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TheBusiness SYA ose Spas ata A MACMILLAN Ti he Business 2.0. B2 UPPER INTERMEDIATE To the student ‘The objtve of eBusiness 2 to hep you ean tw things: hw odo busines in England the langage you nec todo The new langage ad stares ae peered in ‘he Stadents Hook hist the eWorkhook provides language practice nd extension Heres summary of what ou wil find in each, Student's Book ‘The modules ‘The Students Book conaine 48 modules in eight units Hac ni des with a key scar of cy nthe busines word There aes ferent peso made ‘These modules contain information ad language fr the topic to ech unt The ‘ocusanunderstanding the topic and the guna scse of the tats dort Wor 00 mach about deta such 5 new vocabulary “These mdiesbulon the important words and phrases associated with the topic and provid thorough prac “These meds help you practi the grammar in communicative sn meaningful ‘Naya Donner stsone eating ote unt topic Boor yu se ond ne here Sour memory bor trem yourself the Key grammar poi Lic he Grammar ard prascesnton a the beck of the boa for coalition So ‘These males rule practice forthe most important types of dosent you wl need ‘wteatwork You anabsea model text focus on Ke language sd we Bath 53 bass ‘or doing wrong output ety. research ery modal nies an nme esearch ak to encourage ou to explore the top ‘mor del The ass can be dane bor or afer working on te mode, Remember ht {o search oran exc hse, you ma get more acute Yess you pt quotation mars wound 8.4 Speaking Negotiating a compromise compromise Fuonptonat/ noun coun/uncount ew ‘olin problem or ending un argument in which both Rene pa ay comet ee premium /yimisay noun cont] an amount of maney ald in ndaon fo the normal amount Customers we Prepared pay «premium for ana goods shade tee ed! noun col a roe which ows bow ther pans roetng he rom the sun and Prong satura abt for ds an nina 2.5 writing Aavertive writing annoying tn! adjective making you et slgly ‘ray or Inpatent assertive [oss adjective behing in eonient ‘re nwhich jou ae quc a expeess our lon and Felines evasive ven acjctive no aking or answering "eon nan one ay submissive ms adectve willing to do wha other People tt you todo witht ang sth Fa vert ive rast ork es ‘ism again someone: Bure se the newspaper or 26 case study Green Wills Coffee binding Pounao’aajecive Can agree contact, ‘deco, ning ou us do what as Remember ta this «lal inn document ‘rach // noun foun afar fllo aa oF ‘alee i broach of something he onan at Toad o bem breech of enaronnentleuatons gentlaman's agreement ssn inant oan eon a basis cement In which people ust ‘Sch ether withoat wien coma Jsopardize denna! vr rans sk damaing ordering something imporant practice Ppeatit noun enuntcount aa of doing someting epi a arenhof abcstm ia tur blind eye (0 something) sino Nn ivase io pet jou donot pte something, ees Sousould do sumthing abou it but ado not wan fo Based on the success ofthe original edition, competitive international business environment. Why it works for Business English students: - | an overview of how business works, covered right atthe beginning. Topics include business organization and CVs. and covering letters. each module is dlearly linked to key business topes: * Personal development + Service + Supply chain + Management and career * Sales and marketing Enterprise International trade Sent se ZA MACMILLAN rr meemillanengishcom Ce oi 0 Kt b 0 -\) ee 1S YAR oo Sst. Building the next business generation preted Business English students the fundamentals and skils they need to succeed inthe continues ta offer | the modular structure allows You to dip in and out. This the course you can make your own. ae een egal part of the course on your own computer or laptop. ‘This includes extra language practice, tests {and word lists, and audio and video you can ‘download for on-the-go learning. ee professionals are those with great emotional Intelligence. Special speaking tasks and the case studies focus on this delicate but vita 'Sth Corse Parner Pat Other features Inada the el mai nits he Stade Book contains he lowing “This opening eton intros oa to bas bans pres and vocabulary provides solid feundton for sot liom in he cous ap wil py pet ic moa etal components ot Busines ‘Thee ns can be med in thee wap: to const your work the nit to cach up aici Jue mise ewan and to eve blue sso a ‘Additonal material ‘This cton contin all heat materials sou need to do alr or group wrk acts ‘Grammar and practice ‘Thssecton ges sell sumay of amma ues with clear examples 2 also provides further practic oh eset yumm ps in his evel fhe cure Recerings Pal et of a the aun recordings re provided allowing oo tay th aul dao in Seti Hone ry not ey on eng them to undertand te itis tery len You dnt eo ndertand every word, st the in ies Glonay Ineach modal, thre i dort lossy of wards you may no The don for thee ae inthe Glory the aco the bcc Worden od ae hpregueny lens which ou should {toler ad eT ters ac te words you js need fo undtsund ‘Workbook “eBusiness 0 eWoekbook provides venga would ina print Workbook, well ‘eta multimedia resources es aly ended or seletdyor homestay snd cote Iter to supor and eahance the aves te Stents Book. anguape practice ‘Thistestion conan ce to comldt the gue resented in the Stents Book, Yh can pnts prammar calor neni promencaion, edi and i ‘Th ection contin video lp and worse! ossompany each unt inthe Stent Book ‘The vdeo cee eps find tht sate communieatn and pele sls in (et nt The eee alow ya to practi he acto langnge nthe ea “onc es youl ay plat in the couse sing the eNahook, by etn ter he ine oF ‘hermber ueston Your tt scores re eared for your eee. Print and work “Thissction fra penand paper version fhe actives in he Langage patie section cn alo downlad the aud tha regia for these ace Grammar help ‘Youn reef this soon for lp samara nd example Word ete ‘Theta contain th ey words nd eins rm th Veablary mls inthe Dietnary ‘se the Dito Tol oink tothe Maclin Dona ontine bitp/vrwmacandicionarycom, Weg tne ‘Thissecion proves explanations and exer on aspects of wring sch sping, punctuation and pregaphing ‘Thi seston conan al the audio recog rom the Stents Book and eWorkbook. oper ‘ith he audios You ca downoad al he mera nhs section ta ble device fr Tsering on te me | ‘We sincerely hope ou wil soy working with Business 0. Good ik Job Alison Jeremy Townend Pel Emeron PAGESES Busnessarganizaton Economiccydes Sreakewen aalis Vs an ecritment Sr ca “UF Theeducton busnett 1.2 Eacation and career uiding sang tat peso? Callao ata hake 2 21 I soltions 122 Information ystems and 23 Comparing solutions Information Big Te icy ormancatin Snseting help cor teat ne conten ns setts 2 31 what quality means 22 Quality andstandards 3.3 Passe structures and aati eng Tao knaeofquaity Yet hhvesomethig done ce Dion ‘alenfrgiares jectnreing 9 uty eptpariepr ree ‘iment ty sed Colueatoneeatng oauaty ard wetanne masa Barwon inca ‘esomehing ne 4 41 The project 442 Managing people and 43 Roget specation Feedback feadingSnele tempt ORCS tae ee Dmamonfrejecmanenent Chaat dite rods have epastpape cai Agevesfordectr pos Troan ‘Sinai oon red nvbee neo : TEER Soreness eee lagnoe Gidea igietietcn, fess =" fae Pie See ‘nae Sopeannem — feere sire ae ee ee oe in Sea : ears ‘atimctnmersnd JB met ee sat =" eae ee e 8.1 Faire or fee rade? 8.2 Contracts and corporate fame Ramones Sperotunecal tener od baled Cig eon oa Sommers Adduenal materiel mais ea) Grarmar and pracce pais iz97 Recordings mae Business fundamentals > ype of ess busines modes ondmanagerert | 5 wa pares, decide whch Indus group and sector hese companies belong to GAS ong Carfour china fe GlSnitiine Google Nese Tot innerip Seer ois acres Ol gapmet oN Anti HY Tasco —_Gia Fwy 8 ap: dil Mea bg Inia Caer tropes & ete Pci cic cr Eeuipmer faiceng,Trareporation Bs Spar Sees an once a a ustry group and sector. [Es te large companies in your county. ety the Reading (El ea he summaries and name companies or peopl you know for ach agony. “ype of business Sate tno popisthp The bine scaly ene pn wh espe Frei io ormor poplin th huss gue. Al puters shar pofisan me Uneaten ea sy th uno Tecate Le share ced oe Pi Tubticied company ooatonplanin) Te span ones shale ‘hoes de ond who may gum cra meney fe ae ps post or Som. Business model a hades bane Compiling "aC sins conse Caparo nds (2t souaer came nds sl wis ‘aac rnc otras cee) Td pry endo orcad conpny’s estes ‘Menogement structure “Tae oad Chinn, CEO, CTO, Now ive Dhar “The inapement Condo management CPO CFO, Dis cf Misti, HB Tet. ‘Middle mages Manoel dvs depart ane ‘Storr ine management Sperone Discussion IE in groups, sus the questions 1 Which sectors and pe of snes would won ou ike to woke? Why? 2 Wace! of management Joyo hope reach nthe shorn ad de longer? > the estment ale ‘isha ester fot etn ‘oh he iver Reading IE Re the ari and choose the best ternative in Bold ‘The Business Cycle onomic growth usualy follows 2 pattern ofontacon and expansion Duncuate by troughs and peas ‘When an economy sin recession cena shank ower itera rues encturage Spending Aer reaching marke oto, technology and industrial sectors The Dull martes begins wel belo covery vovistble nthe ceonomy. ‘The stock market reaches market wp before fll recovery nthe eemomy and {Restor move nto sales and sevices Buta row neteabes se does ination find conral banks rte interest ates onder oconro | ‘Tae markets then expecta perad af contraction and become ears: nvestors prefer ‘sfavent im alaes and bons Econom growth stato ow He economy OES tno vecesson and the cyl continues 1 ret ats usualy Hse fin a paid of een 2 When aon reas conta banks lowe rae ees rates 5 Abullmarets optimise / pessimist shor the econo. 4 bear make begs bor after ees, 5 Bonds area mote popu investnent han tock ine Bull mare Bea market. IE fed the arcane mar statements 1-5 T(r) or fle. ‘The Investment Cycle ‘Te fst phase aecumulaton. After ‘he marke has boomed ators and sn azopers en buy at ace ‘Tn the mark-up phase the fer ofthe ‘major oftnvestrs of losing money ‘becomes weaker than te desi o make pret and investors became fst bulls, ‘hen excited and finaly even euphoric velmthe distribution phase vale investors esi osel Prices can ean high for some {igen greater fee investors contin to buy boping for further Yes. Eventual Drces drop and sellers sete for a reakeven ora sll ss Mark down s the most painful phase ts oly when the market as plunged 50% or ‘ave chet many sovestis ft pani ten pve 1 Barly adopter are unig oa ks) 2 Into buy whan de mets bulls and sl when is beash 3 Moat aero ty when pie regan sel when hey ane aig CD During the detbuon ase, valve uvestrs wal ut pres beg oop beer sling] ‘Greater ol estos preter toma a sal os rather than accept a breaeven. 1 In groups, cus the questions 1 What sge ofthe busines eyes th cone in now? How lng wits? 2 What rhe advantages and dsudventages for ndvduls companies an counties when ot as) ase Tove neet ts? Business fundamentals econ | aes heading Pept er or Zakandz2e> za toomts Duchy ‘ica strony fated thrown _Saerome infoperdent enon cou racrdliel ve “toa gsssa ‘Slrrvenue eareage azn pee ‘rable con Focordsrceves round baer eC fn ‘alee {rs recommended eal peeo|RRPI tom = = a ‘oslo hen stan torecore 1 Sos st oraund 60% of RAP Coss te tints entcat nears stomen's sterce vetoes (81000 reears. Cir inning breakeven pnts see Whats ore, te music bisnessis gong ough aajor evouton wt th ie a “oanlaed (00) For2azeD ecars,0 sales aro bad nee: APs are sioneay Tomer, satough rmanuoctnng cots Secase tose ard reyes one he weit ‘hanfor Ce, IE ca breakeven ana chart with Can the verti als rom 010750 and sls on {ie horeontal ans rom 1K to TOOK. the cxample on page 79) Eee te fain Information 1 Draws orizoil ine epesenting ZaZeD Racor fed costs 2 Plt thc aes venues or sero 1000 an) 10,00 abumsand dea a salt Tne conesing tee tw pint 5 Pll he tala nc pn ale cost forte of) 10000 and) 10,00 albums fie drew aight ne coecting hee to points 44 Withaprne et th sa eenut scot for ta ownade rahe than (CDs Deng anti clour daw ns for BD reves anda couse he car. ‘Dra vera lies orth horizon othe pnts where te revere and eal ots Ter ert idly the spate breakeven poms Discussion Elin smal group, dese he questions. 1 What or of queions dow a breseven anal prvi answers? 2. Wintare the lmpicaon athe end towards cgi downloads for ord abel ass, > wwting your CV Collocations ‘ie wn rg lemon ates ened proce eetoned erence |. oon Setter ia. Tot [Ed wth a partner brinstxm mare nouns that collate with hese ‘power verbs "See Writing and roleplay shiectve [Emagine youre te yas fom now Using the framework belo complete your CV raeronce ‘wth calladons tom Etrser and Thon exchange Cs witha pra ond reps ob sup Intevsewa fr poions you would ite to obtain inten yeas ne Name Date bith Nationality Contact details Sls ables References 1 Building a career BA’'2a crc cree reer Discussion, IE in smal groups escss the questions below. 1 What ference does dere make to your carer and your ering petit? How much does dete eure cos ingour county? ow much does it ost» aivery to pve dogs course? ‘Who shou ay for igher education” ‘Shou student fom cher sie ay more han thos fom pore nes? Scan reading IE fea wnat rice a degre? opposite and identity which pons n Exercise 1 216 ‘ect Reading for detail [Ed ead the ate gun and choose the best answer o each question, 2) wir access ©) wide cos and aver ub 2 How much does the UK gorcenmoncoatbute rads the eos ofa degree? 4) sound £100,000 3) beeen 3000 and £100.00 “ow do scholarships appear to favour students fom wealthy fails? 