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Name: Gonzales, Jetro Mark D.

Date: 04/15/2021
Year/Course/Section: 2 BSMA-A Score:

Exercise 6

1. Find the probability using the Z-table and sketch the area corresponding to the probability asked. Let
a. P(Z < - 1.24) = 0.10749

P(Z < - 1.24)

-1.24 0

b. P(Z > 2.06) = 1 - P(Z < 2.06) = 1 - 0.9803 = 0.0197

P(Z > 2.06)

0 2.06
c. P( - 1.645 < Z < 1.645)
➢ P(Z < -1.645) = 0.05
P(Z < 1.645) =0.95
0.95 – 0.05 =0.90

P( - 1.645 < Z < 1.645)

-1.645 0 1.645

d. P( - 2.87 < Z < 0)

P(Z < -2.87) = 0.0021
P(Z < 0) = 0.5
0.5 – 0.0021 = 0.4979

P(-2.87 < Z < 0)

-2.87 0
2. Find the unknown constant a given the area under the curve.
a. P (Z < a) = 0.9475
➢ 0.9475 = P(Z < 1.621)

b. P(Z < a) = 0.112

➢ 0.112 = P(Z < -1.216)

c) P( -a < Z< a) = 0.95

➢ 0.95 = P(-1.96 < Z < 1.96)
0.95 = P(Z < 1.96) – P(Z < - 1.96)
0.95 = 0.975 - 0.025
0.95 = 0.95

3. A vending machine automatically pours soft drinks into cups. The amount of soft drink dispensed into
a cup is normally distributed with a mean 0f 7.6 ounces and standard deviation of 0.4 ounce.
a. Estimate the probability that the machine will overflow an 8 –ounce cup.
X ~ N(7.6,0.4); P(X < 8)
➢ P((X < 8) = 1 - P(Z > 𝜎 )
= 1- P(Z > 0.4 ) = 1 - P(Z > 1)
P( > 1) = 1 – 0.8413
P(Z > 1) = 0.1587 or 16%

b. Estimate the probability that the machine will not overflow an 8-ounce cup.
➢ P(X < 8) = P(Z < 𝜎 )
= P(Z < )
P(Z < 1) = 0.8413 or 84%

c. In what range would you expect to find the middle 75% of the amount of soft drinks dispensed in the
8- ounce cup?
1- 0.75 = 2 = 0.125
𝑋1 = 𝑍0.125 = -1.15 𝑋2 = 𝑍0.125 = 1.15

𝑋1 = µ + (-1.15)𝜎
= 7.6 + (-1.15)0.4
= 7.14

𝑋1 = µ + (-1.15)𝜎
= 7.6 + (1.15)0.4
= 8.06

P(7.14 < X < 8.06)

75% of the amount of soft
drinks dispensed in the 8-
ounce cup

7.14 8.06
6.8 7.2 7.6 8 8.4

d. The machine has just been loaded with 884 cups. How many of these do you expect will overflow
when served?
➢ 0.1587 x 884 = 140.29 or 140 cups

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