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Predicting People
Intimate Conversations
A Perfect Storm
Combining measures of attention and Crosstalk between the immune system Tiny, Illinois-based Surgisphere
emotional state, we are getting closer to and the nervous system is proving Corporation stunned scientists
forecasting human behavior. essential for the health of both body and the public earlier this year when
BY PAUL J. ZAK and mind. its influential COVID-19 studies fell
BY ASHLEY YEAGER apart under scrutiny and the company
disintegrated overnight. But the problem
started long before 2020.

1 0. 202 0 | T H E S C IE N T IST 3
Exploring Life,
Inspiring Innovation


Each issue contains feature articles on hot new trends in research,

profiles of up-and-coming scientists, illustrated infographics
depicting new findings, and much, much more. The Scientist’s
website features award-winning life science news coverage, as well
as features, obituaries, scientist-written opinions, and a variety
of multimedia content.

Department Contents
Wielding Fear
The primordial emotion is apt to run amok. But harnessing it can lead
to responsible behavior and sound thinking.

The Disinformation Pandemic
For scientists to have a chance of defeating COVID-19, they must also work
to quash the rising tide of bad information surrounding the disease.

Microglia fight off viruses that invade the brain through the nose; similar brain
regions linked to both hunger and curiosity

44 Weight training in monkeys strengthens neural connections; non-concussive head
injuries linked with white matter changes in athletes’ brains; neural activity
called alpha waves have an unsuspected origin

Michelle Gray: Huntington’s Disease Detective


Reading Minds
A nascent but growing consumer market
is driving the development of sleek new tools
for decoding brain activity. CORRECTION:
BY JEF AKST In the September 2020 story “The Peopling of South
America,” the language was updated to reflect the fact that
Cuncaicha is the oldest known site in the high Andes, not the

Andean region, and that Monte Verde is in southern Chile,

48 Lessons About Fear from Our Deep Past

but not near the country’s southern tip. The map graphic
was also updated to correctly show Monte Verde’s location.
The Scientist regrets the errors.
By studying the diversity of antipredator
traits in nonhumans, we can learn to better PUZZLE ON PAGE 10
manage the tradeoffs between caution
and reward. H S A S J C
Scientist as Subject WE RN I C K E R A T S

1 0. 202 0 | T H E S C IE N T IST 5

Online Contents



The Chemistry of Morality The Sound and the Fear The Interfacing Brain
Feature author Paul J. Zak, a See University of California, Los Watch entrepreneur Connor
neuroeconomist at Claremont Graduate Angeles, animal behavior researcher Russomanno talk about his work on
University, discusses the role of oxytocin Dan Blumstein explain common brain-computer interfaces.
in mammalian social behavior in a 2011 characteristics of vocalizations that
TED Talk. express fearful emotions.


Coming in November
• Hundreds of gray whales are washing up along North America’s
Pacific coast. Researchers want to know why.

• As apex predators dwindle in number, the effects reverberate through

the ecosystem. Can rewilding large carnivores restore biological balance?

• Scientists have begun to uncover the mechanisms that may explain

why some vaccines appear to protect people against more than just
the target pathogen.

• Should peer reviewers be paid for their work?


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James Allison
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10. 2020 | T H E S C IE N T IST 7


Daniel Blumstein grew up in the suburbs of Philadelphia, escaping to the nearby wilderness to backpack,
canoe, and mountaineer surrounded by plants and animals. Shortly after beginning college at the University
of Colorado Boulder, in 1982, he realized that it was possible to make a career out of studying animal behav-
ior. Thereafter, it was an easy decision for him to double major in environmental conservation and environ-
mental, population, and organismic biology. After graduating, while cycling around the world, Blumstein
happened upon a group of golden marmots (Marmota caudata)—cat-sized, semi-social rodents that live in
burrows—in Khunjerab National Park in Pakistan, kicking off a decades-long interest in marmots that persists
to this day.
He completed a PhD in animal behavior at the University of California, Davis in 1994, and eventually
landed a faculty position at the University of California, Los Angeles. As an ethologist, he studies social and
antipredator behaviors in many animals, including all 15 species of marmots. When asked why he chose these
charismatic rodents, Blumstein has a quick answer: “They’re diurnal and they have an address,” making them
easy to mark and trap for study over long periods of time. Marmots also use an intricate series of verbal calls
to signal danger, making them an ideal species in which to study the evolution of fear. In “Lessons About
Fear from Our Deep Past” on page 53, Blumstein shares insights he’s gleaned into the human emotion from
more than 35 years of watching animals behave.

For Genna Reed, it was the lack of her own backyard growing up in New Jersey that first made her interested
in the environment. As an undergraduate in biology at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania, and later as a
master’s student majoring in environmental policy design at the same institution, Reed spent summers
analyzing water samples from the nearby Hackensack Meadowlands, a series of sprawling wetlands subjected
to decades of environmental abuse by industrial development. The recognition that corporations could shirk
responsibility for actions that polluted the environment—and the toll those decisions exacted on local eco-
systems and human communities—made her realize that “as much as I loved doing the work in the lab, I
wanted to help bridge the work to the policy and help protect people’s health,” Reed says.
After stints at the Environmental Protection Agency and the public interest organization Food & Water
Watch, Reed joined the Union of Concerned Scientists in 2015, where she is now the lead science and policy
analyst for the organization’s Center for Science and Democracy. Reed works to combat scientific misinformation,
an endeavor made even more essential during the COVID-19 pandemic. The coronavirus, she explains, has created
an accompanying “infodemic”—an overabundance of information, some of it false, that sows confusion
and distrust. “During a pandemic, that is incredibly dangerous,” Reed says. “There are lives at stake.” On page
11, she shares how scientists can leverage their knowledge to help the public make informed choices and how
the onus falls on each person to advocate for sound science in federal decision-making.

Paul J. Zak may be the director of the Center for Neuroeconomics at Claremont Graduate University in California,
but it would be a mistake to paint him as just an economist. While Zak does hold bachelor’s degrees in mathe-
matics and economics from San Diego State University and a PhD in economics from the University of Pennsyl-
vania, he is also a certified phlebotomist and a self-taught neuroscientist. Zak views economics as a lens through
which to study the mechanisms behind human choices, he says. “Economics ultimately is about decisions, and so
decisions are a wonderful fulcrum to understand the variations [in behavior] across individuals.”
One of Zak’s main research focuses has been oxytocin, a hormone and neuropeptide. Little research

existed in the early 2000s on the role of this “love hormone” in humans. Zak suspected oxytocin might be
involved in trust, generosity, and charitable giving, aspects of our social selves that are “important for humans
economically and socially.” He first showed that changes in oxytocin could be measured in blood rather than
spinal taps. By combining multiple streams of physiological data—cardiac rhythms, nervous system activity,
and skin conductance, in addition to levels of oxytocin and other signaling molecules—Zak developed a
new measure called “immersion,” which can predict a person’s likelihood of donating to a charitable cause
with 82 percent accuracy. On page 18, he shares more about the experiments that led him to launch the com-
pany Immersion Neuroscience to help clients better predict people’s behavior.


Wielding Fear
The primordial emotion is apt to run amok. But harnessing it can lead to responsible
behavior and sound thinking.


ear is in the air. People everywhere have been navigating
a potentially deadly new reality, living for months under
the weight of a seemingly relentless pandemic. Economies,
hobbled by the severe disruption to business as usual, struggle to
regain a foothold, and many livelihoods hang in the balance. In
addition, a US presidential election, arguably the most conten-
tious in modern history, looms on the horizon, and some politi-
cians are capitalizing on the fear-filled climate to achieve their
personal, policy, and electoral goals. of peril and upheaval as the US economy grappled with the Great
This month’s Reading Frames essay, from University of California, Depression. But in our own challenging times, I would suggest that
Los Angeles, animal behavior researcher Daniel Blumstein, discusses we embrace fear, rather than fearing or avoiding it. A healthy mea-
the ecological power and evolutionary history of fear. The emotion sure of fear can help us make smarter choices—wearing a mask at
has for millennia helped species avoid being eaten, and a balanced the grocery store, driving safely, investing wisely in the stock market,
approach to risk-benefit analysis has helped some individuals pros- deferring to the advice of public health experts, etc. An overactive
per and multiply while others succumbed to starvation or predation sense of fear can indeed be problematic, clouding our vision and
due to an over- or under-abundance of caution, respectively. “Fear,” leading us astray from our foundational ethics and morals. But on
Blumstein writes, “is an essential ingredient in healthy ecosystems and the other end of that spectrum, if we seek an existence free from fear,
helps maintain biodiversity.” But the emotion can sometimes overtake we are rejecting an elemental force that has shaped the course of our
sound thinking, and that potential imbalance has utility in the politi- evolution and the functioning of our living planet.
cal realm, Blumstein notes. “[Fear] makes us vulnerable to politicians We must strike the same balance that successful marmots and our
with malevolent intentions who make compelling advertisements that forebears achieved: have enough fear to modulate our behavior in con-
efficiently tap into our well-honed neurophysiological fear systems.” structive ways, but not so much that we abandon our values or squan-
While editing Blumstein’s piece for this issue, I started to think der opportunities. This is where the use of fearmongering by some in
of the overabundance of fear that lingers in our collective conscious- the political realm is particularly nefarious. To accomplish short-term
ness and colors our day-to-day existence. Not even my seven-year- political goals, such as getting votes or donations, some individuals are
old daughter is immune. “Dad, can you turn the news off?” she perfectly OK with sowing the seeds of terror. And in doing so, they
recently said in the car after hearing a radio report about an eight- often push logic, science, rationality, and kindness to the periphery.
year-old child who was shot in Chicago. “It scares me.” With a pang It is my sincere hope that as we progress through this challeng-
in my heart, I muted the radio. In that moment, fear was something ing year, we realize that there are things that we should fear and
to avoid, to run from. But perhaps we need to rethink our relation- that our trepidation, appropriately contextualized, will lead us in the
ship with the emotion. right direction. But we must remain vigilant to avoid forsaking our
Blumstein writes that fear can be useful and constructive in many humanity by engaging in an overactive, imagined, or exploited sense
situations and across many species. The scared marmot that cowers in of dread. Let’s stop fearing fear so that we can understand it and use
its burrow as a golden eagle soars above has its fear to thank for saving it to make ourselves, one another, and the world better. g
its skin. But if the marmot doesn’t balance that fear with the courage
necessary to seek food and mates, it could starve or otherwise fail to
pass on its genetic legacy. This is what we risk when fear runs amok. I
think it’s what Franklin D. Roosevelt was getting at in the opening of
his 1933 inaugural address: “. . . the only thing we have to fear is fear

itself . . .” What followed this frequently cited phrase really drives home
FDR’s point: “. . . nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which par-
alyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.”
Far be it from me to disagree with FDR’s famous sentiment, Editor-in-Chief
which I interpret as a call to trust in the country’s leaders in a time

10.2020 | T H E S C IE N T IST 9

Speaking of Science
1 2 3 4 5 6 This is deadly stuff. You just
7 8
breathe the air and that’s
how it’s passed. And so that’s
a very tricky one. That’s a
9 10
very delicate one. It’s also
more deadly than even your
strenuous flu.
—US President Donald Trump, explaining his
11 12 13 14

Note: The answer grid will include every letter of the alphabet.
understanding of the threat of SARS-CoV-2 in a
February 7 phone call recorded by The Washington
Post journalist Bob Woodward. These comments
contrasted sharply with the muted position
15 16 17 18 Trump voiced in public, for example, saying
at a late-February press conference that the
coronavirus was “a little bit like the flu.”

19 20 21 22
This may be the most
shameful moment in the
23 24 history of U.S. science policy.
—H. Holden Thorp, Editor in Chief of Science, in a
September 11 editorial reacting to the revelation
that Trump understood the seriousness of
SARS-CoV-2 even as he publicly downplayed the

7. Cerebrum’s convoluted surface 1. The present geologic epoch
8. Drill a hole in the skull of 2. Drug for controlling cholesterol
9. Unit for measuring an electric 3. Neural impulse carrier
eel’s shock 4. Sample from bone marrow or fetal
10. Hypoesthesia tissue (2 wds.)
11. German physician Carl, who 5. Physician Edward, who pioneered
researched encephalopathy vaccination
13. Maze runners in many labs 6. Felidae members
15. One of 100 in a googol 12. Firmly applied cloth dressing
17. Tiny bit of a chemical compound 14. Region at the end of a chromosome
19. Nonheritable, as a trait 16. Pertaining to eyes
22. Brachia 18. Linear features of a food web
23. When light speed is constant 20. Young of a yak, camel, or whale

24. Groups below families and above 21. Stereotypical foes of 6-Down
Answer key on page 5


The Disinformation Pandemic

For scientists to have a chance of defeating COVID-19, they must also
work to quash the rising tide of bad information surrounding the disease.


s COVID-19 wreaks havoc across the world, scien- ance—and in that void, both intentionally false information
tists are making unparalleled, heroic strides to dis- (disinformation) and unintentionally misleading information
cover the virus’s biology and vulnerabilities. We have (misinformation) proliferate. As COVID-19 continues to
learned far more about SARS-CoV-2 than we knew about any claim lives, some US political leaders and pundits are spread-
pandemic-sparking pathogen in human history within a year ing disinformation to understate the pandemic’s severity, dis-
of its emergence, and experts are working tirelessly to pub- credit public health experts’ advice on preventive social dis-
licly share this information. These efforts should be bolstered tancing measures, and sow distrust of government data. The
and carefully considered by federal governments to save World Health Organization has defined this landscape as
lives and stem the tide of contagion. In the US, however, the an “infodemic:” “an over-abundance of information—some

Trump administration has censored scientists, diminished accurate and some not—that makes it hard for people to find
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s role in lead- trustworthy sources and reliable guidance when they need it.”
ing the pandemic response, politicized tracking and storage Acceptance of disinformation can result in a cascade
of health data, and attempted to undermine the credibility of of dangerous events, such as consumers ingesting a form
its own researchers. of chloroquine, government shelving important scientific
A government actively silencing scientific voices has col- work, scientists facing serious harassment, and the loss of
lided with a shrinking independent news environment and public trust in the government as a source of science-backed
growing dependence upon social media for information. This advice, which is crucial to help keep us safe now and during
has meant that there is a dearth of clear, science-based guid- future national crises.

