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The Tradeshift

Index of Global
Trade Health
Q4 2020
The Tradeshift Index of Global Trade Health | Q4 2020

After a year of unprecedented turbulence activity is preparing to accelerate. Decisive
for global trade and supply chains, our Q4 action early on meant China trade activity in the
Index hints at a return to more even ground. region returned to growth in just two months.

the volatility
Business to business trade activity across
the Tradeshift platform rose 14% in Q4, Western economies, particularly the US and
and for the first time since March, global the Eurozone, might be showing signs of
transaction volumes were ahead of pre- sustainable momentum in Q4, but their supply
chains continue to bear the scars from a

pandemic levels. Strong order books in almost
every region suggest buyers are pressing prolonged period of volatility. Lack of supplier
ahead with purchasing decisions which had liquidity has been a key theme throughout the
previously been cancelled or delayed. year, and our latest data suggests this will
remain a significant challenge going into 2021.
Any business expecting a swift return to normal
from here may be left disappointed however. As buyers focus on building resilience to
Opening remarks from Christian Lanng, News of a vaccine provided a shot in the arm future shocks, we need to consider how
for business confidence at the end of the year; best to equip suppliers to come on that
CEO and co-founder, Tradeshift
but new and familiar threats to global stability journey with them. Technology can help
suggest a bumpy road ahead even as trading to address this challenge, unlocking faster
patterns begin to stabilise. more predictable cash flow, better access for
diverse suppliers and increased optionality
Nearly nine months after the first national in the event of disruption. What’s good
lockdown, UK transaction volumes remain well for suppliers, will be good for buyers.
below pre-pandemic levels. Contrast this with
China, where our latest data suggests trade

The Tradeshift Index of Global Trade Health | Q4 2020

After a year of unprecedented turbulence activity is preparing to accelerate. Decisive
for global trade and supply chains, our Q4 action early on meant China trade activity in the
Index hints at a return to more even ground. region returned to growth in just two months.

the volatility
Business to business trade activity across
the Tradeshift platform rose 14% in Q4, Western economies, particularly the US and
and for the first time since March, global the Eurozone, might be showing signs of
transaction volumes were ahead of pre- sustainable momentum in Q4, but their supply
chains continue to bear the scars from a

pandemic levels. Strong order books in almost
every region suggest buyers are pressing prolonged period of volatility. Lack of supplier
ahead with purchasing decisions which had liquidity has been a key theme throughout the
previously been cancelled or delayed. year, and our latest data suggests this will
remain a significant challenge going into 2021.
Any business expecting a swift return to normal
from here may be left disappointed however. As buyers focus on building resilience to
Opening remarks from Christian Lanng, News of a vaccine provided a shot in the arm future shocks, we need to consider how
for business confidence at the end of the year; best to equip suppliers to come on that
CEO and co-founder, Tradeshift
but new and familiar threats to global stability journey with them. Technology can help
suggest a bumpy road ahead even as trading to address this challenge, unlocking faster
patterns begin to stabilise. more predictable cash flow, better access for
diverse suppliers and increased optionality
Nearly nine months after the first national in the event of disruption. What’s good
lockdown, UK transaction volumes remain well for suppliers, will be good for buyers.
below pre-pandemic levels. Contrast this with
China, where our latest data suggests trade

The Tradeshift Index of Global Trade Health | Q4 2020

US soars while UK stutters

What 50%
Transaction volumes - Quarter on Quarter Growth

happened 25%

7.8%7.3% 8.9%
Q4 index highlights at a glance 3.7% 4.7%
1.8% 1%

1. Global business to business transactions 6. Retail (CPG) had the strongest quarter. -10.1%
grew 14.2% in Q4, exceeding pre-pandemic Transaction volumes rose 34%, but the -15.9%
levels for the first time since March. overall picture remains volatile across the -19.4% -20.5%
sector. T&L transaction volumes rose by a
2. The US was the standout performer in Q4. more modest 9.7%, manufacturing was up
Transaction volumes were up 28.8%, almost 16.3%, while transactions in the technology
double the growth rate globally. sector rose 16.9%.
3. Transaction volume growth in the Global UK US Eurozone China
7. Order volumes continued to show strong
Eurozone was also well above the global momentum in Q4, rising 22% across the
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
average at 22.1%. Tradeshift network, suggesting a positive
start to 2021 for supply chains.
4. The UK is still struggling to pick up
momentum. Transaction volumes rose 7.3% 8. Invoice volumes also grew at the fastest
in Q4, and overall activity remains some rate we’ve seen all year in Q4. But liquidity The US was the standout performer in Q4. UK transaction growth held its momentum but it’s slow
way below the pre-pandemic level. remains an issue for suppliers as order Transaction volumes grew 28.8%, almost progress and overall activity remains some way below the
growth continues to outpace the rate of double the rate we saw globally. pre-pandemic level.
5. In China, our data suggests trade activity is
invoice settlement.
preparing to accelerate. Total transactions The data echoes a survey conducted by lobbying group A survey of leading economists conducted by the
Business Roundtable, which found confidence among US Financial Times concluded that the UK would be the last
in December were up 32% against pre-
CEOs rebounded to pre-pandemic levels in Q4. leading economy to recover from the pandemic.
lockdown levels in January.
Trade activity in the Eurozone also grew at a faster rate News of a Brexit deal gave businesses in the region some
than the global average. China trade activity dipped in much needed clarity at the very end of the quarter, but a
October during the Golden Week national holiday, but truer test will come in 2021 as the country settles into a
finished strongly to remain in growth territory. new relationship with its key trading partner.