8) they are beter prepared, ) they he eu! opportunites © they ean py frauds 4 ht ondebe gett the social beni of dheton dono ete son? 2) "ache er resus tanta he oe pends Sabicmtie : oo 2 ths ana ere Listening and discussion EBD 101-10 tsten to four stadens eacing tothe ate, Math eo speaker 1-8 with {he caret summary 9-4 2) Education shoud Re forall, =) 5) Unease bent o 2) Lett ores decide q 4) Rewreunvensti forte. [Ed oisuss your own reactions tothe arte and your opinions on etm in eduction, 1 Building a career oe > econ vers for Brainstorming 1 vers rlting to areer | Think ofa many ood reasons a posible fo studying busines __*83___ re ltr botow seus atone for attending busines school. Chose ane ve for ‘3c of 1-100 complete the eter with he caret alcstions ar So sd lice st in be sha ld ote soe syprsnty gu ows mat wove ro @) mae aged ih sire ue ste fo vel gig / tang prvng iby 2 tving booing aig are ge hae era 2 {eG gong dg / iting os 2) din ang earings e0 ‘i oa el Bohne rar atin gears oes SPL ela do ata raced ea a aly (0) kann / ga ‘eae ness. eta br ememe [El Look agin ate let you made In Exerc. re any ofthe es inthe ater to Sonia ‘he same at Yous? Which pases woul you ado your IB [Ei wits pares, decide whieh colocation rom Exerc 2 relate to potesionl ater {han personal experanc, Ure them trite stones about yourseiver that you could Reading and vocabulary [Ey Complete te extract about how to py for studs with the verbs fom the box. ee ee tyre not aky enough tobe manied toa milena ot hate pons wth very deep pockets, you maybe wendeng ow > 0. the nent tp your education Customs ary fom ‘ourty fo coury. On fo most ppulrsluons to @. sient an somtimes tere fo oF ‘eduction renyabi wen you sei t-te wrk Mary stunts who ae unable (3) money om ends octal preter 0 ‘amaaivos by ering pate, fd somo are tao). ‘grants ro local govemant or 6) ‘thoareipe fom tar universes. youre Sead Inert parading your employer to (7) —_———_ you sis =insome cous, compares ae bound by law Yo cobs touard ther eiaton Discussion FEET) et rene avant ctaraags of mets faci your Stn noone te ln dys essaes Ed Wink witha prin oso ig te ution ad exchange iorton © ee inte Tebarponorebasneatonans cation States tats pay en Sect nto page He aes [Eile bout your educa, wos erent rom your pret educaion? What sort of Hater, calmly he oo owe con soho? Ecco SS Vocabulary compte te CV wth appropriate ston verbs rom he boxes. Thenuse them to write Sevens for your own CV. 2106-2008 Sales manage ity epee eee a ncetve rae programmes 0 Boar oF Diet Ghee ands) —__ ne sats ops ‘3 Sas tgs forever sh (6) annie y 2058 raced cesgned dew yp Inplmened managed motiated 208-2011 Saes and marketing manager; Hondo Holiday Tes a ale mati and) moat averse mins. 8} Sas) eam aF ieee operates ay wig and (1), repair anew commence division Paraphrasing [cd which ers fom the ox can reer to people who: Jabedimined tobe hid off tobe made redundant tobe on aint ‘Shepromsted tobereting tobenmpenges tobe tarstenee secant ening vig no work 4 aveleaing jo hy were unhapy wth 2 icity pierce $e king gris cane, remaking pose carer nave 6 es ef doco dips problems Listening for gist IBD 3 s0=-10 stem ton speakers ting about carer chant. Use eeprstons rm rors 100 derrbe ach staan wit prin iss the stations blow, What would you doit: yu were promoted to job ou ew was to fie for ou? Jou wer tude redundant ae 23 yar seis? ou were uni mind fr harassing a emplye? You av ingour nto the ay lr he em announce a 35s increase? You wee tandeed wo Ask? sarwere on bate fora ea? Listening and discussion Die stent thee people taking about carer choles. Make ots on the problems they fc, Daca what you woul Jo an why. Then compare our ses with page 178. 1 Building a career Tene review Analysis sew ie mao in bos a ny ie ithe pret soe Cain ate aay i pectin mater int oxy dat wth bpp and 60 sendy ever for in stat never (nt) sine when With parts ntevaw each ther bout the pst presen and ute Ask and ser the questions baton The past The ftw ‘When you et? ‘iat do you una)? What arya going on? {hat were yeu ding when... What oyu dolfyutee..? How aeyou gona to? Belreyouhadyousnet?Atthemonent whats” When syau tine you 7 What wouldjouaedoneif you.” hat youd? younasnt? ow many have you.” youve sreerey rch, Listening IED ss Evry tem yrs the rank Scho 101 sis organs reunion pr stent 2 onversaton between two of fodtes Fase Sid ess, and tke nots to anser the questions 8) Wat 1) Where di sce ding at the moment? ser wort before? Jc er ering tebaies cool? 1} What Jes doing a the momen 1) What ies ding soon. 1) What docs Peer ear sbout Jos? a 1 te ut your ose terse 4 canpetesetecs log eto we he caraee Roleplay BEET CD imagine youre tending os euion weny Jes om non in complete the le ora blow Taste ere carpe ‘cenmersin | You are now at the opening octal party Creuse around he room and tak 035 many [tysur fame caster ss pose Make pot onveraon flown he cs below ‘What. ltr iain calle? What pe Balloon debate [El Work ingroup of thee or four Youll work forthe same private business schoo Du to fudgetesttans tare not enough money to pay everbody salary so one person must [Be made redundant. Choose one othe porans blow, hen each reser etl of Your Bas. Sccomplshmens,cument projects a itr cbjeives The group must ‘hen die who es Imades good efor continuing and whe Maso drop out. ‘MARKETING MANIXGER — | PERSONNEL MANAGER ——————— ‘Aecomplshments Aecomplisments ‘Send poste age end ban nae ‘eaten ptesto, Ned op consis: Parr eerie co ‘range sonar by famous epee Projecte Projects Stop ew matte andinematonsl contacts; planet pformars eae reo ‘Sabah parnermipswinmaorcoportore inode student evar o teachers jective Objectives ‘Sloe en otto tan chats nthe wor ‘hers and longr olay fo a tat ‘pen season eve oarnert pd sbbetenls fora escheat HEATOF ADMINISTRATION DIRECTOR OF STUDIES — Accomplishments ‘Accomplishments Tate’ mcm o dttwitare ‘Shecped mune ogra a ovr wr Projects Projects ncopor tpensortissndgovonmerthedng: Slap elena methods fey Storer er wnrleged scons fron ava storm oreery suse twee Sects ‘or tie and tabi {eases neame wth ly SO% sy tr 1 Building a career > meni aieinns | Renee > cwresonorsiing | Listening and discussion mae [EB3 535-120 Listen to sicntrviow question. Which ar the most filo answer? > telyng job ew would you never te? . Listening Eh3 121-12 ova being itersewed for ao n marketing. Une to two extracts ‘em her itervew and answer the questo. 1 What wae th fet question? 2 Wha does Otay aboot bensimars an eda? 5 Wy does se css objentvs with Ream? 4 Wn waste scond abet? 5 What docs Oa say aout pope sib? {Wht ality hese demons ner previous experince? (EX 2 221-122 wes pornes fin suitable words to complete the expressions inthe ‘heclist. Then sen apn ond check your ese. Useful expressions: Giving reasons reding a pit & ype ie " Seeing bot sds Fer OS tno people he equation. Suton tether s eiiete aie ees resimportant not to desta what the company expects tut Istenvery eet othe feedback ast Foran ing ta tam rerio marketing, a for ‘aly otypesibe wen ‘hey snare tess hen eee a objec. copet work opt nin to sare aus ke reset nest nd Language focus TEX wit a partner se expesins for combining reasons and adding ideas to ‘complet these answers tontrview questions What were the queston? 