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5 stalks of celery (*Celery leaves and kale can be bitter.
Leave them out or substitute baby kale instead)
5 inches of cucumber
2 handfuls of spinach
1 avocado
A handful of collard greens
A handful of kale
A handful of cilantro (coriander)
few drops of lemon
water as needed
½ inch of fresh jalapeño pepper (adjust to taste)

1. Chop all veggies and blend in VitaMix or Nutri­Bullet.
You can mix with water or coconut water.
2. (Coconut water can be naturally too sweet and you
might need to leave it out to flip the switch.)
3. Feel free to include various greens, parsley, mint,
rocket, chard and use your choice of spice, pepper,
ginger or none.
4. It is best served cold!

Tip: You can make a large batch and keep it in your

fridge in an airtight container so you have it readily
available for the next couple of days.

Note: The Alkagizer should be seen as a ‘base recipe’ that you

can add ingredients to, or subtract ingredients from, based on
your preferences. The important thing is to massively increase
your quantity and variety of green leafy vegetables.

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