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Kent Police - Gifts and Hospitality Register 2020

January - May
(Force Policy P02e)

Accepted / Approx. Gift / Hospitality Details of

Ref. Directorate Department Recipient Date Doner Disposal
Declined Value (£) Details Circumstances
MoP came into the Front
Counter at Folkestone and
East Division -
Local Policing Police Staff Member of Tub of Cadbury stated they wanted to wish the Offered to various staff at
6324/120 Reactive 04/01/2020 Yes £5.00
and Partnerships Employee the Public Chocolates and a card staff at Folkestone Police station. Authorised by Ch/Insp
Station a belated Happy
Whilst on patrol a a member
of the public spoke to PC and
informed him that a male had
North Division -
Local Policing Police Member of stolen her mother's phone. A
6325/120 District 07/01/2020 Yes £5.00 Box of chocolates Retained
and Partnerships Constable the Public search was conducted and the
phone located and returned.
Member of public was off-duty
Staff use during stay at hotel
Central Tactical Tudor Park Gym used provided by
6330/120 Chief Inspector 10/01/2020 Yes £0.00 used for National Command Accepted & approved by Supt.
Operations Operations Hotel Tudor Park Hotel
Kent Police Member of MoP-as a thank you for
6331/120 Contractor 12/01/2020 Yes £10.00 Chocolates and Biscuits Approved by Ch/Insp.
Authority the Public protecting us
This was a small token of
thanks from a victim who had
Kent Police Member of For consumption, authorised
6332/120 PCSO 12/01/2020 Yes £2.00 Ferrero Rocher lost their bag and was located
Authority the Public Ch/Insp
and returned by the local
Christmas card, gift bag
Kent Police Police Member of £24.00- Gift from MoP as thanks for To be returned - alcohol not
6333/120 05/01/2020 No with COURVOISIER
Authority Constable the Public £27.00 help during suicide attempt. accepted as gift.
Cognac 70 cl.

Authorise officer accepting the

70cl Gordons pink Gin Card saying thank you for all chocolates, alcohol to be
Kent Police Police Staff Member of
6334/120 12/01/2020 Yes £20.00 200g box Lindor the support you have given me returned as this is not an
Authority Employee the Public
chocolates for the year. appropriate gift for Kent police
employees to accept, Ch/insp.
A thank you gift to PSE from a
member of the public for The box of chocolates will be
Not 1 x bottle of red wine. 1 assisting him with the prompt shared amongst the Property
Kent ESSEX Police Staff Member of supplied - x box of Irish Cream return of his property (a team and I have agreed for
6335/120 and 10/01/2020 Yes
Support Services Employee the Public estimated Liqueurs chocolates 2 x cheques of high value - over PSE to have the bottle of wine
low value Party Poppers £1000) which he has been in line with policy P02e 3.7.
waiting to get back for quite PSE approved.
some time
MoP brought biscuits in as a
East Division -
Local Policing Police Staff Member of thank you. Front Office staff Given to front staff, authorised
6338/120 Proactive 08/01/2020 Yes £5.00 Biscuits
and Partnerships Employee the Public helped/advised regarding Ch/Insp.
son's seized vehicle
Thank you card and box of
East Division - chocolates, given as a thank For officers on LPT as per the
Local Policing Police Staff Member of Box of Thornton
6343/120 Proactive 15/01/2020 Yes £5.00 you for all the officers who donor's wishes. Authorised
and Partnerships Employee the Public Chocolates
Investigation searched for her husband Ch/Insp.
when he went missing
Local Policing North Division - Police Staff Handed in at Front Counter to Authorised by senior officer to
6344/120 07/01/2020 Unknown Yes £2.00 Cookies in tin
and Partnerships Commander Employee say thank you to officers place on front counter
Assistance was provided to
West Division -
Local Policing Police Staff Member of the member of public when
6345/120 District Support 17/01/2020 Yes £15.00 Box of chocolates Local disposal
and Partnerships Employee the Public she lost the key to her new
Royal St Gift for Lead Planner for the
Central Tactical Police RSG Official Hugo Boss
6346/120 27/01/2020 Georges Yes £30.00 Open Golf Event 2020, Approved for retention by Supt
Operations Operations Constable Event Tie
Golf Course received the tie in the post

