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ANRS TVED Bureau in Collaboration

World Bank-EASTRIP

Three Wheelers Vehicle Servicing

and Repairing
TVET Model Curriculum

For Short Term Training

Based on Occupational Standard (OS) November,


May. 2021
Three Wheelers Vehicle Servicing and Repairing short term training model 2021
The reformed TVET-System is an outcome-based system. It utilizes the needs of the
labor market and occupational requirements from the world of work as the
benchmark and standard for TVET delivery. The requirements from the world of work
are analyzed and documented – taking into account international benchmarking – as
Occupational Standards (OS).

In the reformed TVET-System, Curricula and Curriculum Development play an

important role with regard to quality driven TVET-Delivery. Curricula help to facilitate
the learning process in a way, that trainees acquire the set of occupational
competences (skills, knowledge and attitude) required at the working place and
defined in the Occupational Standards (OS). Responsibility for Curriculum
Development will be given to the Regional TVED BUREAU and TVET-Providers.

This curriculum has been developed by a group of experts from different TVET
college of Amhara region based on the Ethiopian Occupational Standard. It has the
character of a model curriculum for Three wheel vehicle Servicing and
Repairing short term training and is an example on how to transform the
occupational requirements as defined in the respective Ethiopian Occupational
Standard in to an adequate curriculum.

The curriculum development process has been actively supported and financed by
the World Bank-East Africa Skills for transformation and Regional Integration
Project (EASTRIP) and Amhara Region TVED Bureau.

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Vehicle Servicing and Repairing short Copyright Info/Author and ANRS TVED Bureau
term training Financed by:- World bank/EASTRIP
Three Wheelers Vehicle Servicing and Repairing short term training model 2021

TVET - Program Design

1.1. TVET - Program Title: Vehicle Servicing and Repairing for Short term
1.2. TVET - Program Description
The Program is designed to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude of
the trainees to the standard required by the OS. The contents of this program are in
line with the Occupational Standard (OS). Trainees who successfully completed the
Program will be qualified to work as a Three Wheelers Vehicle Servicing and
Repairing service provider with selected competencies elaborated in the respective
OS. Graduates of the Program will have the required qualification to work in the
automotive sector in the field of Three Wheelers Vehicle Servicing and Repairing.

The prime objective of this training program is to equip the trainees with the identified
competences specified in the OS. Graduates are therefore expected to Apply
Automotive Workplace Safety Fundamentals, Use Tools, Equipment and Measuring
Instruments, Identify Basic Automotive Faults Using Troubleshooting Processes,
Remove, Tag and Replace Vehicle System Components, Install, Test and Repair
Vehicle Lighting and Wiring Systems and Develop Understanding of
entrepreneurship in accordance with the performance criteria described in the OS.

1.3. TVET-Program Training Outcomes

The expected outputs of this program are the acquisition and implementation of the
following units of competence –

EIS VHS1 01 1116 Apply Automotive Workplace Safety Fundamentals

EIS VHS1 02 1116 Use Tools, Equipment and Measuring Instruments
EIS VSR2 11 1116 Identify Basic Automotive Faults Using Troubleshooting
EIS VHS1 07 1116 Remove, Tag and Replace Vehicle System Components
EIS VSR2 04 1116 Install, Test and Repair Vehicle Lighting and Wiring Systems
EIS VHS1 20 1116 Develop Understanding of entrepreneurship

1.4. Duration of the TVET-Program

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term training Financed by:- World bank/EASTRIP
Three Wheelers Vehicle Servicing and Repairing short term training model 2021
The Program will have duration of 315 hours including the on-the-job practice or
cooperative training.

1.5. Qualification Level and Certification

Based on the descriptors elaborated on the National TVET Qualification Framework
(NTQF) the qualification of this specific TVET Program is short term training.

The trainees can exit after successfully completing the Modules in this short term
training and will be awarded the equivalent institutional certificate on the training
completed. The trainees can also exit after completing the first two modules and any
other one module from the rest of training modules. However, only certificate of
attainment or attendance (this is institutional discretion) will be awarded.

1.6. Target Groups

Any citizen who meets the entry requirements and capable of participating in the
learning activities is entitled to take part in the Program.

1.7. Entry Requirements

The prospective participants of this program are required to possess the short term
guideline of federal TVET agency.

1.8. Mode of Delivery

This TVET-Program is characterized as a non-formal Program on production skills.
The mode of delivery for this short term training is in - school and co-operative
training. The TVET-institution and identified companies have an agreement to co-
operate with regard to implementation of this program. The time spent by the
trainees in the enterprise or industry will give them enough exposure to the actual
world of work and enable them to get hands-on experience.

The co-operative training approach will be supported with demonstration, lecture-

discussion, simulation and actual practice. These modalities will be utilized before
the trainees are exposed to the industry environment.

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Vehicle Servicing and Repairing short Copyright Info/Author and ANRS TVED Bureau
term training Financed by:- World bank/EASTRIP
Three Wheelers Vehicle Servicing and Repairing short term training model 2021

1.9. TVET-Program Structure

Unit of Competence Module Code & Title Learning Outcomes n (In
EIS VHS1 Apply Automotive EIS VHS1 Applying Automotive 10
 Identify basic workplace safety
011116 Workplace Safety M010521 Workplace Safety
practices and procedures
Fundamentals Fundamentals
 Identify emergency procedures

EIS VHS1 02 Use Tools, Equipment EIS VHS1 Using Tools, Equipment and  Prepare work station 30
1116 and Measuring M020521 Measuring Instruments  Use tools and equipment
Instruments  Carry-out measurements
 Maintain tools and equipment
EIS VSR2 11 Identify Basic Automotive EIS VSR2 Identifying Basic Automotive  Identify nature of the fault or problem 60
1116 Faults Using M03 0521 Faults Using Troubleshooting  Identify fault using troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Processes
 Clean up work area and finalize
work processes

EIS VHS1 07 Remove, Tag and EIS VHS1 Removing, Tagging and  Prepare to remove and tag 150
1116 Replace Vehicle System M040521 Replacing Vehicle System components
Components Components  Remove repair and assemble
vehicle components
 Tag vehicle components

EIS VSR2 04 Install, Test and Repair EIS VSR2 Installing, Testing and  Prepare for work 40
1116 Vehicle Lighting and M050521 Repairing Vehicle Lighting  Identify faults/ Install, test & repair
Wiring Systems and Wiring Systems lighting and wiring systems
 Clean-up work area and maintain

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Vehicle Servicing and Repairing short Copyright Info/Author and ANRS TVED Bureau
term training Financed by:- World bank/EASTRIP
Three Wheelers Vehicle Servicing and Repairing short term training model 2021

EIS VHS1 20 Develop Understanding of EIS VHS1 Developing Understanding of  Describe and explain the principles, 25
1116 entrepreneurship M060521 Entrepreneurship concept and scope of
 Discuss how to become an
 Discuss how to start and organize
an enterprise
 Discuss how to operate an
 Discus how to prepare and use
financial records
 Develop one’s own business plan

*The time duration (Hours) indicated for the module should include all activities in school and cooperative training.

