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Quarter 2 - Module 3
Argumentative Essay: Writing It Right

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines



Drafting, Revising and

4 Publishing

What I Need to Know

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to

a. write a though-provoking introduction
b. present reasons and evidence in a logical manner
c. write a strong conclusion
d. finalize a copy of the argumentative essay

What I Know
Task 1. Read to Learn
Directions: Read the model argumentative essay in the box. Then, answer the
questions that follow. Write the letter of the correct answer in your activity notebook.

Some people believe that everyone needs a college degree. Education

is important, but I don’t think a four-year university education is needed to
be successful in our society.
Electricians, plumbers, and carpenters go through specialized training in
their fields. They don’t need to be college graduates to do their work. Blue-
collar workers are the backbones of our society. Where would we be if no
one took vocational training? Who would repair our cars and unclog our
sinks? The college-educated professional won’t do it. Unskilled work is
important too. Dishwashers and taxi drivers may not have even a high school
education, but many people rely on the services they provide.
On the other hand, a practical education combined with college courses
in business administration might mean the difference between being an
electrician and owning a successful electrical contracting business. Bill
Gates is a good example. He started building computers from kits when he
was in high school. He went to Harvard for a while, but he dropped out so
that he could pursue his own idea of creating an operating system for
personal computers. He invented DOS (disk operating system) and founded
In conclusion, people should have a chance to receive the highest level
of education that their potential and effort allow. It’s great to have some
college experience, because it exposes you to new people and ideas, but it
is not necessary for everyone to receive a four-year university education.
Source: Literature. Evanston: McDougal Littell’s, 2008.

B 1. What is the topic of the essay?


A. the benefits of having a college degree

B. the necessity of education and a college degree
C. the reasons why people should have a college degree
D. the relationship between joblessness and college degree

B 2. Which is the thesis statement of the essay?

A. Education is important but it is not necessary for success.
B. Education and a college degree are both necessary for success.
C. Education and a college degree are both not necessary for success.
D. Education is important but a college degree is not necessary for success.

3. What reason does the writer cite in the second paragraph?

A A. Blue-collar workers play a very important role in the society and they don’t
need to be college graduates.
B. People who do not have a college degree always land on blue-collar jobs
because they have no choice.
C. Blue-collar jobs such as taxi drivers, dishwashers, plumbers, electricians,
and carpenters do not need any education at all.
D. Our society cannot exist with the blue-collar workers so students should
pursue college education to land on such kind of jobs.

A 4. What type of evidence does the writer use in the second paragraph to prove
his claim?
A. examples B. expert opinion
C. scientific studies D. statistics

B 5. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

A. Practical education and a business course in college can help a person
achieve a higher goal.
B. Practical education and a business course in college are not necessary for
a person to achieve a higher goal.
C. Graduating from a practical education and a business course in college is
necessary for success in business.
D. Graduating from a practical education and a business course in college is
not necessary for success in business.

C 6. How does the writer support his claim in the third paragraph?
A. by citing a quotation from Bill Gates
B. by citing statistics about business success
C. by citing the life story of Bill Gates as an example
D. by citing studies conducted in business enterprise

7. How does the writer conclude the essay?

C A. by citing a new evidence
B. by making a call to action
C. by summarizing his main points
D. by repeating the thesis statement word for word


What’s In
Task 2. Hit the Goal
Directions: In the previous lesson, you have already chosen a topic and formulated
your stand on it. Write the topic, your claim, the reasons and supporting evidence you
have gathered. Do this in your activity notebook.

Topic: Covid-19 Vaccination should be given to those who are affected the
most and free at cost.
Claim: Vaccination should be sell at a reasonable price to fulfill the economic
loss of the country.
Reasons/Evidence: Not all people can afford the price and value of the vaccine
especially those who are on below minimum wage. Vaccination should be free
on those areas of common people.

What’s New?
Task 3. Write Again
Directions: Write again the outline of your topic. Do this in your activity notebook.

Covid-19 vaccine should be given free to those who are severely affected.
With the continuing and growing number of people affected by the said
virus, people lose their job and have a low salary because of the virus.
Therefore, they have no means or rather they have not enough fund for the
cost of the virus. So, it should be given free at cost.