Royal St Gift for Lead Planner for the

Central Tactical Police RSG Official Hugo Boss
6347/120 27/01/2020 George Golf Yes £30.00 Open Golf Event 2020, Approved for retention by Supt
Operations Operations Constable Event Tie
Course received the tie in the post

West Division - MoP witness offered afternoon

Local Policing Detective Handpicked Afternoon tea at the
6348/120 Reactive 27/01/2020 Yes £25.00 tea at his hotel for assistance Not recorded
and Partnerships Sergeant Hotels Chilston Park Hotel
Investigation in a long running trial.

DCI satisfied that this is a

genuine gesture of gratitude
from the victim of a serious
Victim personally thanked
Local Policing North Division - Police Staff Member of Flowers and Thank you crime towards the
6349/120 10/02/2020 Yes £10.00 officer for work on the case
and Partnerships Reactive DCI Employee the Public card investigating officer and does
and the card says the same.
not compromise the
investigating officer's integrity.
Authorised to keep this gift
Offer to visit HCL Main
Police Staff Member of
6350/120 Command Chief Officer PA 03/02/2020 No £0.00 Headquarters site in Overseas site visit from HCL Politely Not Accepted
Employee the Public
India the Silver Command
for an Operation which is the
Other partner agencies have
Open Golf Championship
East Division - also received this gift.
Local Policing The Royal & taking place in July 2020 at
6351/120 Proactive Superintendent 30/01/2020 Yes £20.00 Neck tie Retention by recipient as a low
and Partnerships Ancient Sandwich. The Royal &
Investigation value symbolic gift. Approved
Ancient have sent him a tie as
by Ch.Supt.
a thank you for his role in the
planning stage
The donor wanted to show her
East Division - appreciation to PC for looking DI supports the retention of
Local Policing Police Member of
6352/120 Reactive 13/01/2020 Yes Unknown A card and a plant after her during the this gift to the officer and
and Partnerships Constable the Public
Investigation investigation and through the authorise the officer to keep it.
court process.
Axon User Group Meal out
Kent ESSEX IT Police Staff Axon Innovative 19
6353/120 IT Executive 17/02/2020 Axon Yes £65.00 Meal & Book Not recorded
Directorate Employee Conference -Booked received
from their CLO
x Matters supplied alarm
monitoring system .Once the
Kent ESSEX IT Police Staff
6354/120 IT Executive 17/02/2020 XMatters Yes 10 Coffee cup product was in and working Not recorded
Directorate Employee
they wanted to offer a branded

15 05/06/2020
Kent Police - Gifts and Hospitality Register 2020
January - May
(Force Policy P02e)

