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Air Laws, Ethics, Engineering Management, Airport Management

Review Questions

1. An aircraft experienced an electrical failure during flight. What squawk code will the pilot use to inform the tower and dispatch of the
current situation?
a. 1200 c. 7600
b. 7500 d. 7700
2. Project integration management involves which of the following processes?
a. Quality planning c. Project plan development
b. Integrated change control d. Project plan execution
3. Management is
a. an art. c. both science and art.
b. a science. c. neither an art nor science.
4. General Operating and Flight Rules is under
a. 14 CFR Part 91 c. 14 CFR Part 125
b. 14 CFR Part 23 d. 14 CFR Part 25
5. The ICAO has _____ member states.
a. 190 c. 192
b. 191 d. 193
6. What refers to the establishing interrelationships between people and things in such a way that human and material resources are
effectively focused toward achieving the goal of the company?
a. Planning c. Controlling
b. Leading d. Organizing
7. During the preflight inspection who is responsible for determining the aircraft in safe for flight?
a. Operator/Owner c. Pilot-in-Command
b. Mechanic d. Manufacturer
8. Engineers can become good managers only through _____.
a. Taking a master’s degree in management c. Effective career planning
b. Trainings d. Experience
9. What is most likely the problem that an engineer would find difficult to acquire when he enters management?
a. Learn to take satisfaction in the work of others c. Learn to trust others
b. Learn to work with others d. All of the above
10. A failure to maintain proper altimeter settings may result to a sanction of
a. 30 to 60 day suspension. c. 60 to 180 day suspension.
b. 30 to 120 day suspension. d. Moderate to maximum civil penalty.
11. What management functions refers to the process of anticipating problems, analyzing them, estimating their likely impact and
determining actions that will lead to the desired outcomes and goals?
a. Planning c. Controlling
b. Leading d. Organizing
12. Who is authorized among the following to perform preventive maintenance on civil aircraft of Philippine Registry?
a. Registered Aeronautical Engineer c. Licensed Aircraft Mechanic
b. Appropriate Repair Station d. Owner/Operator
13. What refers to management function which is to encourage others to follow the example set for them, with great commitment and
a. Motivating c. Leading
b. Staffing d. Controlling
14. The recognized organization of the aeronautical engineers in the Philippines is
a. Society of Aeronautical Engineers of the Philippines c. Society of Aeronautics Engineers of the Philippines
b. Society of Aerospace Engineers of the Philippines d. Society of Aviation Engineers of the Philippines
15. It refers to the collection of the tolls and techniques that are used on a predefined set of inputs to produce a predefined set of outputs?
a. Engineering Management c. Project Management
b. Management d. Planning
16. An aircraft the suddenly had an electrical failure on short final should _____ to get the attention of the aircraft controller.
a. Call the dispatch c. Rock its wings
b. Make a radio transmission to the ATC d. Proceed with the approach
17. Which is NOT an element of project management process?
a. Data and information c. Decision making
b. Research and development d. Implementation and action