The Tradeshift Index of Global Trade Health | Q4 2020

US soars while UK stutters

What 50%
Transaction volumes - Quarter on Quarter Growth

happened 25%

7.8%7.3% 8.9%
Q4 index highlights at a glance 3.7% 4.7%
1.8% 1%

1. Global business to business transactions 6. Retail (CPG) had the strongest quarter. -10.1%
grew 14.2% in Q4, exceeding pre-pandemic Transaction volumes rose 34%, but the -15.9%
levels for the first time since March. overall picture remains volatile across the -19.4% -20.5%
sector. T&L transaction volumes rose by a
2. The US was the standout performer in Q4. more modest 9.7%, manufacturing was up
Transaction volumes were up 28.8%, almost 16.3%, while transactions in the technology
double the growth rate globally. sector rose 16.9%.
3. Transaction volume growth in the Global UK US Eurozone China
7. Order volumes continued to show strong
Eurozone was also well above the global momentum in Q4, rising 22% across the
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
average at 22.1%. Tradeshift network, suggesting a positive
start to 2021 for supply chains.
4. The UK is still struggling to pick up
momentum. Transaction volumes rose 7.3% 8. Invoice volumes also grew at the fastest
in Q4, and overall activity remains some rate we’ve seen all year in Q4. But liquidity The US was the standout performer in Q4. UK transaction growth held its momentum but it’s slow
way below the pre-pandemic level. remains an issue for suppliers as order Transaction volumes grew 28.8%, almost progress and overall activity remains some way below the
growth continues to outpace the rate of double the rate we saw globally. pre-pandemic level.
5. In China, our data suggests trade activity is
invoice settlement.
preparing to accelerate. Total transactions The data echoes a survey conducted by lobbying group A survey of leading economists conducted by the
Business Roundtable, which found confidence among US Financial Times concluded that the UK would be the last
in December were up 32% against pre-
CEOs rebounded to pre-pandemic levels in Q4. leading economy to recover from the pandemic.
lockdown levels in January.
Trade activity in the Eurozone also grew at a faster rate News of a Brexit deal gave businesses in the region some
than the global average. China trade activity dipped in much needed clarity at the very end of the quarter, but a
October during the Golden Week national holiday, but truer test will come in 2021 as the country settles into a
finished strongly to remain in growth territory. new relationship with its key trading partner.

The Tradeshift Index of Global Trade Health | Q4 2020

China’s almighty comeback No end to the roller-

leaves the west trailing coaster for retail
Transaction volumes - Monthly comparison indexed against January transaction data Transaction volumes by industry sector - Quarter on Quarter growth
50% 40%

25% 30%

0% 20%
16.3% 16.9%

-25% 10%

-50% 0%
T&L Manufacturing Retail (CPG) Technology








m nc 


e n


ar h-

(b Ja

Global UK US Eurozone China

Transaction volumes - Quarterly growth shown cumulatively against Q1 2020 Transaction volumes - Quarterly growth shown cumulatively against Q1 2020
150% 40%
Q2 Q3 Q4 Q2 Q3 Q4 27.7%
100% 20%
74% 10.1%
50% 0%
32% -5%
-3.6% -10% -9% -9% -10%
31% -16% -17%
0% -20%
-4% -39%
-10% -5% -32%
-16% -17% -19% -21% -21% -35%
-50% -40%
Global UK US EU China All sectors Manufacturing T&L Retail (CPG) Technology

China took drastic action to curtail the spread of COVID. chains to navigate. This lack of predictability meant it Activity across retail supply chains grew 34% in Q4, the trading environment up to that point creates significant
With factories closed and millions told to stay indoors, wasn’t until September that supply chains found a footing fastest rate of any sector. Our cumulative analysis of operational challenges. Add to this the shift in consumer
business trade activity dropped by nearly half in February. and began inching back into growth territory. quarterly transaction volumes suggests this very strong behaviour towards online shopping and you find a sector
A comparison of monthly activity in the region suggests end to the year helped the sector plug the alarming gap that is left searching for level ground even when, on the
factories and businesses were once again operating at China has stolen a march on the West by bouncing back in activity from Q2 and move back into growth. But the surface at least, things are heading in the right direction.
near normal capacity. Meanwhile cumulative analysis quickly, and the consistency we’re seeing in transaction extraordinary swings in our retail data across the year
of quarterly transaction volumes demonstrates just how data offers a level of predictability that has yet to return also indicate a very uneven trading environment. Compare this to the technology industry, and the
quickly China was able to address the shortfall in activity fully in the West. An uptick in transactions at the end transport and logistics sector, both of which have
left by its Q1 lockdown and return to growth. of the year suggests China may now use this solid Modern supply chains are delicate ecosystems, optimised profited from the changes in behaviour enforced through
foundation to kick up a gear. Will it maintain this trajectory to function in stable conditions. Sectors like retail, where the pandemic. The data presents a far more balanced
China’s story is in stark contrast to the West, where in in 2021, or as some commentators are saying, is the margins are thin, rely on predictable conditions to make picture. And when it comes to overall performance,
shifting policies continue to create rocky terrain for supply recovery reaching its peak? profit. A big spike in activity in the run up to Christmas balance is good.
is not unexpected, but an uncharacteristically volatile

The Tradeshift Index of Global Trade Health | Q4 2020

China’s almighty comeback No end to the roller-

leaves the west trailing coaster for retail
Transaction volumes - Monthly comparison indexed against January transaction data Transaction volumes by industry sector - Quarter on Quarter growth
50% 40%

25% 30%

0% 20%
16.3% 16.9%

-25% 10%

-50% 0%
T&L Manufacturing Retail (CPG) Technology








m nc 


e n


ar h-

(b Ja

Global UK US Eurozone China

Transaction volumes - Quarterly growth shown cumulatively against Q1 2020 Transaction volumes - Quarterly growth shown cumulatively against Q1 2020
150% 40%
Q2 Q3 Q4 Q2 Q3 Q4 27.7%
100% 20%
74% 10.1%
50% 0%
32% -5%
-3.6% -10% -9% -9% -10%
31% -16% -17%
0% -20%
-4% -39%
-10% -5% -32%
-16% -17% -19% -21% -21% -35%
-50% -40%
Global UK US EU China All sectors Manufacturing T&L Retail (CPG) Technology

