PHY 103 Practice Problem Set - 7 IITK /ynm April 30, 2021

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IPSA: Interactive Problem-Solving Access -6

PHY 103 Practice Problem Set –7 IITK /ynm April 30, 2021

1. Case Study 7.1 Hall Effect

The equation of motion of an average electron in a conductor is given as
𝑑𝑝⃗ 𝑝⃗
= 𝐹⃗𝑒𝑥𝑡 −
𝑑𝑡 𝜏
where τ is a average collision time for the electron to loose its energy gained from the external
force field, and start all over again before it suffers another such collision. You can view it as a
gas of mobile electros against the fixed charge of ions which keep the whole conductor
The conductor obeys Ohm’s Law i.e. 𝐽⃗ = 𝜎0 𝐸⃗⃗, where 𝜎0 is the conductivity of the conductor,
and 𝐽⃗ = −𝑛𝑒𝑣⃗, where is the n is the concentration of mobile electrons in the metal, and 𝑣⃗ is
the drift velocity of the electron under and electric field.
𝑛𝑒 2 𝜏
a) Show that the conductivity of the conductor is given as 𝜎0 = 𝑚
, where m is the mass of
the electron.
b) Now consider that such a metal rectangular block of length L , width w and thickness d (
𝐿 × 𝑤 × 𝑑) is connected such the a constant current is J flows in x-direction due to an
impressed field 𝐸𝑥 , and a magnetic field 𝐵𝑧 is applied in z-direction. The geometry of the
arrangement is shown in the Figure, show that

𝐸𝑥 1 1 𝜔𝑐 𝜏 𝑗𝑥
(𝐸 ) = ( ) (𝑗 )
𝑦 𝜎0 −𝜔𝑐 𝜏 1 𝑦

Notice that under crossed magnetic field now there can be in principle a current in y-
c) Now let the sample be connected to voltmeter across the width in the y-direction such
that no current flows since the voltmeter has very high input resistance. Obtain voltage
measured by the voltmeter and its sign.
d) Show how to measure the electron concentration of the metal from the voltage so
measured knowing the current density 𝑗𝑥 and magnetic field 𝐵𝑧 .
w x
𝑬𝒙 d 𝑱𝒙

e) A material bar (0.25x0.10x0.02 m3) has a steady current of 50 mA flowing in it. On

application of 𝐵𝑧 =0. 8 T, a Hall voltage of 800µV is measured. Find the free electron
concertation in the material.
IPSA: Interactive Problem-Solving Access -6

2. Case Study 7.2 Cyclotron accelerator:

a) Charged particles are accelerated to high energies in a cyclotron. But, we know that
magnetic field in cyclotron motion does not provide energy but only changes direction. How
is energy increased in a cyclotron?

b) What is the advantage of acerating charges in a cyclotron rather than in a linear

accelerator with high electric field.
c) Once you know how exactly energy of the charged particles is increased in a cyclotron,
consider the case of a proton to eb acerated from rest. The cyclotron has a radius of 60 cm
and a magnetic field of 0.8 T. The potential difference across the Dees is 75kV. Find
i) the frequency of the alternating potential difference.
ii) the maximum kinetic energy,
iii) the number of revolutions made by the protons.

3. Case Study 7.3 Mass Spectrometer

In a mass spectrometer, a beam of singly charged carbon clusters of C60 and C70 are
⃗⃗ normal to the
accelerated from rest by a potential difference V. Then they enter a uniform 𝐵
field lines. Find the ratio of the radii of their trajectories.



r Plate

4. Case Study 7.4 : Velocity Selector

Design a region with perpendicular uniform E and B fields, such that particles with a
distribution of speeds enter the region but a particle of particular speed only emerge out of
the device following a straight-line path.

[Note: Case studies are important for this course even from examination point of view. They are
simple problems but have to be understood in terms of the context in which the problem is posed.]

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