Prepared by: Engr. Kris Aileen B. Cortez | Page 1

Air Laws, Ethics, Engineering Management, Airport Management
Review Questions

18. In which type of airspace are VFR flights prohibited?

a. Class A c. Class C
b. Class B d. Class D
19. Aircraft Registration and Marking is found under PCAR
a. Part 3 c. Part 6
b. Part 4 d. Part 7
20. Philippine registered aircrafts are marked _____ for standard identification.
a. 5J c. PH
b. RP d. PR
21. In project management, what provides a simple yet effective means of monitoring and controlling a project at each stage of its
a. Life cycle model c. Project feasibility
b. R&D model d. All of the above
22. The ATC light gun signal for an aircraft that has the clearance for takeoff is
a. Steady Red c. Steady Green
b. Flashing White d. Flashing Green
23. It refers to the principal function of the lower management which is to instill in the workforce a commitment and enthusiasm for
pursuing the goals of the organization?
a. Controlling c. Motivating
b. Staffing d. Directing
24. Which of the following choices is not an objective of PD 1570?
a. Standardization and regulation of aeronautical engineering
b. Supervision, control, regulation of the practice of aeronautical engineering in the Philippines
c. Certifies aeronautical engineers for type rating trainings
d. Examination for registration of aeronautical engineers
25. What is the most essential attribute of a project manager?
a. Communication Skill c. Leadership
b. Knowledge d. Charisma
26. The ATC light gun signal for an aircraft that needs to return to its starting point on airport is
a. Steady Green c. Flashing Red
b. Alternating Red/Green d Flashing White
27. The person acceptable to the authority who has corporate authority for ensuring that all operations and maintenance activities can be
financed or carried out to the standard required by the authority, and any additional requirements defined by the operator.
a. Owner c. Director General
b. Accountable Manager d. Aircraft Maintenance Technician
28. What project life cycle model is the most relevant for information technology project?
a. Morris Model c. Waterfall Model
b. Incremental Release Model d. Prototype Model
29. Actual performance normally is the same as the original plan and therefore it is necessary to check for deviation and to take corrective
action. This action refers to what management function?
a. Organizing c. Controlling
b. Planning d. Staffing
30. What is the specific fuel requirement for flight under VFR at night in an airplane?
a. Enough to complete the flight at normal cruising speed with adverse wind conditions.
b. Enough to fly to the first point of intended landing and to fly after that for 30 minutes at normal cruising speed.
c. Enough to fly to the first point of intended landing and to fly after that for 45 minutes at normal cruising speed.
d. Enough to return to base and take advantage of the wind component.
31. In project management O & M stands for
a. Operation and Maintenance c. Operation and Manpower
b. Operation and Management d. Operation and Mission
32. What is defined as an organized method of providing past, present and projected information on internal operations and external
intelligence for use in decision-making?
a. Data Management System c. Central Processing System
b. Management Information System d. Electronic Data Processing Systems
33. Project quality management involves all of the following processes except

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Air Laws, Ethics, Engineering Management, Airport Management
Review Questions

a. Quality feature c. Quality control

b. Quality assurance d. Quality planning
34. An applicant of a Private Pilot License shall not be less than _____ of age.
a. 16 c. 18
b. 17 d. 19
35. A project management must be very good in which of the following skills?
a. Communication skills c. Leadership skills
b. Human relationship skills d. All of the above
36. As a requirement to Private Pilot License, an applicant must possess a
a. Class 1 Medical Certificate. c. Class 3 Medical Certificate.
b. Class 2 Medical Certificate. d. None of the Above.
37. If you are appointed as a division manager, your first task is most likely to
a. Set goals c. Set a standard
b. Determine resources needed d. Develop strategic skills
38. Replacement of components or complete units is considered as
a. Airframe minor repair. c. Airframe minor modification.
b. Airframe major repair. d. Airframe major modification.
39. The minimum time requirement for a Private Pilot License applicant shall acquire _____ hours of actual flight time.
a. 40 c. 60
b. 50 d. 70
40. What is defined as the process of planning, organizing, and controlling operations to reach objective efficiently and effectively?
a. Engineering Management c. General Management
b. Operations Management d. Production Management
41. In which type of airspace are VFR flights prohibited?
a. Class A c. Class C
b. Class B d. Class D
42. What is the minimum fuel requirement for flight under VFR at night in an airplane? Enough to fly to
a. The first point of intended landing and to fly after that for 20 minutes at normal cruise speed.
b. The first point of intended landing and to fly after that for 30 minutes at normal cruise speed.
c. The first point of intended landing and to fly after that for 45 minutes at normal cruise speed.
d. The first point of intended landing and to fly after that for 60 minutes at normal cruise speed.
43. For a project manager to achieve his given set of goals through other people, he must have a good
a. Interpersonal skills. c. Leadership
b. Decision-making skills d. Communication skills
44. The responsibility for ensuring that an aircraft is maintained in an airworthy condition is primarily that of the:
a. Operator/Owner c. Pilot-in-Command
b. Mechanic d. Manufacturer
45. Which VFR cruising altitude is appropriate when flying above 3,000 feet AGL on a magnetic course of 105°?
a. 4,000 feet c. 5,000 feet
b. 4,500 feet d. 5,500 feet
46. What type of conflict do managers encounter when there is disagreement on issues of territorial power or hidden agenda?
a. Managerial procedure conflict c. Politics
b. Ambiguous roles d. Technical opinion conflict
47. Except when necessary for takeoff and landing, what is the minimum safe altitude for a pilot to operate an aircraft anywhere?
a. An altitude allowing, if a power unit fails, an emergency landing without undue hazard to persons or property on the surface.
b. An altitude of 500 feet above the surface and no closer than 500 feet to any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure.
c. An altitude of 500 feet above the highest obstacle within a horizontal radius of 1,000 feet.
d. An altitude of 1,000 feet about the highest obstacle and no closer than 500 feet to any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure.
48. With respect to the certification of airmen, which is a category of aircraft?
a. Airplane, rotorcraft, glider, lighter-than-air
b. Gyroplane, rotorcraft, airship, free balloon
c. Single-engine land, single-engine sea, multi-engine land and multi-engine sea
d. None of the Above
49. When two or more aircraft that are approaching an airport for the purpose of landing, the right-of-way belongs to the aircraft:
a. That has the other to its right.

