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Tiny Stories

Vinay Kamal
Tiny Stories Collection

77 pieces by Vinay Kamal

so he can never forget that

he already left a legacy
They swiped ‘right’ for love.
Romance ‘left’.

Tiny Story – Technology

Melody of music for us.
Aroma of dinner for him.
Dichotomies can co-exist.

Tiny Story – India

Preparing the first meal, she referred to
her grandmother’s recipe.
Food didn’t taste as good, memories did.

Tiny Story – Recipe

Her smile was mysteriously seductive.
He captured the moment in a photograph.
Her smile was mysteriously seductive.
He captured the moment in a painting.

Time goes in circles.

Tiny Story – Monalisa and her

She wanted to, but knew she
shouldn’t. It her guilty the morning
after. Mustering courage, she walked
up to him with a smile and said,
“Two portions of chocolate lava cake,

Tiny Story – Desserts

She was on Cloud 9. He finally backed up
all his photos.

Tiny Story – Cloud Storage

Sky turned orange. Sea turned gold.
His fingers touched hers. She turned

Tiny Story – Colors

He wrote in his diary:
Nothing exciting happened at work.
It was a dull boring day.

His diary wrote in its diary.

Nothing exciting happened at work.
It was a dull boring day.

Tiny Story – Diary of a diary.

He retweeted her Twitter story from
across the border. Soon their love
story had 1.5 billion characters
instead of 140.

Tiny Story – India and Pakistan

When he was in cold windy London, he
loved Summer. In hot humid Singapore,
he fell out of love for Summer.

Enter Jennifer.

Tiny Story – Red herrings

She was in love. There was magic in
moonlight and Paris was her mon
amour. But for Paris, she was just
another mistress.

Tiny Story – Midnight in Paris

Cakes baked. Bouquets arranged. Cards
posted. Chocolates bought.
Capitalism fell in love with Valentine’s

Tiny Story – Valentine’s Day

Two strangers got into train. Two friends
got off at the destination.

Tiny Story – Trains.

And then God said, "Let there be light".
Shadow's prayers were answered.

Tiny Story – Twist in a tale

Her 'past' became her art.
Her art became her 'future'.
What a 'present' for the world!

Tiny Story – Yayoi Kusama's art.

No puns.
He grew up with a dream. Then
he met her.
Reality said, "hi".

Tiny Story – Reality

Teary monsoon.
Cold winter.
Blossoming Spring on her cheeks.

Tiny Story – Seasons

When she bumped into reality, it looked
exactly like her.
'Why were you hiding from me', she
'I wasn't hiding, I was covered by the
shroud of hope'.

Tiny Story – Hope

Gauss and Markov went for a walk
under the blue skies. By Mary! It didn't
cure their BLUEs.

Tiny Story – Blue

Dear Ross,
It is over. It's not you, it is me. Bye.
For one of them, it was an April Fool's
prank. For the other it was a relief.

Tiny Story – Perspective

He was a comet going around the
universe. There was something unsaid
between him and his favourite star.
When he returned, all that remained
was a Black Hole.

Tiny Story – Comet Traveller

"Drown your sorrow, conquer your
blues, float on hope", Universe said.
But humans forgot hope, drowned in
blues and sorrow conquered us.

Tiny Story – Humans and Universe

Dear Santa,
I don't like any 'present'. Can I have
'future' this time?

Tiny Story – Letter to Santa

Night was falling, and it was getting
cold. She shivered, he held her closer.
The sky and ocean - such a perfect

Tiny Story – perfect couple

She: (gasping)
Will you collect my broken pieces?
Will you put me back together? Will
you make me whole again?

He: (kneeling with a diamond ring)

No. In your perfectly broken pieces, I
see a million rainbows

Yes, I do.

Tiny Story – Broken Mirrors

One midnight in Paris, the magic of
moonlight faded. While he chased a
scoop, she left him for Barcelona.
Blues and jazz remained.

Tiny Story – A Woody fragrant story

He gave her a 'vase of sunflowers'
on 'a starry night'. She 'smiled
mysteriously' and 'screamed' in joy.
Life was a 'painting'.

Tiny Story – Paintings and Impressions

She fell into a rabbit hole, which took
her to a strange new world. She
opened her eyes to the wonderland.
'It is a girl', the doctor said.

