Reviewer in Biology

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Cellular Structure Chromosomes and Chromatin

Microscopy Image (a) shows various levels of the organization of

A microscope is an instrument that magnifies an object chromatin; (b) shows paired chromosomes.
a. Light microscope uses light to illuminate a
b. Electron microscope uses a beam of electrons to
illuminate a specimen. It has higher
magnification, higher resolution, and more
Studying Cells
- Most cells are too small to see without the aid of a
- Within cells there are numerous structures that also
need microscopes, especially electron microscopes.
- In eukaryotic cells, numerous organelles have
A darkly staining area within the nucleus called the
specialized structures and functions.
nucleolus aggregates the ribosomal RNA with associated
proteins to assemble the ribosomal subunits that are
Organelles in an Animal Cell
then transported out through the pores in the nuclear
envelope to the cytoplasm.
- are made up of a large subunit (top) and a small
subunit (bottom). During protein synthesis, ribosomes
assemble amino acids into proteins.
- All cells have ribosomes.

• During cellular respiration mitochondria make
adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the cell’s main
energy-carrying molecule.
• They have their own DNA and ribosomes.
• Different in eukaryotes and prokaryotes.
• In eukaryotic cells, which have a nucleus, the
cytoplasm is everything between the plasma
membrane and the nuclear envelope.
• In prokaryotes, which lack a nucleus, cytoplasm
simply means everything found inside the
plasma membrane.
• One major component is the gel-like cytosol, a
water-based solution that contains ions, small Peroxisomes
molecules, and macromolecules. - are small, round organelles enclosed by single
• The cytoskeleton, a network of fibers that membranes. They carry out oxidation reactions that
supports the cell and gives it shape, is found in break down fatty acids and amino acids. They also
the cytoplasm. detoxify many poisons that may enter the body.
• Many metabolic reactions, including protein - Glyoxysomes which are specialized peroxisomes in
synthesis, take place in this part of the cell. plants, are responsible for converting stored fats into
Nucleus sugars.
• The nucleus houses the cell’s DNA and directs
the synthesis of ribosomes and proteins.
The Endomembrane System
Modifies packages, and transports lipids and proteins. It
• the nuclear envelope
• lysosomes
• vesicles
• the endoplasmic reticulum
• Golgi apparatus
• the plasma membrane.

Unique Features of Animal Cells: Lysosomes

- In addition to their role as the digestive component
and organelle-recycling facility of animal cells,
lysosomes are considered to be parts of the
endomembrane system.
- Lysosomes also use their hydrolytic enzymes to
destroy pathogens that enter the cell.

Endoplasmic Reticulum
• A series of interconnected membranous sacs and
• the rough ER modifies proteins (ribosomes on
its surface give it a studded look)
• the smooth ER synthesis of carbohydrates, lipids,
and steroid hormones; detoxification of
medications and poisons; and storage of calcium
ions. Unique Features of Plant Cells: Chloroplasts
• Chloroplasts are organelles that carry out
photosynthesis to make food from sunlight.
• have their own DNA and ribosomes
• contain a green pigment called chlorophyll

Golgi Apparatus
Sorting, tagging, packaging, and distribution of lipids
and proteins takes place in the Golgi apparatus, a series
of flattened membranes. In plant cells the Golgi
apparatus also makes polysaccharides.

Unique Features of Plant Cells: Vacuoles

- Vacuoles are membrane-bound sacs that function in
storage and transport. The membrane of a vacuole does
not fuse with the membranes of other cellular
components. Additionally, some agents such as enzymes
Vesicles within plant vacuoles break down macromolecules.
- are membrane-bound sacs that function in storage and - The central vacuole plays a key role in regulating a
transport. plant cell’s concentration of water in changing
- Vesicles can fuse with the plasma membrane to release environmental conditions.
their contents outside the cell.
- Vesicles can also fuse with other organelles within the The Cytoskeleton
cell. The cytoskeleton is the network of protein fibers that
Unique Features of Animal Cells: The Centrosome help maintain the shape of the cell, secure some
- The centrosome consists of two centrioles (right). organelles in specific positions, allow cytoplasm and
- They appear to have some role in pulling the vesicles to move within the cell, and enable cells within
duplicated chromosomes to opposite ends of the multicellular organisms to move.
dividing cell.
Types of Fibers in the Cytoskeleton Plasma Membrane
• Microfilaments thicken the cortex around the Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have a plasma
inner edge of a cell; like rubber bands, they membrane, a phospholipid bilayer with embedded
resist tension. proteins, that separates the internal contents of the cell
• Microtubules are found in the interior of the cell from its surrounding environment.
where they maintain cell shape by resisting
compressive forces.
• Intermediate filaments are found throughout the
cell and hold organelles in place.

The Cytoskeleton: Microfilaments The plasma membranes of cells that specialize in
- Microfilaments function in cellular movement. absorption are folded into fingerlike projections
- They provide some rigidity and shape to the cell. They called microvilli.
can disassemble and reform quickly, thus enabling a cell
to change its shape and move.
- Important in immune and muscle cells.

Plant Cell Junctions

Plant cells are connected and communicate with each
other via plasmodesmata, channels that pass between
cell walls of adjacent plant cells

The Cytoskeleton: Intermediate Filaments

Intermediate filaments consist of several intertwined
strands of fibrous proteins. They bear tension,
maintaining the shape of the cell, and anchor the
nucleus and other organelles in place.

