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Seminar Report on


Prepared by

Kavya Shanu K

Reg. No: AIK15CE036

B. Tech in Civil Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering

Albertian Institute of Science and Technology (AISAT)
Archbishop Angel Mary Nagar
Cochin University P. O., Kochi – 6820 22
(Affiliated to APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University)

October 2018
Seminar Report on


Prepared by

Kavya Shanu K

Reg. No: AIK15CE036

B. Tech in Civil Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering

Albertian Institute of Science and Technology (AISAT)
Archbishop Angel Mary Nagar
Cochin University P. O., Kochi – 6820 22
(Affiliated to APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University)

October 2018
Albertian Institute of Science and Technology (AISAT) – Technical Campus
Archbishop Angel Mary Nagar
Cochin University P. O., Kochi – 6820 22

Department of Civil Engineering


This is to certify that this seminar report entitled “Self healing Asphalt
pavement” is a bonafide record of the seminar presented by Miss Kavya
Shanu K, Reg No AIK15CE036, during (October 2018) in partial
fulfilment of the requirement for the award of B.Tech degree in Civil
Engineering of APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University.

Aswathy M Mohan Dr.Babu T Jose

Seminar Guide Head of the Department
Asst Proffesor Professor
Department of Civil Engg, Department of Civil Engg,
Albertian Institute of Science & Albertian Institute of Science
Technology (AISAT), & Technology (AISAT),
Kalamassery. Kalamassery.

First of all I would like to thank god almighty for the divine grace bestowed on me to complete
this seminar successfully on time.

I express my sincere gratitude to Prof Philip Kurien, Principal, Albertian Institute of Science
and Technology (AISAT), Kochi for giving me this opportunity to present this seminar and for
the facilities offered throughout this Endeavour.

I am grateful to Prof Babu T Jose, Head, Department of Civil Engineering for permitting to
make use of the facilities available in the department to carry out the seminar successfully.

The main motivation behind this seminar is my seminar guide Asst. Prof Aswathy M Mohan,
Department of civil Engineering. I am unboundedly grateful to her for the timely corrections and
scholarly guidance, which made me confident enough to come out successfully.

I am deeply indebted to my parents and all my friends for their constant encouragement. They
were instrumental in keeping my spirit high and their association will be always remembered.
Kavya Shanu K


Today road designs are sophisticated engineering creations. Despite this, the materials used in
the asphalt mixes have remained largely unchanged for the past 100 years. The main ingredient
of a modern road is the bitumen. It is a co product of crude oil, whose production is in the
decline, meaning that its cost is on the rise and will simultaneously result in an increase in the
cost of asphalt pavements. Incorporating self healing technology into asphalt pavement design
presents a solution for some of the difficulties facing asphalt. A typical modern road system
comprises of double or triple asphalt layers with extended lifespan of 20 -40 years. Self healing
asphalt and its use in road paving is an innovation that could potentially double the road lifespan
to between 40 to 80 years and could also reduce significantly the maintenance activity. It also
has the potential to improve traffic flow, reduce demand for fresh aggregate, reduce Carbon
emissions and enhance road safety. This seminar presentation discusses the 3 different methods
of self healing asphalt pavement: by Rejuvenation, by Nano particles, and by Induction heating
method. The mechanism of achieving self healing properties by the 3 methods, their advantages
and disadvantages is covered in the seminar. A Case study on Self healing highway-A58 ,in
Netherlands is also included in the seminar.

