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7, JULY 2012

Adaptive Hypergraph Learning and its Application in

Image Classification
Jun Yu, Dacheng Tao, Senior Member, IEEE, and Meng Wang, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Recent years have witnessed a surge of interest in beled data, thereby achieving better performance than methods
graph-based transductive image classification. Existing simple that learn classifiers based only on labeled data.
graph-based transductive learning methods only model the pair- Among existing transductive learning methods, graph-based
wise relationship of images, however, and they are sensitive to
the radius parameter used in similarity calculation. Hypergraph learning [5]–[8], [10], [11], [13], [14], [40], [44], [49] achieves
learning has been investigated to solve both difficulties. It models promising performance. This type of learning is built on a graph,
the high-order relationship of samples by using a hyperedge to link in which vertices are samples and edge weights indicate the
multiple samples. Nevertheless, the existing hypergraph learning similarity between two samples. A regularization framework is
methods face two problems, i.e., how to generate hyperedges and
how to handle a large set of hyperedges. This paper proposes typically formulated by integrating two terms, i.e., a regularizer
an adaptive hypergraph learning method for transductive image term that forces the smoothness of the classification results on
classification. In our method, we generate hyperedges by linking the graph and a loss term that ensures a low level of training
images and their nearest neighbors. By varying the size of the error. These methods intrinsically differ in the graph construc-
neighborhood, we are able to generate a set of hyperedges for each
tion and the definition of the loss term. However, graph-based
image and its visual neighbors. Our method simultaneously learns
the labels of unlabeled images and the weights of hyperedges. In classification usually encounters two problems.
this way, we can automatically modulate the effects of different 1) The similarity estimation between samples. The most
hyperedges. Thorough empirical studies show the effectiveness of widely adopted approach is to define the similarity between
our approach when compared with representative baselines. two samples based on a Gaussian kernel over their dis-
Index Terms—Classification, hypergraph, transductive learning. tance in the feature space, i.e., ,
wherein is a radius parameter. However, existing studies
demonstrate that the graph-based learning is usually very
I. INTRODUCTION sensitive to this parameter; thus, it is not easy to apply

I MAGE classification aims to categorize an image into one

of a set of classes. It is one of the most fundamental research
topics in image processing, multimedia, and machine learning.
graph-based learning in practice.
2) The graph-based learning methods consider only the pair-
wise relationship between two samples, and they ignore the
A typical process is as follows. First, several labeled training relationship in a higher order. For example, from a graph,
images are collected. Second, classifiers are learned based on we can easily find two close samples according to the pair-
the training data. These classifiers are then used to predict labels wise similarities, but it is not easy to predict whether there
of new images. Many classification methods have been devel- are three or more close samples. Essentially, modeling the
oped, such as decision tree [1], -nearest neighbor, and support high-order relationship among samples will significantly
vector machines (SVMs) [2], [3]. Since image labeling is labor improve classification performance.
intensive and time consuming, image classification frequently Hypergraph learning [18] addresses these two problems. Un-
suffers from the training data insufficiency problem. Transduc- like a graph that has an edge between two vertices, a set of ver-
tive learning [4], [9], [12], [15]–[17] is a popular approach to tices is connected by a hyperedge in a hypergraph. Each hyper-
address this problem. It explores not only labeled but also unla- edge is assigned a weight. In hypergraph learning, the weights
of the hyperedges are empirically set according to certain rules.
Manuscript received June 11, 2011; revised December 02, 2011 and February For example, the weight of each hyperedge is simply set to 1 in
24, 2012; accepted March 01, 2012. Date of publication March 06, 2012; date of [18]. In [45], the weight of a hyperedge is calculated by sum-
current version June 13, 2012. This work was supported in part by the National
ming up the pairwise affinities within the hyperedge. In prac-
Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61100104 and in part by the
Australian Research Council Discovery Project 120103730. The associate ed- tice, we are usually faced with a large number of hyperedges,
itor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication and these hyperedges have different effects. For example, in
was Prof. Bulent Sankur.
the handwriting digit classification [18], a set of hyperedges is
J. Yu is with the Department of Computer Science, Xiamen University, Xi-
amen 361005, China. generated for each pixel; thus, some hyperedges are redundant.
D. Tao is with the Centre for Quantum Computation and Intelligent Systems Therefore, weighting or selecting hyperedges will help improve
and the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Tech-
classification performance.
nology, Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia.
M. Wang is with the School of Computer Science and Information Engi- In this paper, we propose an adaptive hypergraph learning
neering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China (e-mail: eric. method for transductive image classification. For hypergraph
construction, we adopt a method that is similar to [25]. Hyper-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at edges are generated based on images and their nearest neigh-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIP.2012.2190083 bors. In contrast to the method presented in [25], which adopts

