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이에요/ 예요 ( ျဖစ္ပါတယ္)

이에요/ 예요 is a sentence-ender that is attached after a noun and identifies that noun as the subject
of the sentence. This expression is used in informal situations to people of higher status or people you don’t
know well.

Depending on the structure of a final syllable of a preceding noun, -이에요 or 예요 is used.

 If the noun ends in a consonant, -이에요 is used. ( 받침 있으면 )

(저는 미얀마 사람이에요)

 If the noun ends in a vowel, -예요 is used. ( 받침 없으면 )

(저는 의사예요)

အခု သင္ၾကားရမယ့္ သဒၵါပုံ စံ က နာမ္နဲ႔အတူ တြဲသုံ းရျပီး ကို ယ္နဲ႔ သိပ္မရင္းႏွီးတဲ့ သူ ေတြနဲ႔ စကားေျပာ
တ့ဲအခါ ေျပာစကား အဆုံ းသတ္အျဖစ္ ထည့္သြင္းေျပာဆု ိေလ့ ရွိတဲ့ သဒၵါပုံ စံ ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ အလြယ္မွတ္ရ မယ္ဆိုရင္ေတာ့
နာမ္မွာ အသတ္ပါရင္ 이에요 အသတ္မပါရင္ 에요 လို ႔ မွတ္နိုင္ပါတယ္။

2. 은/ 는 ( Subject) (က ေတာ့ )

은/는 is a particle that indicates that the noun to which it is attached is the topic of the sentence.

 If the noun ends in a consonant, 은 is used. ( 받침 있음 )

선생님은 한국 사람이에요.

 If the noun ends in a vowel, 는 is used. ( 받침 없음 )

저는 학생이에요.
1. 을/를 ( Object)

을/를 is a particle attached to a noun and specifics the noun as the direct object in sentence. It is
often omitted in daily conservation.

 If the noun ends in a consonant, 을 is used. ( 받침 있음)

토머스 씨는 빵을 먹어요.

 If the noun ends in a vowel, 를 is used. (받침 없음 )

요코산 씨는 우유를 마셔요.

2. 아/어/여요/해요

아/어/해요 are sentence-endings describing the present tense. They are appropriate the most daily and
informal conversations with people of higher status and with people you don’t know well. Depending on
context, 아/어/해요 can be used for all four sentences types: statement, question, command and
propositive. However, it is used mostly for statement and questions.


 If the vowel of the final syllable in the verb is ㅗ or ㅏ, 아요 is used.

 If the vowel of the final syllable in the verb is any vowel other than ㅗ and ㅏ, 어요 is used.

살다 살+ 아요 살아요
먹다 먹+ 어요 먹어요

가다 가+ 아요 가요
서다 서+ 어요 서요
오다 오+ 아요 와요
저는 학교에 가요.

선생님은 밥을 먹어요.


For 하다, the correct form is 하여요 but it is contracted into 해요.

하다 하+여요 하여요 해요
공부하다 공부해요

쩌쩌는 매일 수영해요.

3. 았/었/였/했어요

았/었/였/했어요 is a sentence-ending suffix indicating past tense.

 If the vowel in the verb stem is ㅗ or ㅏ, 았어요 is used.

 If the vowel in the verb stem is any vowel other than ㅏ and ㅗ, 었어요 is used.
 For 하다, the correct form is 하였어요 but it is changed into 했어요.

살다 살 + 았어요 살았어요
먹다 먹 + 었어요 먹었어요
일하다 일하 + 였어요 일했어요

가다 가 + 았어요 갔어요
오다 오 + 았어요 왔어요
서다 서 + 었어요 섰어요
마시다 마시 + 었어요 마셨어요
어제 친구를 만났어요.

책을 읽었어요.

엄마는 전화했어요.

4. 에

에 is used after a word describing the time and place that some event happened or will happen.

언제 (when ) is used to ask about the time.

가: 언제 수미 씨를 만났어요?
나: 오전에 만났어요.

 However, 에 is not used after 지금, 오늘, 내일, 모레, 어제.

아침에 운동을 해요.
한 시에 친구랑 데이트 했어요.
내일 학교에 가요.
열 시에 집에 갔어요.

5. 에서

에서 is used after a noun indicating the location of some activity.

가: 어디에서 점심을 먹었어?

나: 서울 식당에서 먹었어.
친구랑 도서관에서 공부해요.
어제 영화관에서 영화를 봤어요.
숙제 (Homework)

 이에요/예요 (sentences 2)
 은/는 (sentences 2)
 을/를 (sentences 2)
 아/어/해요 (sentences 3)
 았/었/했어요 (sentences 3)
 에 (sentence 1)
 에서 (sentence 1)

The homework sentences must not be same with my examples.

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