Animal Cell Junctions

Animal cells communicate via their extracellular
The Cytoskeleton: Microtubules matrices and are connected to each other via tight
Microtubules help the cell resist compression, provide a junctions, desmosomes, and gap junctions.
track along which vesicles move through the cell, and
pull replicated chromosomes to opposite ends of a The Extracellular Matrix
dividing cell. They can dissolve and reform quickly. - The extracellular matrix holds cells together to form
tissues and enables cells within a tissue to communicate.
- When protein receptors on the surface of the plasma
membrane of an animal cell bind to a substance in the
extracellular matrix, a chain of reactions begins that
changes activities taking place within the cell.

Flagella and Cilia

- Hair-like structures that extend from the plasma
membrane and are used to move an entire cell.
- Flagella are longer and cells have 0-3 of them.
- Cilia are shorter and usually cover the whole outside of
the plasma membrane. They may also be used to move
substances such as particulate matter in the respiratory
Animal Cell Junctions: Gap Junctions Components of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
- Gap junctions are channels between adjacent cells that
allow for the transport of ions, nutrients, and other
substances that enable cells to communicate. They are
important in cardiac muscle.

Animal Cell Junctions: Tight Junction

A tight junction is a watertight seal between two
adjacent cells.
• found in epithelial tissues
• prevents leaking

Cell Membranes

Cell Membranes: The Fluid Mosaic Model

Animal Cell Junctions: Desmosomes
- The plasma membrane is composed of a bilayer of
Desmosomes join two adjacent cells together and
phospholipids, with their hydrophobic, fatty acid tails in
maintain the cells in a sheet-like formation in organs
contact with each other.
and tissues that stretch, like the skin, heart, and muscles.
- The membrane is studded with proteins, some of
which span the membrane. Some of these proteins serve
to transport materials into or out of the cell.
- Carbohydrates are attached to some of the proteins
and lipids on the outward-facing surface of the
membrane. These form complexes that function to
identify the cell to other cells.
- The fluid nature of the membrane owes itself to the
configuration of the fatty acid tails and the presence of
cholesterol embedded in the membrane (in animal
Cell Walls - The mosaic nature of the membrane owes itself to the
The cell wall is a rigid covering that protects the cell, proteins and protein-carbohydrate complexes found
provides structural support, and gives shape to the cell. throughout the membrane. These are not firmly fixed in
Fungal and protistan cells also have cell walls, as do place.
some prokaryotic cells. While the chief component of - Plasma membranes enclose the borders of cells, but
prokaryotic cell walls is peptidoglycan, the major rather than being a static bag, they are dynamic and
organic molecule in the plant cell wall is cellulose. constantly in flux.

The Fluid Mosaic Model

Phospholipids Factors that Affect the Rate of Diffusion
• Phospholipids form an excellent two-layer cell • Extent of the concentration gradient
membrane that separates fluid within the cell • Mass of the molecules diffusing
from the fluid outside of the cell because of their • Temperature
hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails. • Solvent density
• Solubility
• Surface area and thickness of the plasma
• Distance travelled
Facilitated Transport
- Ions or polar molecules that are repelled by the
hydrophobic parts of the cell membrane enter the
cell through facilitated transport.
- Facilitated transport proteins shield these
materials from the repulsive force of the membrane,
Phospholipids in Aqueous Solutions by acting as channels or carriers, allowing them to
• In an aqueous solution, phospholipids tend to diffuse into the cell.
arrange themselves with their polar heads facing Channel Proteins
outward and their hydrophobic tails facing • Channel proteins have hydrophilic domains
inward. exposed to the intracellular and extracellular
fluids; they additionally have a hydrophilic
channel through their core that provides a
hydrated opening through the membrane layers.
Some channels are open while others may need
to bind to certain ions to open.

Selective Permeability
Plasma membranes are selectively permeable —they
allow some substances to pass through, but not others.
• They allow:
• Lipid-soluble material with a low molecular
weight ie. Fat soluble vitamins or hormones
• Molecules of oxygen and carbon dioxide Carrier Proteins
• The substances below cannot pass through the - Carrier proteins binds a substance and, in doing so,
membrane and must pass through channels: triggers a change of its own shape, moving the bound
• sodium, potassium, calcium, and chloride (all molecule from the outside of the cell to its interior.
charged ions) - Carrier proteins are slower than channel proteins.
• Simple sugars and amino acids
Passive Transport
- Passive transport does not require the cell to exert any
of its energy.
- Substances move from an area of higher concentration
to an area of lower concentration.
- A physical space in which there is a range of
concentrations of a single substance is said to have
a concentration gradient.
- Diffusion is one example of passive transport.
Diffusion Osmosis is specifically the movement of water through a
• Diffusion through a permeable membrane
semipermeable membrane according to the
moves a substance from an area of high
concentration gradient of water across the membrane,
concentration (extracellular fluid, in this case)
which is inversely proportional to the concentration of
down its concentration gradient (into the
Tonicity Electrochemical Gradients
- describes how an extracellular solution can change the Electrochemical gradients arise from the combined
volume of a cell by affecting osmosis. A solution’s effects of concentration gradients and electrical
tonicity often directly correlates with the osmolarity of gradients.
the solution. Osmolarity describes the total solute
concentration of the solution.
• Hypotonic - The extracellular fluid has lower
osmolarity than the fluid inside the cell, and
water enters the cell.
• Hypertonic - The cell has a relatively higher
concentration of water, water will leave the cell.
• Isotonic – The osmolarity of the cell matches that
of the extracellular fluid, there will be no net
movement of water into or out of the cell
Tonicity: Red Blood Cell
Carrier Proteins for Active Transport
A uniporter carries one molecule or ion. A symporter
carries two different molecules or ions, both in the same
direction. An antiporter also carries two different
molecules or ions, but in different directions.