1057-7149/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE

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a fixed neighborhood size, we vary the size of the neighborhood, transductive SVM [28], graph-based learning [29]–[31], and
whereby multiple hyperedges are generated for each sample. hypergraph learning [18].
Thus, a large set of hyperedges will be generated in this process. Among these methods, hypergraph learning has achieved
This makes our approach much more robust than previous hy- promising performance in many applications. For example,
pergraph methods, because we do not need to tune the neigh- Agarwal et al. [20] applied hypergraph to clustering by using
borhood size. Since it is difficult to choose a suitable strategy to clique average to transform a hypergraph to a simple graph. Zass
heuristically weight hyperedges, we consider a principled ap- and Shashua [21] adopted the hypergraph in image matching
proach, i.e., regularized loss minimization, based on the sta- by using convex optimization. Hypergraph has been applied to
tistical learning theory. The loss minimization ensures that the problems of multilabel learning [22] and video segmentation
learned weights are optimal for the training set. Since the size of [23]. In [24], Tian et al. proposed a semisupervised learning
the training set is not large in practice, the regularization item method called HyperPrior to classify gene expression data by
ensures that the learned weights do not overfit to the training using biological knowledge as a constraint. In [45], Huang et
samples. This scheme essentially achieves improved classifi- al. formulated the task of image clustering as a problem of
cation performance compared with the scheme that uses fixed hypergraph partition. Each image and its -nearest neighbors
weights for different hyperedges. form two kinds of hyperedges based on the descriptors of shape
Compared with existing hypergraph learning methods, the or appearance [45]. In [25], a hypergraph-based image retrieval
proposed method has a regularizer on the hyperedge weights approach is proposed. This approach constructs a hypergraph
and simultaneously optimizes labels and hyperedge weights. In by generating a hyperedge from each sample and its neighbors,
this way, the effects of different hyperedges can be adaptively and hypergraph-based ranking is then performed. Wong and
modulated. For those hyperedges that are informative, higher Lu [32] proposed hypergraph-based 3-D object recognition.
weights will be assigned. In addition, the new method sparsifies Bu et al. [33] developed music recommendation by modeling
hyperedge weights, i.e., our method simultaneously weights and the relationship of different entities through a hypergraph to
selects hyperedges. The contributions of this paper can be sum- include music, tag, and users. Existing hypergraph learning
marized below. methods follow the algorithm in [18]. Our paper improves the
1) We propose an adaptive hypergraph learning algorithm algorithm in [18] by simultaneously learning the labels of unla-
for transductive image classification. By simultaneously beled samples and the weights of hyperedges, such that image
learning the labels of unlabeled images and optimizing classification performance can be significantly improved.
the weights of hyperedges, classification performance can
be improved compared with the conventional hypergraph III. CONVENTIONAL HYPERGRAPH LEARNING
learning method. It is worth emphasizing that the proposed
method is a general transductive classification method and This section introduces hypergraph learning theory. In a
can be applied to other tasks. We take image classification simple graph, vertices are used to represent samples, and an
for our example. edge connects two related vertices. The simple graph can be
2) We improve the hypergraph construction approach pre- undirected or directed, depending on whether the pairwise
sented in [25] by varying the size of the neighborhood. This relationships among samples are symmetric or not [18]. The
makes our approach much more robust than that in [25], learning assignments can be conducted on the graph; for
because we do not need to tune the neighborhood size. example, we can build an undirected graph based on their
3) We conduct comprehensive experiments to empirically an- pairwise distance, and many graph-based learning methods
alyze our method on six image data sets, including images can be used to classify samples in a feature space. However,
from different domains. The experimental results validate simple graphs fail to capture high-order information. Unlike
the effectiveness of our method. the simple graph, a hyperedge in a hypergraph links several
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section II briefs (two or more) vertices. For convenience, Table I lists important
transductive learning. Section III reviews conventional hyper- notations used in the rest of this paper.
graph learning. Section IV details the proposed adaptive hyper- Hypergraph is formed by the vertex set , the
graph learning for image classification. Section V shows experi- hyperedge set , and the hyperedge weight vector . Here, each
ments on six standard data sets. Section VI concludes the paper. hyperedge is assigned weight .A incidence
matrix denotes with the following elements:


0 if
Transductive learning incorporates not only labeled but also
unlabeled samples for improving the classification performance Based on , the vertex degree of each vertex is
of conventional supervised learning methods. Its success is
based on one of the following two assumptions: cluster and (2)
manifold assumptions. The cluster assumption supposes that
the decision boundary should not cross high-density regions, and the edge degree of hyperedge is
whereas the manifold assumption means that each class lies
on an independent manifold. Many methods have been pro- (3)
posed based on them, e.g., self-training [26], cotraining [27],

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We use and to denote diagonal matrices of vertex where the hypergraph Laplacian is a positive semidefinite
degrees and hyperedge degrees, respectively. Let denote the matrix.
diagonal matrix of the hyperedge weights.
Methods for building the graph Laplacian of hypergraphs IV. ADAPTIVE HYPERGRAPH LEARNING
can be divided into the following two categories. The first cat- In this section, we present adaptive hypergraph learning.
egory aims to build a simple graph from the original hyper- Fig. 1 shows the workflow of the algorithm. First, features are
graph, e.g., clique expansion [46], star expansion [46], and Ro- extracted from images. Labels are available for several images.
driquez’s Laplacian [47]. The second category defines a hyper- Second, the hypergraph is constructed on a set of hyperedges
graph Laplacian by using the analogies from the simple graph generated from each sample and its corresponding neighbors.
Laplacian, e.g., Bolla’s Laplacian [48] and normalized Lapla- The hypergraph Laplacian is then used in the transductive
cian [18]. It has been verified in [19] that the aforementioned classification framework. The labels of unlabeled samples and
methods are close to each other. In this paper, we adopt the the weights of the hyperedges are simultaneously optimized
method proposed in [18] to build the hypergraph Laplacian, and through an alternating optimization. Finally, we obtain the
the main idea can be directly applied to other methods for hy- labels for classification.
pergraph Laplacian construction.
According to [18], hypergraphs can be applied to different A. Hypergraph Construction via Multiple Neighborhoods
machine learning tasks, e.g., classification, clustering, ranking, For hypergraph construction, we regard each image in the
and embedding. We take binary classification, which can be for- data set as a vertex on hypergraph . Assume there
mulated as a regularization framework, as an example, i.e., are images in the data set, and thus, the generated hypergraph
contains vertices. Let denote ver-
(4) tices, and represents hyperedges. For
each hyperedge, there is an associated positive number ,
where is the classification function defined on domain ( 1, which is the weight of the hyperedge . In our method, a hy-
1), is a regularizer on the hypergraph, is an em- peredge is constructed from a centroid vertex and its nearest
pirical loss, and is a tradeoff parameter to balance the neighbors (so the hyperedge connects samples). Instead
empirical loss and the regularizer. In [18], the regularizer on the of generating a hyperedge for each vertex, we generate a group
hypergraph is defined by of hyperedges by varying the neighborhood size in a specified
range. Fig. 2 shows four groups of hyperedges with variable
neighborhood sizes that are constructed with vertices to .
Taking vertex for example, three hyperedges , , and
can be constructed with the neighborhood size setting to
(5) 2, 5, and 9, respectively.
With this hypergraph construction approach, a large set of hy-
peredges are generated with redundancy. In addition, they have
Let and ; the different effects in classification. For example, several hyper-
normalized cost function can be rewritten as edges that are generated from samples close to the classification
boundary link samples from different classes. Since the regular-
(6) izer term in hypergraph learning enforces the labels of samples