China took drastic action to curtail the spread of COVID. chains to navigate. This lack of predictability meant it Activity across retail supply chains grew 34% in Q4, the trading environment up to that point creates significant
With factories closed and millions told to stay indoors, wasn’t until September that supply chains found a footing fastest rate of any sector. Our cumulative analysis of operational challenges. Add to this the shift in consumer
business trade activity dropped by nearly half in February. and began inching back into growth territory. quarterly transaction volumes suggests this very strong behaviour towards online shopping and you find a sector
A comparison of monthly activity in the region suggests end to the year helped the sector plug the alarming gap that is left searching for level ground even when, on the
factories and businesses were once again operating at China has stolen a march on the West by bouncing back in activity from Q2 and move back into growth. But the surface at least, things are heading in the right direction.
near normal capacity. Meanwhile cumulative analysis quickly, and the consistency we’re seeing in transaction extraordinary swings in our retail data across the year
of quarterly transaction volumes demonstrates just how data offers a level of predictability that has yet to return also indicate a very uneven trading environment. Compare this to the technology industry, and the
quickly China was able to address the shortfall in activity fully in the West. An uptick in transactions at the end transport and logistics sector, both of which have
left by its Q1 lockdown and return to growth. of the year suggests China may now use this solid Modern supply chains are delicate ecosystems, optimised profited from the changes in behaviour enforced through
foundation to kick up a gear. Will it maintain this trajectory to function in stable conditions. Sectors like retail, where the pandemic. The data presents a far more balanced
China’s story is in stark contrast to the West, where in in 2021, or as some commentators are saying, is the margins are thin, rely on predictable conditions to make picture. And when it comes to overall performance,
shifting policies continue to create rocky terrain for supply recovery reaching its peak? profit. A big spike in activity in the run up to Christmas balance is good.
is not unexpected, but an uncharacteristically volatile

The Tradeshift Index of Global Trade Health | Q4 2020

Order growth consistency Suppliers left waiting

hints at return to more for a return to
familiar territory in 2021 predictable cash flow

Order volume - Quarter on Quarter growth by region Invoices and Orders, global - month on month growth comparison
50% 30% 28.6%


25.9% 15.5%
25% 22.9%
21.2% 15% 12.9% 13.3%
18.5% 22.0% 10.5%
15.7% 8.8%
6.9% 7.6%
10.7% 3.2% 3.1%
1.9% 1.6%

0% 0%
-0.4% -0.9%
-3.7% -3.3%

-15.5% -8.9% -8.6%

-25% -23.1% -15%


-35.0% -21.8%
-39.3% -22.9%

-50% -30%
Global UK US Eurozone Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Invoices Orders

Order volumes largely maintained the strong trajectory But the broader picture suggests that while consumer- Invoice volumes grew at the fastest rate we’ve seen all Surging order volumes bring the potential for a brighter
we saw in Q3. This data gives us some clues as to what facing sectors including hospitality and leisure face year in Q4. That’s good news for suppliers who have year ahead, but the early promise we’re seeing in our data
GDP might look like in the following quarter. The level of another very difficult quarter, business to business trade faced acute liquidity challenges over the past six months. could hit trouble if we fail to bring supplier payment cycles
activity we’re seeing is a positive sign. has largely adapted to the current operating conditions. into line with order growth velocity.
We’re not quite out of the woods yet however. Order
Q4 is typically one of the busiest periods of the year on Fresh lockdown restrictions are a reminder that volume growth continues to outpace invoice settlements Digitized financing options, which offer payment on
our network. In 2019, quarter on quarter order volumes challenging times lie ahead. But Q4 has also delivered and managing/forecasting cash flow in these conditions invoices in as little as two days, offer a potential solution
were up 21% in Q4, so the 22% rise we see in Q4 2020 delivered answers on number of key questions presents a number of challenges. Suppliers face a triple- by unlocking fast and predictable payments to suppliers.
suggests a return to more predictable territory after a impacting business decision making. The vaccine roll- whammy of high demand, depleted working capital and
pretty extraordinary six months. out programme, the conclusion of the US presidential in many cases, unpredictable payment cycles.
elections and a last-minute Brexit deal in Europe have
It is worth noting that UK order volumes are still digging brought a degree of stability to trading conditions heading According to one recent report, large organizations are
out of the hole left by Q2’s fall in activity. into a new year. delaying payments by an average of 15.6 days beyond
agreed terms.

The Tradeshift Index of Global Trade Health | Q4 2020

Order growth consistency Suppliers left waiting

hints at return to more for a return to
familiar territory in 2021 predictable cash flow

Order volume - Quarter on Quarter growth by region Invoices and Orders, global - month on month growth comparison
50% 30% 28.6%


25.9% 15.5%
25% 22.9%
21.2% 15% 12.9% 13.3%
18.5% 22.0% 10.5%
15.7% 8.8%
6.9% 7.6%
10.7% 3.2% 3.1%
1.9% 1.6%

0% 0%
-0.4% -0.9%
-3.7% -3.3%

-15.5% -8.9% -8.6%

-25% -23.1% -15%


-35.0% -21.8%
-39.3% -22.9%

-50% -30%
Global UK US Eurozone Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Invoices Orders

