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The Effects of Facebook Addiction to the Academic Performance

of Selected Grade 9 Students of Mary Immaculate

School for Academic Year of 2019 – 2020

AQUINO, Andrea Jeann L.

ABM 12 – St. Elizabeth

Chapter 1



A lot of people uses social media as a form of entertainment. In today’s

generation: the most top popular social media website as of January 2019 is

Facebook, reaching its billion users over 7.7 billion Earth’s population state(d) by

Dollarhide, 2020. Facebook helps many people around the world to keep in touch,

even though they’re part by distance, but not all people uses single account only,

some Facebook accounts can be a troll, dummy, forgotten account or worst for crimes

that must be delete.

Staying connected online might be a good thing if its family, and peers related

but staying online for long can be turn into addiction: Parrack, 2012 forenamed that

most obvious candidates for addiction are not just drugs, alcohol or even foods.

People full themselves in many things that sooner later become a habit. In University

of Bergen, a study conducted that includes how to measure the addiction on


Wasting too much time on Facebook can leads into many factors that have

negative consequences; including the academic performance for students. Students

uses Facebook application to help them be connected to their school peers after

classes. How it is possible to know if s/he already addict with Facebook application?

It is important to identify if a user start getting addict to prevent the effects in any

factors of academic stuff. People tend to stay online for long just to keep themselves

entertain. Being entertained has its limit. Staying up, just to keep scrolling up and
down for the whole time can turn into addiction that people cannot be recognize


The researcher of this study observe that most people especially students lock

up themselves using phone all day, whether they’re outside of their own homes,

outing, friend’s house, in a movie date, after church, rest room comfort room and

other areas. Keeping their social media accounts updates in every move they do.

Beyond this statements, the researcher saw different paths of over using social

media for students, it can lead positive effects nor a negative.

Background of the Study

In this modern generation; technologies are slowly taking the place of

humanity. Technologies makes the human’s life easy. Before, students go to different

libraries to search for more information about their homework or a book to read to

make themselves fall asleep. When telephones were first born the only use of it was to

make communication via voices and signals. It was followed by devices that uses to

send words to communicate, until it become a “cellphone” one of the most famous

brand that will make your tiles crack when it fell down was Nokia’s 3210. Where you

can use it for text and calls as long as you have load.

Today’s technologies, the number one requirements must have data or Wi – fi

to make Facebook and Messenger work. The new updates and uses of Facebook are

growing too, from simple personalized profile and communication, entertainments,

videos to watch, now to a market place.

This growing application also helps to make money and promote businesses

beyond all this good thing it destructs a child’s attention to make his/her homework.
As the application grow, the addiction of a child to continue use it is also growing. A

lot of teachers, and parents wonder why today’s kid’s attitude toward school is not

ending well every quarter because of today’s social media trending.

Furthermore, about statements the researcher will be conducting a study

called, ‘The Effects of Facebook Addiction to the Academic Performance of Selected

Grade 9 Students of Mary Immaculate School for Academic Year of 2019 – 2020. In

relation to this study the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale will be used as the

instrument to measure the level of Facebook addiction the same theory used in related


Theoretical Framework

(3) tolerance

(4) withdrawal

(5) conflict

(6) relapse

Bergen Facebook Scale Addiction has involved six core components: (1)

salience—the activity dominates thinking and behavior; (2) mood modification—

the activity modifies/improves mood; (3) tolerance—increasing amounts of the

activity are required to achieve previous effects; (4) withdrawal—the occurrence of

unpleasant feelings when the activity is discontinued or suddenly reduced; (5)

conflict—the activity causes conflicts in relationships, in work/education, and other

activities; (6) relapse—a tendency to revert to earlier patterns of the activity after

abstinence or control.

With the help of Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale, it can help as guide for the

researcher’s study to easily identify the level of Facebook Addiction.

Conceptual Framework

Factors that



affect the Treatment, to know,
students’ Analysis of prevent and
performanc interpreted effect of
e in related Data. Facebook to
to the the study
Facebook habits of
Addiction. Student's students. If
grade. there is bad
Possible effects
of Facebook

As you can see at the paradigm figure above that will be the information that

will be need in the input; above you will see there the (1) Factors that affect the

students’ performance in related to the Facebook Addiction — which will be having

scale that will have connection to level of addiction that is similar to Bergen Scale; (2)

Statistical Treatment, Analysis of interpreted data; student's grade.— a data that

should be gathered during the survey as basis for the study; and (3) Recommendation

to know, prevent and effect of Facebook to the study habits of students. If there is bad


Possible effects of Facebook Addiction — a list for the respondents to make to refresh

what are the possible things that they experience that affects their study. The process

will be scaling survey to find out the level of addiction and the output is to let people

know or to send awareness to people that they are getting addict. And the survey will

also contain the six question that s/he can ask his/her self if s/he’s worried about the

addiction level. If it has three or more “yes” answer in the question it is positively you

are developing social media addiction.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to find out the effects of Facebook addiction to the academic

performance of Grade 9 students of Mary Immaculate School:

1. Profile of selected Grade 9 student of A. Y. 2019-2020 in terms of:

a. Gender

b. Age

c. Academic Grades
2. What are the disadvantages of using Facebook?

a. I feel urges to use Facebook more and more.

b. I use Facebook to forget about personal problems.

c. I often try to reduce use of Facebook without success.

d. I become restless or troubled if unable to use Facebook.

e. I use Facebook so much that it has had a negative impact on his/her or


f. I spend a lot of time thinking about Facebook or planning to use it.

3. What factors affecting the study habits that can be recognize by the students?

4. With the help of BFA Scale what is the level of your addiction?

(1) salience—the activity dominates thinking and behavior;

(2) mood modification—the activity modifies/improves mood

(3) tolerance—increasing amounts of the activity are required to achieve

previous effects;

(4) withdrawal—the occurrence of unpleasant feelings when the activity is

discontinued or suddenly reduced

(5) conflict—the activity causes conflicts in relationships, in

work/education, and other activities

(6) relapse—a tendency to revert to earlier patterns of the activity after

abstinence or control.

5. What solution you can be offer to solve the problem?


This study will show the hypothesis of the study that:

Ho: There is no effect with Facebook Addiction to the Academic Performance

of Grade 9 students of Mary Immaculate School.

H1: There is an effect with Facebook Addiction to the Academic Performance

of Grade 9 students of Mary Immaculate School.

Scope and Delimitations

The respondents involve are the selected 30 former Grade 9 students in the

Mary Immaculate School, the subject of the study are about Effects of Facebook

Addiction to the Academic Performance of Grade 9 Students.

Significance of the Study

This study will be a great help to this following people:

To the Teachers.

The result of the study will serve as the guide of the teachers in giving advices to

his/her children about Facebook connections and what could be its negative effects

and how it can be prevent.