1 Main fore vai set oof the oie 3 meet slat ot Aiferent poole eral nat uch ter than nyting eke slr? 2 Welles ver lose towhas mown a be Pas Valley ‘eis of bs ‘her are very yo commana ts one of he an bei ree the 1 | Building a career -ainstorming [Elin smal group, dvi th et below into Dor and Dons for witing dynamic over eters men you have fished, compare your teas with the ston pge 11. Dos and Don'ts star you ter ‘Dea Sir or Madar rite a ermal introduction nthe est paraoyaph sk rect tor an inten. rt at east 40 words the mere information you ge the ete. oe sophisticated language to make a good impression. follow the AIDA madel used in advertising stent, intros, si, action. Model [By completes cover eter with heaton vats rom the Bos oken capture developed dovtled eneeded modernized ottaned pte “present vained Si lome ova ope nt se ecatsn al ryproous postion, dreary) my MBAI aetna ark Ura 1 ania cant rhe onion oEuopoun Ses Mansy st Srl NAb. amy at ob snr ses reset to ony Etrahnnert (9) in ruc fortune case se a ie ‘reap anager tim Ove wo. yar pa, Ine). rsa iy caret sector a te etree int. anon cata het eo at re 9) ‘Sat pean | wou be op yidaas amore cet ate ard cal 00 ‘syne wots aranoaa masng Hyouhae ay quate, ease 861 cot Your sncee Analysis [El Decide th purpose of ach paragraph in Exercise 2 Which preprapysintended to: ‘econptaent Gucci ofthe applicants accomplishes? bee Brine reser ateon? {Ee te apt oc company, showing why the compary soul ie her? naar Language focus [El maeh sentence begining 1-10 with endings oo make typical dame sentances or ‘over tore. 1 My ougnng peony makes me 1) ny formal esation 2 Treen rane 1) tomect ith you (6 Jobs such as bartending enhanced 1 talk with you 9 Twethe alls emake 2 by working in aio averting sles Tlf ap ths et with 1) In Nitin Aton na Oregon 10 Team ranges tine 2 prodent of he dein sce. output [Ei nsmal group, end the two jo os For ech positon, Ist at east to qualies and two ‘ile thot he dol candidete should hove Based in Para, you wil promot the Bacadin London, but wah extn avo, relat taining eres o top Yourlb response or maintaining snd ‘ienatenal unio scoalto companies evalopng a nausshotc ramen video trough Europe, You wi generate and ares ating wi ead ees Japon foo up ead, andl Jove design nd inpemant marta nd presentation, prepare ‘Campaign for Europe he East ‘teue clan commitment before Randover and Aika, au ensure ht ost and prot {S'account manager, Sbjct ae met [El Divide into two teams A and Tam A slap forthe poston of Development officer {or easetveEdueton, and Team forthe posison of Brand Manage, EMEA, Faw the Insrctone blow fo write your cove eter By Yes fomtianc an tc fou exes tan Sve feretysees 2 an the our argraphs of your cove tr, sg the examples you ie above IE Exchange cover eters withthe other tam. Red the other ea’ ltrs and decide tc candistes to alto nerve Announce Your decson tothe ote eom Bicaine pong invaluable experience of B xematona business. Discussion Reading ‘weatnessar into of fealty to compete n= lob mack Mangalia Business School (MBS) seudents Founded in 98, Sapte bushes schoo onthe ack Seacoast dosetotheRomanian fy, Busnes Centre which z andutualhertagemakeittheealocaton gas foro summer schools anal yar yon ‘sccommodstion for 300studentsTheschook fers Cyrses Ingernatonay recognised undergraduate and talon tothe needs of ndvidual companies. a re Facuty arerecruted fom CenralEuropet mast Suse ‘orginedin oman, Bulge Hungary and . ame Listening EEE EM ED 2D 122 User oan exact tom s prernttion given by Rad ones the Dean of MES, ‘Gemenearaia” 1 Wha aeroavsis MBS fcing dc to lobalizton? ‘einsemhonmen 2 Wha doe ad Tones expt rm is ese? ftwmmeweus” Discussion Ee mama groups oda meeting tds the bi low ad aww ops for MBS eyeortcn Mangalia Business School Brief for international consultants, 1 Sponsor Should MBS accept Bumbescu lero sponsor the sched (ee pln 3), 2 Tuition feet Untno oeshave been average for busines choot fths type. shoul MS mint this ply a foro aagher han sverage lave oreduce them oa lover han serge level (se point 2oerlopment projets wie ‘current average) fee bevel, one project ony IFBumbescvs sponsonhipis accepted, 0 pe. eee one projects + strenathen fect and increase research funding 1 inoovesndestendacites, + impor cement ond cee sees + devpinemaonalectment nd echonge programmes | * source A Premetion Pease consider he folowing, wells your own es ho should OS eget unSerauatehar MBA corporat cls? ‘Whew eld MBS ook forts ure cons Rani, en Erpe stem Europ How should M&S promote tse materials media, events incentives? SRR Uistering 3 tat stn to a ao news report How does this news affect your proposals? Presentation resent your proposal The clas should ote forthe best presentation, 2 (Information bce sear teiener Senger Discussion IE Look a the pictures and answer the questions below. 1 How the office ofthe 19508 dierent fom today woke? 2. Wnt doyouimagin tn aes ef te ature wl be ke? | 5 Doyo pect tecinsog oak ou ie asi harder? Summarizing Ed exh arc opote Dee ch tateent bet smarts he wes 2) Technolog eps peopl eine 1) estoy maker peopl wt harder ©) Technology wane elmo [Ei Read paragraphs 14 choose the comac summary a-d for ach pargraph ') How several factors have combined to maketh workplace ore pres 1 ory panned yome generate more work, not oe ) Managers ivestment ininomaton ecologies a product lution ‘3 Working condions hws become uncomfortable cent nee aod paragraphs 5-7. White a aentence to summarize ch porograph Listening [Ei D 125-120 unten to four pple bing interviewed about thei atest. Whi are for an which are against 7? [EB2 125-128 Listen agsin nd summarize each speaker’ opnon Do you agree with ‘hat tey say? Why hy nat? Discussion [ED To wnat extent. do you agree with thee statements? 1 Te compte the most portant inveton nthe isto ian, 2 Nomputer makes posble too awh were comply unnecsary Defoe 4 Tome mistakes human fo el meshing ou need copter fata a ater In recent yar three free ~ doesn fosalaon and hence fore =e Eine change the work emironment What ‘ed wobe a comferaty bay routine hax become SSomspwonthop a bi nox pope el they con fever sop lake 3 brent “The result of downsizing i a mad dash er tare work int fewer pepe If sx peopleare dng he work that ten eted to do, andthe Sime ime te expeted to meet or exceed previous Bret and prodachay targets something has ingle. nhs presrecooker enone HES Sesyon crapped oo one with es Scan a he gba a ht a ep through conporte boardrooms To the exten eat {Soba ompedios have alower cou srt = ‘tic many do ben ther abou cx are v0 Imuch lower US and Europea firms have yet ler reason to hee bgesand headounts emer Te al agree this mi free aceryng fer ' (One way corporate leaders justify the quest forefficency and sped so pot othe ‘ruaion db mene that have been itade in equipment and serves. The new FO {nd soporte nfeworks ar suposed bone products profes nd win Et alo Theircompanis odo mote with es This rue, But another truth has become ‘buried under the technology sles pices ‘desing done gn wl appen onl ater {significant intent ang and ‘Sem Integration to make sure that al the pices ‘eet wel with cach ther Pouring thousands SSFDC ad mils of cble inn 3 corporation 2 fret way to waste money unless te stems and [recess that technology i aneant wo automate $e overhauled. Unfortunatly this heal became Somewhat ivleant. The expectation that more Technology means more spec and more output feremploye = and when those rests dont {says magiealy oc the oly way eo prodace them io sequire peopl wo work longer hours ‘Oday he same thing happens even when dhe technology deiner ax promised. Consider the {ee of presentation software sch s Meroe FmerPine which has become a standard ce tool fore PowerPoint a graphles presentation trol have wo a created bys pape att ‘With Powesfuin snd te sofware coin, at ‘houamone ean se own 383 PC and, without truck tuning or practic, profacean onscreen presentation ora tk set of des, handous oF ‘Bhnspareies that lok fly prosional (Om the one hand, his software actly 2 pry tol ~i takes ony hours odo what fight hve taken days press sod the ele inj ae