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Vehicle Servicing and Repairing short Copyright Info/Author and ANRS TVED Bureau
term training Financed by:- World bank/EASTRIP
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

1.10. Institutional Assessment

Two types of evaluation will be used in determining the extent to which learning
outcomes are achieved. The specific learning outcomes are stated in the modules. In
assessing them, verifiable and observable indicators and standards shall be used.

The formative assessment is incorporated in the learning modules and form part of the
learning process. Formative evaluation provides the trainee with feedback regarding
success or failure in attaining learning outcomes. It identifies the specific learning errors
that need to be corrected, and provides reinforcement for successful performance as
well. For the trainer, formative evaluation provides information for making instruction
and remedial work more effective.

Summative Evaluation, the other form of evaluation is given when all the modules of
respective unit competences have been accomplished. It determines the extent to
which competences have been achieved. And, the result of this assessment decision
shall be expressed in the term ‘competent or not yet competent’.

Techniques or tools for obtaining information about trainees’ achievement include oral
or written test, demonstration and practical observation.

1.11. TVET Trainers Profile

For this particular TVET Program and especially for the main modules, trainers /
facilitators are expected to have at least Level C or above in Vehicle Service and
repairing automotive fields of studies and satisfactory practical experiences, or
equivalent qualifications and relevant experience.

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Vehicle Servicing and Repairing short Copyright Info/Author and ANRS TVED Bureau
term training Financed by:- World bank/EASTRIP
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

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term training Financed by:- World bank/EASTRIP
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum



MODULE TITLE:Applying Automotive Workplace Safety Fundamentals
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module describes the performance outcomes required to identify
basic safety and emergency procedures that are used to maintain a safe three wheelers vehicle
servicing and repairing workplace.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this module trainees will be able to:
LO1.Identify basic workplace safety practices and procedures
LO2. Identify emergency procedures

LO1. Identify basic workplace safety practices and procedures
1.1. Identifying and applying Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) requirements
1.2.. Identifying fire and safety hazards and precautions
1.2.1. Sharp cutting tooling and instruments
1.2.2. Electricity and water
1.2.3. Toxic substances
1.2.4. Broken or damaged equipment
1.2.5. Flammable materials and fire hazards
1.2.6. Lifting practices
1.2.7. Identify dangerous goods and substances
1.3. Safe handling of materials, tools and equipment

1.4. Identifying Work Area Safety procedures

1.4.1. Job procedures and work instructions
1.4.2. Personal safety procedures
LO2. Identify Emergency procedures
2.1. Worksite location emergency procedures identification
2.2. Identifying and using firefighting equipment and appliances

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Vehicle Servicing and Repairing short Copyright Info/Author and ANRS TVED Bureau
term training Financed by:- World bank/EASTRIP
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

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term training Financed by:- World bank/EASTRIP
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Impaired Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class room seating arrangement to  Organize the class room
discussion be accessible to trainees seating arrangement to
 Arrange the class room seating to be conducive for eye be accessible for
to eye contact  Speak loudly wheelchairs users.

 Make sure the luminosity of the light of class room is kept  Ensure the attention of the trainees  Facilitate and support
the trainees who have
 Introduce new and relevant vocabularies  Present the lecture in video format severe impairments on
their upper limbs to
 Use short and clear sentences  Ensure the attention of the trainees take note
 Give emphasis on visual lecture and ensure the  Provide Orientation on
attention of the trainees the physical feature of
the work shop
 Avoid movement during lecture time

 Present the lecture in video format

 Summarize main points

Demonstratio  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear & short method  Facilitate and support the
n trainees having severe
 Use video recorded material  Use Video recorded material upper limbs impairment
to operate equipment/
 Ensure attention of the trainees  Ensure the attention of the trainees machines
 Provide tutorial support
 Provide structured training (if necessary)  Assign peer trainees to
 Show clear and short method
 Conduct close follow up
 Use gesture  Provide tutorial support
 Provide tutorial support (if necessary) (if necessary

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Vehicle Servicing and Repairing short Copyright Info/Author and ANRS TVED Bureau
term training Financed by:- World bank/EASTRIP
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

Group  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the integration of trainees with group  Introduce the trainees
discussion  Facilitate the integration of trainees with group members members with their peers
 Conduct close follow up  Conduct close follow up
 Introduce the trainees with other group member  Introduce the trainees with other group member
  Inform the group members to speak loudly

Exercise  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Assign peer trainees
 Provide tutorial support if necessary  Provide tutorial support if necessary
 provide special attention in the process/practical training  provide special attention in the process/  Use additional nominal
 Introduce new and relevant vocabularies practical training hours if necessary

 Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing /orientation on the assignment

Individual  Provide briefing /orientation on the assignment
assignment  Provide visual recorded material  Provide visual recorded material
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response as
 Ensure or conform whether the proper communication  Using sign language interpreter if necessary an option for the trainees
was conducted with the trainee through the service of the having speech
sign language interpreter challenges
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam using short sentences, multiple  Prepare the exam using short sentences,  Use oral response as an
test choices, True or False, matching and short answers multiple choices, True or False, matching and option to give answer for
 Avoid essay writing short answers if necessary. trainees having severe
 Time extension upper limb impairment
 Time extension for
trainees having severe
upper limb impairment

Demonstrati  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based assessment  Provide activity based
on/  Brief on the instruction of the exam  Brief on the instruction of the exam assessment
Observation  Provide activity-based/ practical assessment method  Use loud voice  Conduct close follow up
 Time extension  Time extension  Time extension

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Vehicle Servicing and Repairing short Copyright Info/Author and ANRS TVED Bureau
term training Financed by:- World bank/EASTRIP
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

Assessment Criteria

LO1. Identify basic workplace safety practices and procedures

 Reasons for safe work practice in an three wheelers vehicle service and repair
workshop are identified and determined
 Reasons for Safe handling of materials, tools and equipment
 Responsibilities of staff in three wheelers vehicle service and repair workshop are
 Responsibilities of Identifying Work Area Safety procedures
 Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) requirements are identified and applied

LO2. Identify emergency procedures

 Location of worksite emergency procedures is identified

 Firefighting equipment and appliances are identified
 Qualified persons to be contacted in the event of accident or sickness of
customers or staff are identified

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Vehicle Servicing and Repairing short Copyright Info/Author and ANRS TVED Bureau
term training Financed by:- World bank/EASTRIP
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

Annex 1: Resource Requirements

Module Title: Applying Automotive Workplace

Module code :- EISVHS1 M01 0521
Safety Fundamentals
Description/ Recommended
Item Description/
Category/Item Specifications for Quantity Ratio
No. Specifications
(TWD) (Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
Hard copy, Soft
Hard copy, Soft copy, copy, Audio and
TTLM 25 1:1
Audio and Video Video, with sign
Posters & charts Describe about
workshop safety -- -
Learning Facilities &
Work shop Standard Standard 1 1:25
Internet Service --MB --:25
internet service
Black board /white 240cm*120cm 1PCs
board each
LCD/overhead projector Standard 1PCs 1:25
Desktop computer 1PCs 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
White board marker Different type Different type 5 PCS 1: 5
Cleaning rag Quality Quality 2 kg 2 : 25
Detergent soap Quality Quality 25 liters 25:25
First aid 01 Kit 1:25
D. Tools and Equipment
Fire extinguisher A, B, C Classes 01 PCs