To the Students

The result of this study will provide the students awareness about the level of

their Facebook Addiction. Also, it will help the students to know how important to

balance the entertainment in their communication and academic performances.

To the Future Researchers:

The result of the study was beneficial to the future researchers. They can use

this study as a basis of their work.

Definition of Terms

To understand better the terminology used in the study are defined:

Facebook— application that mostly used by people to stay connected, be entertained

and can use as subject to become addict.

Addiction— as an application grow, the willingness of a child continues to grow to

the point that s/he forget to do her/his school stuff.

Grade 9— respondents’ students from batch 2019-2020, who currently grade 10

students as of 2020-2021.

2021— some citations year referenced used was in the year 2021, it was the latest

source even if the respondents academic grade is from year 2019-2020.

Chapter 2


This chapter present the different literature and studies that have direct bearing

on the effects of Facebook addiction of selected grade 9 student of Mary Immaculate



News from: The Japan Times an article written by Murai, 2015; High school

students fare badly because of using too much phone. Not just losing their

concentration due to lack of sleep but because of comprises they have studied. Several

hours spending each day using mobile phones can change sleeping habits and stay up

late. In a study, 53.5 percent of students in Japan said, they use phones for many hours

or a day to just communicate, mostly surfing in habitually routine not to sleep right

after midnight, while on the other hand there is 14.9 percent of student who’d do not

use phones at all.

Rodriguez, 2017 state(d) that, wasting too much time on Facebook can have

negative consequences; including the academic performance. Users tend to spend

their time on the sites that should be used to be spent on their school activities.

In everything, there will be always good and bad things. Patel, 2018 stated the

advantage and disadvantages of Facebook. It is more powerful among those

applications that we can use. It is also good for business, finding new partner, see and

talk to your friends abroad, can get news, and you can be visited by your friends.
If there is good, there are bad effects too. Facebook can invade personal

privacy, can fake profiles and time consuming. People do not realize that, Facebook

are eating up their time. According to Dreyfuss, 2018; users of Facebook cannot track

down the time that one user, waste using social media applications. Uninstalling

Facebook to anyone’s phone won’t help, if the user still visiting Facebook on the web.

The huge usage of social media is non-problematic but the small percent of the

users that might become addict, might get driven worst. This SNS Addiction might

affect the following; emotional state, the concentration, time management, and etc. In

Hilliard, 2020's blog in Live Free Lifestyle: Addiction Center If a person is worried

about his/her social media addiction there are six question that s/he can ask his/her


Does he/she feel urges to use social media more and more?

Does he/she use social media to forget about personal problems?

Does he/she often try to reduce use of social media without success?

Does he/she become restless or troubled if unable to use social media?

Does he/she use social media so much that it has had a negative impact on

his/her job or studies?

Does he/she spend a lot of time thinking about social media or planning to use

social media?

An advice, if your result was "yes" to the three or more question it is

positively you are developing social media addiction.

Based on foreign literatures found, the researcher’s study is quietly related to

each other because of its topic about “Facebook” and “academic performance”. It
both tackles what this social media give to us and what it takes away to us. It is not

directly said but the main message is the social media takes away our own time. The

differences of the found foreign literatures above was; the consequences of Facebook,

the place where the researcher’s study is conduct(ed) it is too narrow(ed); it is for

adult’s line area, tracking down time in the usage. Some of the ideas is already stated

above was already put in the introduction as the hint of where is study goes. The

foreign literature above shows that Facebook addiction has its bad effects and good

use. It is not just bad for us but also, for the routine of each daily life of us.


In Pablo, 2018’s blog in The Asia Foundation; Facebook is the highest social

media use in the world. In the article, stated that, Filipinos are popular to be

technology adopters specially to communicate online. Even 4G speed is the fourth

slowest among 88 countries still Philippines get to top.

An article written by Gonzales, 2019 from Rappler; A worldwide report,

stated that, the most of the time, Filipinos waste their time just to use social media.

Since year 2016 Philippines is always on top in using social media, it did beats the

Thailand when 2019 came. A Hoot suite release an annual digital report to see the

number of online users. From 3.48 billion it grows to 5.11 billion mobile users. In

year 2018, 9 hours, and 29 minutes are time spent being online that turns to 10 hours,

and 2 minutes in the year 2019. Philippines hit the top of the world in terms of

internet usage, spending almost 5 hours straight with fixed internet speed. Mobile

phone has 67% that Filipino can access social media an influential force, while the

global average of it was 42%.

According to a news article written by Ichimura, 2020; Filipinos waste102,054

hours of their life just to use social media it is calculated to 4,252 days and 11.64 if it

is converted into years. Philippines rank 10 over 45 countries when it comes in life

eagerness compare to Japan that spend only 20,928 hours or 3.5 years only. The

Philippines was topped of the Global Web Index that spend a lot of time in social


In the written article of Subingsubing, 2021; UP or University of the

Philippines sociologist stated that the Filipino relationship to social-media is not

addiction. The current situation of the country forces its fellow Filipino to go and do

stuffs online. Athena Presto added that social media result from a lot of different

factors, but the reason of spending the most of the time of the Filipinos in the internet

is due to the reason that, “… Filipinos are sociable people.”

Philippines’ latest internet digital stats; as of January 2021, Philippines had

110.3 million populations from year 2020 of January to 2021 of January it increased

by 1.5 million, 47.6% of the population lives in urban areas and the 52.6% lives in

rural areas, 49.8% of the Philippines’ population was female and 50.2% are males.

According to Kemp, 2021 on Digital 2021: The Philippines; 73.91 million Filipinos

are internet users in the last January 2021, it increased to 4.2 million between 2020

and 2021. It stood at 67.0% in January 2021. 89.00 million Filipinos who used

internet, 80.7% is the total population of social media users in the country. 152.4

million mobile connections, and decreases by 15 million after a year and the total of

mobile connection as of January 2021 was 138.2%

The local literatures above, shows how did the Philippines get on being a top

country in using social media even though we have the one of the slowest internet
connection in the globe. Conclusions are slowly being collided, while Philippines are

being on top, it’s also shows some negative effects and somehow reason. In

Philippines, people love social talks, being online as always is a habit that can be an

addiction if it became uncontrolled. The local literatures only show that the

Philippines’ is getting on top, to top as its highest. The reasons behind it are



Predicated upon the of study Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 2014; Last

March 2014 Facebook has 1.28 billion active users and 802 million users who logged

in every day. It is not surprising that Facebook is the most popular among any other

applications or websites on the internet. Motivation for using social media and

development review of Facebook addiction resulted that Facebook uses are gives

motivation in companionship, entertainment, passing time, and even in relationship

maintenance but these can also be relating or become addiction through being a habit

or excessive desire for mood alteration. People mostly use social media sites to escape

from negative moods but this might turn into spreading hate thoughts.

