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Cost category 1 Cost items

Initial Cost Software
Data migration
User License
External system and interface Cost
Office Equipment

enter data here

Cost category 2 Cost items unit cost

Regular ongoing operational costs (per annum) Software maintenance and support $ 45,345.00
Patches $ 345.00
User License $ 67.00
Enhancement $ 657,567.00
User and Admin Support $ 567.00
Disaster recovery and high availability $ 567.00
Data centre $ 5,675.00
Staff training $ 676.00

Cost category 3 Cost items unit cost

Fuel / energy costs (per annum) Electricity $ 3,456.00
Gas $ 56,345.00
Water $ 3,456.00

Cost category 4 Cost items unit cost

Regular service and maintenance (per annum) Annual maintenance $ 4,567.00
Preventative maintenance $ 456.00
Other maintenance $ 654.00
Spare parts $ 678.00
Hire of replacement equipment during downtime $ 54.00

Cost category 5 Cost items unit cost

Anticipated downtime (per annum) Planned maintenance outages - additional costs $ 2,345.00
Unplanned outages - additional costs $ 2,345.00
Unplanned outages - lost revenue $ 2,345.00
$ 345.00

Cost category 6 Cost items unit cost

Additional supplier costs (per annum) Management costs, eg time for meetings $ 345.00
Project management costs $ 345.00
Costs associated with additional work requested $ 3.00
Supplier travel and accommodation costs $ 345.00
National / International calls to contact supplier $ 5.00
Overtime costs $ 4.00


Cost category 7 Cost items

Other one-off costs (not per annum) Regular overhaul (at year 5)
Recalibration and testing after overhaul)


Cost category 8 Cost items

Disposal costs (one-off not per annum) Decommissioning / deconstruction costs

Cost of transportation of equipment from site
Disposal costs eg hazardous items
Restoration of site to original state



Income on disposal (one-off not per annum) Income items

Revenue of software
Sale of Software
salvage value of operational items, eg, ink cartridges

Total costs p.a. Total costs over whole-of-life % of TCO

Category 1: initial purchase costs

1,191,929.00 one-off so not applicable #REF!

Category 2: regular ongoing operational costs

1,893,221.00 #REF! #REF!

Category 3: fuel/ energy

95,027.00 #REF! #REF!

Category 4: regular service and maintenance

13,257.00 #REF! #REF!

Category 5: anticipated downtime

5,984.00 #REF! #REF!

Category 6: additional supplier costs

2,964.00 #REF! #REF!

Category 7: one-off costs

15,043.00 one-off so not applicable #REF!

Category 8: costs of disposal

454,000.00 one-off so not applicable #REF!


total income

4,097.00 one-off so not applicable #REF!

Summary of expenses / income $ % of TCO

Total initial costs 1,191,929.00 #REF!

Total expenses p.a. 2,479,496.00 #REF!

Total expenses over whole-of-life #REF! #REF!

Total income 4,097.00 #REF!


enter data here

subtotal costs $

$ 4,535.00
$ 1,526.00
$ 3,345.00
$ 456.00
$ 421.00
$ 546,825.00
$ 3,542.00
$ 482.00
$ 25,980.00
$ 62,452.00
$ 542,365.00
subtotal $ 1,191,929.00
enter data here this column
 automatically calculates

# p.a. subtotal cost $

1 $ 54,892.00
2 $ 545.00
1 $ 54.00
3 $ 1,824,708.00
1 $ 651.00
2 $ 1,245.00
1 $ 6,574.00
2 $ 4,552.00
subtotal $ 1,893,221.00

# p.a. subtotal cost $

1 $ 4,568.00

1 $ 45,258.00

3 $ 45,201.00

subtotal $ 95,027.00

# p.a. subtotal cost $

1 $ 5,647.00

1 $ 565.00
1 $ 457.00

5 $ 6,543.00

1 $ 45.00

subtotal $ 13,257.00

# p.a. subtotal cost $

1 $ 4,562.00

1 $ 555.00

1 $ 324.00

1 $ 543.00

subtotal $ 5,984.00

# p.a. subtotal cost $

1 $ 321.00

1 $ 254.00

1 $ 234.00

5 $ 2,147.00

1 $ 3.00

1 $ 5.00

subtotal $ 2,964.00

subtotal cost $
$ 12,500.00
$ 2,543.00

subtotal $ 15,043.00

subtotal cost $
$ 543.00
$ 553.00
$ 654.00
$ 145.00
$ 452,105.00

subtotal $ 454,000.00

subtotal income $
$ 3,452.00
$ 245.00
$ 400.00

subtotal $ 4,097.00

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