Order volumes largely maintained the strong trajectory But the broader picture suggests that while consumer- Invoice volumes grew at the fastest rate we’ve seen all Surging order volumes bring the potential for a brighter
we saw in Q3. This data gives us some clues as to what facing sectors including hospitality and leisure face year in Q4. That’s good news for suppliers who have year ahead, but the early promise we’re seeing in our data
GDP might look like in the following quarter. The level of another very difficult quarter, business to business trade faced acute liquidity challenges over the past six months. could hit trouble if we fail to bring supplier payment cycles
activity we’re seeing is a positive sign. has largely adapted to the current operating conditions. into line with order growth velocity.
We’re not quite out of the woods yet however. Order
Q4 is typically one of the busiest periods of the year on Fresh lockdown restrictions are a reminder that volume growth continues to outpace invoice settlements Digitized financing options, which offer payment on
our network. In 2019, quarter on quarter order volumes challenging times lie ahead. But Q4 has also delivered and managing/forecasting cash flow in these conditions invoices in as little as two days, offer a potential solution
were up 21% in Q4, so the 22% rise we see in Q4 2020 delivered answers on number of key questions presents a number of challenges. Suppliers face a triple- by unlocking fast and predictable payments to suppliers.
suggests a return to more predictable territory after a impacting business decision making. The vaccine roll- whammy of high demand, depleted working capital and
pretty extraordinary six months. out programme, the conclusion of the US presidential in many cases, unpredictable payment cycles.
elections and a last-minute Brexit deal in Europe have
It is worth noting that UK order volumes are still digging brought a degree of stability to trading conditions heading According to one recent report, large organizations are
out of the hole left by Q2’s fall in activity. into a new year. delaying payments by an average of 15.6 days beyond
agreed terms.

The Tradeshift Index of Global Trade Health | Q4 2020

“To understand
the kind of
damage that
climate change
will inflict, look
at COVID-19
What’s next?
and spread
the pain out
over a much
longer period.”
Bill Gates, August 04, 2020, Gatesnotes
The Tradeshift Index of Global Trade Health | Q4 2020

“To understand
the kind of
damage that
climate change
will inflict, look
at COVID-19
What’s next?
and spread
the pain out
over a much
longer period.”
Bill Gates, August 04, 2020, Gatesnotes
The Tradeshift Index of Global Trade Health | Q4 2020

Social, and
Governance (ESG)
commitments are
becoming a
CFO issue

Q&A with Jenny Davis-Peccoud, Head Dealing with a difficult situation has also Another thing that’s really moving things business, having more data and visibility around
of Global Sustainability & Corporate encouraged employees to think more about forward is the banks and other funding sources. suppliers will bring about a convergence of
the kind of contributions we can make to They’re combing through portfolios and objectives around sustainability, cost efficiency
Responsibility Practice at Bain &
other issues in the world. Regulations like the prioritising companies who can help them live and creating more agile supply chains.
Company, and Associate Partner,
European Green Deal are bringing additional up to their own ESG targets.
Supply Chain, Juliane Stephan attention and impetus to change. Finally, Regulators, investors and consumers are
investors have been paying more attention Juliane Stephan (JS) - We see a lot of activity putting more pressure on companies to be
To what extent do you feel like to sustainability during the COVID crisis. ESG on the supply chain side as well. It’s surprising transparent about their supply chains. How
COVID has set climate change back related stocks outperformed other stocks by a how little companies actually know about big a role is technology playing in helping
on the corporate agenda? significant margin. where suppliers get their parts from and companies get ahold of that information?
don’t really understand all the different nodes
Jenny Davis-Peccoud (JDP) - We have seen Climate change and ESG have been key in the system. When COVID hit, companies JDP - Technology is making it far easier
headwinds and tailwinds for ESG through the conversation topics for some time now. Are needed to look at these ecosystems at a for organizations to go deeper, quicker.
time of COVID, but on balance it’s been an we still at the talking phase or are you seeing far deeper level. They learned the value Companies like Ecovadis have built up
accelerator. Companies were already waking evidence of real action? of traceability and visibility for resiliency. a huge repository of information about
up to the benefits of becoming more purpose- This information can also be used to make suppliers. Organizations can tap into this
driven. The past year has helped crystallize JDP - Businesses are setting ambitious targets better decisions about sustainability. data to get ahead in a way that simply
some of that thinking. Adapting to different and that brings a level of accountability across wouldn’t have been possible ten years ago.
restrictions has brought the kind of impact we the board. Leaders are also doubling down In the past, it was quite common for people
on their existing goals. The likes of Nestle and working in supply chains to see efficiency and We’re seeing the introduction of cutting edge
have on the world around us into sharp focus.
Unilever increasing their level of funding and sustainability as conflicts. But with COVID, technologies to get more objective data around
commitment to addressing specific challenges. and the pressure to find a new way of doing their supply chains. For example, some food