Accepted / Approx. Gift / Hospitality Details of

Ref. Directorate Department Recipient Date Doner Disposal
Declined Value (£) Details Circumstances
Following the Beavers
CSU hosted a visit of 20
Meeting on 5th February, PS
Beavers/leaders to the station,
East Division - 3rd was given the biscuits by the
Local Policing Six packets of assorted as part of their Emergency
6355/120 Proactive Police Sergeant 05/02/2020 Hawkinge Yes £10.00 Group, with the intention they
and Partnerships branded biscuits Services Badge. They toured
Investigation Beavers be passed onto PCSOs and
the station, tried on uniform
Officers as a thank you.
and explored police vehicles.
Authorised by Ch.Insp.
The items were handed out as
Kent ESSEX IT Police Staff Pen, Notebook and part of Axon BWV national
6356/120 IT Executive 19/02/2020 Axon UK Yes £10.00 Not recorded
Directorate Employee water bottle user group others that
As part of PSE's role as
technical lead within Server
Infrastructure they were
offered the opportunity to
attend the VMWorld
conference by our Technical
Account manager.This event
is a platform for presentations
Kent ESSEX IT Police Staff Complimentary pass to
6357/120 IT Executive 19/02/2020 VMWARE Yes £1,492.00 on new and existing Not recorded
Directorate Employee VM World Event
technologies and an
opportunity to meet and work
alongside similar IT
professionals from other
organisations. Accommodation
was covered by PSE and took
annual leave to attend the
Package containing 4
items of Belgian Gifts from Highwyas England
Central Criminal Justice Police Staff Highways chocolate based to recognise assistance given
6358/120 19/02/2020 Yes £40.00 Not recorded
Operations (CJ) Employee England confectionery from with implementation of Red X
Marks & Spencer's- enforcement.
Delivered by DHL
Assistant Chief Police Staff Outcome Delivery Network
6359/120 Command 24/02/2020 Delivery Yes £50.00 Meal and drinks Accepted
Constable Employee meeting
Assistant Chief Police Staff National National Pen - Small Promotional gift from National
6360/120 Command 25/02/2020 Yes £1.50 Kept within office
Constable Employee Pen Flashlight keychain Pen company
These items were handed in
with a card as thanks to the
North Division - Two sealed boxes of
Local Policing Member of officers for dealing with the
6361/120 Reactive Police Sergeant 25/02/2020 Yes £15.00 biscuits and one box of Eaten by officers
and Partnerships the Public male who fell over and hit his
Investigation chocolates.
head near to Sittingbourne
Police Station
Whilst visiting the soup kitchen
run by MoP, PS and MoP had
a conversation about cars. PS
has a Mini and MoP stated he
Local Policing Neighbourhood Member of
6362/120 Police Sergeant 28/02/2020 Yes Unknown Haynes Mini car book races them. He stated he had Accepted
and Partnerships Policing the Public
a second hand book PS could
have. He dropped it in to
Sittingbourne Front Counter
later in the day.

Whilst dealing with an

unrelated enquiry at Burger
King in St James' Retail Park,
Line Management given full
East Division - Dover, a member of staff
Local Policing Police Member of A small bag of assorted appraisal and gift distributed
6363/120 Proactive 03/03/2020 Yes £5.00 handed the officer a small
and Partnerships Constable the Public chocolate bars amongst officers within the
Investigation packet of assorted sweets that
CSU. Authorised by Ch.Insp
her daughters had put together
as gifts for the Fire,
Ambulance & Police Services.

Officers were in McDonalds,

an unknown male approached
North Division -
Local Policing Police officers and stated it was
6364/120 Reactive 09/03/2020 Unknown Yes £9.00 3 x Bunch Of flowers Kept Flowers
and Partnerships Constable international women's day the
day before and left the flowers
for the three female officers

Victim on a crime report, that PC made his supervisor aware

PC is investigating wanted a prior to accepting the latte
East Division - face to face meeting. This was from victim. It was seen as a
Local Policing Police Member of
6365/120 Reactive 12/03/2020 Yes £3.00 Large latte to discuss the investigation low value gift and acceptable
and Partnerships Constable the Public
Investigation and had arranged to meet in a as it was important that victim
public place and insisted on felt he could trust PC.
buying a hot drink. Approved by DS

McDonalds free
breakfasts to
emergency services Repercussions of closures
Central Force Control FCR Reception McDonalds Retained, consumed
6366/120 23/03/2020 Yes £100.00 workers in order to get imposed by Govt in response
Operations Room Kent null Aylesford Approved by Supt
rid of their stock prior to to COVID-19 pandemic
all restaurant closures
due to COVID-19 virus

McDonalds and Nandos

Due to Govt requirement to
donation of food to
close food outlets, donation of
Central Force Control FCR Reception McDonalds emergency workers due Retained, consumed
6367/120 23/03/2020 Yes £600.00 remaining food stuffs to
Operations Room Kent null and Nandos to COVID-19 outbreak Approved by Supt
emergency services workers
and restaurant closures -
as act of goodwill.
thereby using up stock

25 05/06/2020
Kent Police - Gifts and Hospitality Register 2020
January - May
(Force Policy P02e)

Accepted / Approx. Gift / Hospitality Details of

Ref. Directorate Department Recipient Date Doner Disposal
Declined Value (£) Details Circumstances