1 0. 202 0 | T H E S C IE N T IST 1 1

That’s why scientific voices are needed, now more than ever, stream journalists, summarize the findings in an article for
to cut through the noise. Here are some ways that all scientists diverse audiences, or share it far and wide on social media. Sci-
can help arm the public with the information they need to ence agencies and research institutions have scientific integrity
make evidence-based decisions about their lives as COVID-19 and media policies that protect scientists’ right to speak about
continues to spread. their work. If this isn’t the case at your institution, advocate
internally for its creation. If your scientific home does maintain
Promote science literacy. Research has shown there are partisan these policies, hold it accountable and ensure they’re enforced.
differences affecting trust in science and public health measures
related to COVID-19, but people generally trust scientists as mes- Inoculate the public against falsehoods with accurate infor-
sengers. A 2019 Pew poll found that 86 percent of the more than mation. There is so much power in accurate information com-
4,400 Americans surveyed had a great deal or fair amount of con- municated by experts. Quality information can help to shield
fidence in scientists. The coronavirus pandemic presents an oppor- the public against bad information. When confronted with
tunity for scientists to have conversations with friends, family, col- false information on social media, scientists should call it out,
leagues, and members of the public about scientific concepts. Wider debunk it, and cite sources so that people who engage with the
understanding of the scientific process may lead to a fuller grasp post in the future will, if they look far enough, encounter the
of the time it takes to make discoveries and build knowledge about truth. Research has shown that warning people about the ways
COVID-19. Likewise, it will help people understand that one study is such information spreads and providing scientific facts can
not representative of the scientific consensus and less meaningful on work to reduce the likelihood of dis- and misinformation taking
its own—which is hard to hear when findings are desirable. hold. Scientists can also help guide others to credible sources
for public health information and explain what makes a source
reliable so that people seek out the right messengers as they
make decisions to keep themselves and their families safe.
A government actively silencing scientific
voices has collided with a shrinking independent Advocate for the role of independent science in decision-
news environment and growing dependence making. Science advocacy has grown in the wake of an
upon social media for information. unprecedented assault on federal science and scientists.
Become a member of the Union of Concerned Scientists
(UCS) Science Network or of another science advocacy orga-
nization, and join your peers showing up at virtual hearings,
Address racism head-on. For too long, the scientific commu- writing public comments, and asking local, state, and federal
nity has been perpetuating racist policies and practices that have leaders questions about the information and experts they’re
excluded people of color—continuing to honor racist scientists, using to support their responses to COVID-19. Scientists can
making work environments hostile, and participating in rac- nominate themselves or peers to serve on federal advisory
ist research that perpetuates falsehoods. While trust in scien- committees tackling some of the issues related to the virus to
tists is generally high, trust in medical scientists is lower among help the government make informed decisions.
Black adults than among other demographics. As a result, Black One of the lessons to take away from the myriad failures of
adults are more skeptical than Hispanic and white adults when it this White House in responding to the spread of COVID-19 is that
comes to experimental treatments for COVID-19. Communities sidelining scientists’ voices during a public health crisis has grave
of color are hit harder by the virus due to systemic racist policies consequences. It has resulted in the needless deaths of hundreds
that have led to health inequities, so scientists have a responsibil- of thousands and in countless more lives turned upside down. It
ity to rebuild trust and help ensure that accurate information is has also allowed the infodemic that accompanies and exacerbates
heard by those who need it most. A first step in rebuilding public COVID-19 to take hold. It will take more than scientists to get us
trust among minority populations is for the scientific community out of this crisis, but scientists need to make their voices heard and
to work toward being antiracist and advocate for radical change tackle misinformation head on. A new generation of researchers
within research institutions. Scientists should foster inclu- is watching and learning, inspired by the heroes they see on the
sive, diverse, and equitable work environments to better recruit, frontlines and those innovating to solve one of the world’s most
retain, and lift up people of color in STEM fields. devastating problems. Let’s give them the tools they need to help
ensure that our country never makes the same mistakes again. g
Make scientific information public. Scientists conducting
and publishing research have more avenues than ever to make Genna Reed is a lead science and policy analyst in the Center
information about their studies and data accessible to the pub- for Science and Democracy at the Union of Concerned Scientists.
lic. Researchers can post their work on preprint servers and Follow her on Twitter @gennareed and read her blog at https://
publish in open access journals, pitch it to science and main-

Notebook OCTOBER 2020

Viral Invasion lar analyses in humans, rodents, and mon-

keys—suggests that mammalian olfactory
LINE OF DEFENSE: T cells (red) in the olfactory
bulb of mice engage with antigens on vesicular

stomatitis virus, leading to cell signaling (green)
ailure to smell fresh cut grass neurons don’t have the right cell receptors
that ultimately prevents neuronal death.
or a poo-laden diaper is, at least for the virus to get inside them, meaning
these days, a potential sign of that the lack of smell most likely comes from

COVID-19 infection. “People say things the infection of olfactory support cells. But
smell funny or they can’t smell at all,” not everyone is convinced by the data; some Microglia were gobbling
says Harvard University neurobiolo- researchers continue to argue that SARS- up bits of the virus from
gist Sandeep Datta. Reading about peo- CoV-2 can infect neurons in the nose and infected neurons in the
ple’s experiences of anosmia, Datta won- ultimately invade the brain this way. olfactory bulb.
dered how SARS-CoV-2, the virus that If the virus were able to enter olfac-
causes COVID-19, might be having this tory neurons, it’s in theory a “very short
effect. One possibility was that the virus route,” along a single neuron, from nose
attacks cells that line and support olfac- to brain, notes pathologist Debby van can infect olfactory neurons. But the
tory neurons in the nose. Alternatively, Riel of Erasmus Medical Center in the discussion has reminded scientists how
SARS-CoV-2 could be directly targeting Netherlands. Van Riel, who began study- little they know about viral invasion
the neurons themselves. ing influenza’s ability to attack nerve through the nose. That’s why, she says,
Datta’s and other researchers’ work— fibers involved in olfaction decades ago, she was fascinated to read about recent
which so far includes genetic and cellu- says she’s not convinced SARS-CoV-2 experiments by Duke University immu-

1 0. 202 0 | T H E S C IE N T IST 1 3

NEURONAL ROUTE: Six days after infection,

virus (green) appears in nerve fibers that
project into the olfactory bulb (OB) of mice,
meaning the virus has spread from the nose
into the brain.

nologist Ashley Moseman and colleagues

that tracked immune responses in mice
that had had vesicular stomatitis virus
(VSV) squirted up their noses.
VSV is known to infect olfactory neu-
rons in mice. The team was interested in
what Moseman calls a “sneaky front door”
for this virus to travel via nerve fibers that
project from the nasal cavity and con-
nect with neurons deeper in the brain.
Mice that get the virus don’t die from the
infection, even if it enters the brain, and
they don’t suffer significant brain dam-
age, either. Interested in how the mice
avoided this damage, Moseman and his
colleagues decided to tag VSV particles
with fluorescent markers, then inject
them into the mice’s noses to see if the
team could uncover how the immune sys-
tem responded to the infection.
The fluorescent imaging showed that
VSV was infecting neuronal fibers in the
nose and also neurons farther up in the
olfactory bulb leading to the brain. “VSV
gets into neurons in the nose and actu-
ally kills those neurons,” says study coau- rather than against the infected neurons, don’t replenish themselves very well.”
thor Dorian McGavern, a viral immu- which also display viral bits on their Microglia are replaceable, he specu-
nologist at the National Institute of surfaces. The interaction between the lates, so losing them might be less con-
Neurological Disorders and Stroke. “But microglia and the killer T cells led the T sequential than the irreversible damage
those neurons can grow back. They can cells to release cytokines that triggered of neuronal death.
replenish the system and restore sense of the elimination of the virus from infected The work offers a glimpse at how the
smell.” Neurons farther up in the brain neurons without killing those neurons in body and brain respond to invasion of
can’t be regenerated, yet, oddly, they the process, the team found (Sci Immu- viruses such as VSV through the nose, van
didn’t appear to die after infection. nol, 5:eabb1817, 2020). “Microglia are Riel says. “If you know the way the body
Probing further, Moseman, McGav- playing an absolutely critical role here can handle an infection without causing
ern, and their colleagues revealed how in protecting neurons within the brain,” severe [brain] damage, it could lead to
those neurons that sat deeper in the McGavern says. new insights, which could lead to ther-
brain were spared. Microglia, the pri- What’s not yet clear is if the killer T apeutic strategies.” However, scientists
mary immune cells of the brain, were cells do, in fact, kill the virus-flaunting still don’t yet have a good grasp of which
SCI IMMUNOL, 5:EABB1817, 2020

gobbling up bits of the virus from microglia or whether the two types of viruses can enter the central nervous sys-
infected neurons in the olfactory bulb. immune cells interact in some other tem this way. That may change as more
Although not getting infected them- way to spur T cells to release the virus- researchers investigate whether or not
selves, the microglia were projecting eradicating cytokines. “It’s possible SARS-CoV-2 can. The work might even
those viral bits, like flags, on their cell that microglia sort of take that hit on suggest that each and every virus elicits a
surfaces, attracting killer T cells in the behalf of everybody,” Moseman says, unique immune response in the brain, van
blood to come to the brain and mount an “and in doing so T cells avoid going Riel notes. “I think we’re only seeing the
immune defense against the microglia, to try to engage with neurons, which tip of the iceberg.” —Ashley Yeager

Fast conformational dynamics

Proteins involved in the onset and
progression of neurodegenerative
diseases (ND) exist in different
conformational states - as mono-
mers or oligomers. Their characteri-
zation is very challenging because
they can transition from one state to
the other very fast. Monomeric vs. oligomeric
Studying small molecule or protein
CHALLENGE interactions in ND requires working
under conditions that either favor
the monomeric or oligomeric state
of these molecules.
Many biophysical methods take a
long time to set up and run - by the
time the measurement is done, your
protein may have changed its
conformation. CHALLENGE
Researchers need biophysical
methods that allow them to work at
low sample concentrations to study
SOLUTION the monomeric state, and also at high
concentrations to investigate the
oligomeric state.
With NanoTemper tools, setup and
run times take only a few minutes -
so you can work with proteins
with fast conformational dynamics
with confidence.
NanoTemper offers tools that
perform measurements with
sample concentrations from mM
all the way down to pM. So you
can evaluate the monomeric and
oligomeric states.
Neurodegenerative diseases, such
as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s
Understanding and Targeting Pro
Different neurodegenerative disorders often share simila
disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,
histopathological presentations, such as the abnormal re
and others, cause neuronal degradation
aggregation of certain proteins (beta-amyloid (Aβ), tau, α
and death, resulting in progressive brain TAR DNA-binding protein (TDP)-43, or polyglutamines).1
function deterioration. Although our
understanding of neurodegenerative
disease mechanisms is still in its relative Spatial awareness
infancy, scientists are shaping a clearer Recent studies have identified physical, genomic,
picture of neurodegenerative disease and proteomic spatial patterns of disease
pathogenesis and development by the progression.2 Imaging techniques such as mass
spectrometry-based molecular imaging help to
day. The characterization of several determine in situ protein, lipid, metabolite, and
prominent molecular and cellular peptide profiles.3 These patterns can also be
mechanisms common to multiple discovered through –omics-based screening of tissue
or fluid samples.2 Knowing that different elements
neurodegenerative disorders is paving are active in different brain regions at different
the way for identifying new potential times should go a long way towards shaping novel
therapeutic targets and treatment diagnostic approaches for early detection, allowing 
us to diagnose neurodegenerative disorders before
they become symptomatic.
Heat s
to yea

