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TRIGONOMETRICAI, (D RATIOS OF Associarpy ANGLES LUTION OF EXERCISE/EXERCIShs —— —— Exereise-2,1 1. Vind the values of the following: * qqysin 675" sotatans sin 67S" =sin[2x 36D" — 45°} —sin{-a5") = eins? = 5 (Ans) 1 (itm 1305" Sohations ta 1305" = tan(3x360" 4-225") man 22S" = eww) go” +45") = tim 45" =] (Ans) 1. (ip see S10" Station; $e¢510" = sec{ 360" +150") = sec1$0" = see(LB0"—30") =—s0030? -- (Ans) 1 fis) cosee765* Selotlou: cos ec765* =eos ee(2360" 4.45") =cosecds =9/3 (Ans.) 1. (vbeot 3750" Solution: cot 3750 = coi{1O 360" + 150" } =cot1 80" = cnu(1a0" —30") =—eor34" = (Ama) 1. (vi) sing-139s") Solutions sing=1395") = —sinl395* =—sin(4x360"— 45°) = -sin{45") = -{-sinds")=sinds® = + (Ans) 1. (vii) see (-2580") Solution: sec{—2580"} = see 2580" = seo('7 360! +60") =s0060'=2 (Ans) 1 (viii) cutt-1530") ibn? eotf—[S30")=—cot 1930" ——ent(4x360" +90") = coi 90" = 0 (Ant) 1 (iy) tan(-1590°) Solution: tn(—1590") <—tom 1990" = —tan(4x 60" +150") aod = tan 50" = =tan(L BO ~ 30") = tin 30) = 1030?» 7 (Ama oe . ne it A Handbook on Higher Mathematics L" Paper 266 Evaluate: 2m 2 deo z Sotatton: a3 (Ans) 29s 2 (i w(- , 29% ‘ Sa, Solution: = sin a —sin(3.27 + 4 ) (Ans.) . " ak _ 1 = -si{ 5) -sin( + ). sin = Rh 49: 2 (iti) =) Sx 19a cs (9 too( = Solution: = mal - 3) = tn( BE Evaluate: 3 @ cosi98" +sina32” +tan168" + tan 12° Solution: =cos(180" +18") +sin(360° +.90° ~18*) +tan(180° 12") +tan 12" = cos 18° +00s18"—tan 12" +tan12* <0 (i) ©2420" sin(-300") —sin870" coss70° Solution: = cos420°(~sin300°) -sin870° cos570° * ~22s{360" + 60") sin(360° ~60")~sin(2 360° +150" )cos(360? +210") = 00560! sin 60" —sinI50° cos 210° = cas 60" sin GO" —sin(I80" -30")cos(180" +30") = cos 60" sin60* —sin30° (cos 30") = 18 + tan tan) “"F (Ans) x 2 3. (ili) sin780"cns390" ~sin330° cos(-300")( Ctg.B.'01) Solution: =sin(2.360° +60°).005(360" +30") —sin@a60° 30" }eos(—360° +60°) = sim60° cos 30° +-sin30° cos 60° 861131 Poa tay at gn! (Ans) 269 tee 28s BE 4 4 3 6 Solution: mente de Treas trs 4 so-620 4 eosct2.2n ) Trigonometrical Rati = AN SALIOS Of Agena. SOtiated An; gles 20 {8 5-4) (ans) 4. Show that mol eh Ta) ste a 0 i getions = nds 522 s sis 2243 FA) sottae ea a Nad = eng 4—cas A +008 A—cos A= 0 (Showed) *reunnseg a sn" ences gga ae An HE ea ig (vi) eosec (-736") Salotion (1) = —sin65° = —sin(90" -25") =—cos 25° (Ans) Selotions{i)=—tan.246! = —tan(180° + 66°) =— tan 66" =—tan(90" — 24") =~cot24" (Ans.) Seletion: (lil) = sin(2360° +123") = sin123* = sin(90" +33°) = 00533" (Ans) Sslution: (iv) = cot(—3 x360° +26") = 0026" (Ans.) Solution (v) = s2o{4xe380" 113°) = see{—113°)= 800113" = stc{90" +23") =—cosec23* (Ams.) Solution: =—cos e756" Senter +36") =—c0s ¢c36* (Ans.) 267 Sx dim, an 6 Evaluate: (i) sin‘ ——+sin’. 7 a sin? TE sin & sc0s hilar —/18)}" eee +{cos(2a + 2/18)? +c0s'(3r/8) ioe mt tee Fea 32 = =2 (Ans) & Gi) sint Ssin’ a Fst 3 ssi [D.B.'02; Ctg.B."00; S.B.'09; B.B. "10; J.B."11] sin’ ¢sin'{ 74 )asin' 7%) ot 7 14 = fs Est St) afer 2 xsin’ 5 2) fe an! 2)-20409 Gi) c05* © cos? 3 4 gg? 2. D.B.13 zoos =e tees +00s* en ) Sto: Required value= cos? = ¢cost E+ a= -) se -4) z Solution: ={sinG Solution: = sin’ 6 . 3m vost cast SE ae ag 28 3 cos past = hs x) “forbes fergew dom A Handbook on Higher Mathematics 1 PAP°" MF c951 SE (1.8.06) oy fz, 1% =) y Fy cos'| 2+ | +08 | 4 oy +cos'| # mlue= 05° iaveeres) ( 24 7 soot ooe(5-F) {x sin ‘)- 2 (Ans) pin 139 cop HIE got? 2 (1.8.06 6 Ms 7 “u ar 288 vee etl gp 3H asee'( 20 +2 ]+ 3x _ Sr). (53) Solution: sa («-38)-='(2"- 7) o«(# st) cot (5479 r=) is always ies a 1 I 1 1 cos (2a t—z) =cos(4 =z) =cos—a = (2am: a” cost mm ta) 08 4 i +. Ifmis any whole number, then show that the value of c0s( 21 Solution: Efin=2m (value ofnis even), Itn=2me (value of nis od), estas tba) =cos{2(2m +1) yneostichn) 08} me 8 4 “: Reequired value will always be ¥ (Showed) liz 8 Wea, then fi find the value of sin’a-cos'a-2tana-see'L Un Lin , asec? HE em gin LEE Sotation: = sint T —ens? 9 (Mt > ‘Trigonometrieal Ratios of Associated Angh i ca, cuntheOyr int => MBAS IE 7 tink ahs an = anAHand= 1 => tanAHonB+tand tans} 2 SH eanAYt ton TtanAy=2 2. 