Keywords : Self healing, Asphalt, Rejuvenation, Nano Particles, Induction Heating


Acknowledgement i

Abstract ii

Contents iii

List of figures iv

List of tables v

1. Introduction 1

1.1 General

2. Self healing materials 2

3. Asphalt pavement 3

4. Self healing properties of asphalt 4

4.1 Autogenous self healing property 4

4.2 Process of autogenous self healing 5

5. Self healing mechanism 6

5.1 Conditions of self healing 6

5.2 Types of mechanisms 6

6 Nano particles 7

6.1 Nano clay 7

6.2 Nano rubber 8

7 Rejuvenator as self healing agent 9

7.1 Rejuvenators 9

7.2 Method of action 9

7.2.1 Rejuvenators as mono layer 9

7.2.2 Rejuvenator as micro capsules 10

8 Induction heating mechanism 12

8.1 Induction heating 14

9 Case study : Netherlands 15

9.1 Economic results 16

10 Conclusions 18

11 References 20


Fig No: Title of the Figure Page No

3.1 Asphalt 4
6.2 Nanoparticles and their chemical structure 7
7.1 Rejuvenator being placed in travis county 10
7.2 SEM morphology of microcapsules containing rejuvenators 10
7.3 Microencapsulated rejuvenators 11
8.1 Melted bitumen in pavement 13
8.2 Depicting induction heating process in an asphalt pavement via moving 13
8.3 Self healing by induction 14
9.1 Self-healing asphalt is being trialled in the Netherlands 15
9.2 Schlangen’s self healing asphalt is being trialled on the A58 pavement 16
9.3 Annual savings v/s Averaged life span graph. 17


Table No: Title of the Table Page No:

2.1 Self Healing mechanisms 3

4.1 Factors influencing self healing 4


1.1 General
India has one of the largest road networks in the world, aggregating to about 3.3 million
kilometres. The Indian road network consists of National Highways, State Highways,
District roads and Village roads. Besides these, there are International highways and the
Expressways, which are of recent development.
India has a long tradition of building roads since the times of Chandragupta Maurya
and Ashoka. The real progress was made during Mughal period, when Sher Shah Suri
constructed a road between Peshawar and Kolkata. It is now called Grand Trunk (G.T.)
Road. Most of the present trunk routes in India follow the Mughal routes.
The wide road network in India has made an enormous impact on trade, commerce,
lifestyle of citizens and connected all nooks and corners of the country. The importance
of a long lasting durable and reliable road system cannot be under estimated.
Maintaining the operational health of a road is imperative as to not disrupt
transportation and regular commute. Roads are subject to constant wear, tear, and stress.
They crack and deteriorate over time. As a result, modern roads have a lifetime
expectancy of 20-40 years, depending on the severity and kinds of conditions it is
exposed to. Once the damage begins to hinder functionality, the road has to be replaced.
As expected, replacing roads is an incredibly expensive and disruptive task. Not to
mention the various environmental harm it creates each time. However, scientists are
improving on new innovative techniques to significantly increase road durability. With a
few promising methods underway, scientists believe they can more than double the
lifespan of a road. If implemented, self-healing roads could significantly improve
economic and social aspects of every country.
The roads will require less servicing, increasing productivity while decreasing cost.
Self-healing roads far outperform conventional roadways; self-healing asphalt can
improve traffic flow, reduce maintenance activity, and can easily extend the life of a road
up to 80 years. Durability is experiencing a shift from the idea of minimizing damage to
the new era of self-healing capabilities.

Department of Civil Engineering 1 AISAT

Self-healing materials are artificial or synthetically-created substances that have the built-
in ability to automatically repair damage to themselves without any external diagnosis of
the problem or human intervention. Generally, materials will degrade over time due
to fatigue. Environmental conditions or damage incurred during operation. Cracks and
other types of damage on a microscopic level have been shown to change thermal,
electrical and acoustical properties of materials, and the propagation of cracks can lead to
eventual failure of the material. In general, cracks are hard to detect at an early stage, and
manual intervention is required for periodic inspections and repairs. In contrast, self-
healing materials counter degradation through the initiation of a repair mechanism that
responds to the micro-damage. Some self-healing materials are classed as smart
structures, and can adapt to various environmental conditions according to their sensing
and actuation properties.
Self-healing technology represents a revolution in materials engineering. Examples
of engineering materials to which self-healing technology has been successfully applied
are presented in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1: Self healing mechanisms
Material Healing mechanism

