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Ticket Id: 222084

Monday, August
16, 2021
In developing countries, children in rural communities have less access to education. Some people believe that the
problem can be solved by providing more schools and teachers, while others think that the problem can be solved by
providing computer and Internet access. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

In less developed countries, the lack of educational provision for children in rural areas is a pressing issue. While many
people believe that installing more computers and extending Internet connection could help to tackle the problem, I
believe that the top priorities should be to build more schools and employ more teachers.

On the one hand, providing children with computers and Internet access prove effective to some extent. Because of the
fact that not everyone is able to go to school, technology enables such students to get access to education by distance
learning. For example, – a popular educational website in my country – has uploaded hundreds of helpful
lessons in all subjects. Thanks to this website, many students in the countryside have made it to the top-tier institutions
without going to class.

On the other hand, there are strong evidence why it is better to provide remote areas with schools and teachers. Firstly,
going to school is more than a way of achieving knowledge. This is because besides the mission of transmitting
knowledge, schools act as a small community, in which children have the opportunities to enhance their social skills such
as problem solving or public speaking. Secondly, attending schools is the best way to motivate students. Since it is face-
to-face learning, pupils are required to have as much interaction as possible to ensure that they understand the content
of the lessons. Without having such an interactive learning, they could be easily distracted and therefore reduce the

In conclusion, although I do not refute the necessity of technological provision in rural areas in terms of education, I
believe that it would be the best to have more schools and teachers in such places.

Evaluation Report

Word Count 285

Comments It is a very well developed response covering key points.
Moreover, a wide range of vocabulary and structures are
used. Just revise edits to improve further. Thanks
Estimated Band Score 8.0
Task achievement Coherence/Cohesion Lexical resource Grammar & Accuracy
9 8 8 8
Suggestions 1. Excellent attempt.
2. Revise edits to improve further.
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Ticket Id: 222084

Monday, August
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