The Tradeshift Index of Global Trade Health | Q4 2020

Social, and
Governance (ESG)
commitments are
becoming a
CFO issue

Q&A with Jenny Davis-Peccoud, Head Dealing with a difficult situation has also Another thing that’s really moving things business, having more data and visibility around
of Global Sustainability & Corporate encouraged employees to think more about forward is the banks and other funding sources. suppliers will bring about a convergence of
the kind of contributions we can make to They’re combing through portfolios and objectives around sustainability, cost efficiency
Responsibility Practice at Bain &
other issues in the world. Regulations like the prioritising companies who can help them live and creating more agile supply chains.
Company, and Associate Partner,
European Green Deal are bringing additional up to their own ESG targets.
Supply Chain, Juliane Stephan attention and impetus to change. Finally, Regulators, investors and consumers are
investors have been paying more attention Juliane Stephan (JS) - We see a lot of activity putting more pressure on companies to be
To what extent do you feel like to sustainability during the COVID crisis. ESG on the supply chain side as well. It’s surprising transparent about their supply chains. How
COVID has set climate change back related stocks outperformed other stocks by a how little companies actually know about big a role is technology playing in helping
on the corporate agenda? significant margin. where suppliers get their parts from and companies get ahold of that information?
don’t really understand all the different nodes
Jenny Davis-Peccoud (JDP) - We have seen Climate change and ESG have been key in the system. When COVID hit, companies JDP - Technology is making it far easier
headwinds and tailwinds for ESG through the conversation topics for some time now. Are needed to look at these ecosystems at a for organizations to go deeper, quicker.
time of COVID, but on balance it’s been an we still at the talking phase or are you seeing far deeper level. They learned the value Companies like Ecovadis have built up
accelerator. Companies were already waking evidence of real action? of traceability and visibility for resiliency. a huge repository of information about
up to the benefits of becoming more purpose- This information can also be used to make suppliers. Organizations can tap into this
driven. The past year has helped crystallize JDP - Businesses are setting ambitious targets better decisions about sustainability. data to get ahead in a way that simply
some of that thinking. Adapting to different and that brings a level of accountability across wouldn’t have been possible ten years ago.
restrictions has brought the kind of impact we the board. Leaders are also doubling down In the past, it was quite common for people
on their existing goals. The likes of Nestle and working in supply chains to see efficiency and We’re seeing the introduction of cutting edge
have on the world around us into sharp focus.
Unilever increasing their level of funding and sustainability as conflicts. But with COVID, technologies to get more objective data around
commitment to addressing specific challenges. and the pressure to find a new way of doing their supply chains. For example, some food

The Tradeshift Index of Global Trade Health | Q4 2020

and natural resource companies are using collaboratively across the chain, partners are focused on these use combined cases. I don’t all materials are carefully selected based on
satellite technology to see what’s going on finding they can access more sustainable see many supply chain managers coming out of repairability and reusability.
on the ground at the point of supply. So, if a product for cheaper than they could have COVID and simply going back to the way things
supplier makes a commitment to preserving the before. There’s also more willingness among were before.
natural habitat in their origins, satellite images consumers to pay a premium for sustainable
will tell the buyer whether they’re living up to goods if you can prove there’s a real value JDP - I think we’ll see a lot more incentives and
that commitment. You’re also seeing cross- proposition in there. Add these two together, pressures accelerating change. At a company
industry initiatives like the IBM Food Trust using and there’s a very solid commercial case to level, we’re starting to see the CFO start to
blockchain and artificial intelligence to help build from. take a more active role in driving the agenda. If
improve traceability across supply chains. you read some of the announcements from the
Not all of the changes we’ve mentioned will L’Oreal CFO, Christophe Babule, sustainability
Reconfiguring supply chains to be more happen overnight. What can we expect to is moving into core financial planning, from
sustainable requires investment. How can see more of in the next year or so? budget capital allocation through to budget
organizations manage that kind of capital allocation. That’s where the rubber will
additional cost? JS – Sustainability-linked projects we’re really start to hit the road. The shift will have
seeing now are heavily aligned to bottom- a huge impact on procurement practices and
JDP - There’s a lot of friction and inefficiency line efficiency. UPS is a great example. They policies, supplier relationships and overall
built into traditional supply chain relationships. developed a platform for the routing of their supply chain transparency.
One of the things that we’re seeing is new deliveries which was able to reduce the carbon
approaches to try to take out some of footprint significantly. But it also saves them Procurement organizations and suppliers play
those points of friction. By working more a lot of time and fuel so it has very tangible a key role in helping to make the right choices
business benefits. Companies are increasingly early on in the product design phase so that

The Tradeshift Index of Global Trade Health | Q4 2020

and natural resource companies are using collaboratively across the chain, partners are focused on these use combined cases. I don’t all materials are carefully selected based on
satellite technology to see what’s going on finding they can access more sustainable see many supply chain managers coming out of repairability and reusability.
on the ground at the point of supply. So, if a product for cheaper than they could have COVID and simply going back to the way things
supplier makes a commitment to preserving the before. There’s also more willingness among were before.
natural habitat in their origins, satellite images consumers to pay a premium for sustainable
will tell the buyer whether they’re living up to goods if you can prove there’s a real value JDP - I think we’ll see a lot more incentives and
that commitment. You’re also seeing cross- proposition in there. Add these two together, pressures accelerating change. At a company
industry initiatives like the IBM Food Trust using and there’s a very solid commercial case to level, we’re starting to see the CFO start to
blockchain and artificial intelligence to help build from. take a more active role in driving the agenda. If
improve traceability across supply chains. you read some of the announcements from the
Not all of the changes we’ve mentioned will L’Oreal CFO, Christophe Babule, sustainability
Reconfiguring supply chains to be more happen overnight. What can we expect to is moving into core financial planning, from
sustainable requires investment. How can see more of in the next year or so? budget capital allocation through to budget
organizations manage that kind of capital allocation. That’s where the rubber will
additional cost? JS – Sustainability-linked projects we’re really start to hit the road. The shift will have
seeing now are heavily aligned to bottom- a huge impact on procurement practices and
JDP - There’s a lot of friction and inefficiency line efficiency. UPS is a great example. They policies, supplier relationships and overall
built into traditional supply chain relationships. developed a platform for the routing of their supply chain transparency.
One of the things that we’re seeing is new deliveries which was able to reduce the carbon
approaches to try to take out some of footprint significantly. But it also saves them Procurement organizations and suppliers play
those points of friction. By working more a lot of time and fuel so it has very tangible a key role in helping to make the right choices
business benefits. Companies are increasingly early on in the product design phase so that