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term training Financed by:- World bank/EASTRIP
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum



MODULE TITLE: Using Tools, Equipment and Measuring Instruments

MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to
use basic measuring devices, tools and equipment to carryout workshop activities

Learning outcomes
At the end of this module trainees will be able to:
LO1. Prepare work station
LO2. Use tools and equipment
LO3. Carry-out measurements
LO4. Maintain tools and equipment

LO1: Prepare workstation
1.1. Making ready workstation for work
1.2. Acquire work procedures and information
1.2.1. Workshop manuals
1.2.2. Specifications
1.3. Methods for tools and equipment identification
1.4. Identifying testing devices, tools and equipment and Check for their functionality.
1.5. Identifying and marking unsafe or faulty tools and equipment
1.6. Observing OHS measures and warnings
LO2: Use tools and equipment

2.1. Tools and equipment

2.1.1. Hand tools
2.1.2. Generic Mechanic Tools set
2.1.3. Power tools

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Vehicle Servicing and Repairing short Copyright Info/Author and ANRS TVED Bureau
term training Financed by:- World bank/EASTRIP
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

2.1.4. Measuring and testing Tools

2.1.5. Special tools
2.1.6. Equipment
2.1.7. Electrical measuring device.
2.2. Use and observe Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
2.3. Handling tools and equipment.
2.4. Reporting malfunctions, unplanned or unusual events to the supervisor.
LO3: Carry-out measurements
3.1. Selecting measuring tools
3.2. Checking and adjusting measuring/testing devices

3.3. Conducting measurements in accordance with workplace procedures

3.4. Handling measuring instruments
3.5. Comparing measurements results with manufacturer specification.
3.6. Interpreting Measurements results
3.7. Documenting results

LO4: Maintain tools and equipment

4.1. Undertaking routine maintenance
4.1.1. Cleaning
4.1.2. Lubricating
4.1.3. Tightening
4.1.4. repairing Simple tools
4.1.5. Hand sharpening
4.1.6. Adjustment
4.2. Store tools and equipment safely

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Vehicle Servicing and Repairing short Copyright Info/Author and ANRS TVED Bureau
term training Financed by:- World bank/EASTRIP
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Impaired Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class room seating  Organize the class room
discussion arrangement to be accessible to seating arrangement to be
 Arrange the class room seating to be conducive for eye trainees accessible for wheelchairs
to eye contact users.
 Speak loudly
 Make sure the luminosity of the light of class room is kept  Facilitate and support the
 Ensure the attention of the trainees who have severe
 Introduce new and relevant vocabularies trainees impairments on their upper
limbs to take note
 Use short and clear sentences  Present the lecture in video
format  Provide Orientation on the
 Give emphasis on visual lecture and ensure the physical feature of the work
attention of the trainees  Ensure the attention of the shop
 Avoid movement during lecture time

 Present the lecture in video format

 Summarize main points

Demonstratio  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear & short  Facilitate and support the
n method trainees having severe upper
 Use video recorded material limbs impairment to operate
 Use Video recorded material equipment/ machines
 Ensure attention of the trainees
 Ensure the attention of the  Assign peer trainees to assist
 Provide structured training trainees
 Provide tutorial support  Conduct close follow up
 Show clear and short method (if necessary)  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary
 Use gesture
 Provide tutorial support (if necessary)

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Vehicle Servicing and Repairing short Copyright Info/Author and ANRS TVED Bureau
term training Financed by:- World bank/EASTRIP
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

Group  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the integration of  Introduce the trainees with
discussion  Facilitate the integration of trainees with group members trainees with group members their peers
 Conduct close follow up  Conduct close follow up
 Introduce the trainees with other group member  Introduce the trainees with other
 group member
 Inform the group members to
speak loudly
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow up and  Assign peer trainees
 Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance
 provide special attention in the process/practical training  Provide tutorial support if  Use additional nominal hours
 Introduce new and relevant vocabularies necessary if necessary
 provide special attention in the
process/ practical training

 Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing /orientation on

Individual  Provide briefing /orientation on the assignment the assignment
assignment  Provide visual recorded material
 Provide visual recorded material
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response as an
 Ensure or conform whether the proper communication  Using sign language interpreter option for the trainees having
was conducted with the trainee through the service of the if necessary speech challenges
sign language interpreter
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam using short sentences, multiple  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral response as an
test choices, True or False, matching and short answers sentences, multiple choices, option to give answer for
 Avoid essay writing True or False, matching and trainees having severe upper
 Time extension short answers if necessary. limb impairment
 Time extension for trainees
having severe upper limb

Demonstrati  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based  Provide activity based
on/  Brief on the instruction of the exam assessment assessment
Observation  Provide activity-based/ practical assessment method  Brief on the instruction of the  Conduct close follow up
 Time extension exam  Time extension
 Use loud voice 
 Time extension
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term training Financed by:- World bank/EASTRIP
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

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term training Financed by:- World bank/EASTRIP
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

Assessment criteria
LO1. Prepare workstation
 Workstation is made ready for work activities
 Procedures and information such as workshop manuals and specifications are
 Methods in identifying tools and equipment are implemented in accordance with
workplace procedures and manufacturer specifications.
 Identified/selected testing devices, tools and equipment are checked for
functionality and readied for use.
 Unsafe or faulty tools and equipment including measuring tools are identified
and marked for repair according to standard company procedure.

 OHS measures and warnings in relation to working with tools and equipment are
observed throughout the work operation
LO2. Use tools and equipment
 Tools and equipment are used according to tasks undertaken
 All safety procedures in using tools and equipment are observed at all times and
appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are used
 Tools and equipment are handled without damage and according to procedures
 Malfunctions, unplanned or unusual events are reported to the supervisor

LO3. Carry-out measurements

 Measuring tools are selected in line with job requirements
 Measuring/testing devices are checked and adjusted as needed in accordance
with work requirements
 Appropriate method of conducting measurements is implemented in accordance
with workplace procedures and manufacturer specifications.
 Measuring instruments are handled without damage and according to
 Measurement results are compared with manufacturer specifications to indicate

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term training Financed by:- World bank/EASTRIP
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

compliance or non-compliance.
 Results are documented with evidence, supporting information and
LO4. Maintain tools and equipment

 Routine maintenance of tools is undertaken according to standard operational

procedures, principles and techniques

 Equipment and tools are cleaned before and after use in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions

 Tools and equipment are stored safely in appropriate locations in accordance

with manufacturer’s specifications or standard operating procedures.