A study by Mahmood and Farooq 2014; A study of big-five factors and

academic performance amongst students of IUM. It stated that, there is negative result

of relationship between Facebook Addiction and Academic performance because

there is no significant relationship of the two topics.

A Study by Zaffar, Mahmood, Saleem, & Saleem, 2015: Facebook is

becoming the center of attention and has created an urge to conduct a research

identifying the effects of Facebook in academic performance. Between Facebook

Addiction and Depression, it shows huge positive result that Facebook do not have
significant relationship to the Academic Performance same with Facebook addiction

to loneliness.

Too much use of online social media may add to misuse, dependence, and

addictive behaviors. Some studies show some reviews about these effects include

changes in self-esteem, sleep disorders, and high percentage of depression among

students. And these students were unaware of such adverse effects. Chitwan Medical

College, Nepal, 2016.

Facebook Addiction: An Emerging Problem article by Chakraborty, M.D.,

2017; Addiction in Facebook is a standing that is practical used by individuals who

interlock with negative personal outcomes; loss of control while continuing to use

Facebook despite its effects on the individual's life.

Based on the foreign study found, some studies stated that, Facebook

Addiction and Academic Performance do not really have any significant relationship.

Maybe if there is one reason that Facebook Addiction has an effect to the Academic

Performance it is just a biased reason.


Based on Tamayo and de la Cruz, 2014; Social media as its large effect on

students’ academic performance. Even there is no significant relationship between

Social media and Academic performance, the students with lower grades shows that

they frequently a user of social media while the occasional user of social media tends

to get satisfactory grade ratings in class.

According to Kulidtod and Pasagui, 2017, ages ranges from 18 to 20 are the

most active in using social media compare to those higher bracket. In term of gender,

female contributed a lot. The most used site was still Facebook. In gadget information
it stated that the most used was the cell phone. The said purpose was, liking the

posting of other friends was the main concern, to communicate, to be updated with the

news and to gain knowledge for school purposes. The study resulted that most female

was exposed to social media.

A study Dreisbach 2018, as the technology keeps on developing, Philippines’

traditional media also have struggles on how to cope with digitalization of news.

Internet changes the way of Filipino to catch up with news. As the internet arises the

blogging also born, it gets its access via World Wide Web, some blogs focuses on life

style, culture, science and technology. In Duterte’s Regime Social Media Influences’

defeated the Traditional media on supporting Duterte.

Pinili, Larena, 2018 conclude that Social media can be a great help in

enhancing academic performance of the students when it is aligned with school

related stuffs. It also helps to enhance the student’s social skills and can get other

factors to gain more knowledge. It helps develop critical thinking skills and creativity.

An article by Sanchez, 2021 from Statista; In Philippines, Facebook user

population reach over 74 million as of 2019 and it held 93 % social media market

share. Filipino spend most of their time on the said social media app as a primary

source of news and a platform for selling.

Chapter 3


In this chapter, the outline of research methodology will be discussed. The

researcher will utilize a quantitative explanatory design to identify the Effects of

Facebook Addiction to the Academic Performance of Selected Grade 9 Students of

Mary Immaculate School for Academic Year of 2019 – 2020.

Research Design

In order to determine the result of this study, the method used in

gathering research data was descriptive approach to the necessary data. Nassaji, 2015

studied that Descriptive research method is very common for conducting a study in

education. Researcher will utilize quantitative explanatory because Wright, et al 2016

quantitative approaches is a wide theory test that often deducts the indolent of logic

and starting to analyzes the data points; and correlation method research design in the

study of Curtis, et al 2016 this method is used to determined relationships among the

variables from the data.[ CITATION Eli16 \l 1033 ] The researcher will distribute a

google form link as a survey questionnaire to gather the student’s data needed.

Sampling Technique and Respondents

The researcher sample are Grade 10 students this 2020 – 2021 but the data

they must input is their grade 9 grades. It is selected sampling because not all of the

grade 10 students studied in Mary Immaculate before the pandemic strikes.

The respondents will be the only selected 30 students from Mary Immaculate.

Research Instrument

The researcher used the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale and Live Free

Lifestyle: Worry Addiction Test to test and measure the level of Facebook Addiction

of the Selected Grade 9 Students and to know if there is effect in their studies. The

researcher will distribute a google form link as a survey questionnaire.

The researcher believe that questionnaire is best form of data gathering to find

out the Effects of Facebook Addiction to the Academic Performance of Selected

Grade 9 Students of Mary Immaculate School for Academic Year of 2019 – 2020.

Questionnaire: researcher employed questions to gain more data about our


Part 1: The demographic profile of the respondents, including the age and sex.

Part 2: The First to Fourth Grading Average last 2019 – 2020.

Part 3: Rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements

about your Facebook use answerable by:

(1) Strongly disagree (2) Disagree (3) Neutral (4) Agree (5) Strongly Agree

Part 4: The factors affecting the study habits that can be recognize by the

students: answerable by opinion.

Part 5: BFA Scale the level you consider yourself.

Part 6: Solution that you can offer to solve the problem.

Statistical Treatment

The gathered data would be grouped and table and organized into tables where

frequency, percentage, and ranking will be there.

The formula that will use is Pearson Correlation Coefficient in the study of

Scboher, et al, 2018 it is “a linear relationship between two continuous variables and

expressed as Pearson product-moment correlation. It is used for jointly normally

distributed data.”

For researcher to interpret and analyze the result, the most Likert’s scale was

used Scale Range Descriptive Symbols:

Table 1
5 4.50-5.00 Strongly Agree SA
4 3.50-4.49 Agree A
3 2.50-3.49 Neutral N
2 2 1.50-2.49 Disagree D
1 1 1.00-1.49 Strongly Disagree SD

Table 2
Interpretation of Correlation Coefficient
F1 Perfect correlation
F 90 - F 0.99 Very high correlation
F 0.70 - F 0.89 High correlation
F 0.40 - F 0.09 Moderate correlation
F 0.20 - F 0.39 Low correlation
F 0.01 - F 0.19 Slight correlation
0 No correlation

Chapter 4


This chapter includes the presentation, interpretation and analysis of the gathered

data for this study. The data collected showing the commonly used websites, the

frequency of its usage, and the possible solutions for the problem encountered in

using social media are presented in a tabular form.

Table 3

Female Male

Male Female
50% 50%
The chart reveals the comparison between the two gender who responded to the

made survey.

Based on the figure there are balance selection of participants.

Table 4

18 15
7% 7%



The chart illustrates the age rate of two sections of Grade 10 students in Mary

Immaculate School as illustrated, there are more 16 years old ages in Grade 10 level.

There is a possibility that grade 10 students started to go to school at a young age.

In the view of Plaza Homes, 2021 "young children often start preschool around 2-3

years old." In Japan and Australia at the age 3-4 children starts at kindergarten. in U.
K. and U. S. A. these ages start goes to Nursery. At the age of 15 to 16 a lot of

students are expected to be in Grade 10.