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Air Laws, Ethics, Engineering Management, Airport Management
Review Questions

b. At the lower altitude, but it shall not take advantage of this rule to cut in front of or to overtake another.
c. That is the least maneuverable.
d. At the higher altitude, but it shall not take advantage of this rule to cut in front of or to overtake another.
50. Which VFR cruising altitude is appropriate when flying above 3,000 feet AGL on a magnetic course of 181°?
a. 4,000 feet c. 5,000 feet
b. 4,500 feet d. 5,500 feet
51. An airplane is overtaking a helicopter. What aircraft has the right-of-way?
a. Helicopter; the pilot should expect to be passed on the right.
b. Airplane; the airplane pilot should alter course to the left to pass.
c. Helicopter; the pilot should expect to be passed on the left.
d. Airplane; the airplane pilot should alter course to the right to pass.
52. What is the specific fuel requirement for flight under VFR during daylight hours in an airplane?
a. Enough to complete the flight at normal cruising speed with adverse wind conditions.
b. Enough to fly to the first point of intended landing and to fly after that for 30 minutes at normal cruising speed.
c. Enough to fly to the first point of intended landing and to fly after that for 45 minutes at normal cruising speed.
d. Enough to return to base and take advantage of the wind component.
53. An operation without valid airworthiness or registration certificate may result to a sanction of
a. 30 to 90 day suspension. c. 60 to 180 day suspension.
b. 30 to 120 day suspension. d. Revocation.
54. Which aircraft has the right-of-way over all other air traffic?
a. Balloon c. Aircraft on final approach to land
b. Airship d. Aircraft in distress
55. Middle management level undertakes what planning activity?
a. Intermediate planning c. Strategic planning
b. Operating planning d. Direct planning
56. An aircraft owner who intends to apply for an airworthiness certificate may find the requirements for the application on
a. PCAR Part 1 c. PCAR Part 5
b. PCAR Part 3 d. PCAR Part 7
57. Failure to report defects or un-airworthy conditions to the Authority in a timely manner will result to a sanction of
a. Maximum civil penalty to revocation. c. 30 to 120 day suspension.
b. Moderate to maximum civil penalty. d. 30 to 60 day suspension.
58. What action is required when two aircrafts of the same category converge, but not head-on?
a. The faster aircraft shall give way. c. The aircraft on the left shall give way.
b. The slower aircraft shall give way. d. Each aircraft shall give way to the right.
59. No person may operate an aircraft in formation flight
a. Over a densely populated area
b. Except by prior arrangement with the PIC of each aircraft.
c. In Class D airspace under special VFR
d. All of the Above.
60. Flight crew members are required to keep their safety belts and shoulder harnesses fastened during
a. Takeoff and landings. c. Emergency situations.
b. Flight in turbulent air. d. All flight conditions.
61. Strategic planning is undertaken in which management level?
a. Lower management level c. Top management level
b. Middle management level d. Lowest management level
62. What is the advantage of free-rein style of leadership?
a. Time consuming and cost ineffective c. Little managerial control and high degree risk
b. Little ideas from subordinate in decision-making d. All of the above
63. Which preflight action is specifically required of the pilot prior to each flight?
a. Become familiar with available information concerning the flight.
b. Check the aircraft logbooks for appropriate entries.
c. Review wake turbulence avoidance procedures.
d. Conduct a preflight inspection.
64. A failure of the mechanic to properly accomplish inspection will result to a sanction of
a. 30 to 60 day suspension. c. 60 to 180 day suspension.