god, snot bauer Butt doesn sop there: Now everyone sees owes is use the programs they ate used ne and more Tin senin manager who would have onsteved aking an anal to spend 3 couple of {ys working upa lide presentation using Sone ‘Ngetcehnology dose estat to rect the same nai to prepare hat presentation sng the ‘Skip MC and Renertoin The gol fortis hat to sine ine by ing the sare; the ily ‘ete that he oa apne more te oF retentaons adaslsfme svabe for ther specs of the ab. LU yonie staring to think hat stead of working ‘o's plan taco with press igh dealines| find tonstop wor, tne w pols up your sume and lok ele, Tw afraid ave some thd news The gre realy ft mch greener Enywhore else “or at ee, ota whole lo greene 2 Information pen ied eee Discussion [El "nformaton too vlubleo beet oT departnants. In today’ business word, ‘Sry manager shoul be computer spelt! o what extent Go you gree? Language focus IE bec whether these phase inate a small or arg ference. sbtmoreespersie aihlelstmote agente _comiderably moresgensine ea cree sigitr more eperanesomenat more cipersie [El Use expresons from Exerc 2 and appropri aeecves to compare: 5 osltare spinon ou hat [ED aplan te ateence between each pai of computing ems. 1 asererand PC avira anda tog 2 laptop ad abe 6 aman hare are 5 tsatteand an apt 5 the Inmet and a net 4 tpachande pein 4 Sworn ands workin Reading and vocabulary {El Georoe stops isin chara of use suppot at Fst Northeast Ben, Choos the ferret verbs to complete he ema ha sent ois boss. {Stan 2 ‘Aeyostooy or ecuces ae mae ade sche ewe yf cop it an ‘icing satan pet ono) dare uegede brome he ceng ‘jum: swam spletons emg cleaning meres re ‘Coney and sah own met dow oad dow retest wa ‘hte sn snl aes are pra ncurses ia ate hee, ve ta sn pa een ce te tecoreueuevminste cing araip pamavoreae Ire amass stars eae orate rar aon he ‘jt wen eye ante oud Wo ely eoainvestet [Ei complete hese semences with the comect vers from Exec 5 1 Most Ps come comple wih an office package, bt somtinesyou Rae toi sours ‘Snergs when a companys IF stem Tse maginton, When ake to. is pasword ‘Tere ar several programs which an rescue sour data if you cident es, An incor memory adress the mow common reson hy PCs on takes inate econ econ you ca ees Fo ane inthe wor ‘One of thew emaining adrantaes of desktops i tha ts easier 9 _camponents Research aes tape wh. Tegal pie are ao big spedes oll Power he art comeon colce Tesearch dl i ie ht fy Sec oe Listening ED.D 12» 12¢uten to eight messages on George voicemail Mate spanrs 18 wth he Fretlem they are experiencing eh 2) they ca install someting 1) some computers eed uprading ©) they oe to downlode prog 4} the whole sstem seat down ) thy Hae to ete daca uy 8 tht computer kegs rashing 1 conection hasnt ben sp 1) thy dtd some ls [ED 120-135 Unten again and complete George's nots wit the wordstrom the Box nupdete back in informed know rng loop touch 1 give Ebony Brooks a bout backwp 2 give Maurice Ppolatments appliction 3 Een jth arte re laptops 4 to Lincoln Thigpen ~ presentation sides 5 Ktep Camila Rameey nthe on solutions ta databese problems & leeMnurice ~~ about Sfariting’s Internet connection 7 keep Marvin ‘bout sound card driver 4 fill Cara Bickarso ‘on voice recognition softrare Paraphrasing [El nepac the expressions in bold with he expresions or giving information in Earcse 8 ‘Can gv you an awe ater hi morning? Ym in a meting the men 2 lap if ol ncnde men he rap a peop ore 4 Whle Tm awn ie Far Eas Tike yo to ive me ela progres eports bye 5 Retore he msn stars con you at pve me ome tals on what ws st ine? 2 Thuan nage ental ber Feed everthing phon ea sal mal, en pico 2 When you gs ak from your alia, epot on hats been happen. 4 Couldjou contact me by elephone lec? ema servers dow a moment Discuss [ with partner pintie the tsk on George’ todo list for tomorow ED nts i tinge apartments p= ee a ny Sond cr ere Bo Movin resin ep! = Sg = now? nt revoke reat ~ na mae a har er Wen? CO's etart wart WI wa ey wos 3 l= tao 0 nfovmiton Som Sta rs A au a er ut probably no Bet ir eset of psn Bor York Zantrene = etaine f omaa on eur 15 naw pp vee Ae sil fh eds tomrrou Ono ua? Fopeintments tition = tumor tise work it Sb pet in ee es ey Bek ipsa lo 20 mines Bt 8 Sa veer acct’ tt concen doun Sin - 6 EE On er nd ah 2 Information > comparates ee Language focus [Ed ea the conversations comparing using the ln with fing. Undine the ‘Ae Testing by in jot oe ik ing ‘8 Wel prefer the tn cae ses compli loo fs Axa ter of c,h tin shy more expensive hee days ‘8 Wel al peter the ran Besue far moe somforable {EL ws apres Rove sr comerton sng teats in bricks a camps fe se, 3 hight ve hd ip a, 5. Bed und beat ers hotels Cominabie his amperes. arf ems tunnels (ey Site tors ess conch tous (eoendy, bring.) ip epenive ta fstgrwing ge old proftale sate Discussion and presentation [Ei witha partner choose a destination inthe county you ae sung. n column, wrt four ways of feaching that destination Cy uso foo, et) comms 2. ave [seh imeans of vansporta sore fom 1 =the worst to (=the best, Aa up the atl ‘corer and present your concusons a another pat. Expanding notes camps are ith acomparv prs ogee by throngs Te es Since 1965 Moorslvhan —f) (eronde go | (bal oe) — shee at computer chips | Howe pu ht {rpm in eg epeiy become aaa Oyo) | dan de compatin Gowrie’) ey 24monih, | once entering | Moree ua bans The A sind ma Kdrs Winclone tsfoe | tempera maine Inward diese | geese) inom un PC a pede isnt ates pete | Cina vapor faet | GJ Gig) (deren) etary | Moe vai mem sew | Teo evento we more fe Goren Mace upeiciny | acount dewlped | temo pool di a Chemis) |G eguke gi). | com oer pes booming ehadiimratic:conaryto | Ary pot bichisinncbed | (1D. (-epete) Mphystr ying tin | juctmortermond ate wil | an per posing ped: fevrcg lM | Seon i Fevmneamseventingges | (al). \ 1 Hen aves of hese quotas. 1 Theneertam 1) the moe ae ona eran 2 Theme yu chnse mone Bh oscar eta ah 5 Themorct matte gtsomething dane, 6) the more poole hk ing (Andy Warhol) 4 Pmapeatinievertalukeand ind the @) the Borderie sto cath (Mie Tat) WEEE awn pron cone eres tat your own neon ne testo Smarter Stents Te a ny em are oom 5 Theharer sou woe the Dealing with requests [Ev ross out the inappropriate eronse to these requests for hel, asinthe example 1 Wilyou at ec of aes, please? a) Netware 1) You Tea have one ofyur ica, 6), Sn, ve or oo mah oar. 2 Gansow tell me we mth th projector on? a es Fea 1) olden maa ©) in som, Enewerae i me '5 Could you poly etme s sandwich when you go ot othe pot afi? 1) Yes with plese 1 Sure fy cl ane the hone while Fm out ©) You could pos 4 Toner ify oul spare the ine o make afew photocopies for me? Yes woul BU ont ce wy nat — 5 Would you ind ving se a and with his tle? 1 rather bea Bey 2 esi Sernirmetawers—) Notatall Mee om 7 conionreliofrdyaw Negotiating ‘icromerelns” EH Work with parine to practi ting for el, Wie st of ve things you ned odo Choir tn negotiate fo dlagete to your partner te nes you don want odo. 2 Information > ening or reater ane 1 roleplaying telephone z| Discussion, IE becide how far you agre with these statements abou telephoning Write age, Fedepends or esegree 1 Its impotan ae afew moments of smal ak Before geting own Business 2 owe never eto pole o the