Table 5
First Grading Average
N X Y (X-x) (Y-y) (X-x) × (X-x)² (Y-y)²
1 80 3.3 -13.3 -0.9 11.97 -176.9 -0.81
2 81.78 3.3 -11.52 -0.9 10.37 -132.7 -0.81
3 85 3.3 -8.3 -0.9 7.47 -68.9 -0.81
4 87.6 3.3 -5.74 -0.9 5.17 -32.9 -0.81
5 87.7 3.3 -5.6 -0.9 5.04 -31.4 -0.81
6 87.9 3.3 -5.4 -0.9 4.86 -29.2 -0.81
7 88 6.7 -5.3 2.5 -13.25 -28.1 6.25
8 88 6.7 -5.3 2.5 -13.25 -28.1 6.25
9 88.3 3.3 -5 -0.9 4.5 -25 -0.81
10 88.44 3.3 -4.86 -0.9 4.4 -23.6 -0.81
11 89.11 3.3 -4.19 -0.9 3.8 -17.6 -0.81
12 90 3.3 -3.3 -0.9 2.97 -10.9 -0.81
13 90 3.3 -3.3 -0.9 2.97 -10.9 -0.81
14 90.78 3.3 -2.52 -0.9 2.27 -6.4 -0.81
15 91.22 6.7 -2.08 2.5 -5.2 -4.3 6.25
16 91.22 6.7 -2.08 2.5 -5.2 -4.3 6.25
17 91.78 3.3 -1.52 -0.9 1.4 -2.3 -0.81
18 92.33 3.3 -0.97 -0.9 0.9 -0.9 -0.81
19 92.44 3.3 -0.86 -0.9 0.8 -0.7 -0.81
20 92.89 3.3 -0.41 -0.9 0.4 -0.2 -0.81
21 93.00 6.7 -0.3 2.5 -0.75 -0.1 6.25
22 93.00 6.7 -0.3 2.5 -0.75 -0.1 6.25
23 93.67 3.3 0.37 -0.9 -0.3 0.13 -0.81
24 93.78 3.3 0.48 -0.9 -0.4 0.23 -0.81
25 94.33 3.3 1.03 -0.9 -0.9 1.1 -0.81
26 94.44 3.3 1.14 -0.9 -1.0 1.3 -0.81
27 95.00 3.3 1.7 -0.9 -1.53 2.9 -0.81
28 95.44 3.3 2.14 -0.9 -1.9 4.6 -0.81
29 95.67 6.7 2.37 2.5 -5.9 5.6 6.25
30 95.67 6.7 2.37 2.5 -5.9 5.6 6.25
x = 93.3 y = 4.2 E= 13.06 614.04 34.18

r = 13.6 ÷ √ 614.04 × 34.18

r = 13.6 ÷ √ 21000.2
r = 13.6 ÷144.9
r = 0.094

Table 6
Second Grading Average
N X Y (X-x) (Y-y) (X-x) × (X-x)² (Y-y)²
1 81 3.3 -9.87 -1.12 11.1 -97.4 -1.3
2 82.11 3.3 -8.76 -1.12 9.8 -76.7 -1.3
3 85.2 3.3 -5.67 -1.12 6.4 -32.1 -1.3
4 85.89 3.3 -4.98 -1.12 5.6 -24.8 -1.3
5 86.4 3.3 -4.47 -1.12 5.00 -19.9 -1.3
6 88.5 3.3 -2.37 -1.12 2.7 -5.6 -1.3
7 88.78 6.7 -2.09 2.28 2.3 -4.4 5.2
8 88.78 6.7 -2.09 2.28 2.3 -4.4 5.2
9 90 6.7 -0.87 2.28 0.9 -0.7 5.2
10 90 6.7 -0.87 2.28 0.9 -0.7 5.2
11 90 3.3 -0.87 -1.12 0.9 -0.7 -1.3
12 90.11 3.3 -0.76 -1.12 0.9 -0.6 -1.3
13 90.89 3.3 0.02 -1.12 -0.0 0.0 -1.3
14 91 3.3 0.13 -1.12 -0.1 0.0 -1.3
15 91.67 3.3 0.8 -1.12 -0.9 0.6 -1.3
16 91.78 3.3 0.91 -1.12 -1.0 0.8 -1.3
17 92.44 3.3 1.57 -1.12 -1.8 2.5 -1.3
18 92.56 10 1.69 5.58 -1.9 2.9 31.1
19 92.56 10 1.69 5.58 -1.9 2.9 31.1
20 92.56 10 1.69 5.58 -1.9 2.9 31.1
21 93.22 3.3 2.35 -1.12 -2.6 5.52 -1.3
22 93.33 3.3 2.46 -1.12 -2.8 6.1 -1.3
23 93.56 3.3 2.69 -1.12 -3.0 7.2 -1.3
24 94.11 3.3 3.24 -1.12 -3.6 10.5 -1.3
25 94.22 3.3 3.35 -1.12 -3.8 11.2 -1.3
26 94.67 3.3 3.8 -1.12 -4.3 14.4 -1.3
27 94.89 3.3 4.02 -1.12 -4.50 16.2 -1.3
28 95.00 3.3 4.13 -1.12 -4.62 17.1 -1.3
29 95.44 3.3 4.57 -1.12 -5.11 20.9 -1.3
30 95.56 3.3 4.69 -1.12 -5.3 21.9 -1.3
x=90.87 y = 4.42 E= 48.47 124.38 84.2

