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Indian J Physiol Pharmacal 1998; 42(1) : 119-122




Sleep Disorders Laboratory,

Department of Pharmacology,
Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate
Medical Educatiorl & Resea.rch,
Pondicherry - 605 006

(Received on April 3, 1997)

Abstract: The raga Nelambari in the classical Indian Karnatic system of

music is said to be able to induce sleep and also have some sleep promoting
qualities. This hypothesis was scientifically tested using sleep
polysomnography with eight healthy subjects who listened to either
Neelambari (test) raga or Kalyani (cant roD raga. There was no difference
in sleep architecture or in subjective feeling of quality of sleep. The
anecdotal references to the quality of sleep promoting effects of Neclambari
probably reflect a conditioned response since most lullabies in South India
are sung in Neelambari raga.

Key words: music sleep polysomnography

INTRODUCTION played at particular times of the day (3).

Many ragas have a similar counterpart with
Drinking a glass of milk, taking a warm different names in the Hindustani style of
bath, listening to music and reading a book classical music. These ragas are believed to
are some of the strategies which people have properties which are known to evoke
resort to in order to induce sleep. In every certain emotions. The raga Amirthavarshini
community the world over, children are put is said to bring forth rain, Punnagavarali
to sleep by singing lullabies. Relaxing music to attract snakes, Neelambari to induce
is used to promote sleep in elderly sleep and so on. Lullabies sung in the
hospitalized patients in critical care units villages of South India are based on
(1). In a community based study 96% of the Nelambari raga. In most Hindu temples of
subjects showed improvement of sleep South India the presiding deity is lulled to
related problems when they listened to sleep at night with this raga. Neelambari is
music just prior to bedtime (2). said to induce sleep Quickly and also
promote a more sound and relaxed state of
Classical Indian Karnatic music has sleep. However, this has not been
codified the various ragas which are to be scientifically proved so far. This experiment

·Corresponding Author
120 Gitanjali Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 1998; 42{l)

was conceived with the aim of testing standardized procedure for sleep studies (5).
whet.her the raga Neelambari has sleep EEG electrodes were placed according to the
promoting effects andlor whether it alters standards set by the American Sleep
the sleep architecture of individuals. The Disorders Association. All sleep data was
subjective feclings on the quality of sleep stored on optical disks and scored manually
produced were also studied. by the investigator who was blilld to the
raga played on that night. Scoring was done
METHODS according to the Reschtaffen and Kales
manual (6) for scoring sleep records. An
Eight healthy male volunteers who had epoch by epoch scoring method was followed
no knowledge of classical Indian Karnatic with an epoch length of thirty seconds. Sleep
music were selected as volunteers. All onset was taken as the first epoch of stage
agreed to spend three nights in the sleep two sleep when there was continuous period
laboratory. They were not informed of the of sleep for four minutes. Sleep onset
aim of the study but were told that they latency is the time from lights out to sleep
would be volunteers for a study on sleep onset. Rapid Eye Movement (REM) latency
patterns in healthy people. This was done is the elapsed time from sleep onset to the
to prevent bias. Written consent was first epoch of REM sleep.
obtained from all of them. All subjects were
asked to come two hours prior to their usual Subjects were asked to fill out a
bedtime to the sleep laboratory. The first questionnaire regarding the quality of sleep
night was an acclimatization night where in the morning after the study. This also
subjects slept with the electrodes on but no included a four point scale ranging from
recording was done (4). On the second and zero (did not sleep at all) to three (slept
third nights either Neelambari raga or extremely well). Slept fairly poorly (one) and
Kalyani raga (used as a control) were played slept pretty well (two) were the other two
from the time the subjects entered the lab points on the scale. At the end of the three
till one hour and a half hours after lights nights they were asked to state their
off. The music was played in an adjacent preferences on the type of music they like
room and the volume adjusted so that it to hear and also whether they could identify
could be heard clearly. the raga played. Subjects were also asked
to record whether they felt refreshed in the
Sleep was monitored using a morning after the study. They had to
computerized polysomnography system indicate whether they received any formal
(Healthydyne International Technologies), training in Indian classical music. At the
throughout the night. Electronen- end of the study, subjects were told of the
cephalography (EEG), electrooculography aim of the study and asked to guess which
(EOG), electromyography (EMG) and night they heard Neelambari. Statistical
electrocardiography (ECG) were used for analysis was done using a software package
staging sleep. Selection of sites for "Statistix". Paired Student's "t" test was
pin cement of electrodes and number of used to compare both groups. A probability
electrodes used were according to the value of P =:;; 0.05 was considered significant.
Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 1998: 42(1) Effect of Music on Sleep 121