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term training Financed by:- World bank/EASTRIP
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

Annex 2: Resource Requirement


MODULE TITLE: Use Tools, Equipment and Measuring Instruments.
Description/ Recommended
No. Category/Item Description/ Specifications Specifications for Quantity Ratio
(with disability) (Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
Hard copy or Soft copy or Hard copy or Soft
TTLM Audio or Video copy or Audio or 25 PCs 1:1
Automotive technology Automotive
Textbooks 5 PCs 1:5
technology book
Handouts Prepared by trainer Prepared by trainer 5 PCs 1:5
Reference Books Light vehicle,2nd Edition Training audio video 5 PCs 1:5
Learning Facilities &
Work shop Standard Standard 1 1:25
Broadband/Wireless internet
Internet Service --MB --:25
Black board /white 240cm*120cm
1PCs 1:25
LCD/overhead projector Standard 1PCs 1:25
Desktop computer 1PCs 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
Cleaning solvents 5 Liters 1:5
Lubricating oils 5 Liters 1:5
Kerosene 1liter 1:25
Sand paper #100 25pcs 1:1
Rag Cotton 3kg 3:25
D. Tools and equipment
Double ended spanner 6-32mm 5sets 1:5
Ring spanner 6-32mm 5sets 1:5
Tubular spanners 8,10,12,14,16,17mm 5 PCs 1:5
Socket spanners with T 6-32 mm 5 sets 1:5
bar and ratchet
Allen keys 2-12mm in steps of 2mm 5 sets 1:5
Screw driver (flat) 20cm x 9mm blade 5 PCs 1:5
Screw driver (flat) 30cm x 9mm blade 5 PCs 1:5
Screw driver (Philips type) 100 -300mm set 5 sets 1:5
of 5 pieces
Hammer ball peen 0.75 kg 5 PCs 1:5
Hammer Mallet 5 PCs 1:5
Hammer rubber 5 PCs 1:5
Tire recapping kit KT 1PCs 1:25
Inner tube repairing kit KT 1 pcs 1:25
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Host: Kombolcha Polytechnic College curriculum May,2021
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

Mechanical tire KT 2pcs 2:25

Wheel wrenches KT 5 pcs 1:5
Wheel disk remover KT 2pcs 2:25
Soldering gun 60-70 watt (220v) 5 pcs 1:5
Test light Any type (12v) 5 pcs 1:5
Jumper cable Black and red 5 Pcs 1:5
Grease gun - 5 pcs 1:5
Vernier caliper Standard in inch & mm 5 pcs 1:5
Outside micrometer Metric 5 pcs 1:5
Inside micrometer Metric 5 pcs 1:5
Depth micrometer Metric 5 pcs 1:5
Steel rule Metric 5 pcs 1:5
Nose plier straight 15 cm 05 PCs 1:5
Combination plier 15 cm 05 PCs 1:5
Circlip plier external & contracting( 6” 05 PCs 1:5
and 7” ) each
Drift 05 PCs 1:5
Feeler gauge 20 blades metric 05 PCs 1:5
Adjustable spanner 20 cm 05 PCs 1:5
Spark plug spanner 12,14,17mm 05 PCs 1:5
Files different shapes and size of 05 set 1:5
Water pump plier 01 PCs 1:25
Torque wrench 0-50 NM 01 PCs 1:25
Drop light with guard and Lamp 01 PCs 1:25
Thread pitch gauge metric 01 PCs 1:25
Oil can 0.5 litre capacity 01 PCs 1:25
Centre punch 10 mm Ø x 100mm 01 PCs 1:25
Digital Tachometer able to measure up to 9999 01 PCs 1:25
minimum up to 20 kg/cm2 for 01 PCs 1:25
Compression gauge
petrol and 25 each
kg/cm2 for diesel
Vacuum gauge 01 PCs 1:25
Battery charger Constant and Variable 01 PCs 1:25
Digital Multi meter 01 PCs 1:25
Hydrometer 05 PCs 1: 5
Battery load tester 01 PCs 1:25
Engine valve removing C clamp 01 PCs 1:25
Tappet adjuster 01 PCs 1:25
Air compressor 200 liters capacity 01 PCs 1:25
Impact screw driver for flat and Philips type 01 set 1:25

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Pneumatic tyre inflator With Guage 01 PCs 1:25

Tyre changer 01 PCs 1:25
Greasilator 01 PCs 1:25
3 wheels lift hydraulic type 01 PCs 1:25
Pneumatic tools connected with air 01 set 1:25
compressor by pipe fittings
Universal clamp wrench 01 PCs 1:25
Clutch puller 01 PCs 1:25
Magneto puller 01 PCs 1:25
Cleaning tray 45 x 30 cm 5 PCs 1:5
Work benches each 250 x 120 x 60 with 4 01 set 1:25
bench vices 12 cm jaw
Spark plug cleaning Electric Power Supply, 230 01 PCs 1:25
and testing machine V,
5-12 Kg/cm2 Working
Pressure, 230 W, 12KV
ignition coil
Bench grinder 01 PCs 1:25
Tread depth gauge 01 PCs 1:25
Car washer portable type 01 PCs 1:25
Wheel trueing 01 PCs 1:25
Hydraulic Brake 01 PCs 1:25
bleeding machine
Hydraulic press 2 ton capacity 01 PCs 1:25
Fire extinguisher A, B, C Classes 01 PCs 1:25
Vacuum cleaner with Portable workshop Wet/Dry 01 PCs 1:25
built-in suction 14.75 x 10.38 x 18.25 inches
powered Dust Pan 120 Volts with Auto vacuum
accessories, 1-7/8-inch
Expandable Locking Hose
stretches from 2' to 7' for
extended reach
Steel tool box with lock folding type 400 x 200 x 150 05 PCs 1:5
and key mm size
Steel Almirah Length: 34", Width: 19", 05 PCs 1:5
Height: 78",
Number of Door Cabinets:
Three Wheelers 4 stroke petrol Engine with 01 PCs 1:25
service manual
Three Wheelers 4 stroke Diesel Engine with 01 PCs 1:25
service manual
Live Three Wheelers 4 stroke petrol Engine 01 PCs 1:25
Training Model
Live Three Wheelers 4 stroke Diesel Engine 01 PCs 1:25
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Training Model
Personal Protective Overall, Safety Shoes, 25 PCs 1:1
Clothing and Gloves, Eye googles, Helmet each
Equipment (PPCE)

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TVET- PROGRAM TITLE: Three Wheelers Vehicle Maintenance Servicing and Repairing

MODULE TITLE: Identifying Basic Automotive Faults Using Troubleshooting Processes


This module describes the performance outcomes required to conduct troubleshooting
processes to identify common Three Wheelers Vehicle faults or problems based on evidence
provided by customers.
LERNING OUTCOME: At the end of the module trainees/learner will be able to:

LO1. Identify nature of the fault or problem

LO2. Identify fault using troubleshooting processes
LO3. Clean up work area and finalize work processes
LO1. Identify nature of the fault or problem
1.1 Applying question technique
1.2 Gather Information relating to the fault
1.3 Troubleshooting process options
1.4 selecting and preparing appropriate tools and equipment
LO2. Identify fault using troubleshooting processes
2.1 Identifying Three Wheelers Vehicle systems

2.1.1 Engine systems fuel system faults lubrication system fault starting system fault charging system fault

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2.1.2 Transmissions and drive trains systems

2.1.3 Steering system

2.1.4 Suspension system

2.1.5 Brake system

2.1.6 Lighting system

2.1.7 Intake System

2.1.8 Exhaust System

2.2 Perform Troubleshooting processes
2.3 Forward Report to persons for action
LO3. Clean up work area and finalize work processes
3.1 Make Final inspection
3.2 Check and store Tools and equipment
3.3 Completing workplace documentation