r = 48.47 ÷ √ 124.38 × 84.2

r = 48.47 ÷ √ 10472.8
r = 48.47 ÷ 102.34
r = 0.47

Table 7
Third Grading Average
N X Y (X-x) (Y-y) (X-x) × (X-x)² (Y-y)²
1 81.44 3.3 -9.8 -0.23 2.3 -96.04 -0.1
2 84 3.3 -7.23 -0.23 1.7 -52.3 -0.1
3 86.33 3.3 -4.9 -0.23 1.1 -24.01 -0.1
4 87.5 3.3 -3.73 -0.23 0.86 -13.9 -0.1
5 88 3.3 -3.23 -0.23 0.74 -10.4 -0.1
6 88.4 3.3 -2.83 -0.23 0.65 -8.0 -0.1
7 88.67 3.3 -2.56 -0.23 0.59 -6.56 -0.1
8 88.89 3.3 -2.34 -0.23 0.54 -5.5 -0.1
9 89.2 3.3 -2.03 -0.23 0.47 -4.1 -0.1
10 89.8 3.3 -1.43 -0.23 0.33 -2.0 -0.1
11 90 3.3 -1.23 -0.23 0.28 -1.5 -0.1
12 90.11 3.3 -1.12 -0.23 0.26 -1.3 -0.1
13 91 3.3 -0.23 -0.23 0.05 -0.1 -0.1
14 91.11 3.3 -0.12 -0.23 0.03 -0.0 -0.1
15 91.22 3.3 -0.01 -0.23 2.3 -0.0 -0.1
16 92.11 6.7 0.88 3.17 2.8 0.77 10.04
17 92.11 6.7 0.88 3.17 2.8 0.77 10.04
18 92.44 3.3 1.21 -0.23 -0.28 1.5 -0.1
19 92.56 3.3 1.33 -0.23 -0.31 1.8 -0.1
20 93.33 3.3 2.1 -0.23 -0.5 4.4 -0.1
21 93.44 3.3 2.21 -0.23 -0.51 4.9 -0.1
22 94.00 3.3 2.77 -0.23 -0.64 7.7 -0.1
23 94.33 3.3 3.1 -0.23 -0.7 9.6 -0.1
24 94.56 3.3 3.33 -0.23 -0.77 11.1 -0.1
25 94.89 3.3 3.66 -0.23 -0.84 13.4 -0.1
26 95.11 3.3 3.88 -0.23 -0.89 15.1 -0.1
27 95.22 3.3 3.99 -0.23 -0.9 15.9 -0.1
28 95.33 3.3 4.1 -0.23 -0.94 16.8 -0.1
29 95.67 3.3 4.44 -0.23 -1.02 19.7 -0.1
30 96 3.3 4.77 -0.23 -1.1 22.8 -0.1
x=91.23 y = 3.53 E= 8.4 79.47 17.3

r = 8.4 ÷ √ 79.47 × 17.3

r = 8.4 ÷ √ 1374.8
r = 8.4 ÷ 37.08
r = 0.23

Table 8
Fourth Grading Average
N X Y (X-x) (Y-y) (X-x) × (X-x)² (Y-y)²
1 85 3.3 -1.54 -0.7 1.08 -2.4 -0.49
2 85.44 3.3 -1.1 -0.7 0.77 -1.21 -0.49
3 88.22 3.3 1.68 -0.7 -1.2 2.8 -0.49
4 88.7 6.7 2.16 2.72 5.9 4.7 7.4
5 88.7 6.7 2.16 2.72 5.9 4.7 7.4
6 89 3.3 2.5 -0.7 -1.8 6.3 -0.49
7 89.33 3.3 2.79 -0.7 -1.95 7.8 -0.49
8 91.3 3.3 4.8 -0.7 -3.4 23.4 -0.49
9 91.44 3.3 4.9 -0.7 -3.43 24.01 -0.49
10 92 3.3 5.5 -0.7 -3.9 30.3 -0.49
11 92.22 3.3 5.7 -0.7 -3.99 32.5 -0.49
12 92.78 6.7 6.2 2.72 16.9 38.4 7.4
13 92.78 6.7 6.2 2.72 16.9 38.4 7.4
14 93 3.3 6.5 -0.7 -4.6 42.3 -0.49
15 93.33 3.3 6.8 -0.7 -4.8 46.2 -0.49
16 93.4 3.3 6.9 -0.7 -4.83 47.6 -0.49
17 94.33 3.3 7.8 -0.7 -5.5 60.8 -0.49
18 94.56 3.3 8.02 -0.7 -5.6 64.3 -0.49
19 95.00 6.7 8.02 2.72 21.81 64.3 7.4
20 95.00 6.7 8.5 2.72 23.12 72.3 7.4
21 95.11 3.3 8.6 -0.7 -6.0 73.96 -0.49
22 95.34 3.3 8.8 -0.7 -6.5 77.4 -0.49
23 95.67 3.3 9.13 -0.7 -6.4 83.4 -0.49
24 96.00 3.3 9.5 -0.7 -6.7 90.3 -0.49
25 96.33 3.3 9.8 -0.7 -6.9 96.04 -0.49
26 96.44 3.3 9.9 -0.7 -6.93 98.01 -0.49
27 96.78 3.3 10.24 -0.7 -7.17 104.9 -0.49
28 99 3.3 12.5 -0.7 -8.8 156.3 -0.49
29 0 3.3 -86.5 -0.7 60.55 -7482.3 -0.49
30 0 3.3 -86.5 -0.7 60.55 -7482.3 -0.49
x=86.54 y = 3.98 E= 113.08 13576.8 32.64

r = 113.08 ÷ √ 13576.8 × 32.64

r = 113.08 ÷ √ 443146.8
r = 113.08 ÷ 665.7
r = 0.17

Table 9
I feel urges to use Facebook more and more
N X Y (X-x) (Y-y) (X-x) × (X-x)² (Y-y)²
1 1 20 -78 -869.6 67828.8 -6084 -756204.2
2 1 20 -78 -869.6 67828.8 -6084 -756204.2
3 1 20 -78 -869.6 67828.8 -6084 -756204.2
4 1 20 -78 -869.6 67828.8 -6084 -756204.2
5 1 20 -78 -869.6 67828.8 -6084 -756204.2
6 1 20 -78 -869.6 67828.8 -6084 -756204.2
7 2 20 -77 -869.6 66959.2 -5929 -756204.2
8 2 20 -77 -869.6 66959.2 -5929 -756204.2
9 2 20 -77 -869.6 66959.2 -5929 -756204.2
10 2 20 -77 -869.6 66959.2 -5929 -756204.2
11 2 20 -77 -869.6 66959.2 -5929 -756204.2
12 2 20 -77 -869.6 66959.2 -5929 -756204.2
13 3 20 -76 -846.3 66089.6 -5776 -716223.7
14 3 20 -76 -846.3 66089.6 -5776 -716223.7
15 3 20 -76 -846.3 66089.6 -5776 -716223.7
16 3 20 -76 -846.3 66089.6 -5776 -716223.7
17 3 20 -76 -846.3 66089.6 -5776 -716223.7
18 3 20 -76 -846.3 66089.6 -5776 -716223.7
19 3 20 -76 -846.3 66089.6 -5776 -716223.7
20 3 20 -76 -846.3 66089.6 -5776 -716223.7
21 3 20 -76 -846.3 66089.6 -5776 -716223.7
22 3 20 -76 -846.3 66089.6 -5776 -716223.7
23 3 20 -76 -846.3 66089.6 -5776 -716223.7
24 3 20 -76 -846.3 66089.6 -5776 -716223.7
25 3 43.3 -76 -846.3 66089.6 -5776 -716223.7
26 4 10 -75 -879.6 65220 -5625 -77396.2
27 4 10 -75 -879.6 65220 -5625 -77396.2
28 4 10 -75 -879.6 65220 -5625 -77396.2
29 5 6.7 -74 -882.9 64350.4 -5476 -779512.4
30 5 6.7 -74 -882.9 64350.4 -5476 -779512.4
x = 79 y=889.6 1992253. -174993 -

r = 1992253.6 ÷ √ -174993 × -22265471.9

r = 1992253.6 ÷ √ 3896301724196.7
r = 1992253.6 ÷ 1968832.6
r = 1.00 – (SD) Strongly Disagree