Polymer Healing agent encapsulation

Concrete 1. Bacteria
2. Hollow fibers
3. Microencapsulation
4. Expansive agents and mineral
Asphalt 1. Nanoparticles
2. Induction heating
3. Rejuvenator encapsulation
Coatings Healing agent (resin) encapsulation
Composites Alloys

Department of Civil Engineering 2 AISAT

Asphalt, also known as bitumen is a sticky, black, and highly viscous liquid or semi-solid
form of petroleum. It may be found in natural deposits or may be a refined product, and is
classed as a pitch.
The primary use (70%) of asphalt is in road construction, where it is used as the
glue or binder mixed with aggregate particles to create asphalt concrete. Its other main
uses are for bituminous water proofing products, including production of roofing felt
and for sealing flat roofs.
Bitumen road construction consists of various steps such as preparation of base
course, application of bituminous coat, placement of bituminous mix, rolling and check
for quality etc.

Figure 3.1: Asphalt, Source:Wikipedia

Factors that cause asphalt concrete to deteriorate over time mostly fall into one of
three categories: construction quality, environmental considerations, and traffic loads.
Often, damage results from combinations of factors in all three categories.
Asphalt deterioration can include crocodile cracking, potholes, upheaval,
raveling, bleeding, rutting, shoving, stripping, and grade depressions. In cold
climates, frost heaves can crack asphalt even in one winter. Filling the cracks with
bitumen is a temporary fix, but only proper compaction and drainage can slow this

Department of Civil Engineering 3 AISAT


4.1 Autogenous self healing property

Asphalt pavement is a self-healing material. When subjected to rest periods, asphalt
pavement has the potential to restore its stiffness and strength by closing the micro
cracks that occur when the pavement is subjected to traffic loads. Research to date has
focused on its autogenous healing properties ( Table 4.1) . Crack repair in an asphalt
pavement system occurs as a result of the wetting and inter diffusion of material between
the two faces of a micro-crack, to regain the properties of the original material .
Table 4.1: Factors influencing self healing
Bitumen properties Bitumen type
Viscoelastic properties
Surface free energy
Asphalt mix composition Bitumen content
Aggregate structure
Environment Temperature
Loading history
Rest periods

The three primary steps in the autonomous asphalt self-healing process are as follows:
1. Wetting of the two faces of a micro-crack
2. Diffusion of molecules from one face to the other
3. Randomization of the diffused molecules to reach the level of strength of the original

Department of Civil Engineering 4 AISAT

4.2 Process of autogenous self healing
Binder is key to the self-healing process in an asphalt pavement. Self-healing takes place
on a molecular level, when broken (non-associated) molecules are available to form links
and chains via hydrogen bonds . The process is termed “reversible hydrogen bonding”
and is achieved by bringing together the associated molecules to form both chains and
crosslinks via hydrogen bonds. Qiu et al. reported that self-healing in an asphalt
pavement system is a viscosity-driven process, dependent on time (rest periods) and
temperature. Qiu et al. also demonstrated the self-healing time and temperature
dependency of bituminous materials. A longer healing time and increased healing
temperature lead to better healing .Shorter time to heal results in the formation of fewer
bridges across the interface and the development of a weaker bond across the break.
However, if broken bonds are not healed immediately (i.e. if the fractured surfaces are
not brought into contact with each other), the number of non-associated groups available
for linking decreases (i.e. healing efficiency decreases) . This is because, immediately
after breakage, the free (non-associated) groups begin to seek other free groups within the
broken part to link with.
The healing of an asphalt pavement at high temperatures is governed by the so-called
thixotropic effect, which describes the transformation of asphalt binder from a solid to gel
state, allowing recovery from structural damage. Wu reported that visible in-situ cracks
within asphalt pavements disappear during periods of warm weather, only to reappear
during cold weather. At high temperatures, surface cracks close, but high temperatures
dissipate quickly throughout the pavement depth, meaning that cracks 20–30 mm below
the pavement surface do not heal and re-appear at lower temperatures or as a result of
heavy traffic loading. However, the self-healing properties of asphalt can be enhanced
either by heating the asphalt material or by adding modifiers or a healing agent (i.e.
rejuvenator), or other processes.

