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Unit 8

Administrative and Supervisory

Structure in Pakistan
Code 8605

Asma Mumtaz
PhD Scholar


i. Ministry of Education, Education Secretariat and its various wings

ii. Provincial and District Departments of Education, BISE

iii.National Bureau of Curriculum and Textbook

iv.Education Code and its Contents



Government of Pakistan

Ministry of


Ministry of Education:
The ministry of Education is the head of central organization for formulating
National Education Policies. Ministry of Education is headed by the Federal Ministers for
Education – a member of the Cabinet. His office is in the Education Secretariat.

Education Secretariat:
The Federal Education Secretary is the chief executive of the Education
Secretariat. He is assisted by a number of Joint Secretaries / Joint Education Advisors,
each one of them is the head of certain wing of the Ministry of Education.

Administrative Wing
Education Secretariat Planning & Development Wing
Primary & Non-Formal Education
Federal Institution Wing

Learned bodies Sports Welfare Wing

Curriculum Wing
Science and Technical Education Wing

International Cooperation Wing

Higher Education & Research Wing


1. Administrative Wing (General Administration)

Its functions include recruitments, management of personnel, rules and regulations of
2. Planning and Development Wing:
Its functions are Planning of Education, project identification, preparation of five-year plan,
annual development programs, monitoring and evaluating of plans/projects etc.
3. Primary and Non-Formal Education Wing:
It is responsible for evaluation of National Educational Projects, implementation and
monitoring of these Projects– Pakistan Primary Educational Project, also working to
increase literacy and basic education of the adults.

4. Federal Institution Wing:

This wing related to F.G Institutions except cantonment and garrisons - Attached
Departments, i-e Federal Directorate of Education, Islamabad; Department of Libraries,
FBISE, Islamabad.
5. Learned Bodies, Sports and Welfare Wing:
Its functions include Scout and Girl-Guide Programs, Students and Teachers Welfare, Award
such as medals, Supervision of Sports, National Book Foundation etc.
6. Curriculum Wing:
Curriculum Planning and implementation 1-12 class and Teacher training etc
7. Science and Technology Education Wing:
Main functions – Planning, Training and monitoring of science and technology Programs
from Grade 1 – PhD

8. International Cooperation Wing:

ICW deals with the matters– admission of foreign students in Pakistan and Pakistani
students in abroad, Scholarship Exchange Program, Training, Cooperation and
Implementation of UNESCO.

9. Higher Education and Research Wing:

Its deals with the Higher Education Commission and Universities in the Country and
research in higher learning, Centre of Excellence in various fields, Pakistan study centers
at various Universities.

Provincial Development of Education:

 Pakistan is a federation of four provinces- Punjab, Sind, KPK and Baluchistan.

 Educational policies are formulated at national level and implemented at
Provincial level.
 In provinces, ministers of education are in charge of the Provincial Ministries of
 Thus the Provincial Ministers keeps the Chief Ministers and Governor
informed about the important developments in the field of Education.

Secretariat of Education:

Within each Province, respective Education Department functions include:

1. Promotion of general, Technical and Scientific Education

2. Formulation of Educational Policies and Coordination of educational activities in
the Province
3. Implementation of Educational Policies formulated by the Federal

1. Department of Education- Government of


The functions include:

1. School, College and University Education

2. Coordination of Schemes for higher studies abroad
3. Grant of Scholarships
4. Education of handicaps
5. Promotion of Scientific research, art and literature
6. Production and distribution of education and scientific films
7. Libraries
8. Service Matters
Autonomous Bodies (Under the Department of Education):

1. Universities like University of Punjab, BZU, Multan, Islamic University, Bahawalpur,

FJWU, Rawalpindi, etc.
2. BISE in each division of the Punjab
3. Board of Technical Education
4. Textbook Board
5. DEOs (Males & Females)
6. Deputy District Education Officer
7. Assistant Education Officer
8. Directorate of Staff Development
9. Deputy Director A.V Aids

Minister of Education
Structure of Secretary of Education
Department of
Education in Attached Departments
Autonomous Bodies Other Institutions
Punjab Universities

Secretary of Education BISE

Director Public Instruction (Schools) B.T.E

Director Technical Education P.T.B.B

Director Sports & Physical Education Cadet Colleges/ Lawrence College

Director General Labs IER

Director Curriculum and Development Center

Directorate of Staff Development
2. Department of Education – Government of
Secretary of Education
Responsibilities of Secretary of Education Includes:

1. Administrative Matters:

Accounts, Staff Development, Projects and Policies etc.

2. Professional Matters:

Meetings with Directors of Education, heads of Boards, Principals of Colleges, Vice

Chancellors etc. and other academic issues.