14 be rangi exaasion of h(AB-C) ae Coa Bee 2 Shame bi gin (Beas c0s(A-B)sinC satin acosB-cosAsini) cosC-{cosA. cosB+sinA sinB)sinc ste coaB cost cas sin EOSC-£08A,cosB sinCeainA sint sinc esa cosa cosC (tanA-tanB-tanC-tand tan tant) padeast BC} c0s{(A-B)+C)-cos(A-B}cosC-sin(A-B sin cash cosB+sinA sin) cosC-(sinA cosB cos sing) sinc 2 9 cosC+sinA sin cosC-sind cosB sinCscosA sinB sin eos ens ees (I+anA tanB+tanB tanC-tan€ tan) (Ans) sy co eaprest eot(A+B4C) In terms af cata, cotB, cotC ect(ae B4C)=ent((d+B)+C) = coll A + A)eotC-1 gations (4+ 8+ C) D+) eet ald=B) got Aeos B=] <1 aed. SOLCHI cot AcostBcotC ~cot A—cal A cot ss ead cat Beot C +cat Coot A+ cot Acot #1 a cot B+cot A tL Main sin -coso. cosfi+1=0, then show that I+eote inn=0. 1.B."07] Sdutions Given, sine sint- cosa cost+1=0 corsa cosfiesing sinfi=1 => cos(a+f!) =1 => cos(er#f) = cost 2. ot B-0 po Now, LH.S.= I+eote tan(-a) = 1 +e unay= 1-1=0=R.H'S. (Proved) 2 () Irota+eotB=a, tanattan§=b and a+fed, then prove that (x-b) tand=ab [Din.8."16; RB."15; B.B.°03; Cte B."T2, 15] Proof: Given, cota cot a.,....(1), tance + tan =b ......(2) anda tp=G .....(3) From (1), a+ = ete Bet tana tan 8 = mote 8g stmanmpet fancrton tang tan B a 4 ab Now, 0= a ‘ =tmattan f =e low, fl => tand = tanta +f) {tenet f aa <: (arb) tan ab (Proved) Belg ces *. itt g-aand tan Ok tang then show that sin (O—p)=——sima[SB-C2] Suton 0 = kang or, tan _ boy sin@easy _ “tang “cos@singe tr, UMleeso-cosBsing _A=1, sinl@-0) #1 (yy componendo & dividendo) SinOcosp+cosGsing +1" sin(+@) del Setlhiong) Xo! os wfcly, 1 i pap tite +0) = ane (Provetl) A Handboee 276 sad ther show Hh (im-m) tanBo(en sn) tana tmar (Showed) = a prove dunt (ath) tan fa-b)cota, (D.895) Soltiat 5 astra) ah eca(x—a)-c04t*2) (py componendo & dividend) hal % —— * asta a) + cost +) aeb a naingsine cossomasinxsing 2sinasina Tarmmgesinasing +eos.xcosa—sin sina 2eos.xeasq at, sinssing _. (a+4)sinxsina = (a-b)cos roma Sigh conrcsa a s(qeblene={e-d}eoia (Proved) [Diviting by cosx sina] apes —DOOY ie show ar UOM—a), b 5 Qe nebiiny ; sinfd-+y) a _mmci—bey | eafl_ coos heosy “ping +bsiny | sin8 ating +bsin y or, esineon @+ bom dsin y= cootxsing =bsin@cosy o, adsin Pers x— cs Gsinx) = Hsin Boos y +-cos Asin y) int—2)=bsingo+y) ;, lens 6 , exin(?—s)=bsin[a +) Maas (Showed) 3% (Ha sin(G+a}= baln(0+p), then prove that ig =e (B05) 3 brinp -asina Solute: sin va) bsin(6+}) atingen e+ a0 Psina= bsineos J +beos Fain p > Meroe boot sind = (bsin f =asina)cos 8 5 S20 _ ating boas . S80 bein mates = Oe APOE Cmrovedy ‘Solution: Ont M Mani 217 a ty, yaind banged sind T= xensp td t= then prove that aay Solutio: tee, tga Ain sind xsinp wah naghett and Tsrag et S80- ymeding = ysin dean Trigonometrical Rating of Associnted Angles 277 wr, singe sin FeO P+ cos Psing) = ysin(@+e).......,1i) pining (BY CD WERE, EOE == (Proved a pyiln(C+D)= cos(A-B) ‘ 8, ical ee iorupentn wen hss show that cotA cotB catC= coi. § cold +B) _ sin(C-D) oh Sed) sin(C+D) cost +8) +008 d~ 8) _ sinf(C—D)+sin(C +0) Soa —B)—cox(A +8) sin(C + D)~sin(C—D) eos Acos B 2sinCcosD op, woes ' Zeinadsind = 2oasCsinD or, eotdoot=tanCeoat DD .. cot Acat AcotC =ctD (Showed) ireant= ATES BOY then show that a si % a abeed | a sin(O-x)+b sin (B-y)=0 asingthsiny — sin@ _ asinx+siny soations #08 = + 008 ¥ Sad acct bony or, sing etx +bsin Bens y= asin.coas @ +beos Osiny on, ofsin cos x—cos @sinx) + Ofsin @cos "cos Asin y) = 0 ot, asin(@—x)+bsin(@— y) = 0 (Showed) = iremnp=2ESSSES then show that (o-f)= Cl-n) tance nsinecosa ALAN _yividing by 0OS? & ] tens?! nent cos’ atancr = alan we-ntm'a letm'a—ntan'a Solution: tan f= ruin tne -———_ tana tan pT | stanta-mtin'a SPetaner tan D4 tance Te tanta nian @—ntina _ (tana atma)(l +180"@) _ ¢)_ pj tane (Showed) Teta? + tanlar~ 2) = be ¢ ton! a—atan' 1+ tana —ntan® @+nten’ BM. 1f Beas = cost +00s7B and V2 sinA=sinB-sin’B, Suita: Given, oe0s A= ens B08? B ennll) EsinAs sin sia! Bn Squaring adding (7) and (ii) we BES ac naa ean san be a(coe'-n'B) +eos'Dsin'D tr, 2=142(cos!