Tiny Story – Wonderland

On the left was a quagmire, on the
right a puzzle, an enigma above him
and a paradox below - he was in a
maze called LIFE.

Tiny Story – Life

'If life was a scripted performance, it
would have been easier. I seem to
have misplaced my script and destiny',
he thought.
She walks in.

Tiny Story – Destiny

Whiskey. John Lennon. Sunsets.
Garcia Marquez. Nothing worked.
Because he was her high, her
rhythm, her contemplation and her
unrequited love.

Tiny Story – Unrequited

He pointed to the night sky and said,
"That's the constellation Lavender -
God of Happiness".
She smiled and nodded. Sirius and
Alpha Centauri were in love.

Tiny Story – Love story of Stars

There were three people in that love
story - a boy, a girl and an emotional

Tiny Story – Airport Stories

"In a world of boring rule bound
people, will you be my senseless
reality?", she asked him.
He smiled, "Why so serious?"

Tiny Story – Joker: The Birth

North, South, East or West.
Reposition the GPS as you want.
You're still my destination.

Tiny Story – Destination

The flight of good spirit crashed in an
ocean of despair. Hope floated,
dreams drowned. He survived with

Tiny Story – Scarface

It was right behind me. Scarred and
scared, I ran faster. With one leap, it
caught me. I lost my battle with
memories again.

Tiny Story – Memories

When you visit me in my dreams, we
will dream together about our
unfulfilled dreams.
Till then, as a bystander, I'll watch
strangers living our dream.

Tiny Story – Dreams

"It is your turn to paint tonight",
Picasso said. Reluctantly, Da Vinci
took his paint brush and walked
towards the sky. God couldn't
control laughter.

Tiny Story – Beautiful skies

He closed his eyes, and he was in
the future.
He closed his eyes, and he was in
the past.
His time machine worked well
every time.
He called it - dreams and memories.

Tiny Story – Building time machine

Breakfast at Tiffany's.
Love in the afternoon.
Midnight in Paris.
Singin' in the rain.
Life felt like a movie.

Tiny Story – Of movies and life

It was a tough day at work. Meeting
with accounts, followed by one with
operations and finally meeting CEO
for a sign off. The file cringed. He
hated Mondays.

Tiny Story – Life of Fi-le

I'm in the unsettled rustling leaves,
And the cranky rumbling wind,
I'm the tears in the rain,
And the sob in the thunder,
I'm the wet parrot caught in a
And the cold anger,
I'm in the forgotten nostalgia,
And the upset love,
I'm the mistake,
And the blindness that refuses to
see it
M for Mistake
Hey what are you up to?
I'm just hanging out.

Tiny Story – Just chilling

He used to carry her in his arms.
Now, he carries her memories.

Tiny Story – Memories

Under a rainbow, you can find a
treasure. He looked at her and
thought, "some fairy tales are true"

Tiny Story – Rainbow

A: 'Hey, didn't see you at work. Hope
you are fine'. (Blue tick marks)

B: 'I have a bad flu ' (Blue tick marks)

A: 'Oh Get well soon' (Blue tick marks)

Life: Friendship (blue tick marks)

Tiny Story – Friendship in the time

of whatsapp
'I'm a bunch of words looking to be a
song. Will you be my music?'
He read her profile, humming a tune,
and swiped right.

Tiny Story – Love in the time of Tinder

She was late to the party.
Food trays - empty
Alcohol bottles - empty
She got full on music and high on

Tiny Story – BBQ party

Every time he is drunk, he'd blame
alcohol. In her absence, he realised
- it wasn't the alcohol that made
him high, it was her.
Don't whine, wine : he reminded

Tiny Story – Obscure stories

Heavy heart beats, sweat beads on
forehead and clasping fists - he was
firmly on top of her. With a moan of
excitement, he was done.
Yet another dive completed.

Tiny Story – Cliffs and the diver

She leaped from the boat to the warm
blue water.
She landed in his heart.

Tiny Story – Leap of Faith

Cold steel pierced through the skin.
The pristine white table cloth was
now stained blood red. Swiftly,
sporting a cold smile, her blades
chopped up what was left. She loved
pomegranates in her salad.

Tiny Story – Salad

She let those painful memories Fall.
Come Spring, they were back. Then
she burned in the heat of Summer.
By Winter, she was cold and
comfortably numb.