Tonicity: Plant Cell

Secondary Active Transport

- As sodium ion concentrations build outside of the
plasma membrane because of the action of the primary
active transport process, an electrochemical gradient is
- If a channel protein exists and is open, the sodium ions
will be pulled through the membrane.
This movement is used to transport other substances
How Do Plants Control the Effects of Osmosis? that can attach themselves to the transport protein
- Plants, fungi, bacteria, and some protists, have cell through the membrane such as amino acids and glucose.
walls that prevent cell lysis in a hypotonic solution. This process, secondary active transport, is shown on the
next slide.
- The cytoplasm in plants is always slightly hypertonic
to the cellular environment, and water will always enter
a cell if water is available, producing turgor pressure,
which stiffens the cell walls of the plant. In nonwoody
plants, turgor pressure supports the plant. This is why
plants wilt when they are too dry.
Active Transport
- requires the use of the cell’s energy. Small-molecular
weight material and small molecules move in two ways:
• Primary active transport moves ions across a
membrane and creates a difference in charge Active Transport: Large or Bulk Materials
across that membrane, which is directly - Some materials are simply too large to enter or exit a
dependent on ATP. cell but passive or simple active transport.
- Large materials may be brought into a cell by
- Large materials may be expelled from a cell by
In endocytosis the plasma membrane of the cell
invaginates, forming a pocket around the target particle.
The pocket pinches off, resulting in the particle being
contained in a newly created intracellular vesicle
• Secondary active transport describes the formed from the plasma membrane. The three types
movement of material that is due to the are:
electrochemical gradient established by primary • Phagocytosis
active transport. It does not directly require • Pinocytosis
ATP. • Receptor-mediated endocytosis
Phagocytosis Methods of Transport, Energy Requirements, and Types
• Cells ingest large particles, including other cells, of Material Transported
by enclosing the particles in an extension of the
cell membrane and budding off a new vacuole.

• Cells take in molecules such as water from the
extracellular fluid. Metabolic Pathways

Catabolic reactions
- break a larger molecule into smaller pieces.
- Energy contained in the bonds of glucose is released in
small bursts, and some of it can be captured in the form
of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a small molecule that
is used to power reactions in the cell.
- Much of the energy from glucose is still lost as heat, but
enough is captured to keep the metabolism of the cell
Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis
• Receptor proteins in the plasma membrane Fuel Breakdown Pathways
ensure only targeted substances are brought
into the cell.

Redox Reactions
Exocytosis Reactions involving electron transfers are known
- is the bulk expulsion of materials. Waste material for
as oxidation-reduction reactions (or redox reactions),
example is enveloped in a membrane and fuses with the
and they play a central role in the metabolism of a cell.
interior of the plasma membrane. This fusion opens the
In a redox reaction, one of the reacting molecules loses
membranous envelope on the exterior of the cell, and
electrons and is said to be oxidized, while another
the waste material is expelled into the extracellular
reacting molecule gains electrons (the ones lost by the
space. This is also used for secretion of proteins and
first molecule) and is said to be reduced. The atom or
molecule that donates electrons is called the reducing
agent, because its donation of electrons allows another
molecule to become reduced. The atom or molecule that
accepts the electrons is known as the oxidizing agent,
because its acceptance of electrons allows the other
molecule to become oxidized.