-sin'B)+(1)'- 3sin"B cos'B.! ot, Sens" Bf|—cos" 8)—2(o0s* B-1+e08" BY =0 Or, Jens! +005" F-2=0 ar, (Geas" B—2X cos" B4+)=0 tad, geil a 5 th then prave that sin (A-B +t [D.B.704) “Joos #-2=0 [e087 841 #0) Le. cos A Handbook OP’ 18 inB yap na cosB-cos8 sint Bs fiosaeos B) (From Gi) end () Now. ¥ [Pins sin 81-50 ‘3 7 fates = os By Ba 11 et [Patng the valu oF 085) (Froggy aE RE 3 Exercise-7.3 Exereise-7.3 Prove: (Ex. 118) i AL gh emp" * cook coe 1 soularmow'P—A 1 1 cosdectsB_ ed (Proves) Solation: Aes vant (4 Bas A) 1 2 sink= md saBe es then tana + Byot (A ~B)=5+2N6 asin} (4+ eos (4~B) Solution: unas B)ath(d—B)= 1 1 3 2008 yl B)sin4- B) 1 _sindssine V2 ae Gin sind-sind 1 1 (3—V2 2B 3. cos40" + c0s80' +c0s160" =0 ‘Solution: cos 40° + cos 80° + cos 160" =.c0s-40° +2008 120" cos 40° L = ance ots = 00540" —cos 40° =0 (Proved) 2 54.26 (Proved) 4 (8) eos +c0s(120"— A) +-c0s(120" +A) =0 Seltion: = cos A4+2c05120" cos A wen v5 as Awe dco =0 (Proved) 4. (b) sind +sin(120" +6) +sin(40" +0) =0 [D.B."12] Solution: = sind +2sin(120° + 6) os 60° =sind~2sind.2 sind sind =0 (Proved) 5 “oslo incor) ina9 Solution: sindsin(60"-0)sin(60°%O) «sing, ¥ fasn rosin" )) __—— A jatvdbook one ind a aacosh® + py (From (li) and (I) Nov, aint . {} cos BOOS {faintest [eon lar “V2 a mi OY fi J =) grunting the vale oF €082] (Proyeg) els" RA a -F Tt _ Exereise7, prove: (Ex. 1-15) tgea cos £0080 _ pot = don eit Fut eco ypyeos(-M Lig consist neg MO set AHA 8 A) (Proved sie oan mane (3-0) 1 Tea omasinle ahs then tan 5 Vea «ment (4 a Atsina= anne B i ih Tin diy +Byeos (l= Hy) ! ver aoa g(t Aisin (4M) solutions twa 14+ meat 4 -B)= _ sina sain ee z Fie B 5s o6 crrived) ‘nd-sad 1 La 2G 3, eps! + cos" +enst60" =f Solutions cae-40" + cos80" 4-cos 160" =ens 40)" + 200s 2" 009 40" = anit! of ont =o 40? et? =0 (Preveil) (8) cOsA + ens(120" — A) +cus(12iH" + A) =0 cusav testes acon a4a[—2 Joos 4 sarc =0 rior 2, {b) sto sain (120! +6) singly’ 4ey=0 [DB "3 4 ‘Soluti Soluti Sin + 2sin(120° + Bycos 60" = sin@—24ino+ = sind —sin8 =0 (craved) 5 eGsin-Spinccnee)-4 sind Soluthoa: sinAlsin(éC"-Owuin(60"49) “ying ay {2sin( 60-6) (60-0) Trigonometrical Ratios of Associated Angles san on 2-13") 30820 3 «hang Leoszisind 4 sine ! qitinge - sin) é bigs 4 sina? sine = sina9 (Proved) 3 sabe Lei}G = 2epe2H® RES (Proved) - Gyens20*cos40" cas cost" -4 inn: = oa20" cos 40" eo8 90° cos 20" (cos 120" 4-08-40") ow dseantad cos 40) =—Lear20" + 4eos 20" cos 40" 4 g 4 = ps0! + Bons es 40" em + ieen 0" tome") = -Lasa sith +eos20" y=—pone20" pe ejoumet=t (Proved) (i) sin 20° sin 40" sin60'sin 80" 3 olution: sansa sino sn att = Liao zsato sina fi [e ag" 4) =F sina eas 40* cstan") = sh - “Feo sin 20" 520" = Bins ~sin20" simon!) (Proved) "ay canner FS {B.0,'07; Cig. B."06, C.8.°09%; RB. sia Vitigny = 21020" sin 40" sin” cos 20? eng 40 cox 80" sn20". eos a0" cos 120") colt aa? +e0s40") pos 20" a9 ‘A Handbook on Higher Mathematics 1" Paper 280 | ~ or a tsin20" | gn 60? —sin 20") + ssin20 gan20" eas dd" +5) Ny ° t 20° “"Heonet sus 20) 082" eos:20" cos 4 con 2 7 & ‘coo Si tawat elena’ 4 -Esin20 sino 1 M3 sin 20" wy J snao" 2 aw 5 mm TT Legean! -Leosat" 5 et) hemo Fageas . cot Sn tam 4 1 (i) Wbcon ee Rees EON ig (BUET. 00-01; KUET"“06-07S.B."N1; DinB."2; 8.8 43.455 Seon ia der e SF cas 2.005 —— 008 Solution: 420057 e085 2008-75 ih) a fr 1 nies pe SS ? Vo 8% Leon 2 os Dees + ~ {ts oa Sots OE TE 1 2) V2 cos EE +00: sr) .t) tat 3)- 2 aS Vogt ing A) fet} Proved! $e E508 ys it ) s pease aasa =liite cose: + costa +cosSa. inSa+sina+sin3a Selesion: Se tease +on3e = Zsinacos2e-+sinia _sina(2eos2a-+1) _ side _ is (ppoved) ZensSacos2a +cusSa cos3a(2eus2a+l) coda in —1in 38 —sin5B+sind g, MBFO=sin38—sin+ sind _ coe78 4eos30— cord —coal 82? Solution: — {61070 —sin34) —(xin $8 —sinB) 878+ 608 39 —(c08 $0 +208 8) = 2osSsin28-2eosIsin2O _ Isin29(ens3@-cos30) _ sin2M _i,29 (he *Jen55600820— ‘Lens 30cos 28 ~ ‘Zoos 28(cos 58 —cos 30) con 24 10, cos8f + Geos68 + 13cosdt) + Beos20 Se ho + Bos 0570 + Sens50 + Beas30 ae Soluitions = 2280400560 + Se0s6045c0849 4 8eos404: teas 20 cos 78 +508 50+ Bean 30 — Gees 8G 4 2086) + Soon 68+ ens 48) + B{cOs 48 + 601 267) = ASS EF os 60) + Slons 68 + ens 48) + Bios 48 + 005 26) 008 70+ Sens 52+ 800518 = Zoos 70 cos +5 200s 5dc050'+ 8 200s 38 c04 = Te as a cos 0+ 8 2eos 36 cos 8 08 70 +Son5 30 4 Bossa = Zeon O (cos 74 + 505 50+ Bcog 3) 05784 Seae5P Georg = BOSH (raved) Trigonomettical Ratios of Associated Angles ee a pra +0)cof 0 = Des on ius BOOP FUN Y MO cease RO eos |nteoatienn. 