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Midterm Performance Task: Personal Development February 28, 2020


Physiological Social


Cognitive Psychological

1. Recreate the holistic development template in any file document that is convertible to PDF
format. (Please note that the template is just a suggestion. You may use another diagram
style if you would like.)
2. Write your nickname at the center of the diagram and label the spheres with the dimensions
of holistic development: spiritual, psychological, social, physiological, and cognitive.
3. Next, begin to reflect on your personal development through the years. Write a brief
description for each dimension. You may use key terms or short phrases.
4. Long descriptions and explanations should be written (type) on a separate page.
5. To fill up the spaces, you may use the following questions as a guide:
• Physiological
a. What are the physical changes that I experienced in my adolescent life so
b. What were my thoughts as these changes were happening?
c. How did these changes make me feel?
d. Are there physical aspects of myself that I wish to change?
e. What can I do to meet the desired changes?
f. What physical features do I like about myself and need not change?
• Social
a. Who do I consider as the most important people in my life?
b. Who are the people who make up my social circles?
c. How does being part of these social groups make me feel?
d. How important is social growth to my individuality?
e. In what ways can I further immerse myself into the social environment?
f. To what extent have I become socially aware and involved?
• Psycho-emotional
a. What was my life like growing up?
b. Is there anything that I wish I could change about my past?
c. What were the most significant times of my life?
d. How do I feel about myself as a person at this very moment?
e. Do I feel like about myself as a person emotionally, physically, and
f. If not, what am I lacking?
g. What kind of attitude should I have to fulfill my future goals?
• Cognitive
a. What thoughts constantly preoccupy my mind?
b. Am I able to remember things better now that I am older?
c. What are the challenges that I still face when solving a problem?
d. Is there a difference between the way that I make decisions now and when
I was younger?
e. What concrete actions can I take to enhance my intellectual growth?
• Spiritual
a. What does it mean to be spiritual?
b. Who or what do I turn to for guidance in my spiritual life?
c. What rituals or tradition do I partake in to practice my spirituality?
d. How does it being in touch with my spirituality make me feel?
e. How is spirituality significant to my everyday life?
f. What aspects of my spirituality do I still need to work on?


Content - 20
Organization - 20
Creativity - 10
Clarity - 20
Timebound - 10
Total 80 points

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