet the (stripping) operating line. This determines the
mole fraction of n-pentane in the liquid flow entering the equilibrium stage.
3) Repeat step 1-2 until the mole fraction of n-pentane in the vapor flow exceeds yq (the
vapor mole fraction of n-pentane at the intersection of the q-line and the operating
lines. The horizontal line now will meet the rectifying operating line .
4) Repeat step1-2 with the stripping operating line replaced by the rectifying operating
line until the mole fraction of n-pentane in the liquid flow entering the equilibrium
stage exceeds xB.

The number of equilibrium stages is number of times the vertical line intersect the
equilibrium curve. From Figure E-2, there are 10 equilibrium stages consisting of 1 partial
reboiler and 9 equilibrium trays. This graphical method is known as the McCabe-Thiele
method to determine the number of equilibrium stages.

Figure E-2 Graphical method to determine the number of equilibrium stages.

Table 4.4-6 lists the Matlab codes for the number of equilibrium stages. Starting from the
bottoms, point (x = xB = 0.02, y = xB), a bubble point calculation with x = 0.02 is performed
to determine the vapor mole fraction of n-pentane leaving the first equilibrium stage (the
partial reboiler), then the stripping operating line is used to calculate liquid the mole fraction
of pentane entering the equilibrium stage. A linear interpolation is used between two points
(x = xB, y = xB) and (x = xq = 0.41118, y = yq = 0.55088).

x − xB xq − xB
y − xB yq − y B

xq − xB
Let c1 = then x = xB + c1(y − xB) and
yq − y B

When the bubble point calculation using the liquid mole fraction from the stripping operating
line produces the vapor mole fraction of n-pentane exceeding yq, the liquid mole fraction of
pentane entering an equilibrium stage is determined from the rectifying operating line.

R 1
yn+1 = xn + xD
R +1 R +1

R 1 y − yint
Let slope = and yint = xD then x =
R +1 R +1 slope

The vapor mole fraction of n-pentane is then determined from the bubble point calculation.
The process is repeated until the mole fraction of n-pentane in the liquid flow entering the
equilibrium stage exceeds xB.

The specification of optimum feed plate requires that the stripping operating line is used for
the materials balance as soon as the vapor mole fraction of n-pentane exceeding yq. We could
choose to continue with the stripping operating line. However this action will require a
higher number of equilibrium stages to reach the same separation since the distance from the
equilibrium curve is closer to the stripping than to the rectifying operating line. A condition
further away from equilibrium indicates a higher driving force for mass transfer and hence
requires less equilibrium stages.

-------Table 4.4-6 Matlab codes for number of equilibrium stages -------

% Example 4.4-3
A=[13.9778 14.0568];B =[2554.6 2825.42];C=[-36.2529 -42.7089];
xq=0.41118;yq= 0.55088;xb=.02;
for i=1:21;

% Assume a temperature for the bubble point calculation
% Solve for the bubble point temperature using Newton's method
for n=1:20;
if abs(eT)<0.001,break, end
% Solve for the mole fraction in the vapor phase using equilibrium relation for
ideal system
% Plot the equilibrium curve, the rectifying and the stripping operating lines
plot(x,y,[0 1],[0 1],[xq xd],[yq xd],[xb xq],[xb yq])
axis([0 1 0 1]);xlabel('x');ylabel('y')
hold on
% Plot the q line
line([xf xq],[xf yq])
for i=1:20;
% Solve for the bubble point temperature using Newton's method
for n=1:20;
if abs(eT)<0.001,break, end
% Solve for the mole fraction in the vapor flow leaving an equilibrium stage
% using equilibrium relation for ideal system
% Draw a vertical line from the operating line to meet the equilibrium curve
line([xi xi],[yo yi])
if yi<yq
% Solve for the mole fraction in the liquid flow entering an equilibrium stage
% using the stripping operating line
% Solve for the mole fraction in the liquid flow entering an equilibrium stage
% using the rectifying operating line
% Draw a horizontal line from the equilibrium curve to meet the operating line

line([xi xn],[yi yi])
if xi>xd,break, end
fprintf('Number of equilibrium stages = %g\n',i)

>> e2d4d3
Number of equilibrium stages = 10

The number of equilibrium stages can also be determined from the program “bdist4”. The
equilibrium data for n-pentane and n-hexane system must first be generated. The Peng-
Robinson equation of state is used by “bdist4” for equilibrium calculation. This program also
calculates the minimum reflux ratio and the minimum number of equilibrium stages which
will be discussed in the next section.


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