Constitutional Law II Assignment Topics (Boys)

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Name Assignment Topic

Ambedkar Maniselvan M Independence of the judiciary

Aravind S Different Jurisdictions of the supreme Court of India
Balaji C Jurisdiction and Powers of the High Court
Balaji G Write Jurisdiction of High Court and Supreme court(Compare)
Blesson J The Comptroller and Auditor general of India
Deepan Samraj M The Union Territory( Administration)
Dhachinamoorthy V Election Commission
Dhayanidhi K Amendment of the Constitution
Dulasiramanan S Distriribution of Legislative Powers or Legislative Relations( Union & State)
Dhayanidhi K Control of delegated Legislation
Dulasiramanan S Administrative Relations(Union & State)
Gobalakrishnan M National Emergency
Govindaraj P State Emergency
Gowtham P Executive Power(Union)
Jaya Surya S Election of President and Vice President
Jebarson Raj P Powers, functions, and Constitutional position of President of India.
Jeyaram T Powers and function of Vice president of India
Kannan N Pardoning power of President and Governor
Kannan R Council of Ministers
Logesh Kumar B Executive Power(State)
Madhan Kumar N Council of state(Rajaya Sabha)
Manimaran C House of the People(Lok Sabha)
Maveeran Navaneethan B Anti-Defection Law (Article102(2) & X th Schedule)
Muthu Kumar G Officers of Parliament
Naveen Gandhi K Legislative Procedure( Union)
Prabhu A Council of Ministers of Union and State
Prasanth N Money & Financial Bills
Prasanth S Powers, Privileges and immunities of Parliament & Legislature Members.
Sarath Kumar M Court vs. Parliament
Seran T S Judicial Independence
Shankar S Judicial Review
Shanmuga Sundaram B Court of Record
Siva S Financial emergency
Vignesh S Tribunals
Vigneshwaran K Important of Constitution Amendment
Vinoth M Liability of Government in Torts and Contracts
Vishnu S Panchayats and Municipalities

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