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Fig. 1. Workflow of the adaptive hypergraph learning for image classification. First, features are extracted from all images. Second, the hypergraph is constructed
by generating a set of hyperedges from each image and its neighbors. Third, the hypergraph Laplacian is used in the transductive classification framework, and the
labels of unlabeled samples and the weights of the hyperedges are simultaneously optimized through an alternating optimization. Finally, image classification is
performed based on the obtained labels.

where is the label vector for the th class. That means that
its th element is 1 if the th sample is labeled to be th class
and 0 otherwise. Therefore, the following objective function is
defined to obtain :


C. Adaptive Hypergraph Learning for Classification

Naturally, we can extend the conventional hypergraph
learning described in Section III to the adaptive hypergraph
learning by simultaneously optimizing and .
According to (5), the weight of hyperedge is assigned to
Fig. 2. Schematic illustration of hyperedge generation by varying the neigh-
borhood size. In this example, we show four groups of hyperedges that are con- term
structed for vertices , , , and . For each vertex, we vary the neighbor- in . Here, is used to denote the set of vertices con-
hood size to generate multiple hyperedges. nected to . Therefore, this term measures the label smoothness
on the samples in . Since hyperedges connecting to the
samples from the same class are informative, a straightforward
connected by a hyperedge to be close, such hyperedges will be strategy is to directly minimize (9) with respect to and . In
less informative or may even have negative effects. In order to order to control the model complexity motived by the success
automatically modulate the effects of different hyperedges, we of sparse learning, we add two constraints and
introduce a method to learn the labels of unlabeled samples and . In particular, the first constraint fixes the summation
the weights of the hyperedges simultaneously. We will show of the weights. The second constraint avoids negative weights.
that the hyperedge weights are sparse, and thus, our method can Thus, the solution of is on a simplex and enjoys the sparse
select effective hyperedges. property, i.e., the weights of useless hyperedges will be set to 0.
Therefore, the regularization framework is defined by
B. Hypergraph Learning for Classification
For a -class classification problem, according to Section III,
we have two terms under the umbrella of the regularization
framework, i.e., the regularizer and the classification loss. The
regularizer is
s.t. (10)

where matrix is the hyperedge degree with the elements

where is the relevance score vector for the th class, i.e., the on diagonal entries and indicates
th column of . The classification loss is the diagonal vector of , i.e., .
The aforementioned optimization problem is essentially a
(8) linear programming one with respect to . The solution will
be only one weight is 1, and all other weights are 0. To avoid

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a degenerate solution, we add a two-norm regularizer on the

weights. This strategy is popular to avoid overfitting. The
regularization framework then becomes

s.t. (11)