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Methods Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Vision Impairment Speech Impairment Hearing Impairments Physical impairment
 Organize the Class room  Arrange seating set to be  Facilitate trainees to seat  Organize the class room seating
setting arrangement to be convenient for Eye to eye in the front line row of arrangement be accessible to
conducive for trainees contact trainees seating wheelchair user
 writing the lecture material  Assign sign language arrangement  Facilitate and support the trainees
in large text interpreter  Provide clear & short having severe upper limbs impairment
Lecture -  Use video record lecture to take notes.
discussion information  Speak loudly  Writing main points briefly
 Use short and clear  Ensure the attention of the
sentences and summarize trainee
 Introduce new and relevant  Present the lecture in
vocabulary video format
 Follow the attention of the
 Keep instruction brief  Keep instruction brief and  Keep instruction brief  Keep instruction brief and
and uncomplicated uncomplicated and uncomplicated uncomplicated
 Describe materials  Use Video films  Use video records  Facilitate and support the trainees
graphically and text  Use sign language  Use amplifier who have severe impairment on their
based (if necessary) interpreter  Describe materials upper limbs to operate equipment/
 Provide audio format /  Use structured method of graphically and text machines
Video/Film teaching training based (if necessary)  Describe materials graphically and
materials  Describe materials  Use structured method text based (if necessary)
 Use structured method graphically and text based of training  Ensuring the attention of the trainee
of training (if necessary)  Use gesture  use peer group without disabilities
 Ensuring the attention  Use gesture  Show clear & short  Provide tutorial support (if
 use peer group without  Use structured method of method necessary)
disabilities training  use peer group without  Conduct close follow up
 Provide tutorial support  Ensuring the attention disabilities
(if necessary)  use peer group without  Provide tutorial support
 Use verbal description disabilities (if necessary)
 Provide tutorial support (if  Ensuring the attention
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 Keep instruction brief  Keep instruction brief and  Keep instruction brief  Keep instruction brief and
and uncomplicated uncomplicated and uncomplicated uncomplicated
 Ensuring the attention  Ensuring the attention  Ensuring the attention  Ensuring the attention of the trainee
 Provide Video/ Film  use peer group without  use peer group without  Use peer group
Practical / format disabilities disabilities  Use electrical equipment
Activity  use peer group without  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual recorded
. disabilities material material

ASSESSMENT METHODS Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)

Methods Vision Impairment Speech Impairment Hearing Impairment Physical impairment
Interview /  Written test with large  Written test  Written test  Written test
Written Test / font  Use time extension  Use time extension  Facilitate oral response as an option for
Oral  Prepare the test in audio trainees having severe upper limb
Questioning format impairment
 Use time extension  Use time extension for trainees having
severe upper limb impairment (if

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Observation /  Keep instruction brief  Keep instruction brief  Keep instruction brief  Keep instruction brief and
Demonstration and uncomplicated with and uncomplicated and uncomplicated uncomplicated
large text  Practical  Practical test  Practical test /demonstration with
 Practical test assessment/demonstr /demonstration with Interview
/demonstration with ation with time Interview - speak loudly  Give time extension for severe upper
Interview with time extension or use amplifier with limb trainee
extension  Use sign language time extension

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Assessment criteria
LO1:-Identify nature of the fault or problem

 Questioning techniques are applied to determine nature of the customer enquiry

 .Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) requirements are observed and applied throughout
the work

 Appropriate tools and equipment are selected and prepared

LO2:-Identify fault using troubleshooting processes

 Automotive system or component relating to the fault or problem is identified

 Troubleshooting processes are performed according to workplace procedures and

service manual without causing damage to components or systems to identify the likely
cause of the fault or problem.
LO3:- Clean-up work area and finalize work processes

 Final inspection is made to ensure work is to workplace expectations

 Tools and equipment are checked and stored according to workplace expectations

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Annex 3: Resource Requirements

MODULE TITLE: Identifying Basic Automotive Faults Using

Module code: EIS VSR2 M03 0521
Troubleshooting Processes
Item Description/ Description/ Specifications ded Ratio
Category/Item Quantity
No. Specifications for (TWD) (Item:
A. Learning Materials
Learning guide Hard copy, Soft copy, Audio
TTLM and Video, Video with sign 1 1:25
language , Brail
Automotive technology In electronic form( E book) in
Text books text, audio, video with sign 5 1:5
language ,Brail
Sign language books
Automotive technology In electronic form( E book) in
Reference Books text, audio, video with sign 5 1:5
language ,Brail
Sign language books
Journals/publication/m Any related to field Any related to field
5 1:5
Learning Facilities &

Work shop Standard Standard 1 1:25

Internet Service --MB --:25
internet service
Black board /white 240cm*120cm
1PCs 1:25
LCD/overhead Standard
1PCs 1:25
Desktop computer 1PCs 1:25

Vehicle battery sealed 12v ,32AH 5 pcs 1:5

Cleaning solvents 5 Liters 1: 5
Lubricating oils 5 Liters 1:5
Kerosene 5 Liters 1: 5
Diesel Fuel 10 Liters 2:5
Gasoline Fuel Petrol/benzene 10 Liters 2:5
Engine oil SAE20W50 5 Liters 1:5
Brake Fluid ATF 5 Liters 1:5
Rag Cotton 5kg 1:5
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Hydrometer standard standard 5 pcs 1:5
Test light standard standard 5 pcs 1:5
Jumper cable standard standard 5 pcs 1:5
Battery load tester standard standard 5 pcs 1:5

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MODULE TITLE: Removing, Tagging and Replacing Three Wheelers Vehicle System
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module of competency describes the skills and knowledge required
to identify and remove a range of three wheelers vehicle components and tag by title and application.
It requires the ability to understand specifications and use tools and equipment to remove and tag
Learning outcomes
At the end of this module trainees will be able to:
LO1. Prepare to remove and tag components
LO2. Tag vehicle components
LO3. Remove, repair and assemble vehicle components

Module Contents
LO1. Prepare to remove and tag components
1.1. Identifying Vehicle systems and system components

1.2. Identifying the nature and scope of work requirements

1.3. Identifying source of equipment and information

1.3.1. Workshop manuals

1.3.2. Specifications

1.3.3. Tools
1.4. Analyzing and selecting Methods appropriate for work

1.4.1. Materials (metal, non-metal, composite materials) Characteristics

1.4.2. Screws and screw connections

1.4.3. Fasteners

1.4.4. Drill holes and threads, thread inserts

1.4.5. Devices and procedures for testing and measuring areas, lengths and threads

1.4.6. loosening and tightening sated torques

1.4.7. Corrosion protection

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1.5. Identifying and removing risks associated with removal and tagging of components
LO2: Tag vehicle components