Redox Reactions Involving Carbon

Some redox reactions change the amount of electron
density on a particular atom by altering how it shares
electrons in covalent bonds. Below, carbon has lost
electron density (because oxygen is now hogging its
electrons), while oxygen has gained electron density
(because it can now hog electrons shared with other
elements). It’s thus reasonable to say that carbon was
oxidized during this reaction, while oxygen was
Energy in Redox Reactions Photosynthesis
In redox reactions, energy is released when an electron - The energy of sunlight is captured and used to energize
loses potential energy as a result of the transfer. electrons, which are then stored in the covalent bonds of
Electrons have more potential energy when they are sugar molecules.
associated with less electronegative atoms (such as C or - Photosynthesis powers 99% of Earth’s ecosystems.
H), and less potential energy when they are associated Photoautotrophs
with a more electronegative atom (such as O). • Photoautotrophs including (a) plants, (b) algae,
Electron Carriers and (c) cyanobacteria synthesize their organic
• Coenzymes serve as oxidizing agents, accepting compounds via photosynthesis. In a (d) deep sea
a pair of electrons, along with one or more vent, chemoautotrophs, such as these (e)
protons, to switch to their reduced forms. thermophilic bacteria, capture energy from
NAD+ (left) accepts two electrons and one inorganic compounds to produce organic
H+ to become NADH (right). FAD is the other compounds.
coenzyme in cellular respiration. • Heterotrophs such as animals rely on the sugars
ATP produced by autotrophs for their energy needs.
-functions as the energy currency for cells. It allows the
cell to store energy briefly and transport it within the Chemical Equation for Photosynthesis
cell to support endergonic chemical reactions. The
structure of ATP is that of an RNA nucleotide with three
phosphates attached. The negative charges on the
phosphate group naturally repel each other, requiring
energy to bond them together and releasing energy
when these bonds are broken. As ATP is used for energy, Structures of Photosynthesis: Anatomy of a Leaf
a phosphate group or two are detached, and either ADP - In plants, photosynthesis generally takes place in
or AMP is produced. leaves, which consist of several layers of cells. The
ATP in Substrate-level Phosphorylation process of photosynthesis occurs in a middle layer
Energy derived from glucose catabolism is used to called the mesophyll.
convert ADP into ATP. When ATP is used in a reaction, - The gas exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen occurs
the third phosphate is temporarily attached to a through small, regulated openings
substrate in a process called phosphorylation. Below is a called stomata (singular: stoma), which also play roles
diagram of substrate-level phosphorylation. in the regulation of gas exchange and water balance.
- The stomata are typically located on the underside of
the leaf, which helps to minimize water loss. Each stoma
is flanked by guard cells that regulate the opening and
closing of the stomata by swelling or shrinking in
response to osmotic changes.
ATP in Chemiosmosis and Oxidative Phosphorylation Chloroplast
90% of the ATP generated during glucose catabolism is Embedded in the thylakoid membrane is chlorophyll,
derived from chemiosmosis, which takes place in a pigment (molecule that absorbs light) responsible for
mitochondria (right) within a eukaryotic cell or the the initial interaction between light and plant material,
plasma membrane of a prokaryotic cell. This process and numerous proteins that make up the electron
uses oxygen, and is known as oxidative phosphorylation. transport chain.

Oxidative Phosphorylation Light Energy

Electrons from glucose are transferred to small The wavelength of a single wave is the distance between
molecules known as electron carriers. The electron two consecutive points of similar position (two crests or
carriers take the electrons to a group of proteins in the two troughs) along the wave.
inner membrane of the mitochondrion, called the
electron transport chain. As electrons move through the
electron transport chain, they go from a higher to a
lower energy level and are ultimately passed to oxygen
(forming water). Energy released in the electron
transport chain is captured as a proton gradient, which
powers production of ATP by a membrane protein
called ATP synthase. Since this process requires oxygen,
it is known as aerobic respiration.
Electromagnetic Spectrum Photosystems I and II
Electromagnetic radiation from the sun exists at In (a) photosystem II, the electron comes from the
different wavelengths, each of which has its own splitting of water, which releases oxygen as a waste
characteristic energy. product. In (b) photosystem I, the electron comes from
Pigments and Light Absorption the chloroplast electron transport chain.
Light energy initiates the process of photosynthesis
when pigments absorb the light. Organic pigments have
a narrow range of energy levels that they can absorb, as
shown below.


The photosystem II (PSII) reaction center and
the photosystem I (PSI). Note the electron transport

Pigments and Light Absorption II

(a) Chlorophyll a, (b) chlorophyll b, and (c) β-
carotene are hydrophobic organic pigments
found in the thylakoid membrane. Each has (d) a
unique absorbance spectrum.
Stages of Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis takes place in two stages: light
dependent reactions and the Calvin cycle. Light-
dependent reactions, which take place in the thylakoid
membrane, use light energy to make ATP and NADPH.
The Calvin cycle, which takes place in the stroma, uses
energy derived from these compounds to make GA3P
from CO2.
Light-Independent Reactions
After the energy from the sun is converted into chemical
energy and temporarily stored in ATP and NADPH
molecules, the cell has the fuel needed to build
carbohydrate molecules for long-term energy storage.
This occurs during the light-independent reactions of
photosynthesis, also known as the Calvin cycle.