The regularizer on can be also deemed as imposing an

assumption that the weights should be equivalent if there is no
additional knowledge (the solution of (11) is if we
remove the first two terms). Although the function is not jointly Fig. 3. Implementation of the alternating optimization for obtaining and .
convex with respect to and , the function is convex with
respect to with fixed or vice versa. Thus, we can use the
alternating optimization to efficiently solve the problem. We adopt the coordinate descent algorithm to solve the afore-
We first fix , and we obtain the partial derivative of the mentioned problem. In each iteration, two elements are selected
objective function in (11) with respect to , i.e., for updating, whereas the others are fixed. For example, in an
iteration, the th and the th elements, i.e., and , are se-
lected. According to constraint , the summation
of and will not change after this iteration. Hence, we
where . We then fix and mini- (16)
mize (11) with respect to , i.e., where . Note that, in the first line of
(16), we can see that will be set to 0. This indicates that the
weights will be sparse.
Based on the coordinate descent method, we come up with
an iterative process that alternately updates the label and the
s.t. (13) weight. Fig. 3 summaries the implementation of the alternating
In the aforementioned alternating optimization process, since
Since and are two diagonal matrices, if we denote
each step decreases the objective function, which has a lower
, then the first term
bound 0, the convergence of the alternating optimization is guar-
in (13) becomes anteed. After obtaining , the classification of th sample can
be accomplished by assigning it to the th class that satisfies
.. .. .
. .
D. Discussion
In (11), there are two parameters, i.e., and , in which
used by all hypergraph learning algorithms modulates the effect
(14) of the loss term and is the weighting parameter for the reg-
ularizer on the hyperedge weights. If is set to 0, the optimal
Therefore, (13) can be rewritten as result will be that only one weight is 1 and all other weights are
0, which is a trivial solution. By contrast, if tends to be in-
finity, the solution of (13) will assign identical weights for all
hyperedges. Thus, when varies between 0 and infinity, the
hyperedge weights will vary between an extremely imbalanced
case and an extremely balanced case. In our experiments, we
use cross validation to choose these two parameters.
s.t. (15) Since the alternating optimization approach is not globally
optimal, we need to initialize with reasonable values. The

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The MINIST handwritten digit image data set [43] contains

two parts, i.e., training and test. We use the test set that contains
2000 images. There are ten classes (digit “0” to “9”), and each
image is 28 28 in resolution, which results in a 784-D feature
The ORL face image data set [36] contains ten different im-
ages for each of the 40 subjects. Each image is described by a
1024-D feature vector. Images are taken at different times, with
varied lighting, facial expressions, and facial details.
Fig. 4. Sample images from the six image data sets used in the experiment.
Sample images from the (a) COIL-20, (b) MNIST, (c) ORL, (d) MPEG-7, (e)
To evaluate the classification performance on shape image,
Caltech256, and (f) the Scene15 data sets. the 700 images from the MPEG-7 shape image data set [38] are
aligned by employing the Hungarian method, and the pairwise
TABLE II distances between images are computed based on the shape con-
DETAILS OF THE SIX DATA SETS USED IN THE EXPERIMENTS text algorithm [41]. Multidimensional scaling is subsequently
used to obtain a 200-D feature vector for each shape image.
The Caltech256-2000 is a subset of the Caltech256 data set
[35]. It contains 2000 images from 20 categories, i.e., chimp,
bear, bowling-ball, light-house, cactus, iguana, toad, cannon,
chess-board, lightning, goat, pci-card, dog, raccoon, cormorant,
hammock, elk, necktie, and self-propelled-lawn-mower. We
adopt the descriptor of locality-constrained linear coding (LLC)
[42] to extract features. Each image is described by a 21504-D
initial value for each hyperedge’s weight is set according to the feature vector.
rules used in [25]. First, the affinity matrix is cal- The Scene15 data set contains 1500 images from 15 nat-
culated according to ural scenes [37], which are bedroom, CALsuburb, industrial,
kitchen, livingroom, MITcoast, MITforest, MIThighway,
(17) MITinsidecity, MITmountain, MITopencountry, MITstreet,
MITtallbuilding, PARoffice, and store. We use LLC to repre-
where is the average distance among all vertices. Then, the sent each image.
initial weight for each hyperedge is In experiments, we randomly select several labeled samples.
Since the sizes of these data sets widely vary, it is inappro-
(18) priate to find a fixed number setting for different data sets. Thus,
we choose different percentages of samples as labeled data for
each data set. For all the classification methods, we indepen-
V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS dently repeat the experiments five times with randomly selected
training samples and report the averaged results with the stan-
To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach,
dard deviation.
we conduct experiments on six image data sets, i.e., COIL-20
[34], handwritten digit image data set MNIST [43], face image
data set ORL [36], shape image data set MPEG-7 [38], object B. Comparison Baselines and Configurations
image data set Caltech256 [35], and a data set of 15 natural scene For classification, we compare the following ten methods in-
categories [37]. Example images from the six image data sets cluding the proposed adaptive hypergraph learning.
are shown in Fig. 4. Table II summarizes these data sets. 1) Adaptive hypergraph learning (Ada-HYPER). Parameters
We compare the performance of the proposed adaptive and in (11) are selected by fivefold cross validation.
hypergraph learning approach with representative top-level al- The neighborhood size varies in {3, 5, 10, 15, 20} in the
gorithms, such as regular hypergraph learning [25], star-expan- hyperedge generation process. We set the iteration time in
sion-based hypergraph learning [46], clique-expansion-based the alternating optimization process to 5.
hypergraph learning [46], Bolla’s Laplacian-based hypergraph 2) Regular hypergraph learning (HYPER). HYPER [45] does
learning [48], simple-graph-based learning [29], SVM [2], not learn the weights of the hyperedges, which are set ac-
transductive SVM [28], Laplacian SVM [39], and -nearest cording to the method in [25]. Parameter in (10) is se-
neighbor algorithm. Detailed settings are given below. lected by fivefold cross validation. The neighborhood size
varies in {3, 5, 10, 15, 20}.
A. Data Sets and Configurations 3) Star-expansion-based hypergraph learning (Star-HYPER).
The COIL-20 data set [34] has 1440 images in 20 object cat- We adopt the star expansion algorithm in [46] to construct a
egories. Each category contains 72 images captured from dif- simple graph from hypergraph
ferent views. All the images are cropped and normalized to 32 by introducing a new vertex for every hyperedge .
32 pixel arrays with 256 gray levels per pixel and then scanned Normalized graph Laplacian is constructed from this new
to a 1024-D vector. simple graph and is used in transductive classification.