1) ei jo0s 2Gens 8 — C03 # = C08 30+.cos 0 —cos# =cos39 (Proves y ents! sin = Vloost0" ne ems 4510090" ) nog 85" +008 5" = 200s 45" cosdt= 281 yp 40" = \/2cos40" (Proved) uy sint8! +enst8" =9/2e0527" (Cig.."05] jon: = sin 8" +sin 72” = 2sin45" cos 27" - zoo! = 2c0s27" (Proved) 2 jy tan 70" = tan20" + 2tanSO" [J.B."10; D.B,'10,"15) sin 70" _ sin 20" _ sin70" cos 20" — cos 70" sin20* Sstonse70" cas 20" cas 70" cos 20" i 2sinso" en880" + cag + tan 70" = tn 20° +2tan 50" (Proved) 4s'48) ast—0 eos8~1 ‘eo as —— - 2 2 Sieos0+1 L 2sin (434 +8)sin tas" 8) at soot uw (D-B."08; 2.3,02,'09; C.B."08; J.B."11] 4848 4st—@ 2 Beas $(45" +8)ei0 143-2) ! go _msGncosast Ya 2 casd~1 \ osP+o0s4s 1 Bcos8+1 cos + ae 48 1) ep payp OWA +15") —tan(A IS) = Soon: Let, O=A+15° and OHp=24 and B-ip=30" Now cot(A+15")-tan(A-15°)cot8-tangp + H88_sing _ coxPoosp—sindsing . 2eos(0+e) find cosp singcos ‘sin Aces @ \ = tousta+) ens 2 Aeos2d (Proved) (si030" =>] — Poole) . SinG+9)+sin(G@—p) sin2d+sin30° 2sindA+1 = 2, (Cy B..DinB."10; C.B.'12] 1AM and sinAseosAerinBts08 By, then show that A+B =>. [Cip.B.Din I Sa i Nh: Given, sinAtreosAmsint ¥cosBi=sinA-sinBF~cosl-cosA ‘A Handbook on Higher 282 = 2005~ Ab int eaten ie AeB] co tebalnte tet (Showed) y= ai =(x+ hs seaneensiaytnensnor 8 L eye fon y sins 7! Solution: Here, sings misiny O% Soy — == et a (By eomponendo and dividends) mt goost(aey)singO-9)_ nt res a or, 1 asin gts + peosge-2) nt sinker) m= . 1 ro tangs yet Shean Ort) (Showed) mA gtr) im 18, IfatP=8 and cosa=k cos, then show that tan= Z(a-B) =theato Solution: Here cos a= kos # geek ‘cosB 1 _ eeBe8e 1% (py componend and dividento) ~ saloon 2sin—| Mas Brinsta~ Pik —2_{—- = on ee +k 1 _lek — cols 19 (proved) ae ‘wt Ke +B) “Tk tan L(ce+ Ayton da- p= = teahto~f)= 19. If(-) is an acute angle a sin B+sing 3 (cosp-cosb), then show that sin30+5105¢°% Solution: We know, sind +sing = ¥5(c0s @—cos8) 1 1 or, Bang (0+ pee z(0-6) =Wirsink (a repsing 2-0) 1 or, cat (0-9) = f3 = cot 30" 40-9) #30" Now, Sin30 +sindp=2sind 60 +39) s08 (00-39) lagen ot = Bain OP Spe F(0-9))= asin 0 ~Speu(30") = 289 _ Trigonometrical Ratios of Associnteit Angles 283 Exercise-7,4 ay oe (BE rewisisTA tana yecutA A geindonsd _ 54 tay 4 (Ioved) sytiont = ca ward geet in =n } s2qesin Le rein! @-H2siNGeOE 2sin sing + e054) sind tins “eos Deine 2eas6{eo8O+ sind) nap "ME (Praved) abithated) pee van — ssai({Leo ba) 2s to} “sfrofiers} neler} “eter4} -8) cn {x+o}-! p2sin rane = nf (Praved) , Wtand= i Then show that 1fsin2@-Gtan2O+Seos28=3 sihatlons Here LOsin28-tten26+Scoa20 wig 2m _g Bima, itn! +t’ @ = es A at oh asco 843=3 (Showed) es ine lee Prove: (Ix, §:16) POIMA cos{my2)A-cas? (n+1)A+sin' ASD elation: ons nA cos(n4.2)4 +4 L2sint A~2oos"ta 1.0 a tnsmtcn(ns2)44L 1 —eos2.4 —1-cos2(n+ lA} * conn fin 2)A—Lons.t 065244 NM = ‘rrteoln+2)4—1 dens cas(n+2)4=0 (Proved) gher Mathematics I* Paper ‘a Handook on Hl 284 p.B.'04] "LAD gectA tnd {! parole & eesti") | tens A-sin A) _sinasisind . 42 eos A oh sins sind len avin Salutlen? = qos ds cos ats cos! Atsin? A—2sin Acos A = cos 24 fejnad 1 S024. geod A—tan 2A (Proved) = aa mos2d cos2d sina ft $8120 copq s where a is positive and acute angle. cosa -vi+sinda sina —Yoos? asin’ a+ 2sinacosa “ ee osa—yeos? a +sin' a +2sinacosa . sinayfsinatoosay’ —_sina~(Sina +c084) _ 1 (Proved) mea-yf(sina+00sa)" “tosa-(sina+cos.a) & Ssina—sin3s tan? 3oosr+casix r 2 dsinx—(Gsins Asin! x) Joosx+4o0s’—3cosx _ 3sinz—Jsinx+dsin' x _ 4sin! x dere = tan’ x (Proved) 4cos' ys eos! A~3ous.A _ Soot’ A-Jeot Acosec*A Br (Dividing denominator and numerator bys" 3sind—4sin’ A Feosec'A—4 = Sade lh + cat! A) Xiscot" A)-4 = Seat oot A~3oat! A _ sot’ A~3o0td 34+3o0t' 4-4 Jai AT (Proved) 10. nA = (eta +1 A= Seton to24 wayne" AT of Lon Any cos 24 L+00524 sind 2cos! Asi ii = l+o0524 sind _2eos' asin 2sin dens sin2A th qe ttt 8A