2.1. Identifying resource requirements for tagging

2.2. Identifying tagging procedures
2.3. Tagging components without damage

LO3. Remove, repair and assemble three wheelers vehicle components

3.1. Implementing methods for safe removal and tagging of components

3.2. Repairing or removing components and fasteners

3.2.1. Technical drawing or drawing of components and systems

3.2.2. vehicle specific components, subassemblies and systems

3.3. Inspecting and testing vehicle systems or removed components

3.4. Repairing or replacing components without damage

3.5. Removing wastes

3.6. Reporting condition of components

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Methods Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Vision Impairment Speech Impairment Hearing Impairments Physical impairment
 Organize the Class room  Arrange seating set to be  Facilitate trainees to seat  Organize the class room
setting arrangement to be convenient for Eye to eye in the front line row of seating arrangement be
conducive for trainees contact trainees seating accessible to wheelchair user
 writing the lecture material  Assign sign language arrangement  Facilitate and support the
in large text interpreter  Provide clear & short trainees having severe upper
Lecture -  Use video record lecture limbs impairment to take notes.
discussion information  Speak loudly  Writing main points briefly
 Use short and clear  Ensure the attention of the
sentences and summarize trainee
 Introduce new and relevant  Present the lecture in
vocabulary video format
 Follow the attention of the
 Keep instruction brief and  Keep instruction brief and  Keep instruction brief  Keep instruction brief and
uncomplicated uncomplicated and uncomplicated uncomplicated
 Describe materials  Use Video films  Use video records  Facilitate and support the
graphically and text  Use sign language  Use amplifier trainees who have severe
based (if necessary) interpreter  Describe materials impairment on their upper
 Provide audio format /  Use structured method of graphically and text limbs to operate equipment/
Video/Film teaching training based (if necessary) machines
materials  Describe materials  Use structured method  Describe materials
Demonstrati  Use structured method of graphically and text of training graphically and text based (if
on training based (if necessary)  Use gesture necessary)
 Ensuring the attention  Use gesture  Show clear & short  Ensuring the attention of the
 use peer group without  Use structured method of method trainee
disabilities training  use peer group without  use peer group without
 Provide tutorial support (if  Ensuring the attention disabilities disabilities
necessary)  use peer group without  Provide tutorial support  Provide tutorial support (if
 Use verbal description disabilities (if necessary) necessary)
 Provide tutorial support (if  Ensuring the attention  Conduct close follow up

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 Keep instruction brief and  Keep instruction brief and  Keep instruction brief  Keep instruction brief and
uncomplicated uncomplicated and uncomplicated uncomplicated
METHODS the attention  Ensuring the attention  Ensuring the attention  Ensuring the attention of the
 Provide Video/ Film  use peer group without  use peer group without trainee
Practical Reasonable
format Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD) disabilities
disabilities  Use peer group
Activity  Vision
use peerImpairment
group without  Speech
visual recorded Hearing Impairment
Provide visual recorded Physical impairment
Use electrical equipment
Disability disabilities material material
Interview /  Written test with  Written test  Written test  Written test
Written Test / large font  Use time extension  Use time extension  Facilitate oral response as
Oral  Prepare the test in an option for trainees
Questioning audio format having severe upper limb
 Use time extension impairment
 Use time extension for
trainees having severe
upper limb impairment (if
Observation /  Keep instruction brief  Keep instruction brief  Keep instruction brief  Keep instruction brief and
Demonstration and uncomplicated with and uncomplicated and uncomplicated uncomplicated
large text  Practical  Practical test  Practical test
 Practical test assessment/demonstrat /demonstration with /demonstration with
/demonstration with ion with time extension Interview - speak loudly Interview
Interview with time  Use sign language or use amplifier with  Give time extension for
extension interpreter time extension severe upper limb trainee

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Assessment Criteria
LO1. Prepare to remove and tag components
 The nature and scope of work requirements are identified and confirmed
 Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) requirements, including individual
state/territory regulatory requirements and personal protection needs are
observed throughout the work
 Source equipment and information, such as workshop manuals, specifications
and tooling are identified

Method options are analyzed and those most appropriate to the
circumstances selected
 Risks associated with removal and tagging of components are identified and
LO2. Tag vehicle components
 Tagging procedures are confirmed
 Resource requirements are identified for tagging and support equipment
 Components are tagged without damage
 Components are replaced without damage
 Wastes are removed following standard procedures
 Work area is cleaned and tools and equipment stored in accordance with
standard procedures
LO3. Remove repair and assemble vehicle components
 Components are identified for removal and repair

 Methods are implemented for the safe removal and tagging of components in
accordance with manufacturer/component supplier specifications

 Appropriate tools and equipment are selected and used

 Components and fasteners are repaired or removed without damage

 Removed components are inspected and tagged

 Component condition is reported in accordance with standard procedures

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Annex 4: Resource Requirements

Module code :- EISVHS1 M04 Module Title: Removing, Tagging and Replacing Three Wheelers Vehicle
0521 System Components
Item ed Ratio
Category/Item Quantity
No. Description/ Specifications for (Item:
Description/ Specifications
(TWD) Learner)
Hard copy, Soft copy, Audio and
Hard copy, Soft copy, Audio
TTLM 25 1:1
and Video Video, with sign language
Automotive technology In electronic form( E book) in text,
Textbooks audio, video with sign language 5 1:5

Automotive technology In electronic form( E book) in text,

Three wheelers book, user/ audio, video with sign language,
operation manual. service Brail, Sign language books
manual, repair/maintenance
manual, Manufacturer’s 5 1:5
specification manual
,Maintenance Procedure
Manual, Periodic
Maintenance Manual
Legal Part Catalogue
5 1:5
B. Facilities &
Work shop Standard Standard 1 1:25
Internet Service --MB --:25
internet service
Black board 240cm*120cm
1PCs 1:25
/white board
LCD/overhead Standard
1PCs 1:25
Desktop 1PCs 1:25
engine oil SAE 20W50 5 liters 1:5
Fuel gasoline and diesel 50litter
Transmission oil Use three wheelers 40litters 8:5
Differential oil Use three wheelers 30litters 6:5
Brake oil ATF 10 40litters 8:5
Multipurpose EP3 10gallons 2:5
5 Liters 1:5
Lubricating oils 5 Liters 1:5
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Kerosene 10 Liters 2:5

Sand paper #100 25pcs 1:1
Rag Cotton 10 kg 2:5
D. ,Equipment and
Steel tool box folding type 400 x 200 x 150 05 PCs 1:5
with lock and mm size
Steel Almirah Length: 34", Width: 19", 05 PCs 1:5
Height: 78",
Number of Door Cabinets:
Three 4 stroke petrol Engine with 01 PCs 1:25
Wheelers service manual
Three 4 stroke Diesel Engine with 01 PCs 1:25
Wheelers service manual
Live Three 4 stroke petrol Engine 01 PCs 1:25
Training Model
Live Three 4 stroke Diesel Engine 01 PCs 1:25
Training Model
Personal Overall, Safety Shoes, 25 PCs 1:1
Protective Gloves, Eye googles, each
Clothing and Helmet
Fire A, B, C Classes 01 PCs 1:25
extinguisher each
Vacuum Portable workshop Wet/Dry 01 PCs 1:25
cleaner with 14.75 x 10.38 x 18.25
built-in suction inches
powered Dust 120 Volts with Auto vacuum
Pan accessories, 1-7/8-inch
Expandable Locking Hose
stretches from 2' to 7' for
extended reach
Double ended 6-32mm 5sets 1:5
spanner set
Ring spanner 6-32mm 5sets 1:5
Tubular 8,10,12,14,16,17mm 5 PCs 1:5
spanners each
Socket 6-32 mm 5 sets 1:5
spanners with T
bar and ratchet
Allen keys 2-12mm in steps of 2mm 5 sets 1:5
Screw driver (flat) 20cm x 9mm blade 5 PCs 1:5
Screw driver (flat) 30cm x 9mm blade 5 PCs 1:5
Screw driver (Philips type) 100 -300mm 5 sets 1:5
set of 5 pieces
Hammer ball peen 0.75 kg 5 PCs 1:5
Hammer Mallet 5 PCs 1:5
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Hammer rubber 5 PCs 1:5

