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This is your workbook.

You will not be judged here.

Only good can come from this… if you want.

There are only 3 rules

1. Be Kind to Yourself

2. Be Open

3. Have Fun

Surrender & Remember:

There Are No Wrong Answers




You Are In Control.

You’re Precious + Unique + Worthy





Save Yourself.

Don’t judge yourself or the practice.

Forget who you are.

Remember who you want to be and who you’ve always been.

Take a deep breath

. . .


. . .

r e l e a s e.

Close your eyes and visualize this person, this beautiful you that you always have been, are & will be.


Give yourself a new name, the you you always wanted to be, always have been and will.

Let go of how things are supposed to be.

The only thing that can hurt you is your own judgement of yourself.

Don’t let your mind bully your body or soul.

Who are you?

Write the name while saying out loud, “I am:


It’s time for you to get to know the you you’ve always been.

It’s time to get to know yourself.

Step One: Watch The Chow Shoe.

Study each episode & write down whatever questions or responses resonate with this new you.

Ask yourself, what do these questions and responses make me feel?


Now, taking inspiration from both David & The Chow Shoe:

Look in the mirror & interview yourself.

Ask things you’ve always wanted to know.

Answer them honestly.

There’s no one here to judge you but yourself, and right now you’re trying to get to know that person.
Be kind to them.

If you’re struggling with what to say, here are some starters:

Remember your earliest memory.

Now forget.
Go back farther…
What do you imagine?
What do you see?
What feels real to you in this new origin of your person?

Think of your happiest memory and ask it, not yourself- why?

Think of your saddest memory and ask your happy memory- why?

You have made it to the future.

How is it?
What do you see?
Is there anything you would change about your future self?
If so, start now in the present.

Find a mirror, one that is private.

Show yourself to yourself.

This is only for you.

Recognize the beauty that is you.

There is no other you : you must be cherished.

On a peace of paper, draw the outline of the body you see.

As always, be kind, be open and have fun.

Now, with the outline of your new body recorded, remember each of these emotions,
Focus on the feeling you get more than any memory.
Focus on where you’re feeling these feelings.

One by one, go down the list individually and focus on each word, on each emotion, on each feeling
But not the memory.

Close your eyes for each one & remind yourself that you are safe, you are beautiful & unique.
Where in your body are you feeling the feeling?
Where is this feeling stored?
Can you release it?

Try: Breathing in support

Now: Breathe out any negativity.
Repeat as wanted or needed

Do this for each emotion and record on your body outline in different colors where the feelings are.

This is a body-mind-breath exercise.

Your eyes will be closed.

Find a room you feel safe in & are familiar with.

Walk in two circles inside the room


s i t
in the center

Close Your Eyes

Breathe In (Support)
Breathe Out (Negativity)

This will take as much time as you want to give to it.

With your eyes closed

Focus on the room around you.

Feel, See, Hear, Smell

- In Each Direction -

In Front Of You
Behind You
To Your Left
To Your Right

Take the appropriate amount of time with each direction until you feel something (you will)


D r i f t

(let existence meditate you)


For this, you will need a pair of dice.

Nothing Fancy.

Below, on this page, beneath each number
Write One Thing You Can Do That Gives You Joy
Something Easy & Free

Carry The Dice With You At All Times

If an emotion arises that you want to pop out of and process later- roll the dice
Perform the Happy Actions
Enjoy the joy you feel
Continue As Needed

Listen to Music
Call a Friend





Think of someone you love

Think of someone you don’t

Think of a friend

Think of a family member

Think of a neighbor

Think of yourself

Think of someone you lost


Write a Love Letter to Each Person

Choose Whether or Not to Send
But Write Them
Most Importantly
Perhaps Weekly
Write a Love Letter

You deserve every kindness that has and will continue to come to you.

This is a daily exercise.

For every morning.

Morning means whenever you wake up.

It’s very simple.

Think of something or someone that warms your heart.

That thing, pet, place or person.

Any emotion or memory.

Anything that stirs you

With Gratitude.

And write it down.

Each Morning.

Morning means whenever you wake up.

I am grateful for
I am grateful for
I am grateful for
I am grateful for
I am grateful for

At least five

But if you’re feeling inspired

Why stop?

How do you talk to yourself?

Are You Kind?

Remember how we started:

You are the you you always wanted to be, always have been and will.

Remind yourself.

Think of how you talk to yourself.

What do you say regularly?

Anything specific?

If yes or even no, how about saying some of these things instead:

I am right where I’m supposed to be.

I am learning to treat myself better.

I am calm.

I am happy.

I am worthy.

I am enough.

I am alive.

I am here.

Every evening

Find a blank page.