cosTAcu A cou2d ~ cos2d Geers cus’ Acos3A +sin’ Asing, A= cos" 2A Solution: cos? Acos34+sin! Asinda 3 f os Aeon A)eonsA+1 sind sind sind priganomettical Ratios of Associated Atites Ls 2a5 xem 34=sin' 34) 3 et 7 1 1-1 (bone +c05(3.2 mi jist yat G18 2A me0s!24 (Provedh t tant wait na apa 6-4) 5 as seen anedeN A =n eq —tan meted a ee = crag cette Vita +m Vi tana 7 Me el a-tan’ A geten 4 _ Stan =—lin34= RAS (Proved) «ttt peta tata = B,'14; Din. 1a ee PB; yl Ba eer 24/2 I+ ens) “Tr [Geos 2s z eseox= LHS (Proved) 7aE jacos* x “Heosx < (Mein! 10" +008'20") =3fsin TO! + 00520") série Ssinl0" —sinG.10°)+008(3.20") +3008 20° = taint" ~sin30* see +3e0s 20° = Bln! +005 20"}——- tite ‘Ugin 10° +co820"} (Proved) M ites sin 38" Mision: LHS= in! 25" 4408! 5? * Hen S* —sinG3.25") +3055" +cos(3.5") = Hsin 25" +0085") 4 (os 15 sin 75") * Ssin25" +sinS")+ (ens 15° —cou 15") = 3.2sin55*eas30" . wast Bs ans = RAS (Weoved) BGA 109) c0n*A-pean?(a +120" ped prnrng rDiB.3] ‘in (A~120") con 44+-c08"(d +120") © 3m 4-120") +2.60094-+ 2005" 4 +1209) «1 aM +eo4=190%) 414 eng za bb eae (a H20"N “! 213400524 + cas(a4—24nty cos(24 +2409 P2024 26002 Aeon 240") i wt Ht hook on Higher Mathematics | Paper A Hank 286 i nied (rroved) [608 240 3] Vy a cos 2d-e0s =k ae ie (RB205; Cte.) ayesin’ Atsiny (60° NEF + g+sint(60" - A) p+ tae cos(120° -24)} 2 1s, (ap sin 6+ saluton: RHS® sin(@0" Suid : Upc? #2145007 cosa 2 re aati cos(120" +244 00s(120° ~ PAN 7 8 = 3-508 w3 ly aeosl Deas 2d S052 22 a3 Lan(-fo jovta—Leasdd= 3 heos2A— esd RLS (Proveay 22 =—=sin3x.[R.B.'06; $.B.10;Ctg.B.'07; BB," 16. sin?’x-+ sin®(120" +x)+sin?(240" x)= Sind [R.B."06, Ig. 1] Solution: sin’ x+sin’(120° +x) +sin'(240° +2) {4sin’ x44ein'(120° +x) +4sin’ (240° +2)} ads 4 1 ssgingsindx-+3sin(120° +a) —sin3(120" +x) +3sin(240" +x) -sin3(240" +.2)) z = ltysine~sin3x +3{sin(120° + x) + sin(240* +-x)} —sin(360" +3x) ~sin(720° +3x)) a = Lppeinc~sins—32sn(L60°+x)cos60"~sin3x—sin33) “ Lesins ~3sinde~3.2sin nah = i6 sinz—3sin3x—3sinx) = -35i 3x (Proved) i itenek’cocBinosOA) then prove fo eOsSAtcos3Btcos3C=12 cosA cosB cosC Solution: cos 34+00538+0083C = eos’ A-3onsa+dcos” B—3ons B+4e0s? ¢—3e0sC = A(oos’ A +005? B+00s! C)—3(¢08 A 4+.c0s B-+-005C) = Afeos! A+e0s"B+c05'C) = 4{Cos' A+-c0s? B +005? C—Jeos das Boas) + 12cos A cos BeosC = 1205 Aeos Beas (Proves 1 oi tano=4 andtan ek, then prove that cos20=sind Solution: oop 29 = !—'=t"@ “is a 48 24 Viera” Tra 302s and sing 2sin2pcostge 2.24 I-ten? _ 2/9 A= Ting” Ite? “T41/9'141/9— “ @520=4sing (Proved) ‘Trigonometrical Ratios of Associated Angles 287 ind cos2fh -g tanfi thet prove that tan (ct-B)= ne tan ai ys sane = 5 tan 3 mantnf gine tan B eB Tsimatin Sng 2 sing jun ft a sin Boos “gmp Dest By, SB” Deas @aaein A cos’ 8 sin? sin2f ¢_ ee es = sin2p aeos' f+6sin’ B S{oos" PB +sin’ f)—(cos’ P—sin’ B) 5—cosap (reovet) 5. Itana=2 tan, then show that tan (a +) =—2Si020 1+ 3costa 1 tang +=tan@ tma+tan Pens tn(ar +f) = no ——2 [rime =2tan 9] etm f I—tan ee. —tan a 2 bn = 2 = _3tane Ssinacosa __-3.2sinercosa telinte 2-tnta ina Qoos*a—sin'a@ 4cos'a—2sin'a@ cos’ : 3son2a Ssin2e Was y (Showew teil c-+sin’@+3(008" asin) +3008 aa B 1 IAsBye0 and sinA+sinB=2sin(A+B), then show that tant ns cates “teties Given, sinA+sinB=2sin(A+B) or, sinA+sinB=2sin2( ; (AtB)} %, ing (A+ Beas (4~B) =2rsind (a Bees (40) Sg ers tA- A) =2o0s (4+) = ao #5 AnB) Denes (A+B)=0 fe(4+A)*0 iensing (+8) 20) ® re 4b) -2en(h av tay=0 “ental al p-20s¢ e083 1 psasing Ain D9 ", 3sin. ths And wenbjoul shook on Higher Mathematics I" Paper AHan 288 al sintasing# 1 pian Line (Showed) m— ig ? age eS os des nz proven nntsnoecenracsto-ot[S1.08/.3/07 2 We get at te + Boot aging? Boos 87 ‘Afsin sind +205 BAcas 4) asin ht =a —— 46 ink? singdcns@ eaten estos . sinSB cos Ab . aco af +0580 008 40) _ 4+ 00880) 4.2co8! 