for ne
in vitr
References contin

1. L. Gan et al., “Converging pathways in neurodegeneration, from genetics to mechanisms,” Nat Neurosci, 21(10):1300-9, 2018. 15. H. Keren-Shaul et al., “A unique microglia type associated with restricting development of Alzheim
2. J. Xu et al., “Regional protein expression in human Alzheimer’s brain correlates with disease severity,” Commun Biol, 2:43, 2019. 16. H. Asai et al., “Depletion of microglia and inhibition of exosome synthesis halt tau propagation,” Na
3. W. Michno et al., “Molecular imaging mass spectrometry for probing protein dynamics in neurodegenerative disease pathology,” J Neurochem, 151(4):488-506, 2019. 17. D.C. Lee et al., “LPS-induced inflammation exacerbates phospho-tau pathology in rTg4510 mice,” J
4. N. Fujikake et al., “HSF1 activation by small chemical compounds for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases,” In: Nakai A. (eds) Heat Shock Factor. Springer, Tokyo, 277-92, 2016. 18. K. Takahashi et al., “Clearance of apoptotic neurons without inflammation by microglial triggering
5. I. Lindberg, et al., “Chaperones in neurodegeneration,” J Neurosci, 35:13853-59, 2015. 19. V. Zujovic et al., “In vivo neutralization of endogenous brain fractalkine increases hippocampal TNF
6. J. Shorter, “Engineering therapeutic protein disaggregases,” Mol Biol Cell, 27:1556–60, 2016. J Neuroimmunol, 115:135-43, 2001.
7. F.M. Menzies et al., “Autophagy and neurodegeneration: pathogenic mechanisms and therapeutic opportunities,” Neuron, 93(5):1015-34, 2017. 20. S.S. Minami et al., “Progranulin protects against amyloid beta deposition and toxicity in Alzheimer’
8. V.A. Polito et al., “Selective clearance of aberrant tau proteins and rescue of neurotoxicity by transcription factor EB,” EMBO Mol Med, 6:1142-60, 2014. 21. J.M. Van Kampen et al., “Progranulin gene delivery protects dopaminergic neurons in a mouse mod
9. T. Jiang et al., “Temsirolimus attenuates tauopathy in vitro and in vivo by targeting tau hyperphosphorylation and autophagic clearance,” Neuropharmacology, 85:121-30, 2014. 22. D.C. Lee et al., “LPS- induced inflammation exacerbates phospho-tau pathology in rTg4510 mice,” J
10. I. Lonskaya et al., “Nilotinib and bosutinib modulate pre-plaque alterations of blood immune markers and neuro-inflammation in Alzheimer’s disease models,” Neuroscience, 304:316-27, 2015. 23. D.J. Finneran, K.R. Nash, “Neuroinflammation and fractalkine signaling in Alzheimer’s disease,” J Ne
11. B. Wolozin, P. Ivanov, “Stress granules and neurodegeneration,” Nat Rev Neurosci, 20:649-66, 2019. 24.H. Zheng et al., “TREM2 in Alzheimer's disease: microglial survival and energy metabolism,” Front A
12. A. Currais et al., “Intraneuronal protein aggregation as a trigger for inflammation and neurodegeneration in the aging brain,” FASEB J, 31(1):5-10, 2017. 25. F.M. LaFerla, K.N. Green, “Animal models of Alzheimer disease,” Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med, 2:a
13. S.E. Hickman et al., “Microglia in neurodegeneration,” Nat Neurosci, 21(10):1359-69, 2018. 26. H. Sasaguri et al., “APP mouse models for Alzheimer’s disease preclinical studies,” EMBO J, 36:2473
14. S.E. Hickman et al., “Microglial dysfunction and defective beta-amyloid clearance pathways in aging Alzheimer’s disease mice,” J Neurosci, 28:8354-60, 2008. 27. M. Goedert et al., “Propagation of tau aggregates and neurodegeneration,” Annu Rev Neurosci, 40:
otein Accumulation
ar mechanisms behind these phenomena also tend to overlap to some
egional degree. Researchers are looking into the molecular interactions that take
α-synuclein, place in these common traits to find new ways to diagnose and treat
The underlying disease.

Stress and inflammatory responses

Stress stimuli and translational inhibition cause
ribonucleoprotein stress granules to form. These are

usually transient, protecting mRNA from degradation
until translation can resume.7 However, aging-
related chronic stress signaling results in persistent
stress granule presence, providing a launching point

  for pathological protein accumulation.7,11 Protein
aggregation also stimulates inflammation, which
in turn drives progressive neurodegeneration.12
Inflammation may therefore serve not only as a
 marker for early-onset disease, but also a therapeutic
target to slow or arrest disease progression.

tein quality control

shock proteins (HSPs) and heat-shock transcription factors (HSFs)
ate protein folding, with impairments leading to misfolding and
egation. Scientists are therefore looking at increasing or prolonging
HSF activity, or even introducing disaggregase HSPs endogenous
ast as new ways to impede protein aggregation.4-6

somal autophagy also removes protein aggregates and is necessary

ervous system function.7 Boosting autophagy or rectifying pathway
unction through gene therapy approaches8 or by inhibiting
R-dependent9 or AMPK-dependent pathways10 has protected
ro and animal models from neurodegeneration and warrants
nued investigation.7

mer’s disease,” Cell, 169:1276-90.e17, 2017. 28.J. Blesa, S. Przedborski, “Parkinson’s disease: animal models and dopaminergic cell vulnerability,” Front Neuroanat, 8:155, 2014.
at Neurosci, 18:1584-93, 2015. 29. F. Jacob, M.L. Bennett, “Modeling neurological disease using human stem cell-derived microglia-like cells transplanted into rodent brains,” Lab Anim, 49:49-51, 2020.
J Neuroinflammation, 7:56, 2010. 30. T. Saito et al., “Single App knock-in mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease,” Nat Neurosci, 17:661-63, 2014.
receptor expressed on myeloid cells-2,” J Exp Med, 201:647-57, 2005. 31. T.M. Dawson et al., “Animal models of neurodegenerative diseases,” Nat Neurosci, 21:1370-79, 2018.
Falpha and 8-isoprostane production induced by intracerebroventricular injection of LPS,” 32. K.S. Sheinerman, S.R. Umansky, “Early detection of neurodegenerative diseases: Circulating brain-enriched microRNA,” Cell Cycle, 12(1): 1-2, 2013.
33.M. Agrawal, A. Biswas, “Molecular diagnostics of neurodegenerative disorders,” Front Mol Biosci, 2:54, 2015.
’s disease mouse models,” Nat Med, 20:1157-64, 2014. 34. J. Simrén et al., “An update on fluid biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases: Recent success and challenges ahead,” Curr Opin Neurobiol, 61:29-39, 2020.
del of Parkinson’s disease,” PLoS One, 9:e97032, 2014. 35. M.A. Metrick et al., “Million-fold sensitivity enhancement in proteopathic seed amplification assays for biospecimens by Hofmeister ion comparisons,” Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,
J Neuroinflammation, 7(56):56, 2010. 116(46):23029-39, 2019.
euroinflammation, 16:30, 2019. 36. F. Durães et al., “Old drugs as new treatments for neurodegenerative diseases,” Pharmaceuticals (Basel), 11(2):44, 2018.
Aging Neurosci, 10:395, 2018. 37. C.W. Gantner et al., “Viral delivery of GDNF promotes functional integration of human stem cell grafts in Parkinson's disease,” Cell Stem Cell, 26(4):511-26.e5, 2020.
a006320, 2012. 38. T. Martínez et al., “Silencing human genetic diseases with oligonucleotide-based therapies,” Hum Genet, 132:481-93, 2013.
3-87, 2017. 39. S.S. Titze-de-Almeida et al., “The promise and challenges of developing miRNA-based therapeutics for Parkinson's disease,” Cells, 9(4):841, 2020.
:189-210, 2017.
Mighty Microglia
As the main immune cells in the brain (comprising 5-12% of all CN
cells), microglia, largely directed by external stimuli, serve a diver
range of neuroimmunity roles.13 Since abnormal microglial functi
hallmark of many neurodegenerative diseases, scientists are expl
the potential therapeutic benefits of modulating microglial functi

Microglia and neurodegeneration

Microglial dysfunction exacerbates neurogenerative
disease mechanisms. For example, decreased
microglial clearance of Aβ increases aggregation.
This promotes inflammation and creates deleterious
disease-associated microglia (DAM) cells that present 

dysregulated expression of sensing, housekeeping,

and host defense genes.14,15 Likewise, while microglia
normally remove excess tau, proinflammatory
microglial phenotypes promote tau aggregation and Engaging f
Microglia exist i
necessary: a sen
environment fo
removal, synap
and a host defe
proteins, cance
preventing initi
behavior agains

Animal Models
Transgenic animals replicate gene-
or protein-level etiologies,25-27 while
signaling pathway-based disease causes
can be mimicked in animals using
pharmacological inhibition.28 Chimeric
models featuring modulated human
cells introduced into animals may better
represent clinically relevant phenomena.29
Interestingly, creating phenotypic
phenomena such as protein deposition
and aggregation do not always lead
to the same behavioral changes in animals as observed in patients.25,30 detection of pro
Novel models should focus on reproducing specific aspects or features to biomarker meas
isolate and characterize related mechanisms. Multi-omic approaches will a more compreh
aid researchers in determining how well a given model matches human modalities to pro
pathogenesis and progression.31
NS or rectifying dysfunction. Our understanding of microglia remains
rse incomplete because of an inability to study the cells in their native
ion is a environment. Improving ex vivo recapitulation of local environments or
loring developing transcriptomic and epigenetic profiling is crucial to properly
ion harnessing microglia against neurodegenerative disease.13

Regulating microglia for therapeutics

 Three major signaling pathways regulate microglia function: Trem2,
Cx3cr1-fractalkine, and progranulin. Trem2 signaling is integral to
microglial phagocytosis, proliferation, and survival, Cx3cr1-fractalkine
interactions mediate sensing and housekeeping homeostasis, and
progranulin pathway activation limits inflammation.13,18-21 Deficiencies
in these three pathways—individually or in tandem—have been
linked with neurotoxicity and increased disease risk.18,19,22 Naturally,
augmenting microglial regulatory pathways is a therapeutic target,
functional plasticity with progranulin overexpression and increased fractalkine signaling
benefitting animal models of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.20,21,23
in three main states, toggling between them as Much work remains, given the complex nature of these pathways.24
ntinel state where they constantly scan the external
or changes, a housekeeping state that promotes debris
ptic remodeling, and other routine upkeep processes,
ense state that protects against pathogens, accumulated
er cells, and other threats.13 This plasticity is integral to
ial pathogenesis. The potential ability to direct microglia
st disease mechanisms offers appealing therapeutic

Early Detection New Therapeutic Avenues

Early detection is vital to effective Neurodegenerative disease treatment
treatment since neurodegeneration currently focuses on mitigating symptoms
often starts decades prior to any visible and delaying progression.36 That is
symptoms.32 Neuropathology generates changing. Scientists are exploring
numerous novel signatures, but detecting new methods that attack pathogenic
these biomarkers has proven difficult.33,34 mechanisms, such as blocking the
Researchers have greatly improved assay production of aggregating proteins using
sensitivity, with common circulatory short hairpin RNAs, miRNAs, antisense
markers such as Aβ and tau now oligonucleotides, and CRISPR, or
detectable at femtomolar concentrations.34 recapitulating dead neurons with stem
Amplification techniques facilitate cell-derived de novo tissue, which can be
otein aggregates at very low levels in tissue samples.35 Fluid further enhanced using neurotrophic factors.1,37-39
surements complement MRI and PET imaging to establish Scientists are also investigating broader systemic targets, such as boosting
hensive diagnostic picture. Tracers now allow imaging CNS cellular metabolism, decreasing local inflammation, or restoring ionic
ovide spatially relevant molecular-level information.34 homeostasis.1 Finally, advances in in silico drug screening advances mean
previously characterized compounds are being repurposed to combat
neurodegenerative disease.36
High molecular weight
Misfolded proteins escape cellular
quality controls and form
aggregates that have the potential
Intrinsically disordered proteins to compromise cell function.
Because they can have high
Intrinsically disordered proteins molecular weight, these aggregates
(IDP) - those without rigid 3D are tricky to work with.
structures - are associated with
many ND. Their structure changes
depending on the environment or
ligands, which makes is very difficult
to work with them. In order to understand the
modulation of these aggregates
by measuring binding affinities,
researchers must find
CHALLENGE technologies that allow them to
study high molecular weight
Characterizing IDP with biophysical
methods that require
immobilization to a solid support
and put limitations to the buffer
conditions can disturb IDP folding SOLUTION
Evaluating high molecular weight
aggregates with NanoTemper
technologies is simple because

SOLUTION measurements are independent of

the size and mass of the binding
Studying IDP with NanoTemper
technologies is so easy. You skip
immobilization and measure in
solution and in close to native