Tire recapping KT 1PCs 1:25
Inner tube KT 1 pcs 1:25
repairing kit
Mechanical tire KT 2pcs 2:25
Wheel KT 5 pcs 1:5
Wheel disk KT 2pcs 2:25
Soldering gun 60-70 watt (220v) 5 pcs 1:5
Test light Any type (12v) 5 pcs 1:5
Jumper cable Black and red 5 Pcs 1:5
Grease gun - 5 pcs 1:5
Vernier caliper Standard in inch & mm 5 pcs 1:5
Outside Metric 5 pcs 1:5
Inside Metric 5 pcs 1:5
Depth Metric 5 pcs 1:5
Steel rule Metric 5 pcs 1:5
Nose plier straight 15 cm 05 PCs 1:5
Combination 15 cm 05 PCs 1:5
Circlip plier external & contracting( 6” 05 PCs 1:5
and 7” ) each
Drift 05 PCs 1:5
Feeler gauge 20 blades metric 05 PCs 1:5
Adjustable 20 cm 05 PCs 1:5
Spark plug 12,14,17mm 05 PCs 1:5
spanner each
Files different shapes and size of 05 set 1:5
Water pump 01 PCs 1:25
Torque wrench 0-50 NM 01 PCs 1:25
Drop light with guard and Lamp 01 PCs 1:25
Thread pitch metric 01 PCs 1:25
Oil can 0.5 litre capacity 01 PCs 1:25
Centre punch 10 mm Ø x 100mm 01 PCs 1:25
Digital able to measure up to 9999 01 PCs 1:25
Tachometer RPM
Compression minimum up to 20 kg/cm2 01 PCs 1:25
gauge for petrol and 25 each
kg/cm2 for diesel
Vacuum gauge 01 PCs 1:25
Battery charger Constant and Variable 01 PCs 1:25
Digital Multi 01 PCs 1:25
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Hydrometer 05 PCs 1: 5
Battery load 01 PCs 1:25
Engine valve C clamp 01 PCs 1:25
removing tool
Tappet adjuster 01 PCs 1:25
Air compressor 200 liters capacity 01 PCs 1:25
Impact screw for flat and Philips type 01 set 1:25
Pneumatic tyre With Guage 01 PCs 1:25
Tyre changer 01 PCs 1:25
Greasilator 01 PCs 1:25
3 wheels lift hydraulic type 01 PCs 1:25
Pneumatic tools connected with air 01 set 1:25
compressor by pipe fittings
Universal clamp 01 PCs 1:25
Clutch puller 01 PCs 1:25
Magneto puller 01 PCs 1:25
Cleaning tray 45 x 30 cm 5 PCs 1:5
Work benches each 250 x 120 x 60 with 4 01 set 1:25
bench vices 12 cm jaw
Spark plug Electric Power Supply, 230 01 PCs 1:25
cleaning and V,
testing 5-12 Kg/cm2 Working
machine Pressure, 230 W, 12KV
ignition coil
Bench grinder 01 PCs 1:25
Tread depth 01 PCs 1:25
Car washer portable type 01 PCs 1:25
Wheel trueing 01 PCs 1:25
Hydraulic 01 PCs 1:25
Brake bleeding
Hydraulic press 2 ton capacity 01 PCs

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MODULE TITLE: Installing, Testing and RepairingThree Wheelers Vehicle Lighting

and Wiring Systems

This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to identify faults
Installing, Testing and Repairing Three Wheelers Vehicle Lighting and Wiring
Systems. It requires the ability interpret wiring diagram and use measurement device for
troubleshooting and repair the electrical wiring system.
LERNING OUTCOME At the end of this module trainees will be able to:
LO1. Prepare for work
LO2. Identify faults/ Install, test & repair lighting and wiring systems
LO3. Clean up work area and maintain


LO1: Prepare for work

1.1. Using workplace instructions for job requirements determination
1.2. Analysing installation options for appropriate selection and preparation
1.3. Identifying tools and equipment for effective installation and testing procedures
LO2: Identify faults/ Install , test & repair lighting and wiring systems

2.1 . Identifying lighting system and system components

2.2 . Installing Low voltage lighting and wiring systems

2.3 . inspecting and testing lighting system and system components

2.1.1. Open circuits

2.1.2. Short circuits

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2.1.3. Connector, terminal and insulation damage

2.1.4. High resistance circuit

2.4. Carrying-out repair and post-repair test

2.4.1. Determining preferred repair options

2.4.2. Repairing or replacing components based on faults

2.4.3. Assessing Visually and performing post repair testing for systems or
components functionality

LO3: Clean-up work area and maintain equipment

3.1. Cleaning and inspecting equipment and work area.

3.2. Collecting and storing Material

3.3. Removing Waste and scrap

3.4. Identifying, tagging and isolating faulty equipment

3.5. Performing operator maintenance

3.6. Maintaining tools and equipment.

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Methods Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees without Vision Impairment Speech Impairment Hearing Impairments Physical impairment
 Organize the Class room  Arrange seating set to be  Facilitate trainees to seat  Organize the class room seating
setting arrangement to be convenient for Eye to eye in the front line row of arrangement be accessible to
conducive for trainees contact trainees seating wheelchair user
 writing the lecture material Assign sign language arrangement  Facilitate and support the
in large text interpreter  Provide clear & short trainees having severe upper
 Use video record lecture limbs impairment to take notes.
Lecture -discussion
information  Speak loudly  Writing main points briefly
 Use short and clear  Ensure the attention of
sentences and summarize the trainee
 Introduce new and  Present the lecture in
relevant vocabulary video format
 Follow the attention of the
 Keep instruction brief  Keep instruction brief  Keep instruction brief  Keep instruction brief and
and uncomplicated and uncomplicated and uncomplicated uncomplicated
 Describe materials  Use Video films  Use video records  Facilitate and support the
graphically and text  Use sign language  Use amplifier trainees who have severe
Observation based (if necessary) interpreter  Describe materials impairment on their upper
 Provide audio format /  Use structured method graphically and text limbs to operate equipment/
Video/Film teaching of training based (if necessary) machines
materials  Describe materials  Use structured method  Describe materials graphically
 Use structured method of graphically and text of training and text based (if necessary)
training based (if necessary)  Use gesture  Ensuring the attention of the
 Ensuring the attention  Use gesture  Show clear & short trainee
 use peer group without  Use structured method method  use peer group without
disabilities of training  use peer group without disabilities
 Provide tutorial support  Ensuring the attention disabilities  Provide tutorial support (if
(if necessary)  use peer group without  Provide tutorial support necessary)
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 Use verbal description disabilities (if necessary)  Conduct close follow up