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Fig. 5. Classification error rates of different methods (Ada-HYPER, HYPER, GRAPH, SVM, TSVM, Lap-SVM, and -NN) on the six data sets (in percentage).
Results on the (a) COIL-20, (b) MNIST, (c) ORL, (d) MPEG-7, (e) Caltech256, and (f) the Scene15 data sets.

4) Clique-expansion-based hypergraph learning (Clique- samples in the training set. In this experiment, parameter
HYPER). The clique expansion algorithm [46] constructs is tuned to the optimal value.
a simple graph from the original Among the ten methods, SVM and -NN are induc-
hypergraph by replacing each hyperedge tive classification methods, and Ada-HYPER, HYPER,
with an edge for each pair of vertices in the hyperedge. A Star-HYPER, Clique-HYPER, Bolla-HYPER, GRAPH,
normalized graph Laplacian is then constructed from the TSVM, and Lap-SVM are transductive classification methods.
new simple graph. In addition to the aforementioned ten methods, we also com-
5) Bolla’s Laplacian-based hypergraph learning (Bolla- pare our approach with the method that generates hyperedges
HYPER). Bolla’s Laplacian [48] is constructed for an with fixed neighborhood size . We denote the method as “Ada-
unweighted hypergraph in terms of the diagonal vertex HYPER with fixed .” This experiment is conducted to verify
degree matrix , the diagonal edge degree matrix , the effectiveness of our hyperedge generation method.
and the incidence matrix , defined in Section III. The
Laplacian matrix is constructed as . C. Experimental Results
6) Simple-graph-based learning (GRAPH). We adopt the Fig. 5 shows the classification results on the six data sets.
method in [29], which explores normalized graph Lapla- The proposed Ada-HYPER performs better than HYPER in all
cian. The radius parameter and the weighting parameter in cases. Although the superiority is marginal in some cases, it
regularization are tuned to their optimal values. is consistent. This suggests that it is better to simultaneously
7) SVM with RBF kernel (SVM) [2]. In order to solve the learn labels and hyperedge weights than to learn only labels. We
multiclass problems, we use the one-versus-all strategy. then compare Ada-HYPER with the other eight methods. Fig. 5
The radius parameter and the weighting parameter in reg- shows that Ada-HYPER achieves the best results in most cases.
ularization are tuned to their optimal values. This demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method.
8) Transductive SVM (TSVM) with RBF kernel [28]. In con- We can also see that several methods do not achieve stable per-
trast to SVM, TSVM has an additional parameter that mod- formance (for example, although achieving good performance
ulates the effect of the unlabeled data. All the involved pa- on several data sets, Lap-SVM poorly performs on the Cal-
rameters are tuned to their optimal values. We also use the tech256-2000 data set), but the performance of Ada-HYPER is
one-versus-all strategy to deal with multiclass problems. more stable.
9) Laplacian SVM (Lap-SVM) [39]. This extends the stan- Fig. 6 compares Ada-HYPER with “Ada-HYPER with fixed
dard SVM by adding an intrinsic smoothness penalty term, .” On the Scene15 data set, a larger tends to be better, but on
which is represented by the graph Laplacian of both labeled COIL-20, ORL, and MPEG-7, a smaller is better. On several
and unlabeled data. The involved parameters are tuned to other data sets, the performance curves exhibit a “ ” shape.
their optimal values. This indicates that the optimal is data dependent. HYPER
10) The -nearest neighbor algorithm ( -NN). This is a effectively performs, except for several small on the ORL
method that classifies a sample by finding its closest and MPEG-7 data sets. In most cases, our method exploring

