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improve snippets with a meta

description makeover

Friday, September 28, 2007

Written through Raj Krishnan, Snippets team
The great of your snippet — the quick textual
content preview we display for every net result
— may have a direct effect on the possibilities of
your website being clicked (i.e. the quantity of
site visitors Google sends your way). We use
some of techniques for choosing snippets, and
you could manipulate one of them by using
writing an informative meta description for every

Why does Google care approximately meta

We want snippets to appropriately constitute the
internet result. We regularly opt to display meta
descriptions of pages (whilst to be had) because
it offers users a clean concept of the URL's
content. This directs them to good results faster
and decreases the click-and-backpedal conduct
that frustrates site visitors and inflates net traffic

metrics. understand that meta descriptions

created from lengthy strings of keywords do not
obtain this aim and are less probable to be
displayed in place of a normal, non-meta
description, snippet. And it's well worth noting
that while accurate meta descriptions can
improve clickthrough, they won't affect your
rating within search consequences.
Snippet showing quality meta description
using identical or similar descriptions on each
page of a site isn't very helpful while man or
woman pages appear in the net consequences.
In these instances we're less likely to display the
boilerplate textual content. Create descriptions
that correctly describe each specific web page.
Use website online-stage descriptions on the
main home page or different aggregation pages,
and recollect using web page-level descriptions
anywhere else. You must glaringly prioritize
parts of your web page if you do not have time to
create a description for every unmarried web
page; no less than, create a description for the
critical URLs like your homepage and popular
consist of simply tagged information inside the
The meta description doesn't simply have to be
in sentence format; it is also a fantastic area to
consist of based information about the page. as
an instance, information or weblog postings can
list the writer, date of publication, or byline data.
this will deliver ability traffic very applicable
facts that may not be displayed within the
snippet in any other case. similarly, product
pages might have the important thing bits of
facts -- price, age, producer -- scattered at some
stage in a page, making it unlikely that a snippet
will capture all of this records. Meta descriptions
can carry all this records together. for example,
remember the following meta description for the
seventh Harry Potter book, taken from a prime
product aggregator.

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