Class 3 Features and Flavors Python

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Feature of Python:-

1.simple and easy to learn:-10--->int


Note:- But in python3 we have only input() method and eaw_input() method is not
available.Note:- But in python3 we have only input() method and eaw_input() method
is not available.

python 3 input() function behaviour exactly same as raw_input() method of py2 that
is every input value is treated as str type only.

Note:- raw_input function of python 2 is renamed as input() function in python3.


Operator is a symbol that performs certain operation,

Python proviede many operatos.

1.Arithmetic Operators
2.Relational or comparision operatos
3.Logical Operatos
4.Bitwise Operators
5.Assignment Operatos
6.Special Operator.

python 3 input() function behaviour exactly same as raw_input() method of py2 that
is every input value is treated as str type only.

Note:- raw_input function of python 2 is renamed as input() function in python3.

python is a simple programming language.when we read python program ,we can feel
like reading english statement. The syntax are very simple with compare to other
languages. we can write programs with very less number of lines.

2.Free and open source:-

We can use python software without any licence and it is freeware.its source code
is open,so that we can customize based on our requirement.

3.High level programming language:-

Python is a high level programming language and hence it is programmer friendly
language.Being a programmer we are not required to concentrate low level activities
like meory management and security etc.

4.Platform Independent:-
once we write python program,it can run on any platform without rewriting onece
writing.Internally PVM(python vertual machine) is responsible to convert into
machne understanding form.

python program are portable that is we can migrate from one platform to another
very easily.

6.Dynamically typed:-
In python we are not required to declare type for variables,whenever we are
assining the value,based on value ,type will be allocated automatically,hence
python is considered as dynamically typed language.
7.Extensive library:-

python has a rich inbuilt library,being a programmer we can use this libarary
directly and we are not responsible to implement the function. and python have
60k+ library.

Flavors of python:-

1.python to C:-

CPython:- It is the standard flavor of python.It can be used to work with c

language applications.

2.Python to java:-
1.For developing Desktop application.
2.For developing web app.
3.For developing database app.
4.For Network programming.
5.For developing games.
6.Fotr Data analysis application and data science.
7.For machine learning.
8.For AI(Artificial Inteligence) app.
9.Fot IOT(Internet of things)

Limitation of python.

Jython or JPython:- It is for java apllication .IT can run on JVM.

3. Python to .net:-

IronPython:- it is for .net language only.

4.Python to Ruby:

RubyPython:- for Ruby platforms.

5.AnacondaPython:-It is special design for handeling large valume of data


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