While at the Outbound border

control booth all three officers
were present and carrying
outbound passport checks
when the coach for the Bayern
Munich Football Team
approached the outbound
Central Frontier Police Team Three Bayern Munich t- Retained by the officers
6368/120 26/02/2020 Yes 19.95 booth and passports were
Operations Operations Constable coach driver shirts following approval of DCI
checked. Only the driver and
one other passenger were
present. Three tshirts were
handed over by the driver with
no notice and the coach has
then continued its way to
check in.
While at the Outbound border
control booth PC was present
and carrying outbound
passport checks when the
UEFA rep approached the
outbound booth and his
Central Frontier Police Blue Adidas Champions Retained by the officers
6369/120 02/03/2020 UEFA Rep Yes £10.00 passport was checked. Only
Operations Operations Constable League Baseball cap following approval of DCI
the rep was present driving
the vehicle. The hat was
handed over by the driver/rep
with no notice and the vehicle
continued on it's way to check
North Division - Food given to LPT from
Local Policing Police Staff Cakes and pastries Enjoyed by the officers
6370/120 Reactive 24/03/2020 Greggs Yes unknown Greggs after they have closed
and Partnerships Employee donated following approval of CI
Investigation due to COVID-19
Starbucks in Sittingbourne
North Division - High Street donated there milk
Local Policing Police Staff 24 pints of semi
6371/120 Reactive 24/03/2020 Starbucks Yes unknown stock to Sittingbourne Police For all departments, CI.
and Partnerships Employee skimmed milk
Investigation Station as they had to close
there store due to COVID-19.

Ordered food from

McDonald's, Broadstairs via
the Drive Thru. Got to payment
East Division - Agreed - nice gesture from the
Local Policing window and was informed
6372/120 Proactive Police Officer 17/03/2020 Unknown Yes £5.69 McDonald's breakfast public and no risk. Authorised
and Partnerships vehicle ahead of officer had
Investigation by Ch.Insp
paid for the food. McDonald's
would not taken payment as
bill was already paid.

The manager of Dover

Nandos donated leftover food
East Division - Miscellaneous food
to all Emergency Services,
Local Policing Community Police Staff items from Nandos Given to CSU staff. Authorised
6373/120 23/03/2020 Nandos Yes Not Known including Dover Police Station.
and Partnerships Safety Unit Employee delivered to Dover by A/Ch.Insp
This is due to restaurant
(CSU) Police Station
closure after Government
Guidelines Re Covid 19.

Manager of WH Smiths
stopped PCs and asked if they
would be able to gift remaining
East Division -
An assortment of Easter Easter chocolate stock to the Gifts distributed amongst the
Local Policing Community
6374/120 Police Officer 30/03/2020 WH Smiths Yes £500.00 eggs and other local police rather than destroy officers. Authorised by
and Partnerships Safety Unit
chocolate items it. The officers accepted his A/Ch.Insp
kind offer. This is due to shop
closure after Government
Guidelines Re Covid 19
Central Criminal Justice Police Staff Member of Bag of groceries donation for
6375/120 06/04/2020 Yes £10.00 Bag of groceries Not recorded
Operations (CJ) Employee the Public Custody staff
Officer on the team was
informed that the kebab shop
was willing to provide kebabs
Numerous kebabs,
to the team as a show of
North Division - BBQ Grill pizzas, chips and Approved. The gift has already
Local Policing community solidarity and
6376/120 Proactive Police Sergeant 01/04/2020 Walderslad Yes £200.00 assorted salads and been "disposed of. Approved
and Partnerships support during the COVID-19
Investigation e dips and side for LPT by A/CI
related lockdown. Food was
Team 1 at Medway
eaten LPT on duty and offered
to other teams on duty at the
time including VIT, IDM etc

Officer attended the above

store in relation to the allotted
time for NHS/Care Workers
and Emergency Services to Accepted Decision that PS can
shop for groceries. As officer retain the item. It is low value
North Division -
Local Policing Marks & entered the store the store and given out by a large
6377/120 Proactive Police Sergeant 07/04/2020 Yes £2.00 Easter Egg
and Partnerships Spencers manager said thanks and organsation for all emergency
would like for everyone in the staff as a thank you Approved
above category to have an by DI
Easter Egg which he provided
from a large stock near the
The strawberries would have
been thrown away as they
Central Force Control Member of 8 trays of punnets of Accepted and consumed by
6378/120 Superintendent 02/04/2020 Yes unknown could not be sold via the farm
Operations Room the Public strawberries staff
shop so they were donated to
the FCR to enjoy
Costa Coffee were shutting
and they would have gone out
Central Force Control Costa 8 boxed of iced Costa Accepted and consumed by
6379/120 Superintendent 23/03/2020 Yes unknown of date so they were donated
Operations Room Coffee coffee cans staff
to the FCR to share and enjoy
among the staff.