lepine 5 Iesamch easter tsa yes than 5a" 4 When sou cant hp steane, fs ete to say no dre than to mace wp excuses 5 Theale doier when to end thecal the eter should wat forthe aller ig [Bd oiscuss your answers to Exerc 1 witha prtner Do you thik it ifereatin other ars ofthe world? Listening for register [EI 2127-100 Uten to four telephone convection nd answer the question below 2. Inwtichcompranton eee speakers od somnntance colleges rm let Listening for inference EBD 137-140 sen agin and answer the questions for each conversion, 1 What puns can ou make abut the speakers? Imagine how od they, what they ok (By 2 127-120 with a parne find suitable word to complete the expressions athe ‘nels. Then sen agin and check your ess Useful expressions: Telephoning ave you got of mines? requesting hap Doyo0 Ba ao? I aswandeing eau ehyou 8 Coyoutmryoucous endme? on vu Aefuina etn Araya a Ending ne ct Beco aes avast ‘oie [Eh compete thee algues with suitable expressions. Then practise them witha partner. Ale: Bille: ‘hho Alex How's ang? ‘le ‘ie: Noproblen wart anne ote ra ‘le ie: Wei Timor to dapat jou, Bul dont ‘ie: OK But just Fe me now i here’ anything | Rie: OR Be = Criss Hel ts Chris ere. not ting you a 2 ‘chris: Fin jt lingo ak yo mid ing me four etal. Dew ‘cis: Wel dso ink oul posi aro our py of Ofc 010? nec arena and ‘ant nd min. Dow Chri: Of Toe. Wel esr ind hoagie Tsk, It nese Ang, wos keep yu om our Ein: 1. 1m, Sony tober ou You wold Igoe to have the ew IP adress would you? rani: ee in: ila Thanks w milion Frail : ine O¥ hen Te you ge Bock 0 work Thanks = Tou Bye Roleplay [Ed with pare, rate roleplaying tornt eaphone situations Use suitable formal polis or crectnformal language, nd inude smal alka opproprct ‘Seasons Sent ei ‘hemanaging pre aba Jes thal Computer pabems Your PCs bcken lows ao you cal bern fore out erect cal om a coegue you ie oat You tart by rome you For more telephone stustons, Student A should lok at page 16, and Student 8 should look ‘ry uy ani fe up heigl abou i renee Yous by avrg your one thincyou nove fed tout jou redo tes Call 2 we arn Yor pra st 2 Information — > paragraph oer Discussion [Ed Fee nortneast Sank nas relied that many members of stat jst kore memos "Tink of some reson why memes alten get gnored ‘Model IE esd the recommandaton on memo styl. Than answer the ui that Fist Northeast sent heir manages Choose the option which best mates the style ‘commendations FIRST Northeast Bank Recommendations - wing memot 1. Personal your memos use| you wee rake paopie fel diecly CONEaNeG, 2 Uso acive anor nan posswe verbs for a more conversational reader fiery sve, 3 Use verbs n preference fo nouns and avold jatgon and acai tems wrt sentences ‘which Your grandmother would understand 4 Moke elzar and unemeiguous wha! you want people fo do and when, '5 Focus on the benefs othe reader, not on igi rules or procedures, eee ee LL 1 Amomo isa document thal you send to people Inside the company / amethod of ‘documentary communication for intemal use. The cbjectne ofa memo isto solet decisions and policy or behavioural changes / to got poopie to do something. In ne past we wale memos on poper-now we offen send them by ema / electronic ‘transmission has been widely adopted {owns © good memo you nea caret forethought, avout an revision / fo plan iganiz and ed you ldeas carefully ‘A.goods mom tals you clearly what You hove fo do and when you have to do its ‘one in which both he desied outeome and he forget ime fama aro space ‘The purpote of hs que to ensure tha the principal ules of memowritng are respected / fo help you while effective memos, Analysis [Ey Read the suggested format for memos. The parapraphsin the meme below ar notin the coect order Number the paragrop i mat for mero 1'Datine he arabe. 2 Tellth ede dy shoul fet concerned 5 Say what sat you want to ge 4 Saya you wart he ede to do and when VAN DER HEYDEN ‘Subject Uautorizad sofvere {Grou the us a cary 0 ti check by 15 Septrber tat. Fess enamine youu cary, nd ‘obta ry ureters sftnare. you need hel, bn aisle every taroon bea nd om “rant yout apn tet out colons cubs ond or emp. {tnepetes te unites cops mate on our syn, dic eats maraperer andthe ‘ropay est ean oe Reynosa ver cra rasoiton emery reo ae i ak (As you petal tron, the European Commissions sepia up te agar sofware acy, ad we {cect oe este spactora ot radurr sized comgane ke sarin he ps amor {Mes eae ym asin sey arpysein he company ochack tal ues no nanos “otare on ar capuse Tha ctu cade enlcarsed cpm of Soon sotwre,Joviones ‘oars aod en mp muse Hs Ecco Singers Language focus [Ed sch te examples of oilne 1-10 with the retderendy verse 24 2 witevew tolling) umeacely 4 iis imersve 3 ieee is nadeauate 9 neato 6 Sloe reminded 2 plese remember 4 re once 2) semut & inthecemor 5) than yo for 5 fordeth 4) tosahe, 10 sappreciated 3 merece Writing a memo IE th pare revrite tis mame na reader iendy syle, Refer to eae help you ToAN eae From: Apa een. ste manager Subject Pre Icisrcopneed tense parking caren ndsqute nd plane are crn big exained vet iw allege prblens (ne crn ar of concern he area aden othe logs warehouse nh vee of re Fuld be ary fe or emergency lero reach heel ark behind the bulig | Inpermive et ces oth ands Bangs ap ee amber fe ae terre end ht vices may ony be parked nthe fl car par ‘ror Moy 13 Aap any cars park on seca rade wl be removed forth The Seance fe feretnouahe fons ile output [3 141 stent vokamall massage from yourmanage and write te meme he refers to ‘Work wth paring Your op management have asked yu to make a propos for he {ampany's tree day introns conference. Think about these questions 5 Whare the nseionts of seco cnkerene? [Bl wite a mamo proposing dates locaton and 3 programe for he conference You will so need ope approval for Your budget (Last years budget was $70 pe person) [El ead ll th momor and vote forthe best propos > remonforand Serge emnequeneer ttt sae Discus ig UAE Wen pesca sa eave company. what the contaquen? Dee wheter sate ‘Phseros ae ely or unt feterane berpomtonsipcs ghey Imoremisauer ror ores younge: mee damit Reading [Ed end te nwepspercipping. What raion can you thik oft exp why sapere Ha have ben ving Meteor department? Rising Star promises to make sparks fly YOUNG Lone Sul iy has en pte Mant tor ak franks to an agseaive commensal policy the Nigel bank owing apy ‘Mover Wast Aca especialy tough soins in ivory Cent na snd Cameroon Together th the thing demand fr eactoa barking sce, {ape growth is palling ineresingprowure onthe banks IT cleparment [Eon an inervies yesterday, Psy promised o'drag the department {Edi and screaming Ino the erent fest contury When asked ma IE fox 0 momo and anne te sustions To: Astrid Kuhn, Managing Director en tn From: Joseph kb, Operations Manager ES Subject poloy ‘ue system dwn tne problems ae going rom edt worse [ee tached figure) snd we se begining ose earorsta clon The poten sppears to bothe result of exceptional high staf tumover inthe T Saperenant Hal of aur systems admrisators renew graduates wih Tes than oe yea’ experience and Saul Flys ocr again forthe third tine n sient Tin afraid have to remind youthatbath don Se and stat tumor were ‘vermin proba before Sul rived in 200, Sau answers that he J nee ivesonot in even moreno