What Is It
Task 4. What the Veterans Say

Directions: Read the short discussion below to better prepare yourself for the
exciting writing activity. Take note what to write in every part of the essay.
Writing your argumentative essay
Remember that your essay must have the following parts:
1. Introduction. The first part is the introductory paragraph. This presents the
issue, gives initial information necessary to develop the argument, and the
thesis statement or main idea of the essay.
2. Body. The body of the argumentative essay contains the reasons. Each
paragraph talks about one reason which includes facts or opinions. The reason


is included in the topic sentence and is supported by details or materials. These

supporting materials can be examples, statistics, personal experiences,
quotations, etc.
3. Conclusion. This is the last part of the essay. This can provide a restatement
of the main claim and a concise summary of the argument.
Revising and editing

1. Read your essay.

2. Be alert for errors in reasoning. Avoid vague statements that are difficult to
prove. Such statements have words and phrases like no one, none, everyone,
every time, etc.

3. Develop the supporting material. Look for the key idea in each paragraph.
Reread the material supporting each key idea. Add reasons, facts, or statistics
if needed.

4. Use precise vocabulary. Replace vague or overused words and phrases with
language that is precise and reflects your strong feelings about the subject.

5. Evaluate your completed essay based on these criteria.

What’s More
Task 5. Write Now
Directions: Look at your outline and the information you have gathered about your
chosen topic (suggested topic: corporal punishment). For your introduction, remember
that you need to present background information on the controversial topic. Then,
most importantly, present your thesis statement – your claim or position on the issue.
One paragraph is enough for this. Do this in your activity notebook.


As the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 spreads in more than 60 countries,

the race to develop a vaccine to prevent the illness has taken on new urgency.
While our government are still on hearing on what brand of covid-19 vaccines
to be purchased, making vaccines available only to the rich is not just immoral,
it’s also bad public health policy. We’ll want everyone, rich or poor, insured or
not, to be protected from the new coronavirus. Protecting others helps to
protect everyone.
A sad truth we have learned from past global pandemics is that poor people
are hit first and worst. Vaccines are most urgently needed where health
systems are fragile, and where the effects of this new coronavirus could be
catastrophic. Many countries lack the resources, infrastructure, and health
care personnel to mount full-scale efforts to detect the virus and prevent it from
spreading, meaning it will move quickly and easily among populations. In these
settings, the number of cases is likely to grow exponentially, putting stress on
already burdened health care workers and facilities and making it harder to
provide timely care for those who are ill. Vaccines will be an important tool for
preventing such a catastrophe.

To let a coronavirus vaccine be monopolized by the rich will perpetuate the

unjust economics of outbreaks, where the poor always pay the heaviest price.
Allowing this to happen would be a moral disgrace.

Check if you have done these:

________ Provided background information
________ Presented the thesis statement

What I Have Learned

Task 6. Attack and Defend
Directions: Fill the blanks with appropriate words from the box to complete the
sentences you can use for your argumentative essay. Then arrange these sentences
to produce a coherent paragraph. Do this in your activity notebook.

a. ineffective d. tendency to test f. go unpunished

b. means of discipline e. undisciplined g. controlling
c. inflicted

A. Adults believe when children go unpunished they may grow up undisciplined.

B. Children have tendency to test their parents or teachers’ parents.
C. Corporal punishment is a way of controlling children’s problem behavior.
D. But in shocking conclusion to one study, most teachers find corporal punishment
an ineffective means of discipline.
E. Most children grew up inflicted with corporal punishment at home by parents
and school by teachers.
F. Corporal punishment is done as a means of discipline


What I Can Do
Task 7. For the Win
Directions: Based from the activity above, write a one-paragraph
conclusion in your activity notebook. Remember that you need to end with a bang in
order to win the argument.

Corporal punishment is a viable alternative to suspension. Children often

don’t enjoy school. A suspension from school can send out the message it’s
a reward rather than a punishment. Using corporal punishment keeps
students in school and punishes them, therefore making it clear it isn’t a
reward. Hence, I believe corporal punishment is a flawed system and there
are superior alternatives to discipline, such as expulsion and community
service. They offer up a punishment without the abuse.

After drafting your conclusion, rewrite your essay on a clean sheet of paper.

Task 8. Check Me
Directions: Read the argumentative essay that you have written and evaluate it using
the criteria below. Do this in your activity notebook.
A strong argumentative essay… Is it evident in your essay?
Check the appropriate
Yes No
a. Has thought-provoking introduction
b. States the issue and the writer’s opinion in
a thesis statement
c. Is sensibly organized
d. Supports opinions with reasons and
e. Raises and refutes opposing arguments
and objections
f. Addresses the audience directly
g. Uses persuasive language that shows the
writer’s commitment
h. Concludes with a summary or a call to
If you have checked “Yes” in all items, you surely have a winning argumentative
essay. If not, you can still find a way to improve it.