35 05/06/2020
Kent Police - Gifts and Hospitality Register 2020
January - May
(Force Policy P02e)

Accepted / Approx. Gift / Hospitality Details of

Ref. Directorate Department Recipient Date Doner Disposal
Declined Value (£) Details Circumstances

Over a period of
approximately 2 years, officer
has been sporadically working
with Councillor for Murston
Ward, Sittingbourne. During
the periods officer has worked
with him, he has mentioned
North Division -
the following opportunities,
Local Policing Community Offers of help/invitations Noted no gifts received,
6380/120 Police Sergeant 27/03/2020 Councillor No Not known however, they were never
and Partnerships Safety Unit from a local Councillor recorded for info only
discussed in detail and no
were accepted from him: -
Assistance with a legal matter
relating to a family member. -
Use of his beach front villa in
the Philippines. - Invitation to
his daughter s wedding

Two nurses from DVH

attended front counter and
Nurses at
donated the eggs. They stated
Central Criminal Justice Darenth 6 multipack boxes of
6381/120 Police Sergeant 14/04/2020 Yes £50.00 that they have been inundated Not recorded
Operations (CJ) Valley easter eggs
at the hospital due to
supermarkets donating eggs
during the C19 pandemic.
Officers were at the scene of
an unexpected death at a care
home. When leaving the
North Division -
Local Policing building with SECAS, ASDA Officers to share between
6382/120 Reactive Not recorded 14/04/2020 Asda Yes £45 Easter Eggs
and Partnerships were delivering to the location teams - Insp.
and the officer and paramedic
were given a tray of 5 easter
eggs each
Business owner called in to
say officers are welcome to
North Division - La Grill Peri
pop into the takeaway for tea
Local Policing Community Peri, Stone
6383/120 Police Sergeant 09/04/2020 Yes 2 Free tea/coffee and coffee at no charge Approved by CI
and Partnerships Safety Unit Street,
during their shift as most
(CSU) Gravesend
places are closed due to
Donations of food to
emergency workers due to
Central Force Control
6384/120 Chief Inspector 21/04/2020 Dominoes Yes £400.00 40 large pizzas Covid-19 outbreak and Eaten by FCR Departments
Operations Room
supporting the emergency
Officers were handed an
envelope by NHS staff who
had been asked to give it to
them by a member of the
North Division -
Local Policing £10.00 note and thank public. Inside was £10 and an
6385/120 District Support Special 02/04/2020 Anonymous No £10 Approved by T/Supt
and Partnerships you card anonymous thank you note.
Officers sought advice and
obtained permission from
T/Supt to pass it as a gift to
NHS staff
Employee came to Swanley
Police Station to say that
Dominos as a company had a
country wide initiative that
each store was to provide a
Local Policing Neighbourhood Dominos certain number of pizza's free
6386/120 Police Sergeant 22/04/2020 Yes £400.00 10 Dominos Pizzas Not recorded
and Partnerships Policing Pizza of charge to local
Police/Fire/Ambulance and
NHS in a government
response to COVID 19. He
had 45 to give out today and
left 10 at the station
Office attended to wish
daughter Happy Birthday as
Local Policing Police Staff Member of
6387/120 Partnership 20/04/2020 Yes 6,00 Cake per community engagement Not recorded
and Partnerships Employee the Public
during lockdown and was
given cake for the team
North Division - 20 x large pizza's provided by
20 large Pizza's from
Local Policing Community Dominos without Shared and consumed,
6388/120 Police Sergeant 22/04/2020 Dominos Yes £100.00 Domino's Pizza,
and Partnerships Safety Unit prompting/contact from police approved by CI
(CSU) ofr work during Covid 19
Donations to emergency
workers due to COVID-19
outbreak and using stock Staff were given cans of drink
whilst supporting emergency from all departments including
Central Force Control 600 x Monster expresso
6389/120 Chief Inspector 24/03/2020 Monster Yes £600.00 services. Contact made in FCR, IMU, OSU, IOWA Gold
Operations Room drink cans
advance and reassurances support, L&D plus KFRS
given regarding no media, no control
preferential treatment etc
which monster agreed
MoP has made cotton bags for
West Division - Cotton bags to put our staff to put their dirty uniform
Local Policing Member of
6390/120 Reactive Police Officer 21/04/2020 Yes £0.00 dirty uniform in to take in so that they don't have to Accepted
and Partnerships the Public
Investigation home and wash wear their uniform home due
to Covid-19
North Division - Member of public in queue
Local Policing Community Member of Bacon roll and drink insisted on paying for officer's
6391/120 Police Officer 25/03/2020 Yes £2.50 Accepted
and Partnerships Safety Unit the Public from Greggs roll and drink as a thank you re
Secamb had been given
10,000 easter eggs by
Cadbery's. After they had
distributed all of them to the
Central Force Control Secamb units and hospitals -
6392/120 Chief Inspector 28/04/2020 Secamb Yes £90.00 81 easter eggs Shared amongst staff
Operations Room the still had a large amount
left over, so they have given
some to the FCIR. They have
been placed in the canteen
area for staff to take