About NanoTemper Technologies

Our mission at NanoTemper Technologies is
to enable everyone to do science that matters
by always pushing the limits. We’re focused
on making biophysical tools that address
challenging characterizations in any industry.
Working with customers striving to make
a difference in the world gets us excited. If
you’re looking to screen hits, measure binding
affinity, characterize protein stability or protein
quality for challenging targets like intrinsically
disordered proteins, PROTACs, membrane
proteins, or RNA-based therapeutics, let’s talk.
Hungry for tigate the apparent similarity between
curiosity and hunger, researchers led
was uncomfortable, but not painful. Then,
still hooked up to the electrodes, the vol-

Knowledge by Kou Murayama of the University of

Reading in the UK recently devised an
unteers were asked to gamble: they viewed
either a photo of a food item or a video
In Greek mythology, Orpheus descends to experiment to compare how the brain of a magician performing a trick, followed
the underworld and persuades Hades to processes desires for food and knowl- by a visual depiction of their odds of “win-
allow him to take his dead wife, Eurydice, edge, and the risks people are willing to ning” that round (which ranged from
back to the realm of the living. Hades take to satisfy those desires. 1:6 to 5:6). If they accepted the gamble
agrees, but tells Orpheus that he must not and won, based on a random, computer-
look back until he has exited the under- generated outcome, they’d receive tokens
world. Despite the warning, Orpheus Similar brain regions are that gave them a better chance of getting
glances behind him on his way out to involved in both hunger the pictured food or the explanation for
check whether Eurydice is indeed follow- the magic trick at the end of the experi-
and curiosity.
ing him—and loses her forever. ment. If they lost, they’d instead get tokens
The story hints at a dark side to that increased their chances of getting an
curiosity, a drive to seek certain kinds electric shock at the end of their session.
of knowledge even when doing so is Beginning in 2016, the team recruited On being presented with their odds of win-
risky—and even if the information 32 volunteers and instructed them not to ning, participants reported how desirable
serves no practical purpose at the time. eat for at least two hours before coming they found either the food or the explana-
In fact, the way people pursue informa- into the lab. After they arrived, the volun- tion of the magic trick, and whether they
tion they’re curious about can resem- teers’ fingers were hooked up to electrodes were willing to accept the gamble.
ble the drive to attain more tangible that could deliver a weak current, and Not surprisingly, the chances of win-
rewards such as food—a parallel that researchers calibrated the level of elec- ning and the desirability that partici-
hasn’t been lost on scientists. To inves- tricity to what each participant reported pants assigned the food or magic reveal

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each correlated with their likelihood of regions involved in the two motivations People are not just willing
accepting the gamble. But the category were indeed the same. When participants to pay, say, a few cents for it,
of the reward—food or satiated curios- viewed either the food or the curiosity- but are also willing to take
ity—was not a statistically significant inducing stimulus—which, in this func-
the risk of an electric shock.
predictor of participants’ decisions. tional MRI (fMRI) experiment, could be
—Ming Hsu
Behaviorally, at least, the drives were either a magic trick or a trivia question—a University of California, Berkeley
similar in how they affected the partici- region deep in the brain called the nucleus
pants’ risk-taking. accumbens became more active, particu-
The research team suspected that the larly if they rated the food or solution
neural processes underlying the risk-tak- as highly desirable. If the subjects then Israel Deaconess Medical Center who
ing would also be similar for the two types decided to accept the gamble, three areas studies neural circuitry in rodents and
of motivation. “There is a body of literature known to be involved in reward process- was not involved in the work. The fact
suggesting that, as far as the neurobiologi- ing—the nucleus accumbens, the bilateral that similar brain regions are involved
cal mechanisms [go], they seem to be sim- caudate nucleus, and the ventral tegmen- in both hunger and curiosity means that
ilar to a certain extent,” says cognitive neu- tal area—lit up more than they did if par- discoveries made in animals about food-
roscientist Johnny King Lau, a postdoc at ticipants decided not to take the chance. related reward circuits in the brain are
the University of Reading and the study’s The experiment showed that curiosity, like also likely to be relevant to curiosity and
first author. To test this hypothesis for the desire for tangible reward, induces other drives that are difficult to study in
their risk-taking scenario, the researchers people to take risks, “and it seems to have model organisms, he adds.
ran an experiment similar to the first, this [a] very similar underlying mechanism in Researchers have typically mea-
the brain,” Lau says. sured human curiosity by asking sub-

time with a different set of subjects mak-

ing their decisions inside an MRI machine “This study is particularly interest- jects how much money they’d pay for
as their brains were scanned. ing because it investigates how curios- a piece of information, or having them
The patterns of blood flow revealed ity can act as a motivational drive,” says tell researchers how desirable the infor-
by the scan indicated that the brain Andrew Lutas, a neuroscientist at Beth mation was to them, notes Ming Hsu,

IRRESISTIBLE URGE: Edward Poynter’s Orpheus
and Eurydice depicts the mythical Greek hero just
before his curiosity gets the better of him.

but [are] also willing to take the risk” of

an electric shock.
While the research team’s fMRI scans
implicate the same brain regions in process-
ing hunger and curiosity, the images don’t
have the resolution to identify the specific
circuitry involved, Hsu notes, so a question
for future studies will be “whether the same
neurons are firing the same way with respect
to curiosity and food.” Another unanswered
question, he says, is what makes some facts
uninteresting to people, while other tid-
bits—say, celebrity gossip—are irresistible
to many. “We can measure the amount of
a neuroeconomist at the University of ative, very novel,” he says. “And it really, I curiosity that people express,” he says. “But

California, Berkeley, who also was not think, underscores the point of just how what we don’t know is, why are people curi-
involved in the study. “To show this with valuable curiosity is that people are not ous about some information but not others?”
electric shock I thought was very cre- just willing to pay, say, a few cents for it, —Shawna Williams

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People Combining measures of attention and emotional state,
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1 0. 2020 | T H E S C IE N T IST 1 9
hen he asks if I need people will do, the technology holds and breastfeeding would not do, but the
help, I am mortified. great promise to improve people’s lives. animal literature had demonstrated that
At 38,000 feet, the oxytocin release could be triggered by a
stranger next to me Trusting oxytocin social stimulus. So I turned to a senior
believes I’m having Since its discovery by English pharma- colleague for advice.
a crisis. Maybe I am. I’m crying uncon- cologist and physiologist Henry Dale In the 1990s, members of Vernon
trollably as I watch the scene unfold- in 1906, oxytocin has revealed itself to Smith’s lab at the University of Arizona
ing before me on the seven-inch screen. be the quintessential mammalian pep- experimented with sequential money-
Damn that Clint Eastwood. tide, being part of a cascade of factors sharing tasks to document cooperation
Movies, songs, and photographs can involved in childbirth and parental care. between strangers even when there is an
bring us to tears of joy or sadness. Why Synthesized in the hypothalamus, it incentive to cheat. The task they devel-
did Million Dollar Baby reduce me to a functions both as a hormone—binding to oped separates participants and masks
quivering mess while other people enjoy receptors on cells in organs in the body their identities, allowing them to act
it without the emotional overflow? My such as the uterus (to trigger contrac- freely without fear of judgment as they
lab has spent much of the last 20 years tion) and breasts (to initiate milk let- interact with one another by computer.
measuring brain activity to predict when down)—and as a neuromodulator, bind- Each participant earns $10 for agreeing
an experience will induce emotional ing to receptors on neurons in the brain. to join the experiment and is randomly
reactions. Our research established the Animal research over the last 40 paired off with another individual into
neurochemical oxytocin as a key signal years has established that oxytocin medi- dyads of decision maker 1 (DM1) and deci-
that the brain values an experience and ates social behaviors.1 When group-living sion maker 2 (DM2). After comprehen-
thereby affects people’s decisions, and a mammals encounter familiar conspecif- sive instructions, the computer prompts
vast literature now describes oxytocin’s ics, oxytocin is released in the brain and DM1 to send between $0 and $10 to
role in motivating prosocial behaviors motivates approach behaviors. The pep- DM2. Both DMs know that whatever
such as trustworthiness, generosity, and tide also plays a critical role in maternal DM1 chooses to send is removed from her
charitable giving. Recently, we found attachment, pair bonding, and even the or his account, and that three times the
that combining measures of oxytocin maintenance of cross-species “friendships” amount is added to DM2’s account. DM2
with other neurochemicals allows us that are valuable for protection, food shar- then gets a prompt showing the tripled
to build models that accurately predict ing, and learning through play. amount received along with the new total
what individuals and populations of peo- Oxytocin is typically measured in cere- in his or her account, and is prompted to
ple will do—such as whether they will be brospinal fluid in animals. When I hypoth- transfer an amount between zero and the
invested enough in Hilary Swank’s char- esized that oxytocin might explain human account total back to DM1. The chosen
acter to cry when she dies. social behaviors, I did not want to subject sum is removed from DM2’s account and
Neural measures are valuable because people to spinal taps. An odd property of that same value is deposited in DM1’s
people have difficulty articulating the oxytocin is its simultaneous release in the account. Participants never meet, and
motivations for their actions. As a result, brain from cells of the hypothalamus and are paid their account balances in cash
survey-based research can lead organi- in peripheral blood from the posterior privately when the experiment concludes.
zations that supply goods and services pituitary. Taking advantage of this prop- Both participants can walk away with
to waste time and money offering peo- erty, my lab developed a protocol to mea- more than their $10 show-up earnings
ple the wrong things. To improve market sure the change of oxytocin in blood that if DM1 believes that DM2 will cooper-
assessments, my team and I have worked would reliably reflect the change in the ate and if DM2 chooses to do so. Across
to identify what neurological correlates brain. But oxytocin has a 3–5 minute half- many studies using this task, from Smith’s
are able to forecast human behavior. We life and relatively fragile chemical bonds, lab and other groups, that’s often what
even launched a startup and developed a so we would have to draw blood rapidly, happens: most DM1s send some money
software platform so that companies can and keep it cold while it was processed. to DM2s, and most DM2s return enough
use neural responses to predict which It was a tricky procedure to sort out, and to bring DM1’s account balance to more
TV shows and movies will be hits and for a month my arms were riddled with than the $10 she started with. The con-
which songs will reach Billboard’s num- prick marks as I let my PhD student Bill sensus view by experimental economists
ber one, as well as to identify learners Matzner, also a practicing physician, prac- is that the DM1 to DM2 transfer is a sig-
who have effectively understood educa- tice on me, the only test subject I knew nal of trust. The DM1 transfer seems to
tion and training and to drive up pro- would consent to multiple needle sticks. say, using the southern California vernac-
ductivity after virtual meetings. While Once we learned how to handle the ular where we ran our studies, “Hey dude,
scientists are just beginning to use neu- blood samples, we still needed a way to we can soak these scientists for a bunch
rological measurements to predict what stimulate oxytocin release. Childbirth of cash. I trust that you understand why

I’m sacrificing to grow the pie and will flip that oxytocin caused trust-related behav-
some dough back to me.” The back-transfer iors, I had to get oxytocin safely into
from DM2 to DM1 is then a measure human brains. Synthetic oxytocin (trade
of trustworthiness. name Pitocin) has a very safe drug pro-
Smith, who later won the Nobel Prize file; intravenous Pitocin is regularly used
in Economic Sciences for introducing to speed up labor. But the evidence indi-
experimentation to the field, told me cated that little or no intravenous oxyto-
that he had no idea why people cooper- cin enters the brain. An intranasal oxyto-
ated with strangers on this task consid- cin infuser, used to initiate milk flow for
ering that DM2s can keep all the money breastfeeding, was available in Europe but
without suffering any repercussions. I had gone off the market in the US, despite
suspected that our human social nature, also being very safe. I found a Swiss phar-
perhaps due to oxytocin, was the expla- macy that would mail oxytocin infusers to
nation. I hypothesized that DM1’s trans- me with a prescription, but after a year of
fer of money, denoting trust in DM2, corresponding with the US Food and Drug
would cause an increase in oxytocin in Administration (FDA), I was told that I
DM2 that would spur him to reciprocate. would not be allowed to import the drug.
The key to testing this hypothesis was In 2003, Swiss graduate student
measuring the change in oxytocin over Markus Heinrichs, now a professor at the
the course of the experiment. University of Freiburg, sent me his doc-
In studies published in 2004 and toral dissertation that used intranasal oxy-
2005, we reported that 90 percent tocin administration to study social stress
of DM1s sent some of their money to in humans. Heinrichs had shown that oxy- While scientists are
DM2s, and that the more money DM2s tocin reduced stress responses when partic- just beginning to use
received, the larger their spike in oxy- ipants interacted with one another prior to
tocin. 2,3 The magnitude of the oxyto- a public speaking task. Desperate to show neurological measure-
cin rise was also highly correlated with oxytocin was causally related to trust, I ments to predict what
the amount of money DM2 returned called Markus and suggested a collabora-
to DM1. It wasn’t the money itself that tion: he had the intranasal oxytocin infus-
people will do, the
caused the oxytocin surge; a control con- ers and I had the trust task. We put a group opportunity to improve
dition, where the DM1-to-DM2 transfer
was determined randomly, and the par-
together and ran the study in Switzerland.
Think of synthetic oxytocin as
people’s lives holds
ticipants knew DM1 had no choice in the inducing the same physiological effect great promise.
matter, produced no oxytocin response one would experience when meeting
and few back-transfers to DM1s. Rather, a friend. While in our previous exper-
the data indicated that it was the inten- iments, DM1s did not get a social sig-
tion of trust from DM1—reflected in the nal prior to making a choice and thus
choice of transferring money—that trig- did not show a change in oxytocin, we
gered the rise in oxytocin in DM2. We expected that an oxytocin boost in the
also measured nine other neurochemi- form of intranasal infusion would influ-
cals known to affect the release of oxy- ence DM1s’ behavior. Sure enough, our
tocin or the binding of oxytocin to its experiment showed that oxytocin more
receptor; none of these correlated with than doubled the number of DM1s who
oxytocin release or money transfers. sent all their money. Overall, DM1s who
It appeared that oxytocin alone was received an infusion transferred an aver-
responsible for reciprocity. age of 17 percent more money to the
DM2s in their dyads than those given a
Putting oxytocin to the test placebo. At the same time, the additional
Scientists by personality and training are oxytocin had no effect on DM2 behav-
skeptics. Even before publishing our find- ior. This was not entirely unexpected,
ings relating the endogenous release of because there is already a strong desire
oxytocin to trustworthiness, I was con- to reciprocate trust, as evidenced in our
cerned about causation. To demonstrate previous experiments; more oxytocin, it