 Provide tutorial support  Ensuring the attention
(if necessary)
 Keep instruction brief  Keep instruction brief  Keep instruction brief  Keep instruction brief and
and uncomplicated and uncomplicated and uncomplicated uncomplicated
 Ensuring the attention  Ensuring the attention  Ensuring the attention  Ensuring the attention of the
Practical / Activity  Provide Video/ Film  use peer group without  use peer group without trainee
format disabilities disabilities  Use peer group
 use peer group without  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual recorded  Use electrical equipment
disabilities material material
ASSESSMENT METHODS Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
 Written test with large  Written test  Written test  Written test
font  Facilitate oral response as an
Interview / Oral  Use time extension  Use time extension option for trainees having
Questioning/ Written  Prepare the test in audio severe upper limb impairment
test format  Use time extension for trainees
 Use time extension having severe upper limb
impairment (if necessary)
 Keep instruction brief and  Keep instruction brief  Keep instruction brief  Keep instruction brief and
uncomplicated with large and uncomplicated and uncomplicated uncomplicated
text  Practical  Practical test  Practical test /demonstration
Observation/  Practical test assessment/demonstrati /demonstration with with Interview
Demonstration /demonstration with on with time extension Interview - speak loudly  Give time extension for severe
Interview with time  Use sign language or use upper limb trainee
extension interpreter

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Assessment criteria

LO1:- Prepare for work

 Workplace instructions are used to determine job requirements.

 Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) requirements are observed

throughout the work

 Procedures and information are sourced and interpreted

 Installation options are analysed and those most appropriate to the

circumstances are selected and prepared

 Tools and equipment are identified for effective installation and testing
LO2: Identify faults/ Install , test & repair lighting and wiring systems

 Low voltage lighting and wiring systems are installed according to

manufacturer and component supplier specifications without causing
damage to components or systems as a result of in appropriate testing

 Tests are carried out to determine faults using tools and diagnostic

 Preferred repair options are determined and carried out

 Post-repair testing is carried out according to workplace procedures

LO3:- Clean-up work area and maintain equipment.

 Material that can be reused is collected and stored.

 Waste and scrap are removed following workplace procedures.

 Equipment and work area are cleaned and inspected for serviceable
condition according to workplace procedures.

 Faulty equipment are identified, tagged and isolated according to workplace


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 Operator maintenance is completed according to manufacturer and

component supplier specifications and site procedures.

 Tools and equipment are maintained according to workplace procedures.

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Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

Annex 5: Resource Requirements

Module Code:- EIS VSR2 05 0521 Module Title: - Install Test and Repair Vehicle Lighting and
Wiring Systems
Category/Item Description/ Recommended
Description/ Specifications Specifications for Quantity Ratio
A. (TWD) (Item: Learner)
Hard copy, Soft copy,
Hard copy, Soft copy, Audio and Video,
TTLM 1 1:25
Audio and Video, Video Video with sign
Auto Electrical/ Electronic In electronic form( E
Servicing Manuals (and book) in text, audio,
any related materials) video with sign
Textbooks 1 1:25
Brail ,Sign language
Automotive Technology In electronic form( E
electricity and electronics book) in text, audio,
(and any related books) video with sign 1 1:25
language , Sign
language books
B. Facilities &
Work shop Standard Standard 1 1:25
Broadband/Wireless internet
Internet Service --MB --:25
Black board 240cm*120cm
1PCs 1:25
/white board
LCD/overhead Standard
1PCs 1:25
Desktop 1PCs 1:25
Wire different Stranded (black, red, and
03 roll 3 : 25
sizes white, yellow...)
Lead Soldering lead 5 Roll 1:5
flux Soldering paste Rosin 1Can 1:25
Masking standard
Insulating tape 5 PCs 1:5
Automotive bulb 12v (5-21watt) 50 pcs 10:5
Fuse Blade type (5-20A) 1set 1:25
Fuse box Glass and blade type 1 pcs 1:5

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Turn signal Front & rear (left &

4 pcs 1:5
assembly right)
Head light bulb 55w 10 pcs 2:5
Head light Different model
10 pcs 2:5
Head light None Sealed beam 2 pcs 2 : 25
Horn 12v 5 PCs 1:5
Dimmer switch Three wheeler vehicle
1 pcs 1:5
(combination) model
Switch Push button 5 pcs 1:5
Wire brush Standard 5 PCs 1:5
Connectors male and female 2 sets 2:25
Wire clips Any type 5 PCs 1:5
D. ,Equipment and
Steel tool box folding type 400 x 200 05 PCs 1:5
with lock and x 150 mm size
Steel Almirah Length: 34", Width: 05 PCs 1:5
Height: 78",
Number of Door
Cabinets: Double
Three 4 stroke petrol Engine 01 PCs 1:25
Wheelers with service manual
Three 4 stroke Diesel Engine 01 PCs 1:25
Wheelers with service manual
Live Three 4 stroke petrol Engine 01 PCs 1:25
Training Model
Live Three 4 stroke Diesel Engine 01 PCs 1:25
Training Model
Personal Overall, Safety Shoes, 25 PCs 1:1
Protective Gloves, Eye googles, each
Clothing and Helmet
Fire A, B, C Classes 01 PCs 1:25
extinguisher each
Test light Any type (12v) 5 pcs 1:5
Jumper cable Black and red 5 Pcs 1:5
Soldering gun 60-70 watt (220v) 5 pcs 1:5
Nose plier straight 15 cm 05 PCs 1:5
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Combination 15 cm 05 PCs 1:5

Drop light with guard and Lamp 01 PCs 1:25
Battery charger Constant and Variable

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We wish to extend thanks and appreciation to the many representatives of TVET instructors and
respective experts who donated their time and expertise to the development of this curriculum.

We would like also to express our appreciation to world bank-EASTRIP, the TVET instructors and
respective experts of Regional TVET bureaus, TVET colleges/ Institutes, Federal Technical and
Vocational Education and Training Agency (FTVET) who made the development of this curriculum with
required standards and quality possible.

This curriculum was developed on May 2021 at Weldia, Lall Hotel.

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Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

Three Wheelers Vehicle Servicing and Repairing Model Curriculum Developer

No Trainer’s Name Institution Qualification Address

Phone Email
1 Adam Haylu Enjibara Polytechnic BSc in Mechanical 0918162199
College Engineering

2 Awot Mengistu ETU, Kombolcha MSc in 0945064372

Polytechnic College Automotive
Satellite Campus technology
3 Bihonegn Mekete Dessie Polytechnic MSc in 0918007246/
College Automotive 0977217033
4 Engidaw Sisay Bahirdar Polytechnic MSc in 0939852342
College Automotive
5 Tesfaye Hailemariam ETU, Kombolcha MSc in 0932368973 tsfhailemariam04@hotmail.c
Polytechnic College Automotive om
Satellite Campus Technology

6 Tsega Tegegn Durbete Polytechnic MSc in 0912289997

College Automotive

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