Department of Civil Engineering 5 AISAT


The self healing agents incorporated into the asphalt mix should be of sufficient strength,
proper size and shape, and protected from effects of abrasion to be useful as self healing
material in the time of crack development.

5.1 Condition for self healing agents

There are five fundamental conditions for self healing agents to be incorporated into
black-top asphalt outline:
a) Great similarity with bitumen
b) High temperature solidness
c) Capacity to survive blending and development conditions
d) Healing temperature between -30°C and 40°C
e) Fit for persistent/multi-time healing.

5.2 Types of mechanisms

The self-healing of blacktop asphalts can be brought out through revival technique by
a) Incorporation of Nanoparticles
b) Rejuvenators
c) Induction heating.

Department of Civil Engineering 6 AISAT


A nanoparticle (or nanopowder or nanocluster or nanocrystal) is a microscopic particle

with at least one dimension less than 100 nm. The two types of nanoparticles used are
nano clays and nano rubbers.

6.1 Nano clay

Nanoclay materials are utilized as a part of black-top asphalt configuration to enhance the
ageing, rheological and warm properties of black-top blend . In any case, they likewise
can possibly repair small scale splits in black-top. The nanoparticles tend to move
towards the tip of the split, driven by the high surface energy, and accordingly stop break
proliferation and recuperate harmed black-top material. the nanoclay self-healing
technique has not been researched in great detail to date and there is insufficient data
available on the long-term effect of nanoclay particles on the performance of self-healing
asphalt mixtures. This is an interesting area for future research.

Figure 6.1: Nanoparticles and their chemical structure, Source:IJSRD,vol 5,issue 1,2017

6.2 Nano rubber

Polymer and rubber modifiers are utilized as a part of the bitumen blend to enhance the
physical and mechanical properties of the binders and, all things considered, to enhance

Department of Civil Engineering 7 AISAT

in-situ execution of a black-top asphalt. Rubber modifiers as nanoparticles have
additionally been utilized to enhance the mending properties of black-top mastic.

The unmistakable preferred standpoint of nanorubber as a modifier is its twofold

part; it can enhance black-top blend toughness and furthermore go about as self-healing
modifier in the blend. In any case, the hindrance of polymer-based modifiers is their
thermodynamic contrariness with black-top cover as a result of the huge contrasts in
material thickness, extremity, sub-atomic weight and solvency between the polymer and
the black-top. This can bring about delamination of the composite during warm storage,
which is not promptly evident and unfavorably influences the black-top blend when it is

Department of Civil Engineering 8 AISAT


7.1 Rejuvenators
During the service life of a pavement, the volatile components of bitumen evaporate,
and oxidation and polymerization can occur. As a result, the bitumen ages and loses some
of its viscoelastic properties.
A rejuvenator is a designed cationic emulsion containing maltenes and saturates. The
basic role of a rejuvenator is to diminish the solidness of the oxidized asphalt binder and
to flux the cover to broaden the asphalt life by modifying the properties of the asphalt
blend. Amid the administration life of an asphalt the unstable segments of bitumen
dissipate, and oxidation and polymerization can happen. Subsequently, the bitumen ages
and loses some of its viscoelastic properties. The viscoelastic condition of the asphalt
blend can be re-established through the expansion of either bitumen with a high
penetration value or a reviving operator, for example, a cationic Emulsion. Such cationic
emulsions are called rejuvenators.
7.2 Method of action
a. Restores proper balance among the five asphalt components.

b. Restores flexibility and ductility to the top portion of the old, brittle


c. Stops raveling and stripping of the aggregate.

7.2.1 Rejuvenator as mono layer

The rejuvenators can be applied directly to the surface layer of pavements when the
cracks are in the initial stages. This will prevent further crack propagation and pavement
failure. By applying the rejuvenator to the surface course, the lifespan of the asphalt
pavement can be extended by several years; however, this only applies to the top few
centimetres of the asphalt pavement.

