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Singly &

Linked List
Presented by
Md. Zabirul Islam
Md. Sharzul Mostafa
Manon Rahman
Aparajita Dola and
Shahriar Parvej
Department of CSE, KUET
 Introduction
 Advantage of a Link List over Array
 Link List Declaration
 Basic Link List Operation
 Circular Link List
 Application
 Disadvantage

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What Is Linked List?

 The most commonly used data structure to store data in memory.
 A linear collection of data elements, called nodes.
 Unlike arrays, linked list elements are not stored at adjacent location.
 The nodes connect by pointers.

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What’s wrong with Array and Why linked lists?
 Disadvantages of arrays as storage data structures:
Insertion and deletion operations are slow.
Slow searching in unordered array.
Wastage of memory.
Fixed size.
Linked lists solve some of these problems :
 Insertions and deletions are simple and faster.
 Linked list is able to grow in size.
 Linked List reduces the access time.
 No wastage of memory.
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Singly Linked List

 Singly linked list is a collection of nodes.

 Each node contains two parts.
 The data contains elements .
 Link contains address of next node .


data link
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Structure of singly linked list
 The head always points to the first node .
 All nodes are connected to each other through Link fields.
 Null pointer indicated end of the list.

data link data link data link


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Circular linked list

A circular linked list is one which has

 No ending.
 The null pointer in the last node of a linked list is replaced with the
address of its first node .

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Structure of circular linked list


A 1000 B 2000 C 4000

4000 1000 2000

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Operations on linked list

 The basic operations on linked lists are :

1. Creation
2. Insertion
3. Deletion
4. Traversing
5. Searching

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What Is creation
The creation operation is used to create a linked list.
Declare Node struct for nodes.
 Data - any type
 Link - a pointer to the next node.
Struct node{
int data;
Struct node *link;

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What Is creation

 Allocate a new node  create a new node
 Insert new element  new->data=item
 Make new node point to null  new->link=NULL
 Create head to point to new node  head=new

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 new->data=item
 new->link=NULL
 head=new
New Node

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What Is Insertion

Insertion operation is used to insert a new node in the

linked list at the specified position.
When the list itself is empty , the new node is inserted
as a first node.

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Types of Insertion

There are many ways to insert a new node

into a list :
 As the new first element.
 As the new last element.
 Before a given value.
 After a given value.

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Inserting at the beginng

 Allocate a new node  create a new node
 Insert new element  new->data=item
 Make new node to point to old head  new->link=head
 Update head to point to new node  head=new

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Inserting at the beginning

head  new->link=head
 head=new

data link data link

New Node

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Inserting at the last

 Allocate a new node
 create a new node
 Insert new element  new->data=item
 Searching the last node  ptr=head while(ptr->link!=null) ptr=ptr>link
 Have old last node point to new node  ptr->link=new
 Update new node that point to null  new->link=NULL

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Inserting at the last

data link data link New Node


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Inserting before given a value

 Algorithm
 Allocate a new node  create a new node
 Insert new element  new->data=item
 Searching the given node  ptr=head while(ptr->info!=data) temp=ptr
 Store the previous node ptr = ptr>link
 Update new to point to previous node link  new->link=temp->link
 Update previous node to point to new  temp->link=new
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Inserting before given a value

data link data link data link

temp ptr

New Node

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Inserting after given a value

 Allocate a new node, new

 Algorithm
 Insert new element  create a new node
 Searching the node  new->data=item
 Update new to point to the link of the  ptr=head while(ptr->info!=data) ptr=ptr>link
given node  new->link=ptr->link
 Update given node to point to new  ptr->link=new

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Inserting after given a value
data link data link data link


A B New Node

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What Is Deletion?

Deletion operation is used to delete a particular node in

the linked list.
we simply have to perform operation on the link of the
nodes(which contains the address of the next node) to
delete a particular element.