hardware. Hower am oa sure {hss te soir sang tht we shoul investigate ure ntleast becouse some sn have npg thatthe seem fares might be debra (Cou {poe ask you to speakto some ofthe pace invoed and huldanetecutve commie mastng as soon as possi decide how io eal ith thsoprblans? i « __ — Newhies 71118) 19085) 240%) Fetemens 41635) 503%) soe eparares 218.7%) 2011875) 1541925) ‘Who wrote de memo and why? ‘Wh does be vant? ‘What hs changed at Meteor Bank since 20107 ‘What easons ean jou suet xe ends nthe res? Listening and note-taking bun Asti Kul decide to investigate. stent the eacton she recived when {he poke to four members of staf and compete the notes. y =... aa oo ee a ie" Taeemnoy Sgoseee Sone a Eo oes ‘pinion of oe Discussion [Ei Towhat extent do you fet Sut Fil ito lame for Meteors problems? [Ey Werk in groups of thee o fo Student A turn to page 15. Stadt: tum 0 page 117 : ‘ident €:trn to page 120 hee fs fourth sade they shoul be We chalrperson) EE ices tne agenda below and dow up an ston lan for AS Kuhn pty Cones” Exective Commas Meeting iciimotmtpin Septoria How cn we redice sf ever? oro 22 How an wo rede syrem down Sve! M2 How shot we rect to accuntons of males mage in the T éeprnen? 4 Should we art Sl Fnay request for inextmen nF equpmen: in ag, or met mmprovng our hetero orgy subsiares? Should we consider outsourcing? {6 How shoul we eae Sul Frys prornane nd what con ned ay? Review 1 [El complet the tox about going to univers. Definitions ae given n Brackets top You ow do you coor our nies? Unls go ae ey ough win (1) sp money avared to excelent ‘tudnts sat ne a dec goa can py he (2) pico ion). Fes jo be pred 1 the gain reputation fhe) le ‘aches cr perhaps by the ports and vocal (3) en foam gp and series) You may tho wantto ink shot techie of )e shee ‘han ening) ets whee the ies as 2 000 () p——1 heling sade find ob) se. [Ei Mato wxpresions by matching the beginnings nd naings of neh pase 2 the unconforabe 4 sind ae 7 robbing the poor 5 eet contin to pve 10 ling a 2) univers education ®) thairambitons ©) topy thee } wut © greens 1 forthe money 2 students Bet inves } fosimb Bis El complet the santancas sing the words inthe Box 08) Dosoooont lonment chair darined wp eceed Taottirgement “meet presen recut Sova! "van 1 Alter you___new le repeat, then, 2 les giodifyoucan____your ane abjetivas ut ie enter you ean thom 5 snot enough jt to ew propa on paper ‘ouve acnlly otto —— the plas 4+ Won jou beste mare peed you might hve to” wesking pats and een new Powrames othe Boa fy ast your os because af the companys probes, swore bali dd something wrong, ou 6 fs ae work in anther geographic, sven ifyouare not working bee ou want {o sudyorwite jou acon [Elin ch entnce, pt ne ver inthe ps sine 1 1 (Gnd out) the ther day at Pee fom the Jes deparimon has ean dase twee Seay olen) ha fora Tash) working on he preadsoot when thecompuer (ras) Team emlaln t= "Uo hing sal wh the program [Ei Puteach vont the mort frm. You might reed an aunlay tke lor would Use contractions. ‘A HQ) (Anita, 1(2) el erst {he job saan a wel 'B But Aan vartn, She eign the Nima you @) ee er (8) (be) ‘Raa? ekg he ira? Now hat ely SRrpeing IF Arta 3} ge) on vain she ‘unl (©) (go) oe beach [Ei ritin ne mising eters to compet these Inking wor Ineroducing a point re Niree eae) As as |B Use one expression rom ach ofthe categories rece to complet his ox etd the same tow ll my ie Myf and fendr ate here ni ei and peace) there good sme of mma ard' hap Bat nm ‘ring fo wonder about my carer @) sal own andre arnt may neers obs wat {oder my ngage sls nd work na national irnment (3) sry tha ot, Sport i now —eapeince Bmore npn. So dn kro what odo () Tn the bet things justo wall and ce wha bse ale aly {Tse veal irs job averted i notber "laps fort an sce wha happens [El compete te stances rom cover eters withthe {cton verb the Doe | ste delet does eames spoons 1 previous ales eco Tine thin erage events per nigh, [me ange of nem pfu orenage casters 1 — get nae by wong rao seri ses ‘Tse pr ine jobs _ ry feral education, IED tach enh vert with phrase 1 meet] 5 make 5 waste 2 kop C4 boot 6 tke 2 smo dare ant ane ty rence bude and rect ©) only hours to do what mah Have taken das previously 4 producti a pots ©) budgets and headcount ow bso of ob 1) money hy nesting in withoat a the sae ime ‘rerhing tebe procones rent to trae conte ceteton by nderning econ 1 Another wd foran Pad laptop / abe. 2 Athotsc of commands to const bug ns competer Progr led path pag 5 youget abut ormore rece Yerson of some Sofware (or lardre sou promote upprade 4+ Realecon of sand server al connected together ‘a focal ea neo called a workgroup ‘monet, 5 Tra serve stops woking for tine yous tht it went ‘down ail down 6g lod nd confi anew ise fae on sur compte you Inset Install it > Tokesp yur compate programs upto dato have totoguenty downlad aflead packer spd ew 1 fgoumake some new tc fir tine) som at wp [By mare the beginnings end endings ofthe phrases. ready for ot ar the ) a tn toch with someone ast Sate at update 2 at Soateane i on someting 4) ge Someone know abut something 2) fle ecko someone aout something a ie someone ang al) Match he expretsons in Exercise 3 ith the ‘etntons bons Beer some are ery soe 1 Tell someone abou thing tht hae happened 2 Gacsomeane the mos recent infra. 3 ‘Rilvoneone smeaag 4 Speak ore to someone pec ater ou have ‘tapout then for og tine 5 Contac someone ty lepone. Ghvesomone an owe tater tine, [Ei oect he mistake in each entance 1 Xt sofware far mor expose a Y= 2. Yreotwae docs have nears many etre than My lntemet connection ony haves st your ‘ig brand canbe double see Tink pina coat fcr ofthe eof ser ooo ooo 7 Wy bya PC? They ae tome all tan Macs. Theres nny more software fr PCs. Lehn Yahoo amor beter rh engine han Google 10. Hie yo id te Mirae Live search engine? He | rely the mot bate [Ey ruth equsts inorder of polieness from (most Informal ond ec to 6 (most pole and inde, NCR me) SE) 4) Could you give me aad? ®) Girone hand 6) Wilyou ge me a hands please? {} Dosou think yea could pe me abana? 1) woe ito could jt give Had for moment? 5) Would you min ng mea band? (Note: Ane ay var but shoud similar The oder ‘Sn sin depend on hows eahsentence) Ed Complete the expressions used in telephoning ing could a yous 6o souanyl_— 8 Weta [Ey oer the expressions in xe 7 with these uses. 2) dct the enon can peinow FD 5 cemutng ele ending the ell [Ed rewrite te mem replacing the undertined phrases ttn the more ror fen anguogein the box. terewae sue trom need plese regulary remember thnk urn 3 Quality > ekoneearmooe | ES eno > produ vay Discussion sence decsons to buy Number he actors 17 ou (1 most important 7 = east important, [By Discuss how te onder would change you were buying: ‘ket of ret cereal "ashing machine ‘Teaser bg Stings jer Stapp Sean reading [Ed ec he artle oppost. Mate the headings with paragrphs 7. Thee lone 2) Nosunval without quality) Supe quliy 1) Relat isnot enough) Qualys dan 5) Quay and cos 2) Ching th gap? 4) Quay clue 5) ually for gal sake Reading for detail [Ey ea the article again and mar hese statements (rue Fas 1 Wester companies have caught up with he Japanese in ems of gual. 2 Te open spt ngs wok reper q 5 Prodacing eal produc unaiaes song market positon.) 