Table 10
I use Facebook to forget about personal problem
N X Y (X-x) (Y-y) (X-x) × (X-x)² (Y-y)²
1 1 20 -80 -720.6 57648 -6400 400
2 1 20 -80 -720.6 57648 -6400 400
3 1 20 -80 -720.6 57648 -6400 400
4 1 20 -80 -720.6 57648 -6400 400
5 1 20 -80 -720.6 57648 -6400 400
6 1 20 -80 -720.6 57648 -6400 400
7 2 20 -79 -720.6 56927.4 -6241 400
8 2 20 -79 -720.6 56927.4 -6241 400
9 2 20 -79 -720.6 56927.4 -6241 400
10 2 20 -79 -720.6 56927.4 -6241 400
11 2 20 -79 -720.6 56927.4 -6241 400
12 2 20 -79 -720.6 56927.4 -6241 400
13 3 36.7 -78 -703.9 54904.2 -6084 162973.7
14 3 36.7 -78 -703.9 54904.2 -6084 162973.7
15 3 36.7 -78 -703.9 54904.2 -6084 162973.7
16 3 36.7 -78 -703.9 54904.2 -6084 162973.7
17 3 36.7 -78 -703.9 54904.2 -6084 162973.7
18 3 36.7 -78 -703.9 54904.2 -6084 162973.7
19 3 36.7 -78 -703.9 54904.2 -6084 162973.7
20 3 36.7 -78 -703.9 54904.2 -6084 162973.7
21 3 36.7 -78 -703.9 54904.2 -6084 162973.7
22 3 36.7 -78 -703.9 54904.2 -6084 162973.7
23 3 36.7 -78 -703.9 54904.2 -6084 162973.7
24 4 16.7 -77 -657.1 50596.7 -5929 6972.3
25 4 16.7 -77 -657.1 50596.7 -5929 6972.3
26 4 16.7 -77 -657.1 50596.7 -5929 6972.3
27 4 16.7 -77 -657.1 50596.7 -5929 6972.3
28 4 16.7 -77 -657.1 50596.7 -5929 6972.3
29 5 6.7 -76 -733.9 55776.4 -5776 44.89
30 5 6.7 -76 -733.9 55776.4 -5776 44.89
x = 81 y=740.6 E= 1655934. 183967 1832462

r = 1655934.9 ÷ √ 183967 × 1832462

r = 1655934.9 ÷ √ 33711236754
r = 1655934.9 ÷ 785968137.6
r = 0.00 – (SD) Strongly Disagree

Table 11
I often try to reduce use of Facebook without success
N X Y (X-x) (Y-y) (X-x) × (Y- (X-x)² (Y-y)²
1 1 30 -70 -616.7 43169 -4900 -380318.9
2 1 30 -70 -616.7 43169 -4900 -380318.9
3 1 30 -70 -616.7 43169 -4900 -380318.9
4 1 30 -70 -616.7 43169 -4900 -380318.9
5 1 30 -70 -616.7 43169 -4900 -380318.9
6 1 30 -70 -616.7 43169 -4900 -380318.9
7 1 30 -70 -616.7 43169 -4900 -380318.9
8 1 30 -70 -616.7 43169 -4900 -380318.9
9 1 30 -70 -616.7 43169 -4900 -380318.9
10 2 20 -69 -766.7 52902.3 -4761 -587828.9
11 2 20 -69 -766.7 52902.3 -4761 -587828.9
12 2 20 -69 -766.7 52902.3 -4761 -587828.9
13 2 20 -69 -766.7 52902.3 -4761 -587828.9
14 2 20 -69 -766.7 52902.3 -4761 -587828.9
15 2 20 -69 -766.7 52902.3 -4761 -587828.9
16 3 40 -68 -406.7 27655.6 -4624 -165404.9
17 3 40 -68 -406.7 27655.6 -4624 -165404.9
18 3 40 -68 -406.7 27655.6 -4624 -165404.9
19 3 40 -68 -406.7 27655.6 -4624 -165404.9
20 3 40 -68 -406.7 27655.6 -4624 -165404.9
21 3 40 -68 -406.7 27655.6 -4624 -165404.9
22 3 40 -68 -406.7 27655.6 -4624 -165404.9
23 3 40 -68 -406.7 27655.6 -4624 -165404.9
24 3 40 -68 -406.7 27655.6 -4624 -165404.9
25 3 40 -68 -406.7 27655.6 -4624 -165404.9
26 3 40 -68 -406.7 27655.6 -4624 -165404.9
27 3 40 -68 -406.7 27655.6 -4624 -165404.9
28 4 3.3 -67 -883.4 59187.8 -4489 -780395.6
29 5 6.7 -66 -880 58080 -8712 -1548800
30 5 6.7 -66 -880 580880 -8712 -1548800
x = 71 y=886.7 E= 1213149.8 -141355 -11263897.9

r = 1213149.8 ÷ √ -141355 × -11263897.9

r = 1213149.8 ÷ 1261827.4
r = 0.96 – (SD) Strongly Disagree

Table 12
I become restless or troubled if unable to use Facebook
N X Y (X-x) (Y-y) (X-x) × (X-x)² (Y-y)²
1 1 56.7 -51 -219.6 11199.6 -2601 -4888224.2