Additional Activity
Task 9. Celebrate Your Victory
Directions: Send your trusted classmate a copy of the argumentative essay you have
composed. Request him/her to evaluate it using the criteria given below.
A classmate might also send you a copy of his/her essay which you will
evaluate using the same criteria.
A strong argumentative essay… Is it evident in the
essay? Check the
appropriate place.
Yes No
a. Has thought-provoking introduction
b. States the issue and writer’s opinion in a thesis
c. Is sensibly organized
d. Supports opinions with reasons and evidence
e. Raises and refutes opposing arguments and objections
f. Addresses the audience directly
g. Uses persuasive language that shows the writer’s
h. Concludes with a summary or a call to action
Suggestions for improvement:

Classmate’s Name: Shenna Cathrine L. Juan

Classmate’s Signature:

Consider your classmate’s suggestions. If you think they are sensible, revise
your essay incorporating the suggestions before submitting it to your teacher.

Your teacher will send you feedback on the essay you have submitted. Use
your teacher’s suggestions to polish your work once more. Finally, you can celebrate
your success by posting your well-written argumentative essay on your Facebook
account. Enjoy!

Directions: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer in your
activity notebook.

1. Which sentence expresses affirmation?

C A. He rarely knows such things.
B. It will never solve the problem.
C. That is surely a good offer.
D. This TV has scarcely been used.


B 2. Which sentence expresses negation?

A. We can always believe him.
B. That issue was rarely talked about.
C. That’s right.
D. He can certainly answer your question.

Choose the appropriate expression to affirm or negate.

3. The poor man was _______ able to provide the needs of his family so he worked
B harder.
A. absolutely B. hardly C. exactly D. really

D 4. Just continue studying hard. Your diligence will _______ take you to greater
A. scarcely B. never C. rarely D. definitely

5. The Department of Social Welfare and Development says that the poorest of
B the poor will _______ be given cash assistance.
A. exactly B. surely C. not D. mistakenly

A 6. Suicide is _______ not the solution to your problems. As long as there is life,
there is hope.
A. Absolutely B. obviously C. certainly D. undoubtedly

For items 7-10

Author’s Position: The proposed law on curfew for minors should be
junked because it has two serious flaws.
I. The law is based on feelings instead of facts and it violates the rights of
young people and their parents.
II. There are no reasons for youth to be outside late at night.
III. There is almost no evidence that curfews lowered crime rates.
IV. The law will prevent crimes committed by and against juveniles.
V. Teenagers have many good reasons to be out at night.

C 7. Which sentences support the author’s position?

A. I & II B. II & III C. I & V D. III & IV

8. Which sentences are contradictory to the author’s position?

D A. I & II B. II & IV C. II & V D. III & IV

C 9. Which sentence can be supported by this evidence?

Authorities reported that most juvenile crimes take place
between 3:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. – not at night.

D 10. Which sentence can be supported by this evidence?

Some teenagers have part-time jobs that don’t end until 9:00 or 10:00
P.M. Some participate in activities sponsored by youth or church groups.
Some may be responding to family emergencies.


B 11. Given this pattern of developing an argument, what is the best arrangement of
the sentences?
Writer’s opinion Writer’s reasons Other opinion

Evidence refuting reasons for other opinion and

showing strengths of writer’s opinion

A. Author’s Position, I, II, III, IV, V B. Author’s Position, I, II, IV, III, V
C. Author’s Position II, III, IV, V, I D. Author’s Position, III, IV, V, I, II

For items 12-15

Author’s Position: The motorcycle helmet law should not be relaxed.
I. Motorcycle helmets help save lives and reduce injuries.
II. Helmet laws save taxpayers’ money.
III. Relaxed helmet laws are difficult for authorities to enforce.
IV. Motorcyclists should have the right to decide whether or not they
will wear helmets.

B 12. Which sentences support the author’s position?


C 13. Which sentence contradicts the author’s position?


A 14. Which evidence can be used to support the claim that helmet laws save
taxpayers’ money?
A. Statistics show that helmeted riders had lower fatality rates, ranging from
28 percent to 73 percent lower.
B. Studies show intensive care costs spent by the government for non-
helmeted riders averaged three times those of helmeted riders.
C. Studies show that public funds pay up to 82% of the costs to
hospitalizations of cancer patients.
D. Statistically, there is negligible difference in death injury rates between
places with no helmet laws and those with relaxed laws.

C 15. Given this pattern of developing an argument, what is the best arrangement of
the sentences?
Other opinion Reasons Writer’s opinion

Reasons supporting your opinion and pointing out the weaknesses of the other side

A. I, II, III, IV, V B. I, III, IV, II, V

C. V, II, IV, I, III D. V, III, I, II, IV

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