4 Realy prepare io ce erage dom sd) 5 Qualty analysis sensible wy to sole any performance problems. — & het emo holy App prog whichis enchanting uaz) [Ei Find word or expression inthe text ith he folowing meaning. try hard odo someting sitio preg 3) "pest something ob there snarl pareraph2) Prey oe ea Thing whch ar fstab for tot ine (paar ‘Simakysoocting ermcceetial or anplsaral peragepe 3) Listening [Ei sscinactry ante, Warwick onde Ie penkng about quality the household ‘ec goods sector What products do you thnk he wl tak about? Usten and heck, Fee EX > ec Ustenagsin and complot the sentences Semetie tata, 1 The wate pods industy hasbeen acaed of desing product tlat lowicheterana,, 2 Consumers ody expect 0 ‘ace goad moe ote raunietsance 5 Reping produc expetaie du the ost of nd Ecosse (Discusion ‘sein Ed npr ost te cst and ne gto Te pts 3 Quality say Discussion clon reltingto | In smal groups, discus which ofthese definton best etn you dea of ality halt tandarde Sram. ‘ality mean delving products or sevice to customers fase bell are ehasoee. ‘Galt isthe conetappicaton 2 procedures and standecs {atty neara meng he cstorar’s needs and expe rears that goes enlace a damages design a rodcing rela proucl aldo hel he supposed do Quai te eye he behold Reading El ea te are hi ess fom staal with tet fay CAIN oss soicomatiecioats Giemsa Sesriem snp Shoe Seunayneanenesammsrenanobe Sipe adenseas gay re erator qa or tn mieten tnen cortarotonpee pacttlanektouctatectaeyay Listening [ELD 10-120 steno tive peopl talking about quality, Dede which ype of EY sss bres Speaking [El ork witha partnr Decide whathe these adactvs refer to quai postal 0 fapately (rbot (oF) Use a toner to help you decide ated ete, dase Aad fry tai eowecuey posty.deigned lable sr sovoh [El Te your partner about» product you Bought hat you are eth pesed with (Gest th Use the ajucves In exces 3 to explain why Collocation: [Ed mat the words 1-10 with 2 to make common collection relating gusty standart. 2 casiomer 5) expectations 3 story ©) tat 3 deen 2 improvement & rou 1 ects 4 Indusey surance & patty 5) spetxtons 10- technical 3) standard {Ey ste te cotocatione in Exarcie 7 with the meanings below 1 the tra nsesimet abou o poduce a rod or serie re managed {aw ina progr which sd to blag poorly deed the lc that the end avr blaes the product ores shou ae tt Te Japanese al eco, onstaly proving he product and pes the precise tls which estaba tum the prac sald be bl the tcp norms parcalar Bl of busines Compulsory a spond bythe gerne theron abe or ecient way a done smething 1 the tem pt in plato care ht aly rz are met Discussion and presentation [Ed Work in sma group. You ae the product development team responible for developing neo the flowing pode: esponabie plates dshwasher a supematet bog, mobile pone, carte or your on den, Choo & product and define what lve of ua You {Monta schive Thnk about the ftling pels 4 te quality of he fl predator the en wer 1 te quali of he materi ya wlluse 2 Revlon donned ne prac t ae 1 Seer nant fae igh tw pets 4 Shemeryend tee sn gant ormchesp prot 3 | Quality Pitted The eta een ce Freya bend ‘omar chroeanesoe eek Passive structures; affirmatives, negatives and modals Fee onse srt the has mad aes at yous say aout Ueacve verocompan foster. Cemplans and use the pss to av taking the ame You lst on ofthe carn! Povey sry fo hear ha on carton was You delivered the goods wo day ae! dlverysighe Yu damaged one th machines ishoadbe/pubeter “our sk are ey dr theybe/lenat the morn ‘ou et one pallet nou adg by ‘be deveromorom Now, chango rls Student You ae 2 warehouse manage. The secu company you ‘se has made Some mistakes that you ate angry about Use ative verbs to complain to Student A You are espns for security tthe warehouse Dea with Student BS ‘Complaints and use the pasve to avo taking he ame ‘The ne cameras dont week popes! srangetheyerdc/ sae Passive questions and modals [Bi in smal groups, use the prompts to make passive questions about a ecurty camara "witha yexho answer a the example. When you have finshed, wor wth parte ‘ose your book nd ty to askand ser i the quartons from meme sameraeven? Yesa/Na tha Teast aed? Yi wan 80h ‘heck receny? Ye than Na as ‘dean comet? Yet ag a rig fag? el a) 8 wo ae ‘teri the sete? Ye eta ea hang icant be repaed? Ys calcul faced reap ones roune the ok rok bcc have something done [El werk tha partnr Your warchouse sin ames nd you have somenev casters {ring tvs art oman marning. Red thet of wat ned dng sn haw much t ‘rilcor You havea Budget of 00, Dade together what you" have dene and what you “Se yourseler to gve your vitor © geod impression o the company. Listening for detail EBD 10 Fut manutatces fl systems fr ci and itary sat Recent. 2 ‘tomer Aidge complained af problem with fel pumps sen an match the company ‘Speronens wit the problems gts reduction Slee sto Seo wo iret parts together at ast pte. [Ed newt the nots intr 4 sing the ptve ome the comm sou personal an ess aggressive. 1 Tho rome tings put on he pumps [Ed Axthe endo the meting Fu made plans to Slve the problem, wits sentences 16 {eng the prompts andthe passive ot hove something done 1 nf, we wil range forthe part to be dled separtly 2 We wl sk Ade freer warnings ony changer iil et smsone to heck the parte 4 Some mas be Sack Depart. ‘he Stock Department. 5 Wel ge Aide a dsoant on heirnet oder Xie 6 Anindpendent auditor wil ceo he procedres Nowilhve Roleplay [Ed Work wit partner You bot work fora company producing boted miners wate. Fecemiy, some consumers have compsained ot strange ate 3 sal ember of bales ‘nd some have ha to be called. er sumtin and your boing plot working found the-dock to meet demand ‘Stadnt as ou are an neral quality autor, Your job ete dent and sove the problem by shin atl questions. Tun tage 15 ‘tant You ae the night hit supanizoe Ty osvld taking the ame, sing the passive here necessary. Turn pope 17, [Ey When you hae identifi the probable cause of contamination, in smal groups, define {ht corte acon soul be taken Compare your sion wth nother grou. 3 Quality \detihingprobins ad reser prod Die Discussion Work with porte which otrs ‘tre makers tes re {econ using the eos inthe bot hep you body lonaioe clear srucure ain’ knowledge of ese, longi st of emi! jean sin Listening BED 51-151 nen tofour extracts For preentatona arty bw ain 2) Speed to fat taco webulary 1 tempore pies By Nocecking to ste tener ae elwing 2) Exceed crams) Lato sgnposng [Ei vate the problems in Eerie 2 th solutions 17 below. 1 Using the comet wor import. Remember owe collocation an ter commen ‘ord omtintions esp sentences shor. You tk wil be ear a alow ad ary ore impae, Te dine o check that your atin alow wha Yu a. ‘Sow down, are ime he scenes tne oti ost wea Sou resin Lear and uy exes fsa our ance where you tv in he ‘Think about your stener Explain yao or acronms hey ay know sinc santa ig heme MP Predicting and listening Work with paris. Quality asursnceengnser Mar Pint i preseting the graph Selo, do you think roprernt? What do you sxpet he wlay about (aan [Ei D 15s urton to Mace presentation and heck your prediions [GD sss ston agnin and decide how well Mare presents hs nfomaton Use the eas FRcerioe 2nd 3 help you

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