The Tradeshift Index of Global Trade Health | Q4 2020

Measuring ESG
requires better
data across the
value chain

Q&A with Saverio Lapini, Marketing a new stream of sustainable finance that is recently joined forces to create a common of the cost barrier, they still perform only the
Director at attracting a lot of capital to finance sustainable reporting framework, and we think that many few calculations required to publish a decent
companies. Five years ago, green bonds other frameworks will follow suit. It feels like sustainability report. They then take some easy
looked like futuristic inventions. Now they are we are getting close to the inflection point, actions to reduce emissions, like switching
We’ve been talking about ESG reporting for
a must-have in the financial toolbox, and more where a handful of events could accelerate the electricity providers or reducing business travel,
years. What evidence are you seeing that
innovative forms of sustainable finance hold a development of the whole sector exponentially. but there’s so much more they could do.
sustainability is becoming a more strategic
great potential too, like sustainable bonds and
priority for businesses?
sustainability-linked loans. How do companies typically Can you tell me a little bit about the work
measuring ESG performance today? Normative is doing to help companies
You can see that ESG is rising from at least
There’s still a lot of debate over How effective is that in providing an improve the way they measure sustainability?
two different viewpoints. If you look at asset
standards relating to how businesses accurate picture of performance?
owners, like pension funds and sovereign funds,
report ESG. How much of an issue is Today, many companies spend 80% of their
over 70% of them now have ESG policies in
that, and how close are we to agreeing Measuring your ESG performance in-house is time (or budget) calculating their impact,
place. This was just not the case 5 years ago.
on a common set of standards? very hard, only a handful of companies have and 20% making efforts to become more
Since asset owners and investment managers
the capacity to do so. And even those who do, sustainable. Normative flips that equation.
have ESG policies in place, also the companies
The lack of a common standard is one of the only account for the emissions generated by Our software calculates companies’ emissions
they invest in will have to respect their ESG
major issues in ESG. In the EU, many problems their own operations, which are about 10% of automatically in a tenth of the time, freeing up
criteria and report on their ESG performance.
will be solved by the EU taxonomy which will their total footprint. Over 90% of companies’ energies to focus on what matters: improving
This factor alone is scaling ESG reporting faster
enter into force at the end of 2021, uniforming environmental impact is generated in the the environmental impact. We deliver insights
than ever. But companies are doing a lot even
the reporting requirements across the Union. value chain, and it’s really hard to get a hold of on the main sources of companies’ emissions so
without the pressure of their investors. We see
In the international landscape, two of the those emissions. Most companies use external they can focus on the highest-impact actions,
major reporting frameworks, SASB and IIRC, expertise for their assessments, but because because reducing business travel or switching

The Tradeshift Index of Global Trade Health | Q4 2020

Measuring ESG
requires better
data across the
value chain

Q&A with Saverio Lapini, Marketing a new stream of sustainable finance that is recently joined forces to create a common of the cost barrier, they still perform only the
Director at attracting a lot of capital to finance sustainable reporting framework, and we think that many few calculations required to publish a decent
companies. Five years ago, green bonds other frameworks will follow suit. It feels like sustainability report. They then take some easy
looked like futuristic inventions. Now they are we are getting close to the inflection point, actions to reduce emissions, like switching
We’ve been talking about ESG reporting for
a must-have in the financial toolbox, and more where a handful of events could accelerate the electricity providers or reducing business travel,
years. What evidence are you seeing that
innovative forms of sustainable finance hold a development of the whole sector exponentially. but there’s so much more they could do.
sustainability is becoming a more strategic
great potential too, like sustainable bonds and
priority for businesses?
sustainability-linked loans. How do companies typically Can you tell me a little bit about the work
measuring ESG performance today? Normative is doing to help companies
You can see that ESG is rising from at least
There’s still a lot of debate over How effective is that in providing an improve the way they measure sustainability?
two different viewpoints. If you look at asset
standards relating to how businesses accurate picture of performance?
owners, like pension funds and sovereign funds,
report ESG. How much of an issue is Today, many companies spend 80% of their
over 70% of them now have ESG policies in
that, and how close are we to agreeing Measuring your ESG performance in-house is time (or budget) calculating their impact,
place. This was just not the case 5 years ago.
on a common set of standards? very hard, only a handful of companies have and 20% making efforts to become more
Since asset owners and investment managers
the capacity to do so. And even those who do, sustainable. Normative flips that equation.
have ESG policies in place, also the companies
The lack of a common standard is one of the only account for the emissions generated by Our software calculates companies’ emissions
they invest in will have to respect their ESG
major issues in ESG. In the EU, many problems their own operations, which are about 10% of automatically in a tenth of the time, freeing up
criteria and report on their ESG performance.
will be solved by the EU taxonomy which will their total footprint. Over 90% of companies’ energies to focus on what matters: improving
This factor alone is scaling ESG reporting faster
enter into force at the end of 2021, uniforming environmental impact is generated in the the environmental impact. We deliver insights
than ever. But companies are doing a lot even
the reporting requirements across the Union. value chain, and it’s really hard to get a hold of on the main sources of companies’ emissions so
without the pressure of their investors. We see
In the international landscape, two of the those emissions. Most companies use external they can focus on the highest-impact actions,
major reporting frameworks, SASB and IIRC, expertise for their assessments, but because because reducing business travel or switching

The Tradeshift Index of Global Trade Health | Q4 2020

electricity providers aren’t the only things you how hard it is. Our clients only provide us with
can do. Our calculations are based on science their accounting data, e.g. the invoices of what
and companies can use them to reduce their they bought, and we automatically calculate
impact and comply with any law or reporting the emissions connected to their purchase. This
framework in the world. It is interesting to see way they not only save time, but they also get
that our clients usually reach out to us because the most comprehensive calculations they could
they want to publish a sustainability report, and possibly get, because everything they buy is
they need good data for it to be credible. But recorded in the accounting system. Normative
after they realize that the bulk of their emissions transforms simple accounting data into fully
come from a handful of activities, they can’t transparent environmental impact assessments
help but do something about it. That’s where of your entire supply chain. We put companies
we feel we are really making a difference. in control of their emissions and empower them
to take climate action.
According to the Sustainability Consortium,
just 25% of large organisations have
visibility of their supply chain beyond
tier one. Why do so many organizations
find it so hard to gain a deeper level of
visibility into their supply chains?

