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---------------- REGIONS ----------------

Area: 3632.0561
Perimeter: 511.8140
Bounding box: X: -65.4939 -- 55.5061
Y: -19.8146 -- 21.1854
Centroid: X: 2.9571
Y: 0.7333
Moments of inertia: X: 395460.6545
Y: 2501678.9065
Product of inertia: XY: -205430.9353
Radii of gyration: X: 10.4346
Y: 26.2446
Principal moments and X-Y directions about centroid:
I: 374878.6957 along [0.9956 0.0939]
J: 2488546.5707 along [-0.0939 0.9956]

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