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Exercise 3.

Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D to complete each of the followings:

01. I'd like to do something to change the world but whatever I do seems like a drop in the________."
A. bucket B. garbage C. rubbish D. river
02. Jack has egg________ because he couldn't remember how to spell "Batman"!
A. on his teeth B. on his face C. on his shirt D. on his fingers
03. He seems like a good________ I'll take a chance on him.
A. yolk B. leave C. egg D. ink
04. I'm afraid hip hop isn't my cup of________.
A. tea B. java C. coffee D. wine
05. Just a moment... I've got the answer on the________ of my tongue.
A. top B. tap C. tip D. back
06. Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I guess I really put my________ in my mouth.
A. foot B. hand C. elbow D. knee
07. Sharon always sticks her________ into everyone else’s business.
A. head B. lips C. nose D. mouth
08. In Florida, the temperature drops below freezing only once in a________ moon.
A. green B. purple C. blue D. middle
09. Brady’s surprise party is going to be great if you don’t let the________ out of the bag.
A. dog B. mouse C. bat D. cat

10. Liam had________ in his stomach before he went on stage to play the violin.

A. butterflies B. geese C. mice D. insects

11. I'll be back in the twinkling of________.
A. an eye B. a lighting bolt C. a smile D. a laugh
12. We don't go there often - just________ and on.
A. of B. off C. on D. over
13. During the days when the temperature dropped under 10oC, electric heaters sold like hot________ in
the Northern cities of Vietnam.
A. dogs B. cakes C. sandwiches D. foods
14. It is very easy to find________ with the work of others.
A. error B. fault C. mistake D. foul
15. Ranieri returned, saw the mess, and hit the________.
A. roof B. ceiling C. wall D. A and B
16. I tried to make________ I was happy, but knew deep down it wasn't true.
A. fun B. bed C. believe D. mess
17. Drop me a________ when you get there.   
A. line B. note C. letter D. both A and B
18. This is where I grew up. I know this area like the back of my________.     
A. arms B. hand C. legs D. foot
19. He never seems to be serious when talking with me. He is always trying to pull my________.
A. foot B. leg C. legs D. hands
20. Tommy is the________ sheep in his family: he is the only member who has not made a success of his life.
A. black B. grey C. yellow D. white
Exercise 4. Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D to complete each of the followings:
01. He argued with her until he was________ in the face.
A. black B. grey C. yellow D. blue
02. It was a________ -letter day when she finally received her graduation diploma.
A. black B. grey C. red D. white
03. My sister became________ as a ghost when she saw the man at the window.
A. black B. grey C. yellow D. white
04. She passed her exam with flying________ and now wants to go out and celebrate.
A. colors B. colours C. bays D. objects
05. My sister was always the teacher's________ when she was in the first grade at school.
A. pets B. cats C. dogs D. doves
06. As the maestro lifted his baton the theater was so still you could hear________.
A. his heartbeat B. a pin drop C. bird wings D. the drum beating
07. I think I understand the nuts and________ of the operation.
A. screws B. hammer C. nails D. bolts
08. I think he’ll pay you back your money – when_________ fly.
A. birds B. cats C. cocks D. pigs
09. I don't mind driving this time - she's scratched my_________ plenty of times.
A. head B. back C. stomach D. heart
10. Duncan Smith hit the nail on the_________ when he said that the Prime Minister promised so much
and yet changed so little.
A. head B. back C. leg D. foot
11. At school, people always used to take the_________ out of him for having red hair.
A. cat B. dog C. mickey D. rat
12. They_________ their car at our disposal for our entire stay.
A. had B. took C. put D. got
13. I'm sorry, I can't. I have a_________ headache. 
A. splitting B. biting C. sleeping D. chipping
14. This food is_________ the house, you don’t have to pay for it.
A. at B. on C. in D. at
16. When I hear stories of cruelty to animals, it makes my_________ boil.
A. stomach B. oil C. blood D. head
17. She is a rising star as a standup comedian, always able to bring down the_________ during each
A. house B. rain C. roof D. kennel
18. We paid through the_________ to get the car fixed.
A. head B. nose C. lips D. mouth
19. Stop_________ about the bush, John! Just tell me exactly what the problem is.
A. rushing B. hiding C. beating D. moving
20. I usually buy my clothes __________. It’s cheaper than going to a dress- maker.
A. off the peg B. on the house C. in public D. on the shelf

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