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Date: xx/xx/xxxx

Place: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
The Honourable Visa Officer,
Consulate General of Italy, Mumbai.

Subject: Application for Student Visa to pursue “MASTER IN

xxxxxxxxxxxxx” IN xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, City.

Ab Yours self (4 to 5 Lines)

AbEdu Background (Mention Ab Bachelors Curriculum)

Knowledge Gained in bachelors edu

If any experience then role and responsibilities and ab company

Why Masters / Italy / xxx unv / Course (Explain About unv)

Knowledge gng to gain through Masters Course(ExplainaboutCurriculum)

Ab family and financial background ( Mention Family Income & Bank

Balance )


Travelling date / course starting date / Insurance Details


After preparing the cover letter send it to / 9000128888


So, Let's get started by what is a cover letter?

A Cover Letter is a letter, which the visa applicant writes for the embassy where
the visa application documents are submitted for being processed.
Before going any further, please understand that a cover letter is a very
personalized document and would be unique for you, so it's hard to put up a
format/sample. You would have to write one on your own, but this series might
help you

So What Should A cover letter contain?

Well, here are some key points that you must include:
The purpose of your travel to Italy
Your Educational Background
Proof of how you will fund your trip (own funds or sponsor or a bank loan)
If you have a sponsor – explain your relationship with your sponsor and the
reason why they will be sponsoring your trip
An overview of your travel itinerary, which includes flights and accommodation
Explaining the reason why you choose the University/Course/Curriculum
If you cannot submit any of the required documents, write about the reasons why
you cannot submit and explain alternative documents that you may have
Your intent to return to your home country – this is very important!
Now, these are some of the points you must include in your Cover Letter, but then
Once again Its a very personalized document, so it's hard for me to draft a sample,
but in the next post, I will post a rough sketch for some case.

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