48 =heatde = gin Beas 4 singh 2sin dense =LHS* qmd+2tan20+4cat de w= tnd +2eot 2 = cote = RUS (Proved) [/ Pian 4ent40-200120] i___v3 ceca Bae Proves) ap - a (SB. Cte B. 12; DinB."; RB, DinB.'15] 2 ‘Osa aa ere \ _2singo" _ ens 0! ~2sin60" sin! 0” Solution:L.H.S* sinl0" cast0" DF eas 10" coal -c0550" +cos70" 2sin30¢ sin 20" + e0s(90"—20') _ sin 20" +sin20° Sl" cos!" sin1O" cosT0° sin 10" cos 10" 2sin20° 2.2sin 10" cos 10" ee Mi, Fatresit arora’ 1 AS roves) 2 Gi a a 24 [DB.1.8.'10; Cig. B14,15] Solutions Ling= 2220 0830" cos 20° -sin20" sin20" cos ‘sin 20° ons 20" _ cos50°+c0s10"—sin20" _ cas30" + sing" —sin20" sing cos20" SSS‘ 20" cos 20" = S880" + 200550" sin30" Zens SO" sinz0'ens20" sin 30° ens 20 24. (i) Iacosethsinae=aeusp)+bsinfh then show that cos Dg SAE fomosse Solution: Given, censer+hting = aco f+ isin ‘or, a{coscr—cos #) = isin ff—siner) \ \ of, asia (e+ sina (fa) ~2hcis (a+ sin} (Aa) yl 1 sias(a+A) sin'= (a4 a are : A at or, — 2 conta +A) % fost i +f) at jgonometrical Ratios of Associat Trigt fated Anples 289 Lips f° asin shat p) ato aan posi) ah Mas fy-sio® Fle tO sor Proved) . sitive and acute and _ _2eos2f qari oes td Pare ute anid Coser: ar Humbe [RUET" 01-02; CUET.’ 09-10) Feos2h-1 _3(2eos! B-1)-1 __ Scos* p-4 spoilt 28ST 599 3—(2008 PI) 4—Jeos A 4 + cost _6-Asee' P _ 6~A(l+tan? fy 2—Gtan' “TBs Bh Me P-2 AotW A)-2~ Zeta p + then prove that tana=t stattoe2an'p » tana= 42 tanfi (Proved) Exercise-7.5 Tsing rosa + 2eost a +2sint costa et: He zat 2sin aces ~ose+sing gig 1 rm But in= —acos—a 2sin’ gi Tashi arse acess Y cast 2s ales 0 +sin$a) esza 1 sooth ) ‘ a4 = cot =a (Prove! 2a ole o+sin a) sina 4 or ay 7 sft) =I +sinA tions = ggg Alten ay =(oosh atti * os =l+sind (Proved) pAtsinbay = meas? 1 Lassi 4 44 2sind Aeon d= ett eanssise = 4eos* ae DB) (8+ 6) incr sin B)' a 8 +008" 1+ 2eascreos P+sin’ a+sif * p—2sinesin# “Oe eens 8. i cos(er +f) ~sina.cos f) =2 +2004 ‘A Handbook on Higher Mathematics 1" Paper 200 ' 1 2 = =4cos' (a+ Proved, = vee (+P) =Acos' (a+ A) (Proved) «A asin! Ante +c0s2A) ellie 1 asin Ay) =2sin" Aces! 2 (cos? —A+sin’ =A)’ = = Solution: 0s cs! Asin Pan lo! 2 2 Jag? Az t—L2sin® = 1-p(2sin5 1 peor Lay =1-psin dala en A (1-052) = Le feora= (3+ 60524) (Proved) 5. cost feos! A Bess nha Solution: cos24 = 2eos* A—1= sen! =2(2e08" 2 1-1 = (4e0s* za ~deos? A+) -1 = $005" fan ‘Boos? ate 1=8cos* La-Boos" fae! (Proved) FA +c08*] = + =-60" |== BL 6 gon w}eoe(t a) 2 [B. 1] Solution: cx foren'(Lesca!)scoe(Je-o0') 2 2 2 =ipeost Le + 2eost(her +60")+2c08'(Le—60")} 2 2 2 2 1 = Plltemneet sora +60") 41400524060") - 4s cose cose +120") + o05(e-120")} = 56+ cos @ + 3cosacos]20°) =Usscxa+2ase(-! 1 3 2 "3, =7 G+ cose cosa) => (Proved) h a " © tin =2ein NS = 2/242 (0.8.08; DinB,, B.B.'RB,1B,S.B,CeB ll) Solution: We know, 203? A=l+e0s A * 2ee2?29°30'= 1 + cos.4ge VB41_ 242 v2 ie. cos? 29'gy_ V2 ae coe22430'= beh Asin! G4 \cosz2'a'= 2-94 da “sin "1s'= asin E = f2—V2+12 (Proved) =H ‘Trigonometrical Ratios af Associated Angles 291 2 feb 2 (CB-07;Ci,B.07.R.B03] 7G = EPR Ef +2 Ps past fot x pe = [201+ 00522730" = {22008 NS = 2eos 11S MHS | (Showed) in, 200s = 20s 1S" ‘Again, 205 77 0: ‘ 2035 resitis=f2eyou ¥2 (Showed) (Gi) Zens' pTvt 243 [RB.103; CB.Cig.B. 10] eines RS. a ye fa, =the af2it-+c0s30") = 5 eels N2+2e0815" “hy 2(1 +008 15°) otf 20s! oy =jowh!= ody = LHS. (Showed) Cj 4 tS sit Sint SE = sia’ a 2 3 (PB 5] Statins cog' | gt toes prt Se scos! = oath a 5 i eas eres g7* (osay + (cos 2) = Gost aa ‘ os gr tos Got osta Fay Haste —F2)) = ost 3 8 gt con! gr teas! Sar 0os! 7" = al ‘ sos arto ates peta ) ~ Hoag | a Hood -Lay = aperberanl 3”) = 2(eas? prtsin Ley ~2sin® hoa ea) 13 = sin) , ata(pl 2-579 On easel nase q* 2 F 2 2 —_—_ 7 ap tandbook on FAEMT Mathematics “Paper 292 saad 3 sigasin' oF I, gait - 8 rae ha ae Sqod Proved) past v2 = es an 68 tang tad RY ‘Sutin: ta ate asingt sin 66"-28in42" sin 78° wall sind $0 ea . sn Ee aris" = Foon" cos 66.2005 42° cos 78" eos" cos 4? *yos 36" —008120") eo’ cos 2 0 Er rye 6 ros 20) 1 A eka : Efos-mGehe 2 9,6. 21 (teoved) EaLB-mgeNg) Woe 2 yt 10. Teinc+sinf}-a and comacosfieb, them prove that ens(a*f)= ar [R.B.'03'08; S.B.'11,¢2" ‘Solution: “J sina +sinf=2, sting le + Pens (e+ B= nw Again, coser+eos i =B, seas Lia flees (a+ Amb it) at I sin—(a +f} sin’ (a+ a Dividing by (0) we pet, —2———-= 5 peti ae 2 eat) cas’ pete ett Lar paint Heep) ye ge = —_2___2z__ 7 [By componendo & dividendo} at Lar pyrsiot tap) +4 oe ie. cos(a.