1 0. 202 0 | T H E S C IE N T IST 2 1
seems, could not push return transfers molecule affects many prosocial behav- patients with social anxiety, depression,
even higher. Our team published these iors such as generosity toward strangers5 and autism have dysregulated oxytocin,
results in 2005 in Nature.4 and charitable donations.6 These findings administering oxytocin in these patients
Shortly thereafter, I obtained approval were extended by other labs showing that does not seem to help alleviate the symp-
to use intranasal oxytocin in the US. Our oxytocin administration increased empa- toms, likely because it does not change
studies of endogenous oxytocin and exog- thy, did not make people gullible, and the underlying neural circuitry.8 My team
enous oxytocin infusion showed that the had context-dependent effects.7 While also showed that endogenous and exoge-

Immersion is a neurological state of attention and emotional resonance that predicts
what people will do after an experience, often with 80 percent or greater accuracy.
We identified it by comparing neural activity in people who took an action after
an experience versus those who did not.

1 Participants viewed a video about “Big” Ben Bowen,

who suffered from an aggressive brain tumor at age
two and was featured in a fundraising campaign from
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.


nous testosterone, known to inhibit oxy- Million Dollar Baby, I wondered if more Movies put this effect into overdrive by
tocin release, reduced trustworthiness than just personal interactions could trig- combining visuals, music, and emotional
and generosity in money-sharing tasks.9 ger the release of oxytocin. displays. Neurologically, it is odd that
Oxytocin appeared to be a critical part of people who are cognitively intact and sit-
the fabric of human sociality. Immersion in an experience ting in a movie theater (or on an airplane)
But we wanted to see how far we Entertainment only works if one cares will cry or laugh at a flickering image. I
could go. After my experience watching about the characters in the narrative. wanted to know if the movies and videos

 As participants watched Bowen’s story, we measured attention
and emotional responses using brain activity as measured by
electroencephalography (EEG) as well as multiple signals from the
peripheral nervous system.

3 We also drew blood

from participants before
and after they viewed
the video to measure
changes in oxytocin, cortisol,
and adrenocorticotropic
hormone (ACTH).

4 One-half of the hundreds of people who


viewed the video donated money to St. Jude.
Our analysis predicted who would donate with
82 percent accuracy.

1 0. 2020 | T H E S C IE N T IST 2 3
that elicited such emotional responses administered synthetic oxytocin or placebo
were provoking oxytocin release. to people before they watched 16 European
In order to rule out the random neuro- public service announcements (PSAs) in
chemical changes that are part of the brain’s English. The videos warned viewers about
housekeeping, my lab and I designed experi- public health issues such as heart disease
ments that included a behavioral task. If the and drunk driving. Many were funny, some
neurochemical changes we observed were a were sad, and others simply stated facts.
response to the video and not background Participants earned $5 after watching each
noise, they should correlate with choices video and could donate to a US-based char-
made by participants after viewing the videos. ity that worked on the highlighted problem.
Our first study used a fundraising Sure enough, participants who received
video we obtained with permission from oxytocin donated 56 percent more money
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. to 57 percent more charities and reported
We cut out two 100-second segments of a more concern for the people shown in the
father with his two-year-old son who was PSAs compared with placebo recipients.11
dying of brain cancer. The narrative ver- We recruited a new batch of people and had
sion of the video showed the father talk- them watch one of the 16 PSAs and took
ing about how it felt to know that his son blood samples before and after. As in our
was dying. The control video showed the previous study, donations were made by
same father and son at the zoo. We paid those who had increases in oxytocin and
Think of synthetic people to participate and obtained blood ACTH. We coined the term “immersion” to
oxytocin as inducing samples before and after they viewed the denote the neurological state of attention
the same physiological video. After the second blood draw, par- and emotional resonance during an experi-
ticipants had the option to donate some of ence that results in an observable behavior.
effect one would their earnings to St. Jude. This was done To more fully understand what sto-
experience when in private so people would not feel pres- ries such as the St. Jude video do neuro-
sured to give. The narrative version of the logically, we needed higher-frequency data.
meeting a friend. video caused a spike in oxytocin while the Blood draws before and after viewing can-
control did not. Furthermore, the increase not capture second-by-second responses in
in oxytocin correlated with the amount of the nervous system. In 2011, the US Defense
empathic concern participants reported Advanced Research Projects Agency
for the father and son.10 But oxytocin alone (DARPA) had launched a program called
was not sufficient to predict whether par- Narrative Networks that supported neuro-
ticipants would donate. science research into persuasive communi-
Going into the study, we had decided to cations. I had met the program officer, Wil-
measure neurochemicals associated with liam Casebeer, at several conferences and he
arousal, knowing that very high arousal invited me to submit a proposal for funding.
can inhibit oxytocin release. It turned Once funding was secured, we returned
out that arousal was a critical factor in to the St. Jude video and measured myr-
determining who gave money to St. Jude. iad physiological signals including car-
The analysis showed that, in addition diac rhythms, vagus nerve activity, and
to an increase in oxytocin, participants electrical conductance of skin to capture
who donated showed positive arousal— arousal and emotional responses without
initially, a rise in cortisol, and later, an blood draws. The data showed that the
increase in the faster-acting adrenocorti- attentional response occurred first while
cotropic hormone (ACTH). The data hit the emotional response followed typically
us with a new insight: it seemed that par- 10–15 seconds later. Combining arousal
ticipants had to both pay attention to the and the effect of oxytocin into a measure
video—i.e., be aroused—and be emotion- of immersion, the pattern looked like a
ally engaged with it to donate. classic narrative arc, with the intensity of
In order to establish whether or not immersion peaking at the video’s climax
oxytocin plays a causal role in people’s deci- and declining as the video resolved.12 Our
sions to donate to charity, our next study subsequent studies of hundreds of audio

and video stories showed that the nar- immersion predicted sales or it did not. ing the last 20 years shows it is an impor-
rative arc is an effective way to sustain We recruited 61 participants to watch the tant signal of the value that people derive
immersion and motivate actions—which BBDO commercials. Immersion correctly from experiences with social content.
makes sense, as it’s been used to teach and identified the ads that produced the largest
entertain for thousands of years.13 sales bump for five of the six brands. More- Paul J. Zak is a professor and founding
Our contract with DARPA required that over, we found a statistically significant lin- director of the Center for Neuroeconomics
we predict with at least 70 percent accuracy ear relationship between immersion and Studies at Claremont Graduate University
who would donate after the video using only sales bumps: as immersion increases, so in California. He is also the founder and
neurological data. Building statistical mod- do sales. BBDO was thrilled, as was I. Chief Immersion Officer of Immersion Neu-
els from the electrical signals that constitute The BBDO study gave me the confi- roscience, which launched the first “Neuro-
immersion, our predictive accuracy in 2015 dence to scale up data collection. I started science as a Service” platform that enables
was 82 percent. Modeling second-by-sec- a company called Immersion Neuroscience clients to predict human behavior by mea-
ond data, we found that those who donated and, together with my collaborators, built a suring immersion.
to St. Jude had a more pronounced spike software platform that allowed anyone to
in immersion at the peak of the narrative measure immersion. The Immersion Neu-
arc compared with non-donors. Measuring roscience software lives in cloud servers and
immersion is a way to understand, and pre- takes the signal from popular wearables that References
dict, why people do what they do. measure cardiac activity, using algorithms 1. T.R. Insel, “The challenge of translation in social
we wrote to infer neural states in real time. neuroscience: a review of oxytocin, vasopressin,
and affiliative behavior,” Neuron, 65:768–79,
Predicting people We launched the platform in 2018, and since
In 2013, my Google alert for the word “oxyto- then, clients have used it to measure immer- 2. P.J. Zak et al., “The neurobiology of trust,” Ann NY
cin” picked up a video from Cannes, France. sion in ways we had never thought of. Acad Sci, 1032:224–27, 2004.
In it, Josy Paul, chairman of the India divi- Rather than lab experiments, Immer- 3. P.J. Zak et al., “Oxytocin is associated with human
sion of the global advertising agency BBDO, sion’s clients are performing field studies. trustworthiness,” Horm Behav, 48:522–27, 2005.
4. M. Kosfeld et al., “Oxytocin increases trust in
said that BBDO’s ads were so creative that These studies have shown that immer-
humans,” Nature, 435:673–76, 2005.
“they caused the brain to make oxytocin.” I sion can identify top-rated reality TV 5. P.J. Zak et al., “Oxytocin increases generosity in
was intrigued. And skeptical. shows with 88 percent accuracy and that humans,” PLOS ONE, 2:e1128, 2007.
Had BBDO really measured oxytocin immersion while listening to music three 6. J.A. Barraza et al., “Oxytocin infusion increases
using blood draws? A few searches led me to months prior to release had a nearly per- charitable donations regardless of monetary
resources,” Horm Behav, 60:148–51, 2011.
Paul’s email, and I sent a query. They were fect correlation with post-release Spotify
7. J.A. Bartz et al., “Social effects of oxytocin in
“guessing” about oxytocin, he said, but they streams. Client usage has also found that humans: context and person matter,” Trends Cogn
were interested in doing a test. I explained information recall two weeks after a pre- Sci, 15:301–309, 2011.
that immersion, not just oxytocin, was the sentation has a high positive correlation 8. K. MacDonald, T.M. MacDonald, “The peptide
best predictor of actions that I had found, and with immersion. Since we launched our that binds: a systematic review of oxytocin
and its prosocial effects in humans,” Harv Rev
that I could measure it with wireless sensors. platform, a major professional services
Psychiatry, 18:1–21, 2010.
BBDO executives cooked up a plan to hold company, Accenture, has been measuring 9. P.J. Zak et al., “Testosterone administration
my feet to the fire: a blinded prediction. immersion during the training they pro- decreases generosity in the ultimatum game,”
Here is how it went. BBDO sent me 18 vide to employees and has used immersion PLOS ONE, 4:e8330, 2009.
TV commercials they had created for six data to ensure all learners benefit from 10. J.A. Barraza, P.J. Zak, “Empathy toward strangers
triggers oxytocin release and subsequent
different brands. There were three com- training. Real-time feedback on immer-
generosity,” Ann NY Acad Sci, 1167:182–89, 2009.
mercials each for Snickers candy bars, sion is increasingly important as training 11. P.-Y. Lin et al., “Oxytocin increases the influence
Cesar dog food, AT&T phone services, and education go virtual and instructors of public service advertisements,” PLOS
Visa credit cards, and two beers, Guin- are not in the same room with learners. ONE, 8:e56934, 2013.
ness and Bud Light. BBDO’s clients had I have had the privilege to take the basic 12. J.A. Barraza et al., “The heart of the story: peripheral
physiology during narrative exposure predicts
already ranked the commercials by the science we have done on the behavioral
charitable giving,” Biol Psychol, 105:138–43, 2015.
sales bumps they had produced—infor- effects of oxytocin and create a tool to pre- 13. P.J. Zak, J.A. Barraza, “Measuring immersion
mation that BBDO withheld from us dict what people are likely to do. Immer- in experiences with biosensors: Preparation for
while we analyzed people’s immersion sion seems to capture the value of experi- international joint conference on biomedical
levels as they watched each commercial. ences. When experiences are valued, they engineering systems and technologies,” in
Proceedings of the 11th International Joint
A blinded prediction is the ultimate are remembered, acted on, and shared with
Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems
test of accuracy because there is no way to others. Oxytocin is only part of the neuro- and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2018), vol. 4,
cherry-pick the data or do esoteric statisti- logical process that leads to actions, but the BIOSIGNALS (SCITEPRESS, 2018), 303–7,
cal analyses to improve the forecast: either research from my lab and many others dur- doi:10.5220/0006758203030307.