3. Ceremonial / Political Matters:
As representative of the Governor of the Province and head of Education System he holds
meetings with Governor, Chief Secretary, other Secretaries, external visitors and attends
functions etc.
4. Directors of Education (Schools and Colleges):
 Provision, Promotion and maintenance of good quality school Education in the region
 Development of the Students and Staff
 Promotion of adult Community literacy in the region
 Overall control of School and College Education
 General Administration
 Supervision of the Personnel in Schools/Colleges

5. District Education Officer:
Separate DEOs for male and female Schools- Control, Supervision and Development of
Primary, Middle and High Schools and all resources- building, equipment, funds etc.

6. Deputy DEO
The primary functions of a Deputy District Education Officer depend to a large extent on the
specific duties assigned to him/her by the D.E.O. There may be more than one D.D.E.O in a
7. Sub-Divisional Education Officer:
Instructional and Staff Supervision, Assists the DEO
3. Department of Education- Government of KPK:
Secretary Education is the Administrative head. Unlike Punjab and Sindh, Director of
Edu. Schools and Colleges are the heads of their respective Department.

1. Director of Education (Colleges)

Responsible for overall administrative control of the directorate of college education and
institutions in the province.

2. Director of Education (Schools)

Responsible for overall administrative control of the directorate of school education and
institutions in the province.

3. District Education Officers:
They are responsible for the successful supervision of School Programs. Their authority
extends over the Secondary Schools and Sub-divisional education Officers in the district.
They visit the School for three days out of six days.

4. Deputy District Education Officer

If allowed the deputy district officer plans programmes for supervision of the schools and
carries out the programmes in accompany with A.D.E.O or alone under the guidance of the
D.E.O. The DDEO assists the Assistant District Eductaion Officers in the performance of
their office duties.

Administrative Structure Ministry of Education

School Education in KPK

Secretary of Education

Director Province

DEO (M) District DEO (F)

SDEO (M) Tehsil SDEO (F)

ADEO (M) Circle ADEO (F)

BGP School Community GGP School

4. Department of Education- Government of Baluchistan:

As compared to other provinces , Baluchistan has a comparatively smaller administrative

sector. However, the functions of various tiers of educational management in the Baluchistan
are more or less same as in other provinces. The department of education of the following
departments and their functions.

1. Minister of Education:
Same as for other Provinces.
2. Secretary Education:

Same as for other Provinces

3. Director of Education (Colleges):
Directly under the secretary Education and responsible for overall administration and
supervision of the colleges (male and female) Education development and Planning is
initiated by the director.
4. Director of Education (Schools):

Acts as that the director (colleges) do. Directors are responsible for supervision and
administration and is assisted by Assistant officer. For the administration and supervision
of Girls schools, Divisional Education officer (Female) have been appointed in each division

5. District GOVT. System:

As per devolution of Powers Program education has become the subject of DISTT,GOVT. whose
head is called Zila Nazim.
Function and Powers of The Zila Nazim:
• To provide leadership and direction for efficient functioning of DISTT,GOVT.
• To keep law and order in the DISTT.
• To ensure implementation of the functions decentralized to the DISTT,GOVT.
• To supervise formulation and execution of annual development plan.
• Send proposal to the Zila council for approval of budget.
• To maintain administrative and financial discipline.
• To present tax proposal to Zila council.
• Issue executive orders to District Coordination Officer-DCO.
• Issue executive orders to Executive District Officer- EDO

Functions and Powers of DCO/EDO:
• To ensure that the business of the offices under his jurisdiction is carried out in accordance
with law and rules.
• Coordinate and supervise the activities of the offices
• Supply information to the Monitoring committees of Zila council and union councils.
• Take appropriate actions based on the information received from Monitoring teams.
• Enforce relevant Federal/Provincial laws and rules.
• Prepare development plans and propose budgetary allocations for their execution.
• Implement approved plans and policies.
• Prepare proposals for expenditures.

Boards of Secondary and Intermediate Education and

National Bureau of Curriculum and Textbooks:
The first formal exercise in curriculum Development was undertaken as a result of
the report of the commission on National Education 1959. On its recommendations. The
Ministry appointed two curriculum committees for Primary and Secondary Education in

After the constitution of 1973, the Curriculum, Syllabi, Planning, Policy, Centers of
Excellence, Standard of Education and Islamic Education were placed on the concurrent
legislative list of the Federal GOVT. In fact the curriculum centers in the Provinces are
associated centers of the curriculum wing of the Federal Ministry of Education.

Education Code:
Education code deals with the existing rules and regulations of educational
institutions. It is applied uniformly in all the institutions to maintain standards and
discipline in these institutions.
Following chapters have been included in the code.

1. Definitions and classifications.

2. General rules
3. Fee in Government institutions
4. Rules and regulations for the award of internal Merit Scholarships
5. Rules of Recognition and Registration of Privately Managed Institutions
6. Grants-in-aid Rules for Institutions
7. Teachers certificates and Diplomas



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