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Fig. 6. Performance comparison of Ada-HYPER and Ada-HYPER with fixed . Here, the sampling percentage for training data is set to 30%. Results on the (a)
COIL-20, (b) MNIST, (c) ORL, (d) MPEG-7, (e) Caltech256, and (f) the Scene15 data sets.

TABLE III remove redundant hyperedges while retaining informative ones.

NUMBERS OF HYPEREDGES AND THEIR NONZERO WEIGHTS Fig. 7 visualizes the values of the hyperedge weights on the six
data sets.
We test the sensitivity of parameters and in Ada-HYPER.
In this experiment, we fix the sampling percentage for training
data to 30%. Denote by and the values obtained by
cross validation in our experiments. We first set to and
vary with
. The average classification error rates of
the 11 data sets are shown in Fig. 8(a). Afterward, we fix and
different neighborhood sizes achieves better performance than vary with
using individual best neighborhood size . This can be also at- . The average classification error rates
tributed to our hyperedge weight learning approach, because are shown in Fig. 8(b). We can see that the average classifica-
the effects of a rich set of hyperedges can be automatically tion error rate varies between 0.208 and 0.231 in Fig. 8(a) and
modulated. between 0.208 and 0.277 in Fig. 8(b). This experiment demon-
The hypergraph learning method in [45] is closely related strates that the performance of Ada-HYPER will not severely
to our approach. It selects the region of interest of each image degrade when the parameters vary in a wide range. The perfor-
and then constructs hyperedges based on features of shape and mance curves in Fig. 8 have several fluctuations. This is mainly
appearance. Each vertex (image) and its -nearest neighbors due to the fact that and , which are obtained by cross
(based on shape or appearance descriptors) form two kinds validation, may not be optimal for some data sets. Finally, we
of hyperedges. The weight of a hyperedge is computed as the analyze the computational cost of Ada-HYPER. We can deter-
sum of the pairwise affinities within the hyperedge. Its hyper- mine that the computational cost of the hypergraph construction
graph learning approach can be deemed as a special case of process is . According to Fig. 3, the computational cost
Ada-HYPER, i.e., with a fixed and without hyperedge weight of the learning process scales is , where is
learning, Ada-HYPER is reduced to the hypergraph learning the number of images in the data set, is the number of hyper-
proposed in [45]. In our experiments, we have demonstrated the edges, is the iteration number in the alternating optimization
effectiveness of hyperedge weight learning and using multiple process, and is the iteration number in the coordinate gra-
neighborhood sizes; thus, the proposed approach essentially dient descent algorithm.
improves the method in [45]. We compare the computational cost of the Ada-HYPER with
Table III shows the numbers of generated hyperedges and the those of HYPER [18] and GRAPH [11]. The graph and hyper-
numbers of nonzero weights for the Ada-HYPER method. Only graph construction process costs for HYPER and GRAPH are
a very small number of hyperedge weights are nonzero. That is each. For label inference, the cost is . Therefore,
because constraints and make on a sim- the cost of these two methods is . If is small (the
plex and sparse. Therefore, the proposed Ada-HYPER is able to alternating optimization process usually quickly converges), the

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Fig. 7. Illustration of the learned hyperedge weights in the Ada-HYPER method. Illustration for the (a) COIL-20, (b) MNIST, (c) ORL, (d) MPEG-7, (e) Cal-
tech256, and (f) the Scene15 data sets.