Department of Civil Engineering 9 AISAT

Figure 7.1: Rejuvenator being placed in travis county; the distinctive color disappears
when the emulsion ‘breaks.’Source:Road science

7.2.2 Rejuvenator micro capsules

The rejuvenators are included into the asphalt mix via asphalt mix to restore the original
binder properties. The principle behind this approach is that when micro-cracks begin to
form within the pavement system, they encounter a capsule in the propagation path. The
fracture energy at the tip of the crack opens the capsule and releases the healing agent.
The healing agent then mixes with the asphalt binder to seal the crack, thus preventing
further propagation. The process prevents the formation of micro-cracks within the
pavement mix and prevents complete failure of the pavement system.

Figure 7.2: SEM morphology of microcapsules containing rejuvenators. Source : Self

healing asphalt pavement, DOI: 10.1007/12_2015_335

Department of Civil Engineering 10 AISAT

The figure 7.3 shows encapsulated rejuvenators mixed with bitumen and their
breakage and the release of rejuvenator. An example for a rejuvenator is reclamite.

Figure 7.3:Microcapsulated rejuvenators.

Source: IJSRD,vol 5,issue 1,2017

Department of Civil Engineering 11 AISAT


8.1 Induction heating

The induction process operates by sending an alternating current through the coil and
generating an alternating electromagnetic field. When the conductive asphalt specimen is
placed under the coil, the electromagnetic field induces currents flowing along the
conductive loops formed by the steel fibers. This method can be repeated if damage
Electrically conductive fibers and fillers (carbon fibers, graphite, steel fibers, steel
wool and the conductive polymer polyaniline) were added to study the electrical
conductivity in asphalt pavement. Induction heating in asphalt pavement using
conductive carbon fibers, carbon black and graphite as conductive media demonstrated
that adding conductive fibers to the mixture increases conductivity more effectively than
adding conductive filler. The noteworthy mending system in induction healing is the fine
stream and dispersion of the black-top cover (bitumen) at high temperatures.
Due to the used materials, self healing asphalt is able to repair damage all by itself.
Metal fibers in(conventional) asphalt blends allow hairline cracks in the surface to be
filled automatically. The process works as follows: heat is generated in these fibers when
an induction device is driven over the surface. This then causes the surrounding bitumen
to melt temporarily. The approach thus allows old layers of asphalt to be renewed.
Hairline cracks are sealed and the potential loss of adhesion with minerals in the asphalt
is repaired. This helps to significantly extend the lifespan, particularly regarding silent
road surfaces that are highly susceptible to aging.

Department of Civil Engineering 12 AISAT

Figure 8.1: Melted bitumen in pavement,Source:Heijmans, Introns and TU Delfit website
The treatment causes few problems and can be repeated several times. If repeated
three times, the lifespan can be extended by 50% to compared to normal road surfaces.
And this results in a CO2 reduction of 40%.

Figure 8.2: Depicting induction heating process in an asphalt pavement via moving
Source:Heijmans, Introns and TU Delfit website trucks

Although induction healing can enhance the self-healing capacity of asphalt

pavement, an adverse effect is that heating the asphalt mix ages the bitumen.
Furthermore, overheating (>110°C) the asphalt mix can cause binder swelling and
drainage, which adversely affects pavement performance. Liu et al 2010,“Induction
heating of electrically conductive porous asphalt concrete” suggested that the optimal
heating temperature for a porous asphalt mix is 85°C.

Although its ageing effect can be compensated for by the healing effect, a problem
that has not been addressed by research is the loss of conductivity via oxidation
(corrosion) of the steel wool and fibers. However, this should not be an insurmountable
problem, as steel could be replaced by carbon fibers and/or conductive polymer.

Department of Civil Engineering 13 AISAT

The figure 8.3 shows the induction heating process of bitumen. The sample contains
steel wool which conducts electricity and heats up on conducting. The bitumen attains an
elastic state and closes minor cracks. The supplied power and the traveling speed of the
induction system appeared to be the most influential operational factors for the
development of a quick and highly efficient system.

Figure 8.3: Self healing by induction.