2 1 56.7 -51 -219.6 11199.6 -2601 -4888224.2

3 1 56.7 -51 -219.6 11199.6 -2601 -4888224.2

4 1 56.7 -51 -219.6 11199.6 -2601 -4888224.2

5 1 56.7 -51 -219.6 11199.6 -2601 -4888224.2

6 1 56.7 -51 -219.6 11199.6 -2601 -4888224.2

7 1 56.7 -51 -219.6 11199.6 -2601 -4888224.2

8 1 56.7 -51 -219.6 11199.6 -2601 -4888224.2

9 1 56.7 -51 -219.6 11199.6 -2601 -4888224.2

10 1 56.7 -51 -219.6 11199.6 -2601 -4888224.2

11 1 56.7 -51 -219.6 11199.6 -2601 -4888224.2

12 1 56.7 -51 -219.6 11199.6 -2601 -4888224.2

13 1 56.7 -51 -219.6 11199.6 -2601 -4888224.2

14 1 56.7 -51 -219.6 11199.6 -2601 -4888224.2

15 1 56.7 -51 -219.6 11199.6 -2601 -4888224.2

16 1 56.7 -51 -219.6 11199.6 -2601 -4888224.2

17 1 56.7 -51 -219.6 11199.6 -2601 -4888224.2

18 2 23.3 -50 -1020.4 51020 -2500 -1041216.2

19 2 23.3 -50 -1020.4 51020 -2500 -1041216.2

20 2 23.3 -50 -1020.4 51020 -2500 -1041216.2

21 2 23.3 -50 -1020.4 51020 -2500 -1041216.2

22 2 23.3 -50 -1020.4 51020 -2500 -1041216.2

23 2 23.3 -50 -1020.4 51020 -2500 -1041216.2

24 2 23.3 -50 -1020.4 51020 -2500 -1041216.2

25 3 3.3 -49 -1180.2 57829.2 -2401 -1392872.0

26 4 13.3 -48 -1130.3 54254.4 -2304 -1277578.1

27 4 13.3 -48 -1130.3 54254.4 -2304 -1277578.1

28 4 13.3 -48 -1130.3 54254.4 -2304 -1277578.1

29 4 13.3 -48 -1130.3 54254.4 -2304 -1277578.1

30 5 3.3 -47 -1180.2 55469.4 -2209 -1392872.0

x = 52 y=1183.5 E= 877850 -75543 -16004381.2

r = 877850 ÷ √ -75543 × -16004381.2

r = 877850 ÷ 1099553.999
r = 0.798 – (SD) Strongly Disagree

Table 13
I use Facebook so much that it has had a negative impact on me or my studies
N X Y (X-x) (Y-y) (X-x) × (X-x)² (Y-y)²
1 1 53.3 -53 -253.4 13430.2 -2809 -64211.6
2 1 53.3 -53 -253.4 13430.2 -2809 -64211.6
3 1 53.3 -53 -253.4 13430.2 -2809 -64211.6
4 1 53.3 -53 -253.4 13430.2 -2809 -64211.6
5 1 53.3 -53 -253.4 13430.2 -2809 -64211.6
6 1 53.3 -53 -253.4 13430.2 -2809 -64211.6
7 1 53.3 -53 -253.4 13430.2 -2809 -64211.6
8 1 53.3 -53 -253.4 13430.2 -2809 -64211.6
9 1 53.3 -53 -253.4 13430.2 -2809 -64211.6
10 1 53.3 -53 -253.4 13430.2 -2809 -64211.6
11 1 53.3 -53 -253.4 13430.2 -2809 -64211.6
12 1 53.3 -53 -253.4 13430.2 -2809 -64211.6
13 1 53.3 -53 -253.4 13430.2 -2809 -64211.6
14 1 53.3 -53 -253.4 13430.2 -2809 -64211.6
15 1 53.3 -53 -253.4 13430.2 -2809 -64211.6
16 1 53.3 -53 -253.4 13430.2 -2809 -64211.6
17 2 20 -52 -986.2 51282.4 -2704 -972590.4
18 2 20 -52 -986.2 51282.4 -2704 -972590.4
19 2 20 -52 -986.2 51282.4 -2704 -972590.4
20 2 20 -52 -986.2 51282.4 -2704 -972590.4
21 2 20 -52 -986.2 51282.4 -2704 -972590.4
22 2 20 -52 -986.2 51282.4 -2704 -972590.4
23 3 20 -51 -986.2 50296.2 -2601 -972590.4
24 3 20 -51 -986.2 50296.2 -2601 -972590.4
25 3 20 -51 -986.2 50296.2 -2601 -972590.4
26 3 20 -51 -986.2 50296.2 -2601 -972590.4
27 3 20 -51 -986.2 50296.2 -2601 -972590.4
28 3 20 -51 -986.2 50296.2 -2601 -972590.4
29 4 6.7 -50 -1099.5 54975 -2500 -1208900.3

30 4 6.7 -50 -1099.5 54975 -2500 -1208900.3

x = 54 y=1106.2 E= 934304.8 -81774 -15116272

r = 934304.8 ÷ √ -81774 × -15116272

r = 934304.8 ÷ 1111808.45
r = 0.84 – (SD) Strongly Disagree

Table 14
I spend a lot of time thinking about Facebook or planning to use it
N X Y (X-x) (Y-y) (X-x) × (X-x)² (Y-y)²
1 1 43.3 -56 -430.5 24108 -3136 -185330.3
2 1 43.3 -56 -430.5 24108 -3136 -185330.3
3 1 43.3 -56 -430.5 24108 -3136 -185330.3
4 1 43.3 -56 -430.5 24108 -3136 -185330.3
5 1 43.3 -56 -430.5 24108 -3136 -185330.3
6 1 43.3 -56 -430.5 24108 -3136 -185330.3
7 1 43.3 -56 -430.5 24108 -3136 -185330.3
8 1 43.3 -56 -430.5 24108 -3136 -185330.3
9 1 43.3 -56 -430.5 24108 -3136 -185330.3
10 1 43.3 -56 -430.5 24108 -3136 -185330.3
11 1 43.3 -56 -430.5 24108 -3136 -185330.3
12 1 43.3 -56 -430.5 24108 -3136 -185330.3
13 1 43.3 -56 -430.5 24108 -3136 -185330.3
14 2 26.7 -55 -779.8 42889 -3025 -608088.0
15 2 26.7 -55 -779.8 42889 -3025 -608088.0
16 2 26.7 -55 -779.8 42889 -3025 -608088.0
17 2 26.7 -55 -779.8 42889 -3025 -608088.0
18 2 26.7 -55 -779.8 42889 -3025 -608088.0
19 2 26.7 -55 -779.8 42889 -3025 -608088.0
20 2 26.7 -55 -779.8 42889 -3025 -608088.0
21 2 26.7 -55 -779.8 42889 -3025 -608088.0
22 3 26.7 -54 -779.8 42109.2 -2916 -608088.0
23 3 26.7 -54 -779.8 42109.2 -2916 -608088.0
24 3 26.7 -54 -779.8 42109.2 -2916 -608088.0
25 3 26.7 -54 -779.8 42109.2 -2916 -608088.0
26 3 26.7 -54 -779.8 42109.2 -2916 -608088.0
27 3 26.7 -54 -779.8 42109.2 -2916 -608088.0
28 3 26.7 -54 -779.8 42109.2 -2916 -608088.0
29 3 26.7 -54 -779.8 42109.2 -2916 -608088.0
30 4 3.3 -53 -990.1 52475.3 -2809 -980298.0
x = 57 y=993.4 E= 1045864. -91105 -
9 13118999.9

