Practical Assignment I (PhDEM 504)

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Student: ANJO G.

Program: PhD in Educational Management
Course: PhDEM 504 (Educational Leadership, Administration, and Management)
Professor: Dr. LILY P. CUSTODIO


Midyear 2021

Compare and contrast the terms leadership, management, and administration. Discuss the concepts
as how they are illustrated in the educational institution where you are affiliated at present via
realistic examples in the current era of uncertainties due to COVID-19 pandemic. Observe proper
citations and referencing. (Maximum of 1,000 words)

“How would an administrator move for a research culture if the administrator himself has no research
at all? – LEADERSHIP” Dr. Lily P. Custodio

Leadership is aimed at improving staff performance, initiating change, influencing other’s

actions in achieving desirable change, and motivating people to achieve goals and objectives.

In order for me to strengthen the culture of research in the Department, I will provide

guidance in the management and conduct of research initiatives at the classroom, school, district,

and division levels. The Planning and Research Unit of the Schools Division of Catanduanes will

focus on the initiatives as per DO No. 39, s. 2016 (Basic Education Research Agenda), which makes

known the research priorities across four themes: teaching and learning, child protection, human

resource development, and governance; and three cross-cutting themes – gender and development,

disaster risk reduction and management, and inclusive education. I will archive all the completed

researches for references in terms of technical format and content. This will serve as guides for the

conduct of action and basic researches in the Division. Moreover, I will make sure that my

completed researches and those who I work with in the Department will also let their papers be

archived or disseminated in the field, especially the findings and recommendations for cascading

and benchmarking of innovations, strategies, and interventions.

“How would you control the direction of teachers to get involved in research if you yourself cannot
even do yours? – MANAGEMENT” – Dr. Lily P. Custodio

Management is maintaining of the present operations of the Department/Unit, monitoring

of performance, and implementing decisions based on baseline data or valid evidences.

The Schools Division Research Committee (SDRC) assumes the responsibilities of research

management at the schools division level. The SDRC have the following roles and responsibilities as

per DO 16, s. 2017 (re: Research Management Guidelines): 1) Provide directions on research

initiatives through the national and local Basic Research Education Agenda, and other identified

priority research areas in the division; 2) Evaluate and approve research proposals and other

related research initiatives from the schools and community learning centers; 3) Evaluate and

approve research proposals and other related research initiatives within the schools division to be

funded by other fund sources; 4) Forge partnerships with academic and research institutions,

government agencies, and other DepEd offices in education research initiatives and projects; 5)

Prepare and submit reports to the RRC on all research initiatives conducted in the division from all

fund sources; 7) Ensure that cost estimates fall under the existing accounting and auditing rules

and regulations; and 8) Endorse approved school level proposals to the Regional Office for

confirmation and release of funds under BERF. As the SDRC secretariat, I am tasked to: 1) Organize,

coordinate, and document meetings of the Committee; 2) Conduct initial screening of submitted

proposals for compliance with submission guidelines; 3) Aid SDRC members in recommending

proposals for approval as per the criteria and scoring template; 4) Liaise with academic and

research institutions, government agencies, and other DepEd Offices in the conduct of the research;

5) Provide technical assistance to researchers on the conduct of their studies; 6) Conduct periodic

monitoring on research initiatives in schools and community learning centers within the division;
7) Prepare periodic report on accomplishments related to division research initiatives; and 8)

Prepare complete staff work in support of the Committee’s function as needed.

“How could you serve your people to come up with even the simplest action research if you yourself
cannot do it? – ADMINISTRATION” – Dr. Lily P. Custodio

Administration is turning leadership and management into reality.

As the Secretariat and at the same time Member of the SDRC, I will conduct initial screening

of submitted proposals against the eligibility requirements. Proposals falling under conditions such

as incomplete documentary requirements, conflict of interest, non-conformance to research ethics,

non-alignment of research topic with the Basic Education Research Agenda, etc. – all these will not

be further evaluated, and will immediately returned, with technical inputs to the proponents. For

disapproved proposals, proponents will be encouraged to resubmit their proposals for

consideration once they incorporate the comments from the previous evaluation. I will also track

the progress of all approved researches based on the approved work plan, and provide technical

assistance as needed. As research managers, we will conduct random visits to the locations of

research, and discuss with the researchers the status of their studies. Technical assistance will be

given at any point during the research implementations. Once the research is up for submission, it

will be evaluated again to determine its acceptability. In addition, for accountability and

reproducibility of research, researchers will be required to submit an executive data set i.e. MS

Excel File, PDF copy, and printed copy. For the dissemination and utilization of research results, the

following will be organized: research conference/forum; policy forum to gather researchers to

share their research findings, gather new inputs and research ideas, and discuss policy options

based on research results; publication in a research journal for wider dissemination, and as

potential archival mechanism for completed researches. The completed researches will be utilized

to improve learning outcomes and governance processes in their respective areas such as in the

development of policies, frameworks, projects, programs, strategic and operational plans, training
programs, and instructional materials. Existing mechanisms may also be used: Learning Action

Cells, In-Service Trainings, School Governing Council, Enhanced School Improvement Plan, Annual

Implementation Plan, and School Report Card.

With the current health crisis, we are drafting a proposal for a virtual oral defense of

researches where the panel members could convene in a scheduled date. This will ensure

continuity of the PRU services following the stringent protocols set by the IATF and local



DepEd Order No. 16, s. 2017, Research Management Guidelines

DepEd Order No. 39, s. 2016, Adoption of the Basic Education Research Agenda

DepEd Order No. 43, s. 2015, Revised Guidelines for the Basic Education Research Agenda

Date Submitted: June 25, 2021

Number of Words: 941

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