Semi-Final Exam in Anatomy

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Midwifery Program

Semi-final Examination
Anatomy and Physiology

Name: _______________________________ Score_________________

Test I. Multiple Choice. Erasures are not allowed

1. Receives oxygen poor blood from inferior vena cava

A. R ventricle B. L ventricle C. R atrium D. L atrium

2. It innervates superior oblique eye muscle?

A. Oculomotor B. Abducens C. Optic D. Trochlear

3. The cranial nerve for sense of balance

A. Vestibulocochlear B Glossopharyngeal C. Vagus D. Facial

4. It stimulates the growth of vagina and uterus

A. Estrogen B. Progesterone C. FSH D. LH

5. It produces estrogen and progesterone

A. Gonadotrophic B. Anterior pituitary gland C. Ovary D. Uterus

6. Found in the anterior pituitary gland, except?

A. MSH B. LH C. Oxytocin D. GH

7. All are connected in C5-T1,except?

A. Musculocutaneous B. Radial C.Median D. Phrenic

8. It is the inner surface of the heart?

A. Pericardium B. Epicardium C. Myocardium D. Endocardium

9.It receives oxygen rich blood from pulmonary veins?

A. L atrium B. R atrium C. L ventricle D. R ventricle

10. Blood passes from the R atrium to R ventricle ?

A. Bicuspid valve B. Tricuspid valve C. Aortic valve D. Pulmonic valve

11. Blood passes from the L ventricle to aorta ?

A. Pulmonic valve B. Aortic valve C. Bicuspid valve D. Tricuspid valve

12. It supplies in thighs, legs and feet

A. Femoral B. sciatic C. Phrenic D. Ulnar

13. All is motor cranial nerves , except?

A. Vagus B. Spinal C.Hypoglossal D. Abducens

14. Layer of artery that is made up of connective tissue?

A. Tunica Interna B.Tunica media C.Tunica Externa D.Tunica redia

15.All are branch of arch of aorta ,except

A. L subclavian B. Brachiocephalic C. L carotid D. R subclavian


______________________1. Hormone that regulates uterine cycle

______________________ 2. Hormone that increases blood glucose level

______________________ 3. It reabsorbs sodium and excrete potassium

______________________ 4. Cranial nerve for neck and back muscles

______________________ 5. It innervates lateral rectus

______________________ 6. Turbulence of blood produces vibrations in the sorrounding tissues

______________________ 7. Pressure recorded in an artery when left ventricle contract

______________________ 8. Deposition of fats and cholesterol that result to hardening of arteries

______________________ 9. Small gap between presynaptic to postsynaptic membrane

______________________ 10. Take nerve impulses from organs to CNS

______________________ 11. A slight delay of contraction

______________________12. Connection between the umbilical vein and inferior vena cava

______________________ 13. Opening between the 2 atria

_______________________14. Hormone responsible for production of androgen

_______________________ 15.A condition is lack of iodine

_______________________16. Maintain the male sex hormone

_______________________17. Connection between the pulmonary artery and aorta

_______________________18. Receives oxygen and nutrients from the mothers blood

_______________________19.It covers the axon

_______________________20.Supply muscles of the arms and the posterior forearms

Test III. A. Enumeration

1-2 Effect of hormones

3-6 Mixed cranial nerves

7-11 Functions of the artery

11-14 Circulatory features that are not present in adult circulation

15-20 Glands that can be found in the anterior pituitary gland


1. Show the adult blood flow

2. Show the fetal circulation

Goodluck! dOki eD!

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