+ 8) => (Proved) Mu. OL flee Win = gan then prove that easy = zat sanape-1pAsaaee” ~eeast) t Proc Gits, tnd = HE ae re 2 simi feng tine ft (-ejeost2 te se. se Wet? ai bea (+epaie’ 5 , jot rigonometrical Ratios of Associated Anples 293 Q in (05 sin 8 atgin? 8 ened ® 2 (tao 5+ sin 7 al zi 7p relsin’ 5 +08!) Re = 7 5 a 2 1 2 2 in? 2. 2 = (Sin' 4 ons? 2) me " ig (Ie) 08 st aiteyael (sin 3 808 a efcos: al cos (proved) 4 07 pcan * ee A = W — amet and sinAtSin Tt 2 (A+B), prove that tan : tan 2 , : sink+sinB=2sin(A+B) paaicie \ qe mye 22sin£(A+ Byeosh(44n) (A+ Boos (A= A) = 228in5 2 = tsin=! a bsing 1 ee ast (f-B)-2008 9(4+ B) [- A+B #0] been! ssindsin® 220084 0082 asin Asin? 2 ase tsi sin = Roos 5 e055 —2sin5 sing B cosbeos? +. tan Aten? =) (proved in soe OO5 ne 3 (Pre l) Exercise-7.6 Eu+B+C=, then prove: (Ex. 1-10) 4 c0lB eotC+eotC cotA+cotA eotB=1 . BearC-1 Boe: BHC=e 2 corn-A) or, EASE AT cor 4 cot(B+C)= cot(n-A) or, Beate , SB eotCreotC corA+eotA cotB=1 (Proved) cog eA MIB Htan3C= tan3A tan3B tan3C ion TAtBICS3 1, 3B43C=3n-3A, se SC5-3C)"an(3n-3A)=tan(e 3A) Sn 3B + tan3C a) cr, _ . 3Atan3B tan3C (Proved) T-un3Bunie =—tan3A + tan3A+tan3B-Han3Ctan. 1 sin 2hsingBesi Eph sia2Bssin2O=4 c05A sin B cosC (CB.'01] hot LS singa ~sin2B + sin2c = Bin ag 2A+2B = BAB) cos(As)s2sinC cos = 2sin(A-B) cos(r-C)+2sin€ osc 27 CSINA-B)+ 2 sin€ cosC = 2 cosC {sinC-sin(A-B)} cos Cs *n(e-(ASB)}-sin(A-B)] =2.€08€ { Ae ee aan sind cosC= RLS. (Proved) e Teteos A sin eons +cosCH=cosAtcosCt1-cosB "5A-cOsBscosC4 Mot cosh cox, = deo! 1 Peo *C)eos 4 ~C)+2sin' 5B i Leg-cy42sin' ot aed 1 L pa asine Boos s(l-C)+2sI0" 5 P(e Lola -cyensit 0-25 2 A Handbook on Higher Mathematics 1" Paper i = ie = = 1 1 sel mee licxmcyaons (aed) we aint Bes d= Crsing =D ) ; , : : Began d 1 1 ppeord dense 1 sein Roos=C (Proved) «= ning Berg Am 7 0085 7 5 AginBeos= [B08] cos: B. s @ sin AtsinB-sinC= 4sin 2 sin 73 Sx sina sinB-sin€ Proof: LH 1 asin g (4+ Bes (4 FI- asin &eas E asin-c08 5 €/¢ Cy ely g—By-2sin—cos— = asin(— Fea 5 4 B) asin [ees 1 inCoos = 200s © (cos (4 By=sin&) = reasons (4~B)2sin gy co8 20s 5 (00s (A= B)~sin=} a A+B 2 nese feos a 8) sine) A,B ae - reosSfant -By- cot +N)" 2eos S(2sin sind) : isin in Bos = RUS. (Proved) 5, (i)sinA+sinB+sinC= feos eos cas B02) Proof: LHS= sinAtsinB+sinC = Deine B)eas4(A~B) +2sin eos = rink —Lpoos L(d—B)+2sinS cos = 2eoeScoe (4-1) +2sin Sons = eos (0083 (4 —B)+ sin} = eos (oor (A~ a) sin -A2 By « rene Soni) +oosi +4) = eos (aco eos 3) os A. BOC = 40s —cos—cos— = 2 gy HAAS. (Proved) 6. _sin*A-sin"B+sin°C= 2sinA cosB sin f ¥ 11; §.B."07, 13, Proof: LH.S= sin?A —sin’B+ sin’ i 1 = 5 (1-00524-+1~cos2C)-sin' B eqoane dl = I-sin? B~52o08( 4 +C)cos(—C)= cos? B— cos(m— B)cos(A-C) - ee 0s feos B-+-c05( 4 +C)) = c0sB [cos{n-(A+C)}+ cos(A-C)] = c088 [e0s(A¥C)+e05(A-C)] = coxB, 2sinA sinc Trigonometrical Ratios of Associated Anples 295 ine RALS. (Proved) en AA sa cose (Ctg.8.115) +cos B-e0s - vise)" C ‘ 1 g9924-400828) 008 C.cosC 2eas{d+ A)eos( A ~ B)~ cosC.cosC aa(a—C)ees(A~B) £08 C6084 2 (4 4 By, ; estati-ih + 00sC cos( A 4B) « }=aesC{cos(4~ B)=cos( 4+ RB) } + JeeotC2sin AsinB = 1~2sin Asin Beosc: cos tA+c0s 2B +e08°2C=142c082A cos? eo: sb LHS= 008 2A+008'2B-400812C (Proved) s2C =Hiess4.4414005 4] +0054 20 Ld dens 24 8)e082(A~ 2) + cos? 2¢ = L+09s(25—2C) 082(A ~ B) 00s? 20s 4420520 c052(4-B)beox2y 7 HeSs20{5052(A-B}teos{2n-2(A sy} = Ie0s2Cfoos2(A-B)s Cos2(A+B)] = 1+ e052 * HPS02A £0528 cas2C“RLHS, (Povey xk. 58 ind sin Bin’ rp roacen io. ti ote Sint Sy ~2sin J sin Ssin B04, C709; 16) C.2c082A cost eiassint) pce ad 2 ill Vogeaced aad at Sthassin’<4asint +sin?oc al A+ >B42sin’ si pitsin’ —Besint Lc (sin —A+2sin’ Lp yo 3°) 1 ™ 25441-0058 412050) = —eos A+008 B+c08C) eat a | int Asind asin’ 3 glltsad tind Bsinkoy= I2sin> Asing Bsin5c oon NCASD-C)=4 sinA sinB sin [Cte.B.04; B.B.06) : i LUsSinC+A-B)ssin(A+B-C) seen {esinn-2B)ssi(s.-2C) mind tin2BainaC Ssinksing, sinc (Proved) t, z= ABC Le then prove: (Ex. 11-12) IL. : fang fanCHanc fanAttand na: BCn ted = 2Bstne 1 sgl g 788A = 4) S018] tof Ay CHANG tanAttanA tanBi=l (Proved 11); Din B.112; 1.8213; oe eB cata eG (C.B.111; Din, , 1 cpg ‘eh He, Atel s.00s(d +B) = ons(5 4 -C) =sin€ . 