Source : ISJRD journal,Vol. 5, Issue 01, 2017

Department of Civil Engineering 14 AISAT

In the Netherlands the A58 highway features a test section of self-healing asphalt that
measures several hundred meters. At the end of June 2014, Heijmans successfully carried
out its first induction treatment. This innovative pilot was carried out under assignment
from the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment. Since then, self-healing
road surfaces have already been laid, by Heijmans a private researching company in
various locations in the Netherlands.
Self-healing asphalt offers a solution for road owners who are looking for lower
maintenance cycles and fewer traffic delays due to road works. The material is especially
useful in areas with very high traffic loads and on locations where tear of road surfaces is
more intense, like intersections and tight curves.
Self-healing asphalt is an extremely cost-effective way to lower maintenance cycles.
Erik Schlangen, a materials scientist at Delft University in the Netherlands was one
of the lead researchers. His asphalt has small steel fibers mixed in, which makes the
asphalt conductive. If you add heat by running a big induction machine — basically a
huge magnet — over the asphalt, it’ll warm up the asphalt and steel fibers and then the
small cracks close on their own. (Sunshine can create some of this effect, too, but it’s
usually not enough.) So it’s not entirely self-healing, because you need the induction
machine, but it’s still less trouble than closing a road off for days to do repairs.

Figure 9.1: Self-healing asphalt is being trialled in the Netherlands.

Source : website:

Department of Civil Engineering 15 AISAT

Figure 9.2: Schlangen’s self healing asphalt is currently being trialled on the A58
pavement,Netherland. Source :

9.1 Economical results

Self-healing asphalt has been tested on 12 different roads in the Netherlands, and one of
these has been functioning and open to the public since 2010. All are still in perfect
condition, but Schlangen notes that even normal asphalt roads are fine for about seven to
10 years and that it’s in upcoming years that we’ll really start to see the difference. He
estimates that the overall cost of the material would be 25 percent more expensive than
normal asphalt, but it could double the life of the road, and one estimate suggests it could
save the Netherlands 90 million Euros a year if all the roads used this material.

Besides these ‘direct’ savings, self healing asphalt yields indirect advantages, for
instance less traffic jams due to road maintenance and hence less social traffic jam costs.
Direct traffic jam costs, expressed as capitalised hours of time loss of waiting people and
their alternative routes, amounted in 2008 in the Netherlands to 2.8 billion euros, of
which ‘only’ 4 per cent or about 110 million euros were caused by road maintenance. It
would be reasonable to assume that the number of traffic jams decreases proportionally
with the length of the maintenance period. That is as the maintenance activity increases
the traffic jam decreases. Therefore, a lifetime extension for self healing asphalt with 25
Department of Civil Engineering 16 AISAT
per cent from 12 years on average to 15 years would render 22 million euros less traffic
jam costs. At a lifetime extension of 50 per cent - from 12 years on average to 18 years -
the social traffic jam costs would be 37 million euros less. Again, here the additional
costs for applying self healing asphalt are not taken into account. The combined annual
savings related to major repairs and social traffic jam costs are approx. 65 million euros
at a life span extension of 25 per cent, and over 100 million euros at a life span extension
of 50 per cent, for the entire Porous asphalt pavement (PAC) area in the Netherlands.
If the difference in cost price between ‘standard PAC’ and self-healing PAC is only
in the cost price of the modified bitumen, then a 100 per cent (or 200 per cent) higher
bitumen price results in approx. 8 million (or 16 million) euros additional annual costs.
So even if the price of self-healing bitumen will be twice as high as for standard bitumen,
The Netherlands can save approx. 90 million euros annually by investing in self-healing
asphalt with a 50 per cent extended life span compared to traditional PAC.
Only when the cost price of self-healing bitumen will be more than 13 times the
price of standard bitumen, self-healing asphalt will be less attractive from a financial
point of view. Not only society would prefer to have this new type of asphalt., also the
road maintenance authority and road contractors with maintenance agreements will be
able to plan much better using this new material.