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Air Laws, Ethics, Engineering Management, Airport Management
Review Questions

b. 30 to 120 day suspension. d. Revocation.

65. A damaged propeller may be repair by the
a. FAA c. Owner/Operator
b. MRO d. Manufacturer
66. A certificate authorizing an operator to carry out specified commercial air transport operations.
a. TCDS c. Certificate of Convenience
b. Certificate of Airworthiness d. Air Operator Certificate
67. The replacement of a defective safety wiring or cotter pin is categorized as
a. Preventive Maintenance c. Major Repair
b. Minor Repair d. Minor Modification
68. A person working under the supervision of an aviation maintenance technician, may perform maintenance, preventive maintenance, and
modifications that the supervisory aviation maintenance technician is authorized to perform under direct supervision. The statement is
a. True c. None of the Above
b. False d. Neither A nor B
69. With respect to the certification of airmen, which is a class of aircraft?
a. Airplane, rotorcraft, glider, balloon c. Normal, utility, acrobatic, limited
b. Transport, restricted, provisional d. Single-engine land or sea, multi-engine land or sea
70. The type of maintenance inspection done on or before 180 calendar days.
a. A Check c. C Check
b. B Check d. D Check
71. It is defined as a simple minor preservation operations and the replacement of small standard parts is classified as
a. Minor Repair c. Major Repair
b. Preventive Maintenance d. Minor Modification
72. When activated, an emergency locator transmitter transmits on
a. 117.2 and 118.2 MHz c. 118.0 and 118.8 MHz
b. 121.5 and 243.0 MHz d. 123.0 and 119.0 MHz
73. Preflight action, as required for all flights away from the airport shall include
a. Designation of an alternate airport.
b. A study of arrival procedures at airports of intended use.
c. Alternate course of action if the flight cannot be completed as planned.
d. An accomplished flight plan.
74. What phrase/distress code is used for emergency?
a. Mayday, Mayday, Mayday c. Souls On-board
b. Pan, Pan, Pan d. None of the Above
75. Changes to the basic design of the fuel or oil system is considered as
a. Airframe Minor Modification. c. Airframe Minor Alteration.
b. Airframe Major Modification. d. Airframe Major Alteration.
76. A failure to maintain proper altimeter settings may result to a sanction of
a. 30 to 60 day suspension. c. 60 to 180 day suspension.
b. 30 to 120 day suspension. d. Moderate to maximum civil penalty.
77. Under what condition, if any, may a pilot allow a person who is obviously under the influence of drugs to be carried aboard an aircraft?
a. Under no condition.
b. In an emergency or if the person is a medical patient under proper care.
c. Only if the person does not have access to the cockpit.
d. If properly taken care of provided the person carries medical clearance.
78. A person may not act as a crew member of a civil aircraft if alcoholic beverages have been consumed by that person within the preceding
a. 8 hours c. 24 hours
b. 12 hours d. 48 hours
79. No person may attempt to act as a crew member of a civil aircraft with ________ by weight or more alcohol in the blood.
a. 4% c. 0.04%
b. 0.4% d. 4.4%
80. The requirements for airmen licensing is found under
a. PCAR Part 3 c. PCAR Part 6
b. PCAR Part 1 d. PCAR Part 2
81. With respect to the certification of aircraft, which is a category of aircraft?