1 0. 2020 | T H E S C IE N T IST 2 5

Crosstalk between the immune system and the nervous system
is proving essential for the health of both body and mind.


iroyaone Brombacher sat in her mouse failed to learn where the platform system were communicating using pro-
lab at the University of Cape Town was located. Meanwhile, wildtype mice teins such as IL-13. While the knockout
watching a video of an albino mouse learned fairly quickly and repeatedly swam mice had no IL-13, she reported in 2017

swimming around a meter-wide tub filled right to the platform. “When you took out that the meninges of wildtype mice were
with water. The animal, which lacked an IL-13, [the mice] just could not learn,” says chock full of the cytokine. 1 Sitting just
immune protein called interleukin 13 (IL- Brombacher, who studies the intersection of outside the brain, the immune protein
13), was searching for a place to rest but psychology, neuroscience, and immunology. did, in fact, seem to be playing a criti-
couldn’t find the clear plexiglass stand that Curious as to what was going on, cal role in learning and memory, Brom-
sat at one end of the pool, just beneath the Brombacher decided to dissect the mice’s bacher and her colleagues concluded.

water’s surface. Instead, it swam and swam, brains and the spongy membranes, called As far back as 2004, studies in

crisscrossing the tub several times before the meninges, that separate neural tis- rodents suggested that neurons and their

finally finding the platform on which to sue from the skull. She wanted to know support cells release signals that allow
stand. Over and over, in repeated trials, the if the nervous system and the immune the immune system to passively moni-

1 0. 2020 | T H E S C IE N T IST 27
tor the brain for pathogens, toxins, and cytokines such as IL-13 spur astrocytes to focused in on a T cell cytokine called
debris that might form during learn- release brain-derived neurotrophic factor interleukin-4 (IL-4), which helped mice
ing and memory-making, and that, in (BDNF) and other proteins that bolster with functional immune systems form
response, molecules of the immune sys- neural development and influence learn- long-term memories about the platform’s
tem could communicate with neurons to ing and memory. location. IL-4 is secreted by T cells in the
influence learning, memory, and social This line of work has led to rapid body that can migrate to the meninges,
behavior. Together with research on the developments in neuroimmunology, a and was somehow affecting the brain.3
brain’s resident immune cells, called growing field of research that focuses Following up on that work, Kipnis’s
microglia, the work overturned a dogma, on understanding the ways in which then-postdoc Anthony Filiano, now an
held since the 1940s, that the brain was the nervous system draws on immune assistant professor of neurosurgery at
“immune privileged,” cut off from the cells during normal function, and how Duke University, found that mice lack-
immune system entirely. that interaction plays a role in learning, ing T cells didn’t socialize with others
Brombacher and others are now memory, and social behavior, as well as the way normal mice did. If the immune-
starting to identify how communica- neurological disease. Some researchers deficient mice got an infusion of immune
tion between the nervous system and the even propose that the immune system cells at around four weeks of age, they
immune system happens. In 2012, molec- might be key to treating some forms of became much more social, mimicking
ular imaging revealed that fluorescently impaired cognition. the behaviors of normal mice just a few
labeled proteins could flow through a layer weeks after their immune supplementa-
of projections, or “feet,” of neuronal sup- Immune whispers tion. An analysis of gene expression data
port cells called astrocytes. Astrocytes are One of the first teams to make the con- collected from both sets of mice revealed
star-shaped cells that sit at the border of nection between the immune system and that interferon gamma, a cytokine essen-
neural and meningeal tissues and along brain function included Jonathan Kipnis, tial for the body’s defense against viral
the blood vessels of the brain; their foot now at the Washington University School and bacterial pathogens, was associated
layer is the barrier that separates cerebro- of Medicine in St. Louis. In 2004, Kipnis with sociality.
spinal fluid (CSF), the watery liquid that and colleagues showed that mice with- To see if interferon gamma had a
envelops the brain and spinal cord, from out adaptive immune cells such as T cells direct effect on the brain, Filiano and his
the neurons of the central nervous system. had trouble remembering the location of collaborators knocked out the gene for
If those fluorescently labeled molecules a submerged platform while they were the cytokine receptor in neurons in the
could cross the astrocyte layer and move swimming.2 A few years later, the group mouse prefrontal cortex, a region impor-
into and out of the brain, so could CSF-
based immune-system proteins, which are
smaller, scientists figured.
Experiments have also shown that
cytokines in the blood can cross the blood-
brain barrier (BBB—which, in addition to
the wall of astrocyte feet, includes a tight
layer of endothelial cells surrounding
the brain’s vasculature—and may influ-
ence neurons. A third mode of commu-
nication, Brombacher notes, is through
immune cytokines’ interactions with
astrocytes themselves: it seems that the
signaling molecules don’t have to pene-
trate neural tissue at all to influence the
brain. Her work shows, for example, how

INTO THE BRAIN: Astrocytes (green) have long,

thin extensions called feet that line the blood
vessels in the brain. Those feet contain water
channels (purple) that allow cerebrospinal fluid,
including the molecules within it, to move into
the astrocytes and out into the brain, where it
can interact directly with neurons.

tant for social behavior. This caused mice appeared to attenuate ASD-like symp- says. “We’re showing that you have a pop-
to spend less time interacting with other toms in young and old adult mice that had ulation of immune cells sitting outside
mice, a sign that they were feeling less been exposed to the high IL-17 levels in the brain that impact neurons inside it.”
social; the result offered evidence to sug- utero, suggesting that exposure to elevated In parallel with these studies dem-
gest that interferon gamma from T cells maternal IL-17 during development also onstrating the capacity of cytokines
in the meninges was acting directly on the paradoxically “primes” the immune sys- to affect learning and memory, anxi-
cortical neurons.4 tem for rescue by the cytokine in maturity.6 ety, and social behavior, researchers are
Inspired by Kipnis and Filiano’s work,
Brombacher and colleagues decided to set
up a similar experiment. The team first
tested IL-4 knockout mice against wild- Turning to the immune system might be key to
type mice in a water maze and success-
fully replicated Kipnis’s original results— treating some forms of impaired cognition.
the immunodeficient mice were learning
impaired. Then, Brombacher tried the
experiment with mice lacking IL-13,
which is closely related to IL-4, and Last year, neuroimmunologist Julie beginning to pull back the curtain on the
got the more dramatic results: “learn- Ribot of the University of Lisbon and communication channels that T cells use
ing was abrogated,” she says. Both cyto- her colleagues added to the IL-17 story to talk with neurons. Although it is still
kines clearly affected learning, but IL-13 when they discovered that mice lacking unclear exactly how the two systems
appeared to play a more significant role a certain type of T cell or the cytokine physically interact, several possibilities
than IL-4, perhaps because of some had trouble making short-term memo- have been identified, including direct
underlying biochemistry: IL-13 and IL-4 ries when exploring a Y-shaped maze. 7 messages from T cells sent via cytokines
share a receptor on the surface of cells This is in contrast to the effects on long- interacting with neurons and indirect
called IL-4 receptor alpha, but IL-13 can term memory formation that research- signals generated through the interac-
also transmit its signal using another ers have uncovered for IL-4 and IL-13 in tion of cytokines with astrocytes.
receptor. Brombacher is now setting up the water maze. The different effects of
experiments to remove the cell receptors the interleukins, Ribot says, could have Communication channels
and see what happens to the mice’s per- something to do with the fact that the Some neuroscientists remain adamant that,
formance in the water maze. gamma delta T cells that produce IL-17 with the exception of some drugs, most
Evidence is also mounting for interleu- reside in the meninges, where they molecules do not get through the barriers
kin 17’s involvement in learning and social- could act within seconds during short- that separate the brain from the rest of the
ity. In 2016, Gloria Choi of MIT’s McGov- term memory formation. T cells that body unless there’s a rupture to the bound-
ern Institute for Brain Research and produce IL-4 and IL-13, on the other ary layers intended to cordon off the cen-
colleagues linked the cytokine to signs in hand, have to be recruited to the menin- tral nervous system. But research from sev-
mouse pups similar to symptoms of autism ges from elsewhere in the body, which eral groups now challenges this idea. A key
spectrum disorder (ASD) in humans. Spe- takes time, suggesting they support the study in disproving the long-held assump-
cifically, animals that developed infections creation of memories that take longer to tion that the brain is immune privileged
while pregnant gave birth to babies that form, she notes. came from the lab of neuroscientist Mai-
exhibited ASD-like behavioral traits. Inter- The role of gamma delta T cells and ken Nedergaard of the University of Roch-
leukin 17 (IL-17) was among the immune IL-17 in cognition doesn’t end with links to ester Medical Center. In 2012, she and her
signals secreted to help combat the patho- memory and autism, though. The cells and colleagues watched fluorescent and radio-
gen, the researchers found, and baby mice their cytokine may play a role in anxiety, labeled tracers flow from the CSF into the
born to mouse moms with infections had according to Kipnis’s latest experiments. brains of anesthetized mice. (See “Into the
a higher abundance of IL-17 receptors on His team recently showed that the release Breach,” The Scientist, November 2017.)
their brain cells than mice born to unin- of IL-17 from gamma delta T cells corre- Specifically, Nedergaard’s team
fected moms. Blocking those IL-17 recep- lates with anxiety-like behavior in mice, recorded the movement of the tracers
tors with drugs during gestation protected and that deleting the IL-17 receptor from into and out of the animals’ cerebral cor-
pups against the effects of higher mater- glutamatergic neurons in cortical regions tex, the brain’s outer layer of folded gray
nal IL-17; the pups were born without the involved in threat perception and response matter, which is essential for conscious-
signature behavioral issues associated with reduced anxiety-like behaviors.8 ness, attention, and making memories.
ASD.5 Stimulating the release of IL-17 or The major takeaway from each of The researchers learned that CSF carry-
administering the cytokine directly also these IL-17 papers is the same, Kipnis ing cytokines and other signaling mol-

1 0. 202 0 | T H E S C IE N T IST 2 9
Several routes exist for immune cells and neurons to communicate, though T cells rarely come in direct contact with neural
tissue. This communication can happen as cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flows from the space surrounding blood vessels deep in
the brain into neural tissue and back out again. As an animal learns new information, changing neural circuits can release
signals to which the immune system responds. The immune system in the meninges, the spongy membranes that sepa-
rate neural tissue from the skull, also monitors CSF coming from the brain for signs of infection or injury.




Meninges Pia mater


T cell





 Cellular waste
and toxins 5

ecules flows from the meninges into the
space surrounding the brain’s vascula-
ture. As the arteries pulse with each beat
of an animal’s heart, the blood vessels
expand, and the CSF is pushed through
water channels in the astrocyte feet and
then into the brain. 9 The reverse flow
also takes place: CSF that has entered
the brain and mixed with the extracel-
lular, or interstitial, fluid—and that now
carries waste proteins ready for clear-
ance—is pressed back through astrocytes
into the space surrounding the blood
vessels. “Maiken showed this very, very
elegantly,” Kipnis says. It completely
overthrew the dogma that the brain is
immune privileged, he says.
Earlier this year, Andrew Yang of
Stanford University and colleagues
extended this finding to specifically show
that cytokines released from T cells in the
blood can also reach the brains of mice.
The researchers extracted blood from
the animals, separated out plasma pro-
teins, labeled them with a fluorescent tag,
then injected them back into the blood-
streams of the mice they came from. In
healthy young adult mice, lots of the flu-
1 The meninges’ innermost layer, the pia mater, lines the perimeter of the brain,
 orescently tagged proteins crossed the
separating neural tissue from the surrounding fluid and tissue. But gaps in the thin, BBB to enter the interstitial fluid in the
fibrous tissue allow blood vessels to extend deep into the brain.
brain.10 “This finding suggests that a wide
 Along blood vessels in the brain, a tightly packed layer of endothelial cells,
variety of neural functions . . . could be
along with projections, or “feet,” from astrocytes collectively make up the blood- modulated by systemic protein signals,”
brain barrier, which prevents blood from entering the organ. But CSF that sits in the Roeben Munji and Richard Daneman of
space between the pia mater and upper layers of the meninges flows down around the University of California, San Diego,
the endothelium-lined blood vessels. wrote in a commentary accompanying
Yang’s study.
3 As arteries pulse with each beat from the heart, CSF pushes into the astrocyte
feet through AQP4 water channels. This CSF can carry signals from the immune
Cytokines in the meninges or possi-
system such as cytokines IL-17, IL-4, and interferon gamma that may also talk bly even in the blood might not have to
directly with neurons. enter the brain at all to affect the central
nervous system, according to Brombach-
4 Cytokines can also trigger astrocytes to release molecules such as brain-derived
 er’s studies. IL-13 and other cell signal-
neurotrophic factor (BDNF), influencing learning, memory, and sociality. ing molecules in the CSF or blood could
interact with astrocytes at the BBB or at
5 Once in the brain, the CSF mixes with extracellular fluid from neuronal tissue,

sweeping up cellular waste excreted along with any toxins, pathogen-derived anti-
the perimeter of the brain. In cultured
gens, and debris formed as part of normal neural rewiring. This fluid is then pushed astrocytes, treatment with IL-13 spurred
out of the brain through astrocyte feet into the perivascular space, where it can the production of BDNF and triggered
interact with gamma delta T cells. Those T cells may then respond by releasing the production of glial fibrillary acidic
cytokines such as IL-17 that can move right back into the brain, although this has yet protein (GFAP), an indication that neu-
to be shown.
ral connections are undergoing rewiring.