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Types of Deletion

Deletion operation may be performed in

the following conditions:
 Delete first element.
 Delete last element.
 Delete before a given value.
 Delete after a given value.
 Delete a particular element

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Deleting the first node

 Declare a node  srt=head
 Assign head to the new node  head=srt->link
 Update head with the link of the
new node

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Deleting the first node

head  srt=head
 head=srt->link

data link data link data link



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Deleting the last node

 Declare nodes srt, temp  declare srt, temp
 Traverse the list and update temp  for(srt=head;;temp=srt,
with the value of srt
 if(srt->link==NULL) temp-
 If the link of srt is NULL, update the link >link=NULL; Exit;
of temp with NULL and break the loop

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Deleting the last node


data link data link data link



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Deleting after a given value

 Algorithm
 Declare a node srt  Node *srt
 Search the element to delete after  srt=head while(srt->info!=data) srt=srt>link
 Update link of the node with the link of the  srt->link=srt->link->link
next node  ptr->link=new

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Deleting after a given value

data link data link data link



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Deleting before a given value

 Algorithm
 Declare nodes srt, temp and prev  Node *srt, *temp, *prev
 Search the element to delete before  srt=head while(srt->info!=data) srt=srt>link
 prev = temp; temp = srt;
 Update link of the previous node with the  Prev->link = srt
link of the next node

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Deleting before a given value
data link data link data link data link

prev temp srt


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Deleting a given value

 Algorithm
 Declare nodes srt and temp  Node *srt, *temp
 Search the element to delete  Srt =head while(srt->info!=data) srt=srt->link
 Update link of the previous node with  temp = srt;
the link of the selected node  temp->link = srt->link

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Deleting after a given value
data link data link data link data link

temp srt


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Operations on a singly circular linked list

 The basic operations on singly circular linked lists are :

1. Creation
2. Insertion
3. Deletion
4. Traversing
5. Searching

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Operations on a singly circular linked list

The operations on a singly circular linked is almost same as that of a singly

linked list. The only difference between them is that the link of the last node of
a singly linked list contains NULL, whereas that of a circular list contains head
 Creation of a circular linked list is same as singly list except that we will have to
use head instead of NULL
 To traverse the list we have to start from head and end until the link of a node is
 To insert a node at the beginning of the list we have to store the value of head
in a temporary node and operate accordingly
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Operations on a singly circular linked list

 The operation insert last, is almost the same as that of the singly list, difference: head
instead of NULL in the link of new node
 The operation insert after, is same as that of the singly list. If the node is the last node
then we can perform the operation just by calling the insert last’s function
 The operation insert before, is same as that of the singly list
 The operation delete after and before, is same as that of the singly list. Deleting last
element is also almost the same, only have to update the link of previous node with
head. But the process of deleting the first element is different, it’ll be discussed in this
 The operation delete element, is same as that of the singly list
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Operations on a singly circular linked list

 Most of the operations are almost the same as singly linked list incase of a singly
circular linked list, only a little variation in list creation and deleting the first element,
next contents contain these operations!

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Creation of a circular list
 Allocate a new node
 create a new node
 Insert new element
 new->data=item
 Make new node point to head
 new->link=head
 Update head to point to new node of first
element  head=new, temp=new, if
 If not first element update link of previous
element with current node address  else temp->link=new,

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New Node New Node

head head

 new->data=item B
 new->link=head
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Deleting the first node

 Declare a new node, srt Algorithm

 Assign head to the new node  srt=head
 Update head with the link of the new  head=srt->link
node  last->link=head
 Update the link of last node with the link
of the new node

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Deleting the first node

head last

data link data link data link


 head=srt->link A B C
 last->link=head
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 Linked lists are used in many other data structures.

 Linked lists are used in polynomial manipulation.
 Representation of trees, stacks, queues. etc.

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Disadvantages of Linked Lists

 The memory is wasted as pointers require extra memory for storage.

 No element can be accessed randomly.
 It has to access each node sequentially.
 Reverse Traversing is difficult in linked list.
 No binary search.

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Questions? 
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