2 Es) 08 4 cet BOC A\Ssincea. ass sin(C+A. -B)+si tanB=1 1 Jtan(B+C)= tte), a B~ cos? C—~20s Aces HsinCe A Handbook of Higher Mathematics 1" Paper * cost = eos Acos sine Lpecos2a tt e0s 2a : pp cos? C= 2e05 Acos Bsin€ = ye acosta rByeos a= B) A A pasint C2008 dos BSINC = sinCenst- ; = wactest— yasinc}—2o0s.Acos sinc ac 4 Ceeor(4—B)+ eed + AD) =2c05 Acos Bsin os do inG—2e0s Aeos Bein = 0 (Proved? t mene then show that costatcos'P+eos*y-2eosee cosps cosy=t [8.8201] 13. noions (288200528) p= 2eoscrcos feos 7 s ar a 111 reosce+ pensar) +e05" y—2cos arcos cos 7 = secastar =p eos(ar~ A)+00s? y-2cosercos ficos 7 = J+ cos peos(@~ f) +008" y= 2e0s ercos cos y = Lecos yfoos(a i) + costa + AY} ~2cosacos Peasy [*' cosy = caste +f) = J+ 2cos ens Bens y-—2eosarcos feos ¥ =1 (Proved) 14, fect fity7=0, then prove that (9 cosateospteory=deos $05 Feost-t (CB.'03; Cig.B09;R.B."02] Solution: esse +c0s/ cosy Deas y(a + feos la B)+0087 1 1 1 1 1 1 = 1 cas! (ea p)+2008? = y-1= 2e0s = =(a- Pah 2eos(: gies 5 (a B)+2e0s 3° L 2eos 5 7feos 3 (a Pye s7} 1 1 as} a ee ee reas 7(c05 (aA) +08 (a+ P)}=1= dens act feos 57 1 (Proved) 14, (i) sin 2oe+sin2B +sin2y=2(sina+sinfi+siny) (1+eosc+cosp+cos7) Solution: Le-cosar+enef-+eosy = Aeos 5 aor foot 7-1 [From (i)) 1 1 1 = Acs croos— feces — 3 cos: zh ar Again, sine +sin f'+sing= 2sing (a+ Pyos (eB) +siny fai 1 2 = asiot-Ly)oos4(a—f)+2sin Lycos y (ratpty=0) goed 1 = ~2eink {eas hia~p)-cas47) = 1 L = -2sing loss (a-A)- costa +B)= ~Asing asin’ sin ey = RES= Moeedigeed og ge he digest * RHS= 2Acos- aos feos r(—Asin5 asing Asin”) =a i Lewes ans sas 51008 jee2sin5 Boas + f2sine yeosh y= ~4sinasin sing ‘Trigohometrical Ratios of Astoclated Angles 297 Las sin2a+sin2f+sindy He = asin + Aeoslor— 8) 42siny cosy = -2si (costa —/1)—cos(er+ 7} = -Asinasin Bsiny ©. LHS=R.1.8 (Proved) spnpsr tte prove that, sl P+cos'y=1+2cnse csp cosy 208 tq sens teas" Y= 5(2-+ eos2e +e082} 400s" r 4 ud aeoetar# Aosier~ A) +n! y = je ensyreoster~ A) +005 y trav fuy) = pecosptoostar— (7) + 005 7) = 1b cos yfons(er = (8) + c0s(er + J) = 1+ 2eoseroos Boas y (Proved) [raA+D+C=or, then prove that tanA+tanB+tanCetanA tank tanC Suen: AsbaC=ne or, B+C=nr—-A tan H+ ton.C ». t+ C)tantae— A) oe - tmadten +t C= ton Aten Btn (Proved) yy IAHB+C=a and eotAtcotitentC= When show that A=B=C [B.B.'07] feation: «A+ B+C=7, * cot Heat C +00 C cot A+cat Acot B=1 Now, cot toot B=cotC = 13 or, (cota +oat B+eotCy' =3.1 tt, (tot Ascot. B+ cot C)* = Hoot Bet C +cat Cout d+ ect Acot 8) or, cot? A+eot? B+ cot” Cool BootC—cnt Coata—eat Aco B= 0 fan A or, (le ¢—eot +feot H—cotC)' +(eatC —cot d)"} =0 -: CotA=cotf=cotC Le. A=B=C (Proved) Exercise-7.7 Fram the triangle ANC, prove: (Ex.1-23) , Stb_sinA+sin sinA—sinB Setetign: 22 _ 2RsinA+2Rsinw _ sins sind a-b IRtind—2ksin# sinA-sind 1 eet [Dvin.B.09; C.B."13] a 2 Sateion: We gee, OE _ 2Rsinll—BRsin€ _ sin B - =sin 2Rsin sind * paakisscyintia-c) sola he-O I resus an eon bd asin Aces 4 sin deos (Proved) ‘A Handbook on Higher Mathematics 1" Paper & snk (a~cy=* feos 4 (Proved) he 2 cos —C) +0084 = pr A+ BHC oe aos Solution; cos(#—C) + cos A = 260s sandeep ene jenna eve Z 4. asin +0) =Q@4eosin * (BUET."07-08; $.B.09,11; D.B."10; Clp.B.1151.8."10,16) + B+ 2RsinC sinpesin€ _ sin + sin (7—(A+ B)) Solution: We get, ote “asin s2R8iNC sinBesin€ OS a aksind sind A 1 1 inks anjeoss A . sinitesia(avay _2g4*? hens 4 7 sind asin A cos Be asin (A+2B)= a(btejsingd (Proved) 5. cosC - cos aed 3 (J.B.04; Din.B.' 10; D.B.11; B.B.15;8.B."01] a Solution: nus 2=S)eus"? @ 2 = {2tsneazseC 5 where R is the radius of circumscribed of a triangle, 2RsinA rons 22 sin” ne oe SRB =SINC pag! A SEIS peat = 2 2 cox Z he) sind 2 indo! =? (5-25) 2 2 2 2 2 2 . BC. B- Pee sn E = c0sC cos B= L-H.S (Proved) 6. Win any triangle ABC, ZA=60", then shaw that b+e=2a ¢os BoC (BB. B.'09;D.8."10;0.3.'11; BB") Solution: L.H.S= b+¢=2RsinB+2RsinC, where R is mdius. ceuenicael of triangle. = 2R(sin B+sinC) = anasin = og AE c 2 = 2R2si 5A) t6 a A. B-C 2) ee ae 8 a B-C Tn <2 [Given A=60°}

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