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Narrator: there was once a town who was filled with joy

But once every year the town will hold hands

And speak to they’re God

“oh merciful lords give us blessings for us as we fill your belly with goods and plenty”
Narrator: then the lords will give them goods ,riches
but the next year the lord gave more than things they were able to give people.
so the next night in the next year the lords gave them female and male
as lords were speaking
“ I Give You The Greatest Gift I have Ever Given You, Take Care of Them And Never SEPERATE them”

“What shall we do with them?”

Narratot:1 of them said.

“How can we feed them?”

Narrator: another said then a mother stepped up

“Feed these babies like our mothers feed us.”

“How, usually when they feed us its usually bottles and we don’t have any bottles”
“ then Let’s borrow Andy’s bottle “
Narrator: then the mother said again
Then everyone had a towns meeting
“what should we do”
“ how to feed it”
“we must separate them”
“split them?”
“it’s hard”
narrator: everyone went wild.
until 1 city person heard about this
“gods? PHJH it isn’t. or is it?”
so he kidnapped the female child and left the male
child in the town. When it was morning, everyone gasped
as they heard the female child has disappeared

“Who took the baby”

Narrator: as people gathered 1 of them said
“what have we done?!”
then lighting hit the ground as the gods were mad
the towns people will pray for they’re god to calm down as the god did calm down.
“ Find Michela or the gods will no longer speak to you..”

And This Is Where The Story Begins

Richard: are you serious! Another Low Grade at High
School, ANOTHER!

Michela: so, what it’s just a little bit of low-grade Richard

Richard: LITTLE! Its Big all right and you’re in a lot of trouble when I tell this to
your father.

Michela: oh, not him

Richard: yes, him all him.

Michela: now Ur crazy.

Michela: hmmmmmm before you tell my father can you check if I have
any relatives before we go

Richard: sure (hacking) hmm? You do.

Michela: check again any same type of blood.

Richard: hmmmmmm check it same hair same personality feels like he’s your
brother and literal the same age but hmm no one is older or younger

Michela: Same Power?

Richard: I thought we never speak of this until its important-

Michela: if you do it whole box of chocolate

Richard: on it…… hmm... non has written

of it

Michela Of course because its secret. might as well borrow dads’ plane

Richard: do you even how to drive one?

Michela: na but I do have a pilot, his name is Richard Maleys

Richard: wow me I’m your pilot ?

Michela: yep, you drove around 20 planes in your whole life until you join high school

Richard: Hey! Wasn’t it a secret?

Michela: eh? Now whole box of chocolate if you drive

Richard: did you not say just a while ago .

Michela: fine 2box of chocolate.

Richard: ok
At The Towns Place

Richard: it sure is big in here.

Michela: come on lets find micheal

Richard: who?

Michela: Micheal the one who looks like me.

Richard: oh forgot.

Michela: hmm?

Poster: Find Michela If Found ,Report To corntrol House!

Michela: What IM Missing?

Richard: then lets hurry up the search

Michela: hmmm Found Him!

Michela: hi

Michela: I have some-


Every one: Michela ?michela?! michela is here wheres? Michela? Michela I thought she’s dead?

Father: Richard what are you doing its past time for you to go out, your parent’s are woryying about
you, and Michela !Who thought using my plane would make me happy ! lets go home!

Michela: Daaaaaaaad Im doing An Investigatioooooooon

Father: Well That Investigation is over.

Back At The City

Father: you Should be a lot more careful Michela

Michela: dad I wanted to know if he was my relative


Michela: pfft, what a father…


Father: were home…..

Father: Get Me the chair

Michela: Yea Yea.

Michela: Done.

Father: You know why we need to do this

Together Michela father: To protect me from danger………….

Father: Now drop all This Nonsense and let’s get ice cre-


Michela: dad Also Can I have 2 Box Of chocolate

Father: why

Michela: I kind of promised a friend to drive a plane and hac- I mean let me borrow his phone.

Father: Fine Since were Kind of Rich.

Back At town
Michael: oh, lords let my power heal Ms. Aly From Old Age To young
age with your help we’d thank you for being in our lives.


Ms. Aly: Hmm? what’s going on my child?

Michael: the lords has accepted that we’d let you live. 😊

Ms. Aly: Then I praise The Lord for Accepting Me.

Narrator: as soon as the twins learned the power, so I

will show the family what was meant to be

Narrator: Lets Continue 😉

Michael: I must go home Ms. Aly

Ms. Aly: No, please stay, you helped me lived my life since I’m 103 now.

Michael: I must go home I need to speak to someone.

Ms. Aly: Then may the Lords Be with you.

Michael: Hello Mysterious girl

Michela: hello mysterious boy, in fact you voice sounds familiar.

Michael: same as you. And what if I want to know your name?

Michela: heh I wish but we still need to keep this secret

Michael: why-


Michael: How can I help You?

Audrina: Do you have powers?

Michael: how did you know?

*Audrina And Melissa shows*

Melissa: meet us at New York, don’t tell anybody bye.

Narrator: now michela eating her ice cream and micheal

About to meet his cousins we are having a new adventure…

To Be Continued

Written Bye Yurenyia And Liz

If Any Wrong grammar Blame Liz OwO

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