The mean age (range) of the volunteers There are many stories in Indian folklore
was 32 (26-60) years. All subjects said they describing the mystical properties of ragas.
liked listening to music with all but one This study proves that the raga Neelambari
preferring to listen to Indian light music. does not induce sleep or alter any sleep
Western classical music was enjoyed by only parameter when compared to the control
one person. None of them had received any raga. There was no difference in the qunlity
formal training in Karnatic music and of sleep and sense of refreshment felt the
therefore they could not identify either of next day. The anecdotal information on the
the ragas. The results show that there is ability of this rnga to induce sleep is
no significant difference between the two probably linked to persons who al'e already
groups (Table I) for any of the sleep biased, due to knowledge of Karnatic music
variables studied. The sleep efficiency (S.D) or who have been exposed to this raga in
was 78.84% 08.24) for Neelambari and childhood as a part of the sleep time
82.19% (11.38) for the }{alyani night. There activity. In this study none of the subjects
was no statistically significant difference had prior knowledge of the aim of the study
between the two. In the morning after the and also did not know classical Karnatic
study all subjects admitted feeling refreshed musIc. Hence they were completely
after all the three nights. The average unbiased. A full night polysomnography
rating score for quality of sleep was 2.12 without any music being played was
for both nights. When asked to guess which considered unnecessary as the study did not
night they heard Neelambari two volunteers aim to prove the effect of music per se on
refused to answer and out of the remaining sleep onset or sleep architecture, but aimed
six three guessed correctly. at the effect of the specific raga
(Neelambari) on sleep architecture. Kalyani
TABLE I Sleep polysomnography variables of raga was chosen as the control raga since it
healthy subjects af~er lis~ening ~o
Neclambari Raga. was crucial that the control raga not have
soporific qualities or evoke feelings of
Vt,rlflbles Control Neelambllri
(mj"lllu) (minules)
sadness, anger etc. This raga is not known
to have sleep inducing or preventing
Total slecp 347.7:1:50.43 331.1:1:75.91
time characteristics and hence was chosen as the
REM time 64.69:1:35.31 54.12:1:30.79 control raga in this study.
Non REM time 279.4:1:42.72 273.9:1:58.26
SWS time 49.19:1:22.92 39.25:1:22.91 Studies comparing the effects of music
Sicep onset 19.81:1:11.66 25.12:1:20.96 and white noise on sleep have proved that
even in Stage 1 NonREM sleep entire
REM onset II 1.0:1:58.95 100.2:1:55.29
latency physiological consciousness may be higher
when listening to music than white noise
All values are mean::t SD of eight subjects. (7). It was thought that the mental set
Total sleep time is the time spent in REM sleep and towards the two differed. I-Iuman sleep
Nlln REM sleep. Slow wave jJlccp (SWSl timc i!l the
tala I time spent in Stage 3 & 4 Non REM slecp.
studies have also proven that there are EEG
122 Gitanjali Indian J PhYlliol Pharmacol 1998; 420)

power spectrum component changes sleep activity in childhood may throw some
associated with the relaxant effects of more light on this aspect.
pleasant music (8). These changes may also
be personality trait related. Persons who ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
have been lulled to sleep in childhood
with a lullaby sung in Neelambari The author thanks Dr. P. Athiyaman,
may respond in a positive manner. Programme Executive, All India Radio,
Repeating this study with a test group Pondicherry for his help in procuring the
comprising of such subjects who have audio cassettes and the artists for rendering
lis.tened to Neelambari as a part of their the music played for the study.


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