Then ask yourself two questions

Write them down with enough space to answer them.

Who do you want to be today?

How do you want to be today?

Think about the answers in the evening.

In the morning

Write your answers down.

After a month think of the steps to being how and who you want to be tomorrow.

What can you do today to help your future self?


Today is the Day

A holiday.

Which day?

The day to celebrate you.

Think of your favorite places, persons or things

Your favorite meals

Nothing Fancy

What’s nearby?

Go to them or have them come to you

But most of all

Remind yourself it’s a holiday

The whole world is celebrating you.


You don’t have all the energy in the world

Nor the time.

Think of how and who you interact with each day.

How do you feel around these people?

Remember & Record.

At the end of each day, make a pie chart of who brought you joy, who brought you pain

Who took more than they gave?

Don’t judge these people, yourself, or the interactions

Just remember to take care of yourself

You are precious

And so is your energy

Your time

It’s best to know where we put these things

Are they with the right people & the right place?




Best to be a lightbulb

A light to yourself & illumination for others

& remember

What you pay attention to becomes your life.


This one is simple.

Just fill in the blank.

Today I will choose:


Think of that person you love

Think of that person you don’t

Think of the things in your life

Think of everything you have

Think of everything that’s missing

Think of everyone who was ever there for you

Think of everyone who ever let you down

Think of yourself

Thank yourself

Write all these people down, all of the names

Write all these places down

Write every object and item down

Separate them into piles

One Pile

One Pile

What is most important to you

Remember to Remember



This may be the most important thing you do

Or Not

Let’s close our eyes and breathe


Think of your pillars.

What are my pillars?

Pillars are those things that sustain you

Things that nourish your soul specifically

These are things that only you know

They can be general



More Specific

Either way, they’re unique to you.

Most people don’t know what theirs are

Most don’t take the time to think about it

They spend life searching

But not you

You’re going to breathe, search + reflect

Write Them All Down

Have you ever been in a situation

Met someone

Or done something

& struggled with words?

In terms of history,

Writing is a very recent invention.

Unfortunately, languages are going extinct

It’s just easier to say things we already know

But how will we know how to say the things we don’t?

This is how:


One that is Unique 2 you

Sing it
Scream it
Whisper it

Say all your secrets in public with it

You are safe with your language

If you choose

Teach it

Teach it to those you want to truly speak to

How do you say I love you in you?


Who hurt you

Who left you

Who wronged you

Who never showed up

Who scarred you with their evil and wrong ways?

Clench your fists for thirty three seconds




How does that feel?

Now picture all those people from before

All those who never apologized

Each person who did you wrong

What happens if you forgave them?

How long have you been clenching onto this pain in your mind?

We must remember

but also

Never Forget


Past Present Future

You can go and be anywhere wherever you want

Close your eyes and picture it

What happened before?

Did someone hurt you?

Go back in your mind.

Be there fully

But recognize you’re you now

You can protect who you were with who you are

Protect yourself

This might be heavy

Take time

There is no rush or right way to do this

Only you know how to heal you


Come back to the present

Breathe in who you are

Breathe out who you were


Now go

To who you are and will become


You have permission to laugh

Permission to love
Permission to leave
Permission to do nothing
Permission to do everything you never thought you could
You have permission to enjoy yourself
Permission to believe yourself
To enjoy that meal, snack, or song
You have permission to make a mess
You have permission to go outside
You have permission to go on that adventure
To take care of yourself
To shower
To not
You have permission to not feel the need to read that stack of books by your bedside
You have permission to cry
You have permission to laugh
You have permission to change
You have permission to create
Permission to paint
You have permission to not feel any guilt or shame for not doing or being what others think of
You have permission to accept yourself
You have permission to be worthy
You have permission to be angry
Permission to be sad
To grieve
To be alone
You have permission to scream
Permission to sing
You have permission to forgive yourself
To forget those that wont
To run and run in your mind or the streets
To show people what you are and how you breathe
You have permission to bloom & blossom
You have permission see
Permission to feel
Permission to hear
To Heal
You have permission to be so wholly holy completely and utterly you

You will need a mirror

Art Supplies.

Close your eyes and picture yourself

Draw what you see with eyes closed

On the same page
With eyes open & never looking down
Only up
At the Mirror
At Yourself

Draw what you feel

Not what you see

Think of who you were before this.

And Remember

Everything you learned

You are in control

You have Power


You can travel to any moment within you and heal you

Just remember, this only works if you don’t judge yourself

Be free of that voice that doubts you
You are going to live a long time; learn to become best friends with yourself
Things work out best here as they do everywhere

Be kind
Be O P E N
Put on your Choe Shows and tie your Chow Shoes

(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)
(repeat as necessary)

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