Figure 9.3: Annual savings v/s Averaged life span graph. Source:

Department of Civil Engineering 17 AISAT

The key aim of research on self-healing asphalt pavements is to develop asphalt
pavement material that is capable of healing itself without external intervention.
Therefore, the ultimate goal for road designers is to develop an asphalt pavement material
that can mimic the nature itself. To achieve this, the self-healing processes embedded
within the asphalt pavement system should be capable of self assessment. This would
enable the material to assess its structural and material health and to trigger a response to
initiate self-healing where necessary.
Three self healing techniques were discussed which are :
1. Incorporation of rejuvenators
2. Nano particles
3. Induction heating method
Out of the 3 methods the Inductive heating is the most progressive self-healing
technology for asphalt pavements reported to date. This technology has transitioned from
laboratory to site in a short period of time.
Currently available self-healing road technologies are paving the way for the
evolution of road design. Existing technologies have demonstrated their potential in
repairing distressed asphalt pavements. They offer great opportunities for increased
durability and reliability, reduced maintenance and lower overall cost of asphalt
pavements. This includes a reduction in the material resources needed, because the usual
over-design of materials is no longer required. The repair of an asphalt pavement is
addressed in situ by its internal self-healing system at the very position of first
appearance of damage, eliminating the need for classical in-situ maintenance processes.
However, the key objective of self-healing technology for asphalt pavement design is the
development of a truly smart asphalt pavement system, capable of selfassessment and
automatic response. Despite the progress made in the development of self-healing asphalt
technology, further work is required to achieve truly smart asphalt pavements. Future
work needs to focus on:
1. Damage sensing and repair triggering elements

Department of Civil Engineering 18 AISAT

2. Development of multiple self-healing processes
3. Development of self-healing assessment mechanisms

The development of such areas of self-healing technology for asphalt pavements

will truly revolutionize asphalt pavement design. This will also lead to another
evolutionary step in road construction and design and bring the idea of self-healing roads
from science fiction to reality.

Department of Civil Engineering 19 AISAT

1. Bin Xue , “Study on self healing microcapsule conataining rejuvenator for
asphalt”,Construction and building materials science direct,(vol 135,641-649,
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2. Garcı´a A, Schlangen E, Van de Ven M,”Induction heating of mastic containing
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3. Gauri R. Mahajan,Dr.Y.P.Joshi, Prof. S. S. Goliya3, “Technologies for Self Healing
of Asphalt Pavements-A Review” ,. IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific
Research & Development (Vol. 5, Issue 01), ISSN (online): 2321-0613, (2011)
4. Max A. Aguirre,Marwa M. Hassan,Sharareh Shirzad, Louay N. Mohammad ,
“Laboratory Testing of Self-Healing Microcapsules in Asphalt Mixtures Prepared
with Recycled Asphalt Shingles”, Journal of materials engineering ASCE, (Volume
29, Issue 9) ,2017
5. Liu Q et al , “Constr Build Mater Induction heating of electrically conductive porous
asphalt concrete” (24:1207–1213),2010
6. Ali AzharButt, BjörnBirgisson,NikiKringos, “Optimizing the Highway Lifetime by
Improving the Self Healing Capacity of Asphalt”, Procedia - Social and Behavioral
Sciences, science direct, (Volume 48), 2012
7. Self healing materials: concept and applications, a bilingual publication of
NLAgency, (publication number 3ISHM1101) ,, June 2011
8. Self-healing of asphalt mixture by microwave and induction heating, (Accepted
manuscript) science direct, doi: 10.1016/j.matdes.2016
9. Self-Healing Technology for Asphalt Pavements, Research Gate: Chapter ·
November 2015, DOI: 10.1007/12_2015_335
10. Steyne W, “Potential application of nanotechnology in pavement engineering” ,
ASCE J Trans Eng 135(10):764–772. V
11. The Role of an Asphalt Rejuvenator in Pavement –Preservation, ,Use and Need for
Asphalt Rejuvenation, website:

Department of Civil Engineering 20 AISAT

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