6 The CSF is then channeled to the lymphatic vessels in the meninges and
 Ribot’s study on IL-17 also showed that
flushed to lymph nodes in the neck, where more T cells are waiting to scan the the cytokine could spur mice’s astrocytes
fluid and respond. to release BDNF into the brain. Both

1 0. 2020 | T H E S C IE N T IST 3 1
BDNF and GFAP, which boost synaptic
rewiring, are associated with learning
and memory.
Communication between the immune
and nervous systems can also happen in
the reverse direction, with signals from
the brain reaching T cells of the spongy,
membranous meninges and of the rest of
the body. Until a few years ago, researchers
agreed that the brain lacked a drainage, or
lymphatic, system to clear away its waste
and to transport immune cells. But to Kip-
nis, it just didn’t make sense that one of the
most important organs in the body would
not have that kind of plumbing. So he and
his colleagues went looking for it, and in
2015, they found it—mice’s brains did, in
fact, have lymphatic vessels that shipped the existence of meningeal lymphatic ves- fluid will probably be a very, very effi-
waste and T cells from the meninges to sels in humans and nonhuman primates.12 cient route for treating patients.”
deep cervical lymph nodes in the animals’ Understanding immune cell–neuron
necks.11 “These structures are bona fide ves- crosstalk—both the way T cells respond A window to the brain
sels—they express all the same markers as to what’s in CSF coming from the cen- Developing molecules to infuse into the
lymphatic vessels in every other tissue,” he tral nervous system and how they blood or CSF to communicate with the
told The Scientist at the time. send signals into the brain—could be brain requires a better understanding of
how cytokines affect neurons, astrocytes,
and micro-glia over the course of a lifetime.
Interferon gamma, for example, appears to
have two faces when it comes to influenc-
Because we know that cerebrospinal fluid does ing neuronal circuits. In Kipnis’s studies of
go into the brain, putting therapies into that fluid young mice, the cytokine was essential for
the animals to be social. But an analysis of
will probably be a very, very efficient route for the brains of old mice shows that the same
cytokine might be detrimental to mak-
treating patients. ing new neurons in aged mice. Giving the
—Jonathan Kipnis, Washington University School of Medicine old mice an antibody that neutralizes the
immune cytokine restored neurogenesis in
the animals’ brains, a team of researchers
reported in 2019.13
In mice, T cells residing in the meninges important for understanding neuro- A similar tactic might provide a novel
scan the CSF for the cellular waste gener- logical disorders, such as Alzheimer’s way to treat various neuropsychiatric dis-
ated as neuronal circuits undergo changes, disease, autism, schizophrenia, and even orders such as schizophrenia. Analyses of
whether in response to learning and mem- the cognitive decline associated with immune cells in the blood of schizophre-
ory formation or in the case of dysfunc- aging. “With many of these neurologi- nia patients show that these individuals
tion. Then, T cells in the lymph nodes get cal disorders, there’s been reports that have higher levels of a variety of cytokines,
a chance to check the CSF for potential there’s some kind of dysregulation of the including IL-13 and interferon gamma,
threats such as pathogens, he says. Tracking immune system,” Filiano says. Identify- than healthy individuals do. People with
that lymphatic system in people’s brains is ing faulty signals from neurons in the schizophrenia treated with anti-inflam-

much harder, but Kipnis says there’s some fluid leaving the brain could lead to diag- matory and antipsychotic drugs also tend
evidence that what scientists are finding in nostic tools for neurological disorders, to have fewer cognitive problems than indi-
rodents does translate to human biology. In he notes. And given that CSF can carry viduals treated with only antipsychotics,
2017, he and collaborators at the National cytokines and other proteins to neu- hinting that reducing cytokine levels could
Institute of Neurological Disorders and rons, Kipnis says he suspects that “put- improve patients’ symptoms. While the
Stroke used MRI to noninvasively confirm ting [immune-based] therapies into that neuronal changes that cause schizophre-

7. M. Ribeiro et al., “Meningeal gamma delta T
nia are far from clear, studies suggest that cells talk to the brain, how these signals cell–derived IL-17 controls synaptic plasticity
when certain neurons produce lower-than- get from the immune cells to these neu- and short-term memory,” Sci Immunol,
expected levels of dopamine, they alert T ral circuits, how that communication hap- 4:eaay5199, 2019.
cells to a problem, and the T cells respond pens in health and disease.” g 8. K.A. de Lima et al.,“Meningeal γδ T cells
by releasing cytokines that prompt disease- regulate anxiety-like behavior via IL-
17a signaling in neurons,” Nat Immunol,
related deficits in memory, learning, social
doi:10.1038/s41590-020-0776-4 2020.
behavior, and resilience to stress. References 9. J.J. Iliff et al., “A paravascular pathway
Filiano and Kipnis have found evi- 1. T.M. Brombacher et al., “IL-13–mediated facilitates CSF flow through the brain
dence that a similar approach might work regulation of learning and memory,” J parenchyma and the clearance of interstitial
for helping individuals with autism. In Immunol, 198:2681–88, 2017. solutes, including amyloid β,” Sci Transl Med,
2. J. Kipnis et al., “T cell deficiency leads to 4:147ra111, 2012.
experiments with mice lacking T cells, the
cognitive dysfunction: Implications for 10. A.C. Yang et al., “Physiological blood–brain
researchers found that the animals not only therapeutic vaccination for schizophrenia and transport is impaired with age by a shift in
had social deficits but also showed hyper- other psychiatric conditions,” PNAS, 101:8180– transcytosis,” Nature, 583:425–30, 2020.
activity in neural circuits that often have 85, 2004. 11. A. Louveau et al., “Structural and functional
abnormal activity in the brains of people 3. N.C. Derecki et al., “Regulation of learning and features of central nervous system lymphatic
memory by meningeal immunity: A key role for vessels,” Nature, 523:337–41, 2015.
with autism. Not only did social behavior
IL-4,” J Exp Med, 207:1067–80, 2010. 12. M. Absinta et al., “Human and nonhuman
improve when the team infused the mice 4. A.J. Filiano et al., “Unexpected role of primate meninges harbor lymphatic vessels
with immune cells, but the animals’ abnor- interferon-γ in regulating neuronal connectivity that can be visualized noninvasively by MRI,”
mal neural activity subsided too. Meticu- and social behavior,” Nature, 535:425–29, 2016. eLife, 6:e29738, 2017.
lously tweaking the immune system might 5. G.B. Choi et al., “The maternal interleukin- 13. B.W. Dulken et al., “Single-cell analysis reveals
17a pathway in mice promotes autism-like T cell infiltration in old neurogenic niches,”
reverse the cognitive and social deficits of
phenotypes in offspring,” Science, 351:933–39, Nature,  571:205–10, 2019.
the disorder, the experiments suggest. 2016. 14. D. Frydecka et al., “Profiling inflammatory
For now, the results leave Filiano want- 6. M.D. Reed et al., “IL-17a promotes sociability signatures of schizophrenia: A cross-sectional
ing to know more. He explains, “We’re in mouse models of neurodevelopmental and meta-analysis study,” Brain Behav Immun,
really interested in how these immune disorders,” Nature, 577:249–53, 2020. 71:28–36, 2018.

A growing number of knock-out experiments in mice have revealed several T cell–derived cytokines
that influence learning, memory, and sociability.


Interferon gamma Sociality

IL-4 Learning, long-term memory


IL-13 Learning, long-term memory

IL-17 Short-term memory, anxiety


Tiny, Illinois-based Surgisphere Corporation stunned
scientists and the public earlier this year when its
influential COVID-19 studies fell apart under scrutiny
and the company disintegrated overnight. But the
problem started long before 2020.


t sounds absurd that an obscure US company with a hastily
constructed website could have driven international health
policy and brought major clinical trials to a halt within the
span of a few weeks. Yet that’s what happened earlier this year,
when Illinois-based Surgisphere Corporation began a publishing
spree that would trigger one of the largest scientific scandals of
the COVID-19 pandemic to date.
At the heart of the deception was a paper published in The
Lancet on May 22 that suggested hydroxychloroquine, an anti-
malarial drug promoted by US President Donald Trump and
others as a therapy for COVID-19, was associated with an
increased risk of death in patients hospitalized with the dis-
ease. The study wasn’t a randomized controlled trial—the gold

1 0. 2020 | T H E S C IE N T IST 3 5
standard for determining a drug’s safety and efficacy—but it did to help justify including the drug in clinical guidelines for disease
purportedly draw from an enormous registry of observational treatment and prevention—decisions that have not been reversed
data that Surgisphere claimed to have collected from the elec- since the paper disappeared. A nonprofit organization in Africa
tronic medical records of nearly 100,000 COVID-19 patients that had partnered with Surgisphere to develop diagnostic tools
across 671 hospitals on six continents. for COVID-19 watched months of work disintegrate after the
The study was a medical and political bombshell. News outlets company and its database fell into disrepute.
analyzed the implications for what they referred to as the “drug As the initial shock faded, the medical and scientific commu-
touted by Trump.” Within days, public health bodies including nities sought to make sense of how something so damaging could
the World Health Organization (WHO) and the UK Medicines have happened so quickly—and whether it could be prevented
and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) instructed from happening again. While a heightened sense of urgency dur-
organizers of clinical trials of hydroxychloroquine as a COVID- ing the pandemic undoubtedly contributed to the problem, there
19 treatment or prophylaxis to suspend recruitment, while the were many people and institutions that theoretically could have
French government reversed an earlier decree allowing the drug prevented Surgisphere’s effects on science and public health,
to be prescribed to patients hospitalized with the virus. notes Rachel Cooper, the director of the Health Initiative at the
Before long, however, cracks started appearing in the study— nonprofit organization Transparency International.
and in Surgisphere itself. Scientists and journalists noted that the Desai’s astonishing influence on COVID-19 policy was dependent
Lancet paper’s data included impossibly high numbers of cases— on multiple parties, Cooper notes, from the institutions that employed
exceeding official case or death counts for some continents and him to the coauthors on his research studies, the journals that pub-
coming implausibly close for others. Similar data discrepancies lished the work, and the organizations that issued public health deci-
were also identified in two previous studies that had relied on the sions based on his research. Seen that way, the scandal represents “a
company’s database. Inquiries by The Scientist and The Guard- perfect storm of issues that have always been there,” she says.
ian, meanwhile, failed to identify any hospital that had contrib- An investigation by The Scientist points to a series of missed oppor-
uted to the registry. tunities to halt Surgisphere’s progress—in some cases stemming from
It also emerged that, for a company claiming to have created people’s failure to check implausible claims made by Desai or from a
one of the world’s largest and most sophisticated patient data- pattern of ignoring warnings of problematic data or behavior. While
bases, Surgisphere had little in the way of medical research to a few parties have since accepted some responsibility and outlined
show for it. Founded by vascular surgeon Sapan Desai in 2008 plans to avoid similar situations in the future, the majority have not.
and employing only a handful of people at a time, the company
initially produced textbooks aimed at medical students. It later A clear path
dabbled in various projects, including a short-lived medical jour- From the time he founded Surgisphere in 2008 as a surgical resi-
nal, before shooting to fame this year with its high-profile publi- dent at Duke University, Desai spent 12 years working as a vascular
cations on health outcomes in COVID-19 patients. surgeon in various US states. The Scientist learned of serious con-
The provenance of Surgisphere’s database—if it even exists, cerns about Desai’s integrity and his conduct as a physician span-
which many clinicians, journal editors, and researchers have ning that time.
questioned—has yet to become clear. Most of Desai’s coauthors After he left Duke in 2012, Desai trained or worked at the
admitted to having only seen summary data, and independent University of Texas Health Science Center, Southern Illinois
auditors tasked with verifying the database’s validity were never University (SIU), and Northwest Community Hospital (NCH) in
granted access, leading to the June 4 retractions of the Lancet suburban Chicago. At the latter two institutions, he held senior
study and a previous paper based on the database in The New positions: director of a new surgical skills lab and vice chair of
England Journal of Medicine. Over the following days, The Sci- research for surgery at SIU, and director of performance improve-
entist and other media outlets pointed out inaccurate claims ment at NCH, which he joined in 2016.
made on Surgisphere’s website, which it had launched in Feb- While vascular surgery was not the focus of Surgisphere’s
ruary and gradually erased as accusations of fraud mounted. work during the pandemic, Desai emphasized his background as
Desai, who spoke to The Scientist at the end of May, is no longer a doctor in press materials and interviews, calling the company
responding to requests for comment. “physician-led.” The Scientist has since spoken to five of Desai’s
Despite the brevity of Surgisphere’s moment in the limelight, former colleagues—ranging from medical trainees to supervi-
the repercussions of the company’s actions have been far-reaching. sors—spanning his medical career.
While the WHO quickly resumed hydroxychloroquine testing fol- The colleagues, who asked to remain anonymous for fear of
lowing criticisms of the Lancet paper, at least one international repercussions, recount similar concerns about Desai during the
trial was delayed more than a month. A now-removed preprint of time they had worked with him. All five describe experiences of
one of the company’s earlier studies, which linked the antipara- Desai making exaggerated claims about his personal achieve-
sitic medicine ivermectin to better survival in COVID-19 patients, ments, and three people at two separate institutions say they had
was used by national and regional governments in Latin America firsthand experiences of Desai providing inaccurate information