The Calvin Cycle in the Stroma

Light-dependent Reactions
- The pigments absorb energy from sunlight. A photon
strikes the antenna pigments of photosystem II to
initiate photosynthesis.
- The energy travels to the reaction center that contains
chlorophyll a to the electron transport chain, which The Three Stages of the Calvin Cycle
pumps hydrogen ions into the thylakoid interior.
- This action builds up a high concentration of ions. The
ions flow through ATP synthase via chemiosmosis to
form molecules of ATP, which are used for the formation
of sugar molecules in the second stage of
- Photosystem I absorbs a second photon, which results
in the formation of an NADPH molecule, another energy
and reducing power carrier for the light-independent
-consists of a light-harvesting complex and a reaction
- Pigments in the light-harvesting complex pass light
energy to two special chlorophyll a molecules in the
reaction center.
- The light excites an electron from the chlorophyll a
pair, which passes to the primary electron acceptor.
- The excited electron must then be replaced.
Cellular Respiration: Glycolysis The Citric Acid Cycle
- Glycolysis is the first pathway used in the breakdown - is a series of redox and decarboxylation reactions that
of glucose to extract energy. Glycolysis consists of two remove high-energy electrons and carbon dioxide.
parts: - The electrons temporarily stored in molecules of
 The first part prepares the six-carbon ring of NADH and FADH2 are used to generate ATP in a
glucose for cleavage into two three-carbon sugars. ATP subsequent pathway.
is invested in the process during this half to energize the - One molecule of either GTP or ATP is produced by
separation. substrate-level phosphorylation on each turn of the
 The second half of glycolysis extracts ATP and cycle. There is no comparison of the cyclic pathway with
high-energy electrons from hydrogen atoms and a linear one.
attaches them to NAD+. Electron Transport Chain
 Two ATP molecules are invested in the first half The electron transport chain is a series of electron
and four ATP molecules are formed by substrate transporters embedded in the inner mitochondrial
phosphorylation during the second half. This produces a membrane that shuttles electrons from NADH and
net gain of two ATP and two NADH molecules for the FADH2 to molecular oxygen. In the process, protons are
cell. pumped from the mitochondrial matrix to the
 Glycolysis intermembrane space, and oxygen is reduced to form
Below are the reactants and products of glycolysis. water.
ATP Synthase
ATP synthase is a complex, molecular machine that uses
a proton (H+) gradient to form ATP from ADP and
inorganic phosphate (Pi).
Oxidative Phosphorylation (continued)
In oxidative phosphorylation, the pH gradient formed by
the electron transport chain is used by ATP synthase to
form ATP.
First Half of Glycolysis Anaerobic Cellular Respiration
The first half of glycolysis uses two ATP molecules in the Without oxygen NADH must be reoxidized to NAD+ for
phosphorylation of glucose, which is then split into two reuse as an electron carrier for the glycolytic pathway to
three-carbon molecules. continue. Some living systems use an organic molecule
as the final electron acceptor. Processes that use an
organic molecule to regenerate NAD+ from NADH are
collectively referred to as fermentation. In contrast,
some living systems like the bacteria at right use an
inorganic molecule as a final electron acceptor.
Lactic Acid Fermentation
Second Half of Glycolysis - common in muscle cells that have run out of oxygen.
The second half of glycolysis involves phosphorylation This is also performed by the bacteria that ferment milk
without ATP investment (step 6) and produces two to yogurt.
NADH and four ATP molecules per glucose. Alcohol Fermentation
- Some organisms such as yeast perform alcohol
Pyruvate Oxidation fermentation in low oxygen conditions.
 In the presence of oxygen, pyruvate (the product - This provides the “bubbles” (and ethanol) in alcoholic
of glycolysis) is transformed into an acetyl group beverages as well as bread.
attached to a carrier molecule of coenzyme A. Metabolism and the Carbon Cycle
Photosynthesis consumes carbon dioxide and produces
 In this process a molecule of carbon dioxide and
oxygen. Aerobic respiration consumes oxygen and
two high-energy electrons are removed. The carbon
produces carbon dioxide. These two processes play an
dioxide accounts for two (conversion of two pyruvate
important role in the carbon cycle.
molecules) of the six carbons of the original glucose
molecule. The electrons are picked up by NAD+, and the
NADH carries the electrons to a later pathway for ATP
 At this point, the glucose molecule that originally
entered cellular respiration has been completely
oxidized. Chemical potential energy stored within the
glucose molecule has been transferred to electron
carriers or has been used to synthesize a few ATPs.
Oxidation of Pyruvate Diagram
Introduction to Biology Features of All Cells
Properties of Life • All cells have four components:
All living organisms share several key characteristics: 1. A plasma membrane
• order 2. Cytoplasm
• sensitivity or response to the environment 3. DNA
• reproduction 4. Ribosomes
• growth and development Prokaryotic Cells
• regulation  Nucleoid (no nucleus)
• homeostasis  No membrane-bound organelles
• energy processing  Cell wall
Order  Some prokaryotes have flagella or pili
• Organisms are highly organized
• Organisms respond to diverse stimuli
• Organisms can reproduce, creating new life
• Organisms grow and develop
• Organisms have regulatory mechanisms to cope
with environmental stresses
• Organisms have regulatory mechanisms to cope
with environmental stresses
Energy Processing
• All organisms use a source of energy for their Eukaryotic Cells
metabolic activities. • Typically larger than a prokaryotic cell
• Photosynthesis • True nucleus
• Cellular Respiration • meaning its DNA is surrounded by a
Organization of Matter membrane
• Atoms: the fundamental unit of matter • Other membrane-bound organelles
• Atoms form molecules Relative Sizes of Cells
- Many molecules that are biologically
important are macromolecules
• Aggregates of macromolecules form organelles
• Organelles together create a cell
Organization of Life
• From a single organelle to the entire biosphere,
living organisms are part of a highly structured

