Audiences - Knowledge Check

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Prepared by: Paula Denise Angeles


Create 3 sets of audiences based on the brand information
2before is a Pola's new client. It's a health supplement targeted for athletes and fitness
enthusiast. They haven't run Facebook ads before and asked Pola to create ads for awareness
and to eventually get sales. Here's there website:

Consider the audiences' level: COLD, WARM, HOT

Client is willing to spend $1000 for FB advertising for 2 months.
This should include targeting cold audiences, retargeting either website visitors/page
likers/add to cart/anyone who have done action on their assets. Brainstorm which best
suits their remarketing campaign.
Also, they want to offer free bottles of health supplement for those people who have
purchased in the last 180 days. Create an ad set based on what this client detail.
Create audiences based on the brand information below:

Sunny's Hair and Wigs is a hair extension and wig brand that offers a wide range of wigs
that is fit for every woman's needs. They are based in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Their goal is to reach women around Minnesota and increase their monthly sales.
From the limited information given by the client, create 2-3 possible ad sets (all interest-
based) around Minneapolis.
Budget is $500 per month.

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