The main issue is probably collaboration,

because gaining visibility in the supply chain
is not something you can do on your own.
To get good data on your supply chain, your
suppliers must evaluate their environmental
impact and share their data with you, which is
by no means a simple task. With globalization,
every company has suppliers that come from
the other side of the world, speak a different
language and are bred in a completely different
culture. Even the basic communication tasks
can sometimes be an issue. In addition to
that, every supplier also has suppliers of its
own, making the issue exponentially more
complicated. Normative simplifies this whole
process. We don’t ask companies to collect tons
of data from their suppliers, because we know
The Tradeshift Index of Global Trade Health | Q4 2020

electricity providers aren’t the only things you how hard it is. Our clients only provide us with
can do. Our calculations are based on science their accounting data, e.g. the invoices of what
and companies can use them to reduce their they bought, and we automatically calculate
impact and comply with any law or reporting the emissions connected to their purchase. This
framework in the world. It is interesting to see way they not only save time, but they also get
that our clients usually reach out to us because the most comprehensive calculations they could
they want to publish a sustainability report, and possibly get, because everything they buy is
they need good data for it to be credible. But recorded in the accounting system. Normative
after they realize that the bulk of their emissions transforms simple accounting data into fully
come from a handful of activities, they can’t transparent environmental impact assessments
help but do something about it. That’s where of your entire supply chain. We put companies
we feel we are really making a difference. in control of their emissions and empower them
to take climate action.
According to the Sustainability Consortium,
just 25% of large organisations have
visibility of their supply chain beyond
tier one. Why do so many organizations
find it so hard to gain a deeper level of
visibility into their supply chains?

The main issue is probably collaboration,

because gaining visibility in the supply chain
is not something you can do on your own.
To get good data on your supply chain, your
suppliers must evaluate their environmental
impact and share their data with you, which is
by no means a simple task. With globalization,
every company has suppliers that come from
the other side of the world, speak a different
language and are bred in a completely different
culture. Even the basic communication tasks
can sometimes be an issue. In addition to
that, every supplier also has suppliers of its
own, making the issue exponentially more
complicated. Normative simplifies this whole
process. We don’t ask companies to collect tons
of data from their suppliers, because we know
The Tradeshift Index of Global Trade Health | Q4 2020

Final thoughts —
COVID is a test run
for addressing the
climate crisis

Mikkel Hippe Brun, A growing body of evidence is already obligations. As of 2020, just 17% of to the customer, or look for other ways to
Co-founder, Tradeshift emerging suggesting firms with higher German companies were able to provide increase efficiency, such as through the use of
ESG performance were better equipped the required information to comply with the automation. Some businesses may baulk at the
to handle disruption from the pandemic. proposed Supply Chain Law. The only way prospect of such upheaval, others will see this
Rising order volumes and the promise of a
These organizations share a number of key to overcome this is through digitization. as an investment in the future. Judging by what
vaccine suggest a brighter 2021. It is clear
characteristics. Crucially they also have deep- Larry Fink and others are saying I know which
however that the pandemic, far from being
tier visibility across the supply chain ecosystem. IDC estimates that by 2025 half of all side of the fence I sit on.
an outlier, is rather a harbinger of the sort of
manufacturers will have extended visibility to
shocks we can expect in the years to come, as
Over the next 18 months, businesses of all tier 3, enabling more agile supply chains and
climate change and other disruptions take hold.
sizes will face mounting pressure to commit to a 50% reduction in the impact of supply-side
greater transparency across value chains by disruptions. Greater transparency will also
“Climate change has become a defining
publicly disclosing sustainability data. Germany mean procurement practices that focus purely
factor in companies’ long-term prospects,”
has already announced plans for a new Supply on extracting maximum value at minimum
wrote Larry Fink, CEO of Blackrock at the
Chain Act which will place mandatory legal cost will come under the spotlight. We expect
beginning of 2020. Fink could not have
obligations on companies based in Germany the move to shorter supply chains and greater
foreseen what was to unfold in the coming
with more than 500 employees to ensure that supplier diversification will gather momentum
months, but COVID quickly became a test-
social and ecological standards are observed as resilience planning merges with long-term
bed for pressures large organizations and
through all tiers of the value chain. sustainability goals.
their supply chains will face as environmental
conditions continue to deteriorate.
A reliance on paper-based processes in Such reconfiguration will come at a cost.
supply chains means that many organizations Organizations will need to consider whether
are ill-equipped to meet these reporting they absorb the cost of resilience, pass it on

The Tradeshift Index of Global Trade Health | Q4 2020

Final thoughts —
COVID is a test run
for addressing the
climate crisis

Mikkel Hippe Brun, A growing body of evidence is already obligations. As of 2020, just 17% of to the customer, or look for other ways to
Co-founder, Tradeshift emerging suggesting firms with higher German companies were able to provide increase efficiency, such as through the use of
ESG performance were better equipped the required information to comply with the automation. Some businesses may baulk at the
to handle disruption from the pandemic. proposed Supply Chain Law. The only way prospect of such upheaval, others will see this
Rising order volumes and the promise of a
These organizations share a number of key to overcome this is through digitization. as an investment in the future. Judging by what
vaccine suggest a brighter 2021. It is clear
characteristics. Crucially they also have deep- Larry Fink and others are saying I know which
however that the pandemic, far from being
tier visibility across the supply chain ecosystem. IDC estimates that by 2025 half of all side of the fence I sit on.
an outlier, is rather a harbinger of the sort of
manufacturers will have extended visibility to
shocks we can expect in the years to come, as
Over the next 18 months, businesses of all tier 3, enabling more agile supply chains and
climate change and other disruptions take hold.
sizes will face mounting pressure to commit to a 50% reduction in the impact of supply-side
greater transparency across value chains by disruptions. Greater transparency will also
“Climate change has become a defining
publicly disclosing sustainability data. Germany mean procurement practices that focus purely
factor in companies’ long-term prospects,”
has already announced plans for a new Supply on extracting maximum value at minimum
wrote Larry Fink, CEO of Blackrock at the
Chain Act which will place mandatory legal cost will come under the spotlight. We expect
beginning of 2020. Fink could not have
obligations on companies based in Germany the move to shorter supply chains and greater
foreseen what was to unfold in the coming
with more than 500 employees to ensure that supplier diversification will gather momentum
months, but COVID quickly became a test-
social and ecological standards are observed as resilience planning merges with long-term
bed for pressures large organizations and
through all tiers of the value chain. sustainability goals.
their supply chains will face as environmental
conditions continue to deteriorate.
A reliance on paper-based processes in Such reconfiguration will come at a cost.
supply chains means that many organizations Organizations will need to consider whether
are ill-equipped to meet these reporting they absorb the cost of resilience, pass it on