What is Biodiversity?
• Biodiversity refers to the variety of life and its
• variety among different living organisms
• the variety within populations
These phylogenetic trees show the relationship of the
three domains of life—Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya
Taxonomy is the science of classifying organisms.
Branches of Biology Energy Levels
- are designated by a number and the symbol “n.” For
example, 1n represents the first energy level located
closest to the nucleus.
 Electrons fill orbitals in a consistent order: they
first fill the orbitals closest to the nucleus, then they
continue to fill orbitals of increasing energy further
from the nucleus.
The Octet Rule
- states that with the exception of the innermost shell
(which holds 2 electrons) that atoms are more stable
energetically when they have eight electrons in
their valence shell, the outermost electron shell.
Electron Orbitals
Scientific Inquiry - are the area where an electron is most likely to be
• Forming a Hypothesis – Hypotheses must be found. These relatively complex shapes result from the
testable and falsifiable. fact that electrons behave not just like particles, but also
• Experimental Design – Consider sample size and like waves.
selection and how to avoid bias. Contrasting Orbitals with the Bohr Model
• Experimental Variables – Determine the While the concepts of electron shells and orbitals are
independent and dependent variables and what closely related, orbitals provide a more accurate
variables to control in the experiment. depiction of the electron configuration of an atom
• Interpreting Results – Gather data by measuring because the orbital model specifies the different shapes
the dependent variable then assess whether the and orientations of all the places that electrons may
results are statistically significant occupy.
Chemical Bonds
Chemistry of Life Since not all elements have enough electrons to fill their
outermost shells, atoms form chemical bonds with other
Matter atoms thereby obtaining the electrons they need to
Matter attain a stable electron configuration. When two or
- is any substance that occupies space and has mass. more atoms chemically bond with each other, the
Elements resultant chemical structure is a molecule.
- are unique forms of matter with specific chemical and Chemical Bonds and Molecules
physical properties that cannot be broken down into Molecules
smaller substances by ordinary chemical reactions. - are two or more atoms chemically bonded together.
The Atom When two atoms form a molecule, their electrons, which
- the smallest unit of matter that retains all of the form the outermost region of each atom, come together
chemical properties of an element. Atoms are made up first.
of protons and neutrons located within the nucleus, with Ions
electrons orbiting the nucleus. Some atoms are more stable when they gain or lose an
Atomic Number electron (or possibly two) and form ions. This fills their
Atoms of each element contain a characteristic number outermost electron shell and makes them energetically
of protons and electrons. more stable. Because the number of electrons does not
The number of protons determines an element’s atomic equal the number of protons, each ion has a net charge.
number and is used to distinguish one element from Cations
another. - are positive ions that are formed by losing electrons.
Isotopes Anions.
Isotopes are different forms of the same atom that vary - negative ions are formed by gaining electrons and are
only in the number of neutrons they possess. called anions.
Atomic mass
- is the calculated mean of the mass number for the Electron Transfer
naturally occurring isotopes of an element. The movement of electrons from one element to another
How is the Periodic Table Organized? is referred to as electron transfer.
The elements are organized and displayed according to Ionic bonds form between ions with opposite charges
their atomic number and are arranged in a series of rows Covalent Bonds
and columns based on shared chemical and physical - the sharing of electrons between atoms to
properties. form covalent bonds. These bonds are stronger and
The periodic table also displays the element’s atomic much more common than ionic bonds in the molecules
mass. of living organisms
Electron Shells and the Bohr Model Types of Covalent Bonds
The Bohr model shows the atom as a central nucleus • Polar
containing protons and neutrons, with the electrons in Electrons are unequally shared by the atoms and are
circular orbitals at specific distances from the nucleus. attracted more to one nucleus than the other. A slightly
These orbits are also called energy levels because takes positive (δ+) or slightly negative (δ–) charge develops.
less energy for electrons to be in the shell closest to the • Nonpolar
nucleus. Electrons are equally shared.
Common Covalent Bonds Sulfhydryl
 Polar
 Characterized by presence of Sulfur
 Simple branched structure
- a substance that increases the concentration of
hydrogen ions (H+) in a solution, usually by having one
of its hydrogen atoms dissociate.
- provides either hydroxide ions (OH–) or other
negatively charged ions that combine with hydrogen
ions, reducing their concentration in the solution and
thereby raising the pH.
The pH Scale
- measures the concentration of hydrogen ions in a
solution. It is an inverse logarithm and ranges from 0 to
14. Anything below 7.0 (ranging from 0.0 to 6.9) is
Hydrogen Bonds acidic, and anything above 7.0 (from 7.1 to 14.0) is
