Tr01b - Fajri Prima Sapdaroji - (Webinar Cuaca)

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Name : Fajri Prima Sapdaroji

Class TR01B
NIT : 56192030033

The extreme weather has caused aftershocks in Indonesia. Disasters that occur on
land, at sea, and in the air color the beginning of 2021.

This extreme weather occurs due to the dynamic conditions of the atmosphere -
movement of water vapor supply from the East Pacific to the West Pacific (La
Nina) due to differences (anomalies) - sea surface temperatures that can result in
hydro meteorological disasters (HMD) - water disasters on land / sea / air in
Indonesian territory.

Regarding extreme weather, BMKG predicts it will occur from January to March
2021. Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi has conducted an inspection
to ensure flight safety at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, last Sunday (17/1).

At Terminal 2 of Soekarno-Hatta Airport, at around 09.00 WIB, the Minister of

Transportation immediately checked the readiness of the PK-LBH registration
number for the Batik Air aircraft (ramp check). Daily road inspections are carried
out by inspectors appointed by the regulator.
Minister of Transportation Budi explained that the inspection that was carried out
this time, as well as carrying out a ramp check, was a process in which all pre-
operational aircraft - flight preparation had to be checked first, engine function,
movement function. "We know all aircraft that will take off at all airports in
Indonesia must have adequate qualifications," he explained.

Director General of Air Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation, Novie

Riyanto, who accompanied the Minister of Transportation during the inspection,
added that during a ramp inspection, a detailed inspection was carried out to ensure
the aircraft's airworthiness. Also check logbook records relating to machining,
structure and operations.

BMKG predicts weather forecasts with 6 mathematical models showing the quality
of insurance with various technologies and equipment.

Many predictions for the next 7 days can be seen on maps, such as South Sulawesi,
Southeast Sulawesi, Java, Bali and Papua, possibly moderate to congested huja.

For more details, it can be accessed via the web or by downloading infobmkg for
general information, flights and letters that have been approved by the world
meteorological agency.

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