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respiratory DISORDERS

Telehealth closes gaps

in chronic asthma care
For childen with asthma in rural, underserved communities,
telehealth services extend the medical home.
RACHAEL ZIMLICH, RN, BSN combination of the telehealth servic- ter. In the control counties, mean vis-
es connectivity of pediatric providers its were at 3.37% before the program
Telehealth programs may not be a to children with asthma, better medi- started and 3.56% after. For children
complete solution when it comes to cation adherence, and involvement with asthma, mean ED visits were at
closing gaps in care, but they can be and education of school nurses may 3.16% before the program and 3.38%
helpful for managing chronic condi- all contribute to the success of this after in the intervention county, and
tions such as asthma. program,” Bian says. “In addition, the 3.02% and 3.9%, respectively, in the
According to a study in JAMA Pe- control counties. Analysis showed the
diatrics1 that sought to investigate ED visits asthma cohort had a reduction of 0.66

declined 35%
whether telehealth programs could percentage points per 100 children
be used to improve access to care per month in ED visits—a relative 21%
for rural patients, telehealth wasn’t
particularly effective in preventing
in the third year of decrease—and ED visits declined by
1.11 percentage points per 100 chil-
emergency department (ED) visits the program. dren per month—a 35% decrease—in
but it still offered health benefits to the third year of the program.
patients who used it. South Carolina Medicaid payment Kathryn K. Cristaldi, MD, MHS,
The American Academy of Pedi- policy of school-based telehealth medical director for school-based
atrics (AAP) has endorsed school- services may also contribute to health, assistant professor of Pedi-
based telehealth services to help the program’s success.” atrics at MUSC, and co-author of
close gaps in care for children with Researchers studied more the report, says school-based tele-
chronic pediatric diseases, particu- than 230,000 children aged 3 to 17 health services can benefit patients
larly because asthma is associated years who were enrolled in Medic- as an extension of the medical home.
with substantial morbidity and high aid across 5 rural counties in South “We hope that this report will in-
rates of school absenteeism. Carolina, enrolling these children in spire both increased implementation
John Bian, PHD, associate pro- 1 of these counties in a school-based and uptake of school-based telehealth
fessor at the Medical University telehealth program. One subset of programs,” Cristaldi says. “Related
of South Carolina (MUSC) in the cohort with asthma was in- policy changes to support adoption
Charleston, and lead author of the vestigated to determine the use would also help to realize the ultimate
report, says the study is the first to of telehealth in managing exacer- goal of seeing these kinds of programs
test and demonstrate the efficacy of bations and general health. help as many children as possible.”
school-based telehealth programs to Children in the county where tele-
COMMENTS? E-mail them to
help close gaps in care for rural and health services were offered had sim-
medically underserved communities. ilar ED visits as the controls. In the
“The reasons for the benefit to chil- intervention county, mean monthly For reference, go to
dren with asthma from this telehealth ED visits were 3.65% before the tele-
program may be multidimensional. A health program started, and 3.87% af- telehealth-for-asthma

16 C O N T E M P O R A RY P E D I AT R I C S . C O M | D E C E M B E R 2 019

CNTPED1219_016_respiratory.indd 16 11/21/19 9:47 AM

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