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Air Laws, Ethics, Engineering Management, Airport Management
Review Questions

a. Airplane, rotorcraft, glider c. Normal, utility, acrobatic, limited

b. Transport, restricted, provisional d. Single-engine land or sea, multi-engine land or sea
82. An engineer is required to finish a certain engineering job in 20 days. He is said to be _____ if he finished the job within the required
period of 20 days.
a. Efficient c. Qualified
b. Effective d. Reliable
83. Where can an aircraft’s operating limitations be found?
a. Airworthiness Certificate c. FAA approved Flight Manual
b. Aircraft Airframe and Engine Logbooks d. Weight and Balance Certificate
84. What is required by 14 CFR Part 43 appendix D when performing an annual/100-hour inspection on a reciprocating engine aircraft?
a. Magneto timing check c. Valve clearance check
b. Cylinder compression check d. Oil check
85. If an engineer provides less input (labor and materials) to his project and still come out with the same output, he is said to be more
a. Economical c. Effective
b. Efficient d. Managerial skill
86. What type of committee companies or corporations created for a short term purpose only?
a. Interim committee c. Ad hoc committee
b. Standing committee d. Temporary committee
87. Who is responsible for determining if an aircraft is in condition for safe flight?
a. Certified Aircraft Mechanic c. Pilot in Command
b. Tower d. Operator
88. The final authority as to the operation of an aircraft is the
a. Air Transportation Office c. Pilot in Command
b. Tower d. Operator
89. What refers to description of whether the objectives are accomplished?
a. Effectiveness c. Efficiency
b. Ability to manage d. Decision-making ability
90. In regard to privileges and limitations, a private pilot may
a. Act as pilot in command of an aircraft carrying a passenger for compensation if the flight is in connection with a business or
b. Not pay less that the pro rata share of the operating expenses involves only fuel, oil, airport expenditures, or rental fees.
c. Not be paid in any manner for the operating expenses of a flight.
d. All of the Above.
91. An ATC clearance provides
a. Priority over all other traffic. c. Authorization to proceed under specified traffic conditions.
b. Guidance to pilots in distress. d. Adequate traffic separation.
92. With respect to the certification of airmen, which is a class of aircraft?
a. Airplane, rotorcraft, glider, balloon c. Normal, utility, acrobatic, limited
b. Transport, restricted, provisional d. Single-engine land or sea, multi-engine land or sea
93. The process of partitioning an organization into subunits to improve efficiency is known as
a. Segmentation c. Division of labor
b. Departmentalization d. Territorialization
94. What phrase/distress code is used for urgency?
a. Mayday, Mayday, Mayday c. Souls On-board
b. Pan, Pan, Pan d. None of the Above
95. It is the maximum time at which a 100-hour inspection may be extended.
a. 8 hours c. 12 hours
b. 10 hours d. 24 hours
96. An applicant for the Student Pilot License shall not be less than _____ years of age.
a. 16 c. 18
b. 17 d. 19
97. The ATA chapter for Air Cooling System is
a. 75. c. 21.
b. 22. d. 73.

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Air Laws, Ethics, Engineering Management, Airport Management
Review Questions

98. It refers to the carriage of passengers, cargo or mail for renumeration or hire by persons whose principal place of business or permanent
residence is located in the Republic of the Philippines.
a. PCAR Part 6 c. PCAR Part 11
b. PCAR Part 9 d. PCAR Part 7
99. An international convention that regulates the liability for air carriers who cross boundaries. It also deals with requirements regarding
ticketing of passengers and carrier limitations of liability on cases of accidents or damage or loss of baggage.
a. Tokyo Convention c. Chicago Convention
b. Montreal Convention d. Warsaw Convention
100. What management function involves orienting personnel in the most effective way and channeling resources?
a. Planning c. Organizing
b. Directing d. Leading
101. By departmentalization of an organization, it decentralizes _____?
a. Authority c. Accountability
b. Responsibility d. All of the above

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