Purpose The pandemic has been a key part of the
narrative for our Index in 2020. On page six we
Many of the world’s largest buyers and compared monthly transaction volumes against
their suppliers use Tradeshift’s trade January transaction volumes. This gives us a

technology platform to exchange digitized sense of how long it took transaction monthly
purchasing and invoicing information. transaction levels to get back to ‘normal’ levels
The data these transactions yield after lockdown. We also looked at cumulative
provide us with a unique awareness of growth in transactions to understand the

Index of
trading activity between businesses. degree to which different regions have been
successful in addressing the shortfall in
In July, we released Tradeshift’s first ever transactions caused by lockdown restrictions.
Index of Global Trade Health. The Index

Global Trade
analyses anonymized data flowing across We used a similar approach when looking at
our platform to reveal a timely perspective industry sectors on page seven.
of how external events are impacting
business-to-business commerce. We use real-time data from our platform to

inform our analysis. This data is raw and can

Methodology be messy. Consequently you may see small

variations and revisions in the percentages
The Q4 Index shows business-to-business reported in this Index versus the initial findings
transaction volumes (orders processed from we presented in Q2 and Q3.
buyers and invoices processed from suppliers)
We acknowledge that there are limits to how
across the Tradeshift network during the period
accurately our view of what is happening on
of Oct 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020.
our network can reflect how complex global
We’ve also provided retrospective analysis of
supply chains are reacting to a variety of
data for the remainder of 2020.
external factors. What our data does provide
We looked at quarter on quarter measurements is a useful snapshot that provides clues as
for total transactions on our platform to provide to what might be happening to the global
a sense of how different regions are performing economy. The patterns we see in our data
against the patterns we’re seeing globally. become more valuable as we combine them
with other third-party data and expert insight,
something which you will see us draw on
throughout this report.

Purpose The pandemic has been a key part of the
narrative for our Index in 2020. On page six we
Many of the world’s largest buyers and compared monthly transaction volumes against
their suppliers use Tradeshift’s trade January transaction volumes. This gives us a

technology platform to exchange digitized sense of how long it took transaction monthly
purchasing and invoicing information. transaction levels to get back to ‘normal’ levels
The data these transactions yield after lockdown. We also looked at cumulative
provide us with a unique awareness of growth in transactions to understand the

Index of
trading activity between businesses. degree to which different regions have been
successful in addressing the shortfall in
In July, we released Tradeshift’s first ever transactions caused by lockdown restrictions.
Index of Global Trade Health. The Index

Global Trade
analyses anonymized data flowing across We used a similar approach when looking at
our platform to reveal a timely perspective industry sectors on page seven.
of how external events are impacting
business-to-business commerce. We use real-time data from our platform to

inform our analysis. This data is raw and can

Methodology be messy. Consequently you may see small

variations and revisions in the percentages
The Q4 Index shows business-to-business reported in this Index versus the initial findings
transaction volumes (orders processed from we presented in Q2 and Q3.
buyers and invoices processed from suppliers)
We acknowledge that there are limits to how
across the Tradeshift network during the period
accurately our view of what is happening on
of Oct 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020.
our network can reflect how complex global
We’ve also provided retrospective analysis of
supply chains are reacting to a variety of
data for the remainder of 2020.
external factors. What our data does provide
We looked at quarter on quarter measurements is a useful snapshot that provides clues as
for total transactions on our platform to provide to what might be happening to the global
a sense of how different regions are performing economy. The patterns we see in our data
against the patterns we’re seeing globally. become more valuable as we combine them
with other third-party data and expert insight,
something which you will see us draw on
throughout this report.

About Tradeshift

Tradeshift drives supply chain innovation for the digitally

connected economy. As the leader in supply chain payments
and marketplaces, the company helps buyers and
suppliers digitize all their trade transactions, collaborate
on every process, and connect with any supply chain
app. More than 1.5 million companies across 190
countries trust Tradeshift to process over half a trillion USD
in transaction value, making it the largest global business
network for buying and selling. See how at

© 2021 Tradeshift Holdings, Inc. or a Tradeshift affiliate

company. All rights reserved.

The Tradeshift Global Health of Trade Index and this report

are copyrighted works. This document is protected by U.S.
and international copyright and intellectual property laws. It
may be linked to and referenced with the following attribution
“Tradeshift © 2021 Tradeshift Holdings, Inc.”

Tradeshift is a registered trademark or trademark of

Tradeshift Holdings, Inc. in the United States and/or other
jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned in this
article may be trademarks of their respective companies.

This report is intended for information purposes only, is based

on a segment of industry data and may not prove to be an
accurate representation of trade volumes. Tradeshift makes
no warranty or representation as to the accuracy of this

© 2021 Tradsshift. All rights reserved.

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