Tiny Story – Seasons of life

It was one of life's perfect moments.
The moment before, led up to this.
The moment after, waited for this.
Oh wait, isn't that every moment?

Tiny Story – Perfect Moment

Everyone with her escaped the
eternal confinement. Sad and lonely,
she waited.
She was full of hope.

Tiny Story – Pandora's box and hope

Some people come and leave a mark
in your life. He was one of those.
Her swollen black eye was hurting in
the sun.

Tiny Story – Leaving a mark

She said, 'What a lovely view'
He looked at her, smiled, and
thought, 'My view is better'

Tiny Story – Perspectives

To all the conversations that never
To all the flowers that never
To all the broken wine glasses,
To all the dreams never seen,
To all the moments never lived,
To all the forgotten songs,
To all that we could have been,

Tiny Story – Cheers!

Lost in music. Found happiness.
High on nicotine. Low on despair.
Forlorn alley. Happy home.
Extremes kept him alive.

Tiny Story – Extremes

The distance between them was
covered with blossoming lavenders
and comfortable numbness.
Lavenders soon withered, numbness

Tiny Story – Seasons

Once upon a -----, Time was born.
Stories were never the same again.

Tiny Story – Time

The Capitalist scorned at the old
dilapidated machine while The
artist's paint brush admired its
sensuous curves. Now, the 1 million
art adorns the wall of The Capitalist.
Destiny smiled. Romance wailed.
World moved on.

Tiny Story – This world

Empty Sangria jugs.
Flakes of Nata lazily strewn.
His phone beeped a sad message.
Between the happy high and an
obscure sorrow, He looked at life
and said, Obrigado! –

Tiny Story – Obrigado

In a stack of unsung songs, he
found his favourite ballad.
In a stretch of untraveled roads,
he found his destiny.
In an untrodden ocean of
humanity, he found his purpose.

Tiny Story – Unknowns

To see a heaven in an emoji,
And the world with a click,
Hold a phone in the palm of your hands,
Consume Monthly data packs in an hour.
Auguries of lost innocence, and Blake
turned in his grave.

Tiny Story – Auguries of lost innocence

The old man told Future, "If you are as
awesome as my past, thank you. I cannot
ask for a better life. If you are as bad as
my past, thank you. I cannot ask for a
better lesson." Future replied, "These
expectations WILL make me TENSE".

Tiny Story – Future tense

As an astrophysicist, he looked for
parallel worlds by researching black
Across his desk, in her dimples, he
found another world.

Tiny Story – Another world

They said, 'leave your identity and
accept ours. That's the cost of your
'What's freedom if I can't be myself?',
Irony smirked and the immigrant

Tiny Story – Immigrants

Solitude. Wait. Lush. Lavender.
His mind was blank. Just like the
canvas, Spring painted its magic on.

Tiny Story – Blank

I flipped through the pages of your
diary. I was there in every page, in
every sentence. I blushed.

Tiny Story – Words

When the paper boats of childhood
sunk, curiosity to unravel the world
When the origami planes crashed,
determination to succeed grew wings.
A scientist was born.

Tiny Story – Birth

Dark angry clouds. Roaring Thunder.
Fury of Lightening. Heavy emotional
downpour. Bright smiling sky.
Beautiful rainbow.
She walked hand in hand with the
rains - angry, roaring, fury, emotional,
smiling, beautiful.

Tiny Story – Rains

After Harivarasanam is sung.
After Vespers are said.
After Maghrib is done.
When darkness spreads, let peace
and compassion awaken.

Tiny Story – Religions

Once I met a man walking down the
street with a strange box. I asked him,
"What's in it?". He told me,
"Humanity". His business card read,

Tiny Story – Schrodinger's Humanity

He walked east. She walked west.
Their compasses pointed North.
Destiny winked at Cupid.

Tiny Story – Directions

'Can I make a call?', Lavender
asked me.
I nodded my head.
Lavender opened her address
book and looked for SPRING.

Tiny Story – Spring

Tiny Story –
"Tiny Story" is a collection of 77
breathtaking moments of life gathered
all over the world from London to
Singapore. Each piece is sensual,
imaginative, and narrative-driven, where
anyone can find himself in. These tiny
stories will inspire to see the collateral
beautify of love, loss and life itself.

Published by Vektor
August 2021©

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