The hydrogen electron in polar covalent bonds is pulled alkaline. Extremes in pH in either direction from 7.0 are
more strongly toward the other element and away from usually considered inhospitable to life.
the hydrogen, leaving the hydrogen atom with a slight
positive charge.
It is attracted to neighboring negative charges forming a
weak bond called a hydrogen bond.
Functional Groups
Carbon has four electrons in its outermost shell and can
form four bonds, creating molecules vital to cellular
function. Carbon and hydrogen can form hydrocarbon
chains or rings.
Functional groups are groups of atoms that confer
specific properties to hydrocarbon (or substituted
hydrocarbon) chains or rings that define their overall
chemical characteristics and function.
 Polar
 Hydrophilic
 Characterized by presence of Hydrogen and
Oxygen Buffers
 Simple structure Buffers readily absorb excess H+ or OH–, keeping the
Carboxyl pH in the narrow range required for survival.
Charged, ionized to release H+. Since carboxyl groups Chemical Reactions
can release H+ ions into a solution, they are considered - occur when two or more atoms bond together to form
acidic. molecules or when bonded atoms are broken apart.
Characterized by central C bound to O and OH The substances used in the beginning of a chemical
Acidic reaction are called the reactants (usually found on the
Amino left side of a chemical equation), and the substances
- Charged, accepts H+ to form NH3+. Since amino found at the end of the reaction are known as
groups can remove H+ from solution, they are the products (usually found on the right side of a
considered basic chemical equation).
- Characterized by presence of Nitrogen 2H + O → H2O
- Branched structure Compounds
Phosphate - such as water, contain atoms of more than one type of
Charged, ionizes to release H+. Since phosphate groups element.
can release H+ ions into solution, they are considered Chemical Equations
acidic. In a balanced chemical equation, the number of atoms of
Characterized by presence of Phosphorus each element is the same on each side of the equation.
Complex structure
Methyl Types of Chemical Reactions
 Nonpolar • Irreversible
 Characterized by presence of Hydrogen and can proceed in one direction until the reactants are all
Carbon used up. The equations that describe these reactions
 Simple structure contain a unidirectional arrow and are irreversible.
Carbonyl • Reversible
 Polar can go in either direction. Reactants are turned into
 Characterized by central Carbon and Oxygen products until the concentration of products reaches a
 Bound to 2 organic side groups certain threshold, then they are converted back into
 Double bond to oxygen increases the polarity reactants. Ultimately, a relative balance occurs—a state
called equilibrium.
Anabolic and Catabolic Pathways Peptide Bonds
 Anabolic pathways use energy to assemble large • The sequence and the number of amino acids
molecules form smaller ones. ultimately determine the protein’s shape, size, and
 Catabolic pathways break large molecules into function. The amino acids are attached by a covalent
small pieces, releasing energy. bond, known as a peptide bond, which is formed by a
Enzymes dehydration reaction. The carboxyl group of one amino
- are proteins that speed up reactions by reducing the acid and the amino group of the incoming amino acid
activation energy. Each enzyme typically binds only one combine, releasing a molecule of water.
substrate. Enzymes are not consumed during a reaction; Protein Structure
instead they are available to bind new substrates and The shape of a protein is critical to its function.
catalyze the same reaction repeatedly. To understand how the protein gets its final shape or
How Enzymes Work conformation, we need to understand the four levels of
• An enzyme reduces the energy barrier required protein structure: primary, secondary, tertiary, and
to activate the substrate, allowing more quaternary
substrates to become activated, which increases • Primary Structure
the rate of product formation. The unique sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide
Open and Closed Systems chain is its primary structure.
• An open system is one in which energy can be • Genes and Primary Structure
transferred between the system and its • The unique sequence for every protein is
surroundings. Biological organisms are open ultimately determined by the gene encoding the
systems. protein. A change in nucleotide sequence of the
• A closed system is one that cannot transfer gene’s coding region may lead to a different
energy to its surroundings. amino acid being added to the growing
The First Law of Thermodynamics polypeptide chain, causing a change in protein
Energy may be transferred from place to place or structure and function.
transformed into different forms, but it cannot be • Secondary Structure
created or destroyed. The local folding of the polypeptide in some regions
gives rise to the secondary structure of the protein.
• Tertiary Structure
- is determined by a variety of chemical interactions
including hydrophobic interactions, ionic bonding,
hydrogen bonding and disulfide linkages.
• Quaternary Structure
Some proteins are formed from several polypeptides,
also known as subunits, and the interaction of these
subunits forms the quaternary structure.
Weak interactions between the subunits help to
stabilize the overall structure.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics

All energy transfers result in the loss of some usable
energy. The second law of thermodynamics states that
every energy transfer increases the entropy,
randomness or disorder, of the universe. Even though
living things are highly ordered and maintain a state of
low entropy, the entropy of the universe in total is
constantly increasing.

Important Biological Macromolecules

- are one of the most abundant organic molecules in
living systems and have the most diverse range of
functions of all macromolecules.
Each cell in a living system may contain thousands of
proteins, each with a unique function and structure.
All proteins are polymers of amino acids arranged in a
linear sequence.
Amino acids
- are the monomers that make up proteins.
Each amino acid has the same fundamental structure,
which consists of a central carbon atom, also known as
the alpha (α) carbon, bonded to an amino group (NH2),
a carboxyl group (COOH), a hydrogen atom, and an R
Denaturation Carbohydrates
• If the protein is subject to changes in - are a group of macromolecules that are a vital energy
temperature, pH, or exposure to chemicals, the protein source for the cell and provide structural support to
structure may change, losing its shape without losing its plant cells, fungi, and all of the arthropods that include
primary sequence in what is known as denaturation. lobsters, crabs, shrimp, insects, and spiders.
• Denaturation may be reversible or irreversible. Carbohydrates are classified as monosaccharides,
• Denaturation leads to loss of function. disaccharides, and polysaccharides depending on the
Protein Folding number of monomers in the molecule.
• Protein folding is critical to its function. Monosaccharides are simple sugars.
• Proteins often receive assistance in the folding Glucose, galactose, and fructose are common
process from protein helpers known as chaperones (or monosaccharides
chaperonins) that associate with the target protein MonosaccharideRings
during the folding process. They act by preventing Monosaccharides can be linear chains or as ring-shaped
aggregation of polypeptides that make up the complete molecules.
protein structure, and they disassociate from the Disaccharides
protein once the target protein is folded. Monosaccharides are linked by glycosidic bonds that are
Protein Types and Functions formed as a result of dehydration reactions, forming
disaccharides and polysaccharides with the elimination
of a water molecule for each bond formed.
Common disaccharides include lactose, maltose, and
• Starch and glycogen, examples of
polysaccharides, are the storage forms of glucose in
plants and animals, respectively.
• Polysaccharides may also be structural
components, such as the long chains of glucose that
form cellulose.
• The long polysaccharide chains may be
branched like amylopectin (right) a constituent of
Lipids • Storage of glucose, in the form of polymers like
- a class of macromolecules that are nonpolar and starch or glycogen, makes it slightly less accessible for
hydrophobic in nature. metabolism; however, this prevents it from leaking out
- Major types include fats and oils, waxes, of the cell or creating a high osmotic pressure that could
phospholipids, and steroids. cause excessive water uptake by the cell.
Fats Nucleic acids
- a stored form of energy and are also known as - are the most important macromolecules for the
triacylglycerols or triglycerides. continuity of life. They carry the genetic blueprint of a
• Fats are made up of fatty acids and either cell and carry instructions for the functioning of the cell.
glycerol or sphingosine. The two main types of nucleic acids are
• Fatty acids may be unsaturated or saturated, 1. deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
depending on the presence or absence of double 2. ribonucleic acid (RNA)
bonds in the hydrocarbon chain. Nucleotides
Omega Fatty Acids • DNA and RNA are made up of monomers known
Alpha-linolenic acid is an example of an omega-3 fatty as nucleotides.
acid. It has three cis double bonds and, as a result, a • The nucleotides combine with each other to
curved shape. form a polynucleotide, DNA or RNA.
Waxes • Each nucleotide is made up of three
- covers the feathers of some aquatic birds and components: a nitrogenous base, a pentose (five-
the leaf surfaces of some plants. carbon) sugar, and a phosphate group. Each nitrogenous
- Because of the hydrophobic nature of waxes, base in a nucleotide is attached to a sugar molecule,
they prevent water from sticking on the surface which is attached to one or more phosphate groups.
as in the leaves at right. DNA Double Helix
- Waxes are made up of long fatty acid chains DNA is the genetic material found in all living organisms
esterified to long-chain alcohols. that is passed on from parents to offspring. DNA is an
Phospholipids antiparallel double helix. The phosphate backbone (the
- have a glycerol or sphingosine backbone to which two curvy lines) is on the outside, and the bases are on the
fatty acid chains and a phosphate-containing group are inside. Each base interacts with a base from the
attached. opposing strand.
Steroids Base Complimentary Rule
- are another class of lipids. Their basic structure has Only certain types of base pairing are allowed. This is
four fused carbon rings. known as the base complementary rule.
Cholesterol is a type of steroid and is an important A can pair with T, and G can pair with C.
constituent of the plasma membrane, where it helps to In this way, the DNA strands are complementary to each
maintain the fluid nature of the membrane. It is also the other. During DNA replication, each strand is copied,
precursor of steroid hormones such as testosterone. resulting in a daughter DNA double helix containing one
parental DNA strand and a newly synthesized strand.
RNA Comparing Macromolecules
• Ribonucleic acid, or RNA, is mainly involved in
the process of protein synthesis under the direction of
• RNA is usually single-stranded and is made of
ribonucleotides that are linked by phosphodiester
• A ribonucleotide in the RNA chain contains
ribose (the pentose sugar), one of the four nitrogenous
bases (A, U, G, and C), and the phosphate group.
• There are four major types of RNA: messenger Dehydration Synthesis
RNA (mRNA), ribosomal RNA (rRNA), transfer RNA Forming these macromolecules requires combined
(tRNA), and microRNA (miRNA). monomers together. Most monomers combine with each
mRNA other using covalent bonds to form larger molecules
Messenger RNA or mRNA, carries the message from known as polymers. In doing so, monomers release
DNA, which controls all of the cellular activities in a cell. water molecules as byproducts. This type of reaction is
If a cell requires a certain protein to be synthesized, the known as dehydration synthesis, which means “to put
gene for this product is turned “on” and the messenger together while losing water.”
RNA is synthesized in the nucleus. Hydrolysis
The RNA base sequence is complementary to the coding • Polymers are broken down into monomers in a
sequence of the DNA from which it has been copied but process known as hydrolysis, which means “to split
with the base U instead of T. water,” a reaction in which a water molecule is used
rRNA during the breakdown.
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is a major constituent of • During these reactions, the polymer is broken
ribosomes on which the mRNA binds. into two components: one gains a hydrogen atom (H+)
The rRNA ensures the proper alignment of the mRNA and the other gains a hydroxyl molecule (OH–) from a
and the ribosomes; the rRNA of the ribosome also has split water molecule.
an enzymatic activity (peptidyl transferase) and Energy and Macromolecules
catalyzes the formation of the peptide bonds between • Dehydration and hydrolysis reactions are
two aligned amino acids. catalyzed, or “sped up,” by specific enzymes.
tRNA • Dehydration reactions involve the formation of
Transfer RNA (tRNA) is one of the smallest of the four new bonds, requiring energy, while hydrolysis reactions
types of RNA, usually 70–90 nucleotides long. break bonds and release energy.
It carries the correct amino acid to the site of protein • Breakdown of these macromolecules provides
synthesis. It is the base pairing between the tRNA and energy for cellular activities.
mRNA that allows for the correct amino acid to be
inserted in the polypeptide chain.
- are the smallest RNA molecules and their role involves
the regulation of gene expression by interfering with the
expression of certain mRNA messages.
Features of DNA and RNA

The Central Dogma of Life

• Information flow in an organism takes place
from DNA to RNA to protein.
• DNA dictates the structure of mRNA in a process
known as transcription, and RNA dictates the structure
of protein in a process known as translation.
• This is known as the Central Dogma of Life,
which holds true for all organisms.
Comparing Macromolecules

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