Fig. 8. Average classification error rates with different (a) ( is set to ) and (b) ( is set to ).

computational cost of Ada-HYPER will be comparable with sentative inductive and transductive classification algorithms.
those of HYPER and GRAPH. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method
outperforms other methods in most cases. In particular, it
VI. CONCLUSION consistently performs better than the conventional hypergraph
Hypergraph learning is an effective transductive classifica- learning algorithm, and this result suggests the superiority of
tion framework that avoids two weaknesses in the simple-graph- the simultaneous learning of labels and hyperedge weights.
based transductive learning algorithms, i.e., the failure to model In addition, we have empirically shown that generating hy-
high-order relationships and the tuning of the radius parameter peredges with different neighborhood sizes can be better than
for similarity estimation. In this paper, we have proposed an using only a fixed neighborhood size.
adaptive hypergraph learning approach for transductive image The analysis in Section V-C shows that the computational
classification. The approach not only investigates a robust hy- cost of the adaptive hypergraph learning approach cubically
peredge construction method but also presents a simultaneous scales with respect to the number of samples and is comparable
learning of the labels of unlabeled images and the weights of hy- with those of the conventional graph and hypergraph learning
peredges. In the hypergraph construction, we have generated a algorithms. This leads to the difficulty of the algorithm in
hyperedge to link an image with its varying-size neighborhood. handling large-scale data sets. However, several strategies have
In the learning process, an alternating optimization method is been developed for graph and hypergraph learning algorithm
introduced to optimize both the labels and hyperedge weights. for reducing the computational cost, such as sparsifying ,
We have conducted experiments on six image data sets. We adopting an iterative process to solve (7), and exploring a set
compare the proposed adaptive hypergraph learning with repre- of anchor points [14] to reduce . Essentially, these strategies

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Jun Yu received the B.E. and Ph.D. degrees from Meng Wang (M’09) received the B.E. and Ph.D. de-
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, respectively. grees from the University of Science and Technology
He is an Associate Professor with Xiamen Univer- of China, Hefei, China.
sity, Xiamen, China. His current research interests in- He was an Associate Researcher with Microsoft
clude computer graphics, computer vision, machine Research Asia, and then a Core Member in a startup
learning, and multimedia. He has authored and coau- in Silicon Valley. After that, he was a Senior Research
thored more than 20 journal and conference papers in Fellow with the National University of Singapore. He
these areas. is a Professor with Hefei University of Technology,
Hefei. His current research interests include multi-
media content analysis, search, mining, recommen-
dation, and large-scale computing. He has authored
more than 100 book chapters, journal, and conference papers in these areas.
Dr. Wang was a recipient the Best Paper Awards continuously in the 17th and
18th Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) International Conference
Dacheng Tao (M’07–SM’12) received the B.Eng. on Multimedia and the Best Paper Award in the 16th International Multimedia
degree from the University of Science and Tech- Modeling Conference. He is a member of the ACM.
nology of China, Hefei, China, the M.Phil. degree
from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin,
Hong Kong, and the Ph.D. degree from the Univer-
sity of London, London, U.K.
He is Professor of computer science with the
Centre for Quantum Computation and Information
Systems and the Faculty of Engineering and In-
formation Technology, University of Technology,
Sydney, Australia. He has authored and coauthored
more than 100 scientific articles at top venues including IEEE TPAMI, TIP,
AISTATS, CVPR, and ICDM. He mainly applies statistics and mathematics for
data analysis problems in computer vision, machine learning, multimedia, data
mining, and video surveillance.
Dr. Tao was a recipient of the Best Theory/Algorithm Paper Runner-Up
Award in the IEEE ICDM’07.

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