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Assignment 2

Are Leaders Made or Born?

Countless theories state that many of the successes of great entrepreneurs have

achieved, it is because they were good leaders. This is where the question arises, “Are

leaders born or made? Can it be said that an individual is born with the skills and qualities

necessary to be an excellent leader? These are the questions that are raised throughout the

advances in psychology and knowledge of human behavior. Many of the positions that can

be taken regarding the answer to this question can simply be based on the perspective of the

person without considering many important factors. But also, a middle point of view is

usually achieved, which allows considering that leaders can be born and made at the same

time. I believe that a leader has had to be the result of all the mistakes and falls suffered

throughout their careers as entrepreneurs.

I believe that a good leader can emerge from the most remote places of the social

strata, as well as countries that nobody knows. We must analyze the main question of this

essay and try to understand what it means. On the one hand, we could consider that leaders

are born. This statement would imply that people are born with abilities and qualities

inherited from their ancestors. However, it can be assumed that those skills could be

inherited through family teaching and example.

From my point of view, I consider that leaders are made, and some are born with

qualities that help them develop as leaders. You could also raise a debate among many

experts on the subject and try to analyze the subject further. However, the response that

may be obtained will be affected based on the perspective of the respondent. According to

Gentry et al. (2012), the leaders with the best results are those who are the result of the
experiences that helped them learn how to be a leader. This statement was based on a

survey of 361 people, obtaining results based on two groups (Born or Made). Where 19%

of those surveyed responded that leaders are born, and 52.4% responded that leaders are

made. Based on their results, it could be assumed that leaders are considered mostly due to

their experiences and their ability to overcome difficulties.

Leadership is characterized by two groups of characteristics, the skills acquired, and

the net qualities of each. Based on these two groups, the leaders could have different results

but always improving in the results and the development of the tasks. I think that leaders

over time acquire communication skills with experience. As well as developing the

emotional intelligence that allows them to overcome difficult situations. These skills that

are developed based on the learnings of each leader allow us to understand how some

leaders had to repeat certain mistakes to achieve the result they wanted and to be who they

are now. However, studies that cover more genetic and deeper issues in terms of the genetic

characteristics of the leaders.

In the genetic study by Johnson et al. (1998), the analyzes carried out yielded results

concerning two types of leaders, raised leaders (those who are made), and natural leaders

(those who are born). Leaders with inherited characteristic genes with ease of addition in

terms of new skills tend to demonstrate a better level of leadership. On the other hand,

leaders with inherited genetic characteristics not developed in the correct way show an

average leadership level. If we consider genetic variables to be able to know if a leader

were born, we would have to analyze the abilities and qualities of all leaders based on their

genetics and many of them will have similar genes that would suggest that they would all

have the same result. In genetic terms, all with the same gene might develop in the same
way. However, if these genes are not developed through experience, and adding new skills,

the chances of becoming a successful leader would be reduced.

Despite these studies and analyzes developed to find what influences the

development of leaders, the business perspective must also be provided from the point of

view closest to the field of leaders. For example, in the article Andersen wrote for Forbes

magazine (2012), he mentions that leaders can be considered born leaders, who tend to

have the ability to be better leaders in their areas and more. On the other hand, some leaders

develop themselves based on what they observe, learn, and experience throughout their

careers. Finally, no matter what happens, groups of individuals fail to obtain the desired

results, without reaching the minimum level of leadership. These observations allow me to

continue my position that leaders are made. Besides, it is important to emphasize the

disposition of the individual who seeks a higher level of leadership. Many of the leaders are

usually considered in the group of individuals who were born to be leaders. But what if

many of these individuals who could be better leaders are not properly guided and their

skills are lost along the way. This would imply that the ability of an individual to want to be

a good leader would be governed by the decision and the approach taken to achieve the

level of success as a leader.

The skills and qualities that a leader must have or develop, we can mainly find the

ability to communicate openly, with very good intrapersonal relationships. These are a

couple of the qualities and skills that a good leader should possess. However, these and

other skills are acquired with experience and development during growth as future leaders.

This means that they are not necessarily abilities that are inherited or obtained by a gene in

our bodies. In the Ivey Business Journal, Stephenson, who was dean of Ivey's School of
Business, wrote an article on this topic "Are Leaders Born or Made?" (2019), where its

mentions that these skills necessary to be good leaders are inherent or learned. It is

important to understand that successful leaders must have confidence in themselves, in this

way they can make decisions and take risks that allow them to achieve their objectives. It is

important to emphasize that the skills that a leader develops during their growth are mostly

acquired through learning and the willingness to want to reach a higher level.

No matter how much the idea that leaders are made or born is analyzed, a correct

answer cannot be obtained. The studies carried out on this subject only allow the idea of

becoming good leaders to be more difficult. I think that the only thing that is achieved by

trying to understand or know why someone is a good leader and is successful will only lead

us to want to imitate the same path that those leaders followed. However, from my

perspective and experience, I can say that leaders are made. If we think about the

achievements of successful leaders and analyze their past, we could conclude that all these

leaders are the fruit of their good and bad experiences.


Andersen, E. (2012, November 21). Are Leaders Born or Made? Forbes.


Gentry, W., Deal, J., Stawiski, S., & Ruderman, M. (2012a). Are Leaders Born or Made?

Perspectives from the Executive Suite QuickView Leadership Series Helping you

navigate the leadership landscape.


Johnson, A. M., Vernon, P. A., McCarthy, J. M., Molson, M., Harris, J. A., & Jang, K. L.

(1998). Nature vs nurture: Are leaders born or made? A behavior genetic

investigation of leadership style. Twin Research, 1(04), 216–223.

Stephenson, C. (2019). ARE LEADERS BORN OR MADE? •.

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