r = 1045864.9 ÷ √ -91105 × -13118999.9

r = 1045864.9 ÷ 1093254.99
r = 0.95 – (SD) Strongly Disagree

Table 15
Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale (BFAS) Level you consider yourself
N X Y (X-x) (Y-y) (X-x) × (X-x)² (Y-y)²
1 1 10 -90 -782.9 70461 -8100 -612932.4
2 1 10 -90 -782.9 70461 -8100 -612932.4
3 1 10 -90 -782.9 70461 -8100 -612932.4
4 2 43.3 -89 -230 20470 -7921 -52900
5 2 43.3 -89 -230 20470 -7921 -52900
6 2 43.3 -89 -230 20470 -7921 -52900
7 2 43.3 -89 -230 20470 -7921 -52900
8 2 43.3 -89 -230 20470 -7921 -52900
9 2 43.3 -89 -230 20470 -7921 -52900
10 2 43.3 -89 -230 20470 -7921 -52900
11 2 43.3 -89 -230 20470 -7921 -52900
12 2 43.3 -89 -230 20470 -7921 -52900
13 2 43.3 -89 -230 20470 -7921 -52900
14 2 43.3 -89 -230 20470 -7921 -52900
15 2 43.3 -89 -230 20470 -7921 -52900
16 2 43.3 -89 -230 20470 -7921 -52900
17 3 13.3 -88 -739.7 65093.6 -7744 -547156.1
18 3 13.3 -88 -739.7 65093.6 -7744 -547156.1
19 3 13.3 -88 -739.7 65093.6 -7744 -547156.1
20 3 13.3 -88 -739.7 65093.6 -7744 -547156.1
21 4 6.7 -87 -786.2 68399.4 -7569 -618110.4
22 4 6.7 -87 -786.2 68399.4 -7569 -618110.4
23 5 20 -86 -672.9 57869.4 -7396 -452794.4
24 5 20 -86 -672.9 57869.4 -7396 -452794.4
25 5 20 -86 -672.9 57869.4 -7396 -452794.4
26 5 20 -86 -672.9 57869.4 -7396 -452794.4
27 5 20 -86 -672.9 57869.4 -7396 -452794.4
28 5 20 -86 -672.9 57869.4 -7396 -452794.4
29 6 6.7 -85 -786.2 66827 -7225 -618110.4
30 6 6.7 -85 -786.2 66827 -7225 -618110.4
x = 91 y=792.9 E= 1355536.6 -232213 -1236220.8

r = 1355536.6 ÷ √ -232213 × -7096775.2

r = 1355536.6 ÷ 1283730.3
r = 1.06 – Salience to Mood Modification

[Table 5 First Grading Average] the table displays then gathered average from
first grading.
As can be seen, then correlation coefficient for then first grading resulted to
moderate correlation as interpretation which was r = 0.094.
[Table 6 Second Grading Average] the second grading table shows that then
correlation coefficient resulted to moderate correlation also which was r=0.47.
[Table 7 Third Grading Average] the chart reports that then correlation
coefficient resulted to low correlation which was r = 0.23.
[Table 8 Fourth Grading Average] the last quarter reveals that the correlation
coefficient resulted to slight correlation which r = 0.17.
There is a high posibility that Facebook does not have effect to then study
habits of then students based on then data gathered.
In then article written by Subingsubing, 2021 a sociologist in UP, then
relationship of then Filipinos to social media is not an addiction.
It is very likely that, students uses Facebook with reasons. Its either about
school, news, and any other agenda that can be spread online. Facebook does not
have to deal with students grades as then interpretations shows.

Rating section of statements about Facebook

[Table 9 I feel urges to use Facebook more and more] the table present then
gathered rate about then urge feel.
Based on then chart then result was SD or Strongly Disagree which was then
correlation coefficient resulted to r = 1.00.
Students strongly disagree that they feel urge to use Facebook more and more.
[Table 10 I use Facebook to forget about personal problem] the table reveals
then gathered rate about the use if Facebook to forget about personal problem.
As illustrated, then result was SD or Strongly Disagree then statistical
treatment was r = 0.0.
Students strongly disagree that they use Facebook to forget about their
personal problem.
[Table 11 I often try to reduce use of Facebook without success] then table
reported that the gathered data about the table title was resulted to r = 0.96 strongly
disagree. Students can stop scrolling whenever they want, addiction to Facebook as
not present.
[Table 12 I become restless or troubled if unable to use Facebook] the chart
displays that the table resulted to strongly disagree again by having its calculation to r
The results are opposite to then statement need to be rate by students .
[Table 13 I use Facebook so much that it has had a negative impact on me or
my studies] It reveals the result to strongly disagree by having its statistical treatment
of r = 0.84. Students grades are not affected by Facebook.
[Table 14 I spend a lot of time thinking about Facebook or planning to use it]
It reveals the result to strongly disagree by having its statistical treatment of r = 0.95.
Students grades are not affected by Facebook.
[Table 15 BSAF Level you consider yourself] this table shows that students
are between level 1 to 2 salience and mood modification. Mean, Facebook does not
affect students study habit and does not have any strings of connection to fail of
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Dear Respondents,

I am a Grade 12 Student from St. Elizabeth,

I currently conducting a study on The Effects of Facebook Addiction to the Academic

Performance of Selected Grade 9 Students of Mary Immaculate School for Academic Year of

2019 – 2020. Meaning, I am requesting for your short time and participate to my study. As a

participant, you will be asked reminisce your study habit before the COVID-19 strikes.

The privacy of your responses is guaranteed. If you have questions regarding the

study, please send your queries to

Sincerely yours,

Aquino, Researcher

The Effects of Facebook Addiction to the Academic Performance of Selected Grade 9

Students of Mary Immaculate School for Academic Year of 2019 – 2020

1. Name of the student: (Optional) .

∙ Sex: . ∙ Age: .

1.2 On an average day, how much time do you spend on Facebook?

_____ (Minutes / Hours)

2. What are the academic performance of respondents? (Please indicate the

first until the fourth quarter grades in the year of 2019-2020)

∙ First Grading Ave.: . ∙ Second Grading Ave.: .

∙ Third Grading Ave.: . ∙ Fourth Grading Ave.: .

3. Rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements

about your Facebook use:

(1) Strongly disagree (2) Disagree (3) Neutral (4) Agree (5) Strongly Agree

_____ I feel urges to use Facebook more and more.

_____ I use Facebook to forget about personal problems.

_____ I often try to reduce use of Facebook without success.

_____ I become restless or troubled if unable to use Facebook.

_____ I use Facebook so much that it has had a negative impact on

his/her or studies.

_____ I spend a lot of time thinking about Facebook or planning to use it.
4. What factors affecting the study habits that can be recognize by the


(Please indicated the factors that affects your study habits that you can easily




5. Using the BFA Scale; how do you consider your addiction?

(1) salience—the activity dominates thinking and behavior;

(2) mood modification—the activity modifies/improves mood

(3) tolerance—increasing amounts of the activity are required to achieve

previous effects;

(4) withdrawal—the occurrence of unpleasant feelings when the activity is

discontinued or suddenly reduced

(5) conflict—the activity causes conflicts in relationships, in

work/education, and other activities

(6) relapse—a tendency to revert to earlier patterns of the activity after

abstinence or control.

6. What solution you can be offer to solve the problem?


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