Social Studies 1108

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1. Unlike many Asian countries, we enjoy much freedom because we live in a ______________.

2. A person who follows___________ and grows spiritually is the best citizen a nation can have.

3. A _______________is a form of government whose authority comes from the people who elect to
their own representatives.

4. To vote is to express one's choice for a _______________ or measure to be taken.

5. The _____________ is the law determining the fundamental political principles of a government.

6. The ____________ is the introduction to a statute or constitution (usually explaining its purpose).

7. The first duty of the government is to______________ and _____________ the people.

8. The separation of the _______ and the state shall be inviolable.

9. Malacañang Palace is the traditional home of the _______________ since the Commonwealth period.

10. The___________ succeeds the President.

11. The smallest government unit is the_______________ or the barrio.

12. The barangay captain is the_____________ of the barangay and is elected to a three-year term.

13. The sangguniang barangay is the ______________ of the barangay.

14. The ______________is a semi-judicial body headed by the of the barangay captain and is composed
of respectable people of the barangay

15. Autonomous regions are empowered by the constitution to _____________ themselves.

16- 20. VERSE

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