45 05/06/2020
Kent Police - Gifts and Hospitality Register 2020
January - May
(Force Policy P02e)

Accepted / Approx. Gift / Hospitality Details of

Ref. Directorate Department Recipient Date Doner Disposal
Declined Value (£) Details Circumstances
Consumed - Distributed
North Division - Bobby's £260 Company has come and
Local Policing 130 bags of Fun size amongst several teams
6393/120 Proactive Police Sergeant 24/04/2020 Food Yes (rrp.£2 per dropped of excess stock as a
and Partnerships Twix around Medway Police Station
Investigation Supplies bag) donation and thanks
Approved by CI
Krispy KREMES have
contacted the special
constabulary and asked if they
can donate a minimum of 50
Local Policing Neighbourhood Krispy A Minimum of 50 boxes
6394/120 Police Officer 30/04/2020 Yes Not known boxes of a dozen donuts per Not recorded
and Partnerships Policing Kremes of 12 donuts per division
division to the special
constabulary for their support
during these unprecedented
Officer is a LPT Supervisor
and unfortunately his father
was involved in a RTC where
West Division - he sustained some injuries.
Local Policing Community Police Staff PCSO attended and assisted
6395/120 23/04/2020 A/PS Yes £5.00 Chocolates and card Not recorded
and Partnerships Safety Unit Employee with welfare and scene
(CSU) control. As a thank you to a
colleague officer has
purchased a small thank you
Morrisons, Strood delivery
driver attended the Front
x3 jars of coffee, x4 Counter at Medway Police
North Division -
Local Policing Morrisons, boxes of fresh semi- Station to donate the above Shared amongst LPT Teams
6396/120 Reactive Inspector 06/05/2020 Yes Unknown
and Partnerships Strood skimmed milk and x1 items during Covid-19. This is at Medway Approved by CI
box of Apple juice a one time offer to say thanks
for the hard work we are
Fenwicks are part of the Safe
Town Partnership who work
very closely with Tunbridge
Wells CSU. They had a trolley
load of chocolate which was
due for disposal. Their head
Various boxes of
office agreed that it should be Shared between officers on
Local Policing Neighbourhood Fenwick chocolate from approx
6397/120 Police Sergeant 06/05/2020 Yes Unknown shared with key worker CPT, LPT, CSU, VCT and
and Partnerships Policing Dept Store £5 to £35 - 19 bags in
partners. Some of this has others
therefore been given to the
police. It has been fairly
divided between staff from
CPT, CSU, LPT and others.
This was agreed with Ch/Insp
on the phone

55 05/06/2020

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