about patients. They accuse him of describing patient data that second, published on May 1 in NEJM, reported an association
didn’t match patient charts, for example, or saying he’d attended between cardiovascular disease and COVID-19 patient mortality,
to a patient when nurses and other staff confirmed he hadn’t. but no elevated risk associated with certain heart drugs feared to
Those three also indicate that Desai’s unreliability was an open be harmful in patients hospitalized with the virus. For the three
secret, with staff members regularly checking the veracity of his studies, Desai had collaborated with various combinations of six
claims with other members of the institution. other people—five who would later say they had not seen the raw
Asked why concerns about Desai’s conduct hadn’t been fol- data on which the studies were based, and three who received (but
lowed up on, some former colleagues say they’d felt too junior didn’t act upon) warnings from other researchers about possible
or hadn’t had enough proof to make a formal complaint. Others problems with Surgisphere’s data.
reference the risk of Desai pursuing legal action, or of retalia- Weeks before the Lancet study was published, data scientist Joe
tion from their institutions, which might have suffered repu- Brew and medical researcher Carlos Chaccour—both of whom are
tational damage should those concerns be made public. Some involved in a clinical trial at ISGlobal in Barcelona testing ivermec-
say complaints were made internally at their institutions, but tin’s use to reduce COVID-19 transmission—wrote to Desai and
weren’t acted upon. his preprint coauthors, Mandeep Mehra of Brigham and Women’s
By the time Desai left NCH this February, he’d been accused Hospital and Harvard Medical School, David Grainger of the Uni-
of medical malpractice in at least three lawsuits—two of which versity of Utah, and Amit Patel, who formerly held a teaching post
involved permanent damage following surgery and one that at Utah, about discrepancies in the ivermectin data. These discrep-
involved a patient death. Those cases are ongoing and Desai told ancies were similar to those that would later be raised for the Lan-
The Scientist earlier this year that he deemed any lawsuit naming cet paper—specifically, there appeared to be more cases in the Sur-
him to be unfounded. gisphere dataset than official records captured, suspiciously high

Despite the brevity of Surgisphere’s moment in the limelight, the

repercussions of the company’s actions have been far-reaching.

Contacted by The Scientist, most people in charge of depart- numbers of hospitalizations on continents where electronic medi-
ments where Desai worked declined to comment. NCH, which cal records are rarely used, and surprisingly large effect sizes given
continued to list Desai in its online physician directory until June, what was known of the drugs in question.
tells The Scientist in a statement that Desai had left voluntarily for Mehra—who, along with Patel, would coauthor all three Surgi-
“personal reasons.” Desai, who is still registered with the Ameri- sphere studies—responded to Brew and Chaccour that he shared
can Board of Surgery and has an active medical license in Illinois, doubts about the “implausibly high” effect size and forwarded their
told The Scientist in May that he would consider returning to concerns to Desai and Patel. Desai also replied but did not assuage
clinical practice in the future, although his former colleagues say the researchers’ concerns, Brew and Chaccour tell The Scientist.
that after what’s happened he’d be unlikely to find a job in vascu- Asked about the exchange, Grainger tells The Scientist in a
lar surgery at a major institution. statement that Mehra handled all the correspondence about data
sourcing and that he’d never been in contact with Surgisphere.
Helping hands Mehra tells The Scientist in a statement that he wasn’t aware of
Surgisphere went through many guises and was repeatedly reregis- potential discrepancies in the dataset before the Lancet paper was
tered in different states as Desai moved from institution to institu- published, and that all correspondence on the preprint should be
tion during his medical career. Only in the last couple of years did the directed to first author Patel. Patel, who the Lancet study stated
company begin redefining itself as a data analytics firm. It was in this had “full access to all the data in the study” and who revealed on
capacity that Surgisphere would soon claim it had amassed a medical Twitter that he is related to Desai “by marriage,” did not reply to
database of almost unprecedented proportions and complexity, one specific questions by The Scientist on this issue.
that could offer crucial insights during this year’s pandemic. Desai’s remaining three collaborators, like Grainger, each
By the time of the Lancet publication, Surgisphere had pro- worked on only one paper. Frank Ruschitzka of University Hospi-
vided data for two other studies of COVID-19 patients. The first, tal Zurich, a coauthor on the Lancet study, says in a statement that
posted as a preprint on SSRN in early April, linked ivermectin Mehra had recruited him at the “manuscript stage in this Harvard-
to improved outcomes in hospitalized COVID-19 patients. The led registry analysis” and that he had no role in data acquisition.

1 0. 202 0 | T H E S C IE N T IST 37
Actions taken by Surgisphere and its founder,
Sapan Desai

Collaborations and publications

Fallout from the company’s actions

MAY 30
The Lancet posts a correction notice on
the hydroxychloroquine paper noting
that the study authors have updated
the paper to resolve the discrepancies *Timeline scale adjusted in some places for fit.
in the Australian data and to present
raw rather than adjusted data. The jour-
nal states that the study’s conclusions
remain unchanged.
Surgisphere’s website is edited to remove
mentions of collaborations with the University
of Minnesota and other institutions after
the university contacts the company in
response to inquiries by The Scientist.

The WHO resumes the hydroxychloroquine

arm of the Solidarity Trial.


The preprint on ivermectin The AFEM issues a statement withdrawing its MHRA allows COPCOV to
disappears from SSRN. recommendation of the COVID-19 diagnostic resume recruitment to its trial of
Mehra will later tell tools developed in collaboration with Surgisphere, hydroxychloroquine as prophy-
The Scientist that he and halts plans for a clinical trial to test them. lactic in healthcare workers.
requested the removal AFEM founder Lee Wallis tells The Scientist the
because he “felt further nonprofit will work through the end of the year
analysis was needed to to develop, test, and roll out a replacement.
consider additional con-
founding factors.”

MHRA formally suspends the COPCOV trial despite the
retraction of the Lancet paper and a response from organizers
with reasons the study should continue.

Surgisphere’s COVID-19 diagnostic tools are removed from

the company’s website hours after The Scientist publishes a
story about researchers’ criticism of them.


The Lancet and NEJM retract the JUNE 19

papers based on Surgisphere’s The Pan American Health Organization,
JUNE 12 a regional office of the WHO, circulates a
database after independent
Surgisphere’s document warning that there is a lack of
auditors tasked with checking
website is suspended. clinical evidence of ivermectin’s efficacy
its validity are refused access.
in COVID-19 patients and that the drug
JUNE 2 should not be used to treat the disease.
A second open letter, this time addressed to Still, many Latin American countries now
NEJM and the authors on that study, details fur- recommend ivermectin as treatment and
ther discrepancies in Surgisphere’s database as prophylaxis.
evident from this paper. JUNE 7
Mehra distances himself from
After making inquiries in the US states hit hard- Desai and Surgisphere in
est by COVID-19, The Scientist reports that it’s statements to multiple news
unable to find any health systems that contrib- organizations. He later tells
uted data to Surgisphere’s registry. The Scientist that he didn’t JUNE 17
become aware of potential dis- The WHO drops hydroxychloroquine
Within hours of each other, NEJM and The Lan- crepancies in the company’s from the Solidarity Trial, this time because
cet issue expressions of concern on the papers database until after the publi- interim data indicate a lack of efficacy in
based on Surgisphere’s database. cation of the Lancet study. hospitalized COVID-19 patients.
The Scientist also contacted authors of the NEJM paper, which data. (He later organized a second letter listing concerns about
included the statement that “all the authors reviewed the manu- the NEJM study.)
script and vouch for the accuracy and completeness of the data On May 30, The Lancet issued a brief correction, in which the
provided.” SreyRam Kuy did not respond, and her institution, authors revised data from Australia—where the paper’s recorded
Baylor College of Medicine, tells The Scientist that she is unavail- deaths had exceeded official counts—and modified one of the
able for comment. Timothy Henry of Christ Hospital in Cincin- paper’s supplementary data tables. The Lancet told The Scien-
nati acknowledges he hadn’t seen Surgisphere’s data when the tist in an emailed statement that the study’s conclusions were
team submitted the NEJM paper, but tells The Scientist in an unchanged. But on June 2, both The Lancet and NEJM published
interview that it’s common practice for coauthors on clinical expressions of concern, and just two days later, after independent
research to review only summary data, and that there was noth- auditors failed to obtain access to Surgisphere’s dataset, both of
ing suspicious about Surgisphere’s dataset at the time. He says he the studies were retracted.
doesn’t believe the data were fabricated and that he thinks NEJM Some scientists expressed frustration that the journals didn’t
retracted the paper too quickly, adding that the paper’s conclu- act sooner; Watson wrote in an email to The Scientist at the end
sions have since been “proven to be correct,” suggesting that the of May that “by allowing the authors to post [a] correction and
problems lie with the data source rather than “data accuracy.” not address any of the other concerns, The Lancet appear to
The scientific community is often unclear on how to treat the [be] stating that so far they are not worried about the reliabil-
coauthors of researchers accused of fraud or other misconduct, ity of the study.”
says Stefan Eriksson, who directs the Centre for Research Ethics
and Bioethics at Uppsala University in Sweden. But the situation
is more black-and-white for authors who formally vouch for a pub-
lished study, as all five NEJM authors did and as Patel did on the
Lancet paper. “You can’t escape your responsibility” in this case,
Eriksson says. By assuring journals of the veracity of the dataset The Lancet study had rapid,
without having taken the necessary steps to confirm it, a researcher widespread effects, partly
has effectively “betrayed the publishing culture, and science in a
sense, as much as if you were part in the making up of data.” due to the dramatic responses
The University of Utah terminated Patel’s employment as an of organizations overseeing
unpaid adjunct member of faculty in early June. Asked whether
Mehra was under investigation, Harvard Medical School tells hydroxychloroquine research.
The Scientist that it is “fully committed to upholding the high-
est standards of ethics and to rigorously maintaining the integ-
rity of our research. Any concerns brought to our attention are
reviewed thoroughly in accordance with our institutional policies Editor-in-chief Richard Horton has repeatedly defended
and applicable regulations.” the journal’s actions, telling The Scientist that editors followed
proper editorial processes and that the journal acted swiftly to
A peer-reviewed platform evaluate and then retract the paper. As for whether The Lancet
In the 13 days between publication and retraction of the hydroxy- should have prevented Surgisphere’s work from being published
chloroquine study, The Lancet faced intense criticism—initially at all, he notes that “peer review is not an effective system for
for allowing the paper to remain online after flaws were uncov- detecting fraud,” because editors and reviewers typically trust
ered in the database, and later for having allowed the paper to be that they’re reviewing genuine research. He denied that hype
published at all. around hydroxychloroquine had unduly influenced the edito-
Many scientists, including Brew and Chaccour, wrote to the rial process for this study.
journal within days of the paper’s publication highlighting con- The Lancet and NEJM have both said that they’ll aim to improve
cerns about the patient numbers and the formidable challenges paper acceptance procedures. “We strive not to repeat mistakes,”
of collecting high-quality electronic medical data from hundreds NEJM tells The Scientist in a statement. “As occurs with every retrac-
of hospitals in such a short time. Those concerns were also dis- tion, we make changes to our system, test them, then reevaluate to
cussed by researchers in blog posts and on PubPeer. On May see if they’re having an impact.” For example, the journal plans to
28, statistician James Watson of the Bangkok-based Mahidol include reviewers with better expertise in “big data” for similar stud-
Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit (MORU), which was ies in the future, a NEJM spokesperson tells The Guardian.
involved in one of the hydroxychloroquine trials suspended fol- At The Lancet, part of the response will entail including ques-
lowing the paper’s publication, posted an open letter to the jour- tions about possible breaches of research integrity as part of peer
nal and the study authors on behalf of more than 100 signato- review, Horton says, as well as asking authors more-specific ques-
ries, listing 10 major concerns about the study’s methods and tions about the data’s accuracy and reliability. “You’re trying to tack

between learning the lessons but also not overresponding, because lic opinion about hydroxychloroquine that developed in the
you don’t want to impose another layer of bureaucracy on science interim—may have permanently hobbled the trial. MORU’s
that actually makes it more difficult either to do science or to publish Nick White, COPCOV’s co-principal investigator, says he was
science,” Horton says. “You’re trying to minimize harm and maximize surprised at MHRA’s lightning fast action to suspend research
the efficiency of the system—that’s a very difficult balance.” on hydroxychloroquine as a preventive therapy based on obser-
vational findings in hospitalized patients. The agency “didn’t
International fallout follow their normal principles,” White says. Noting similarly
The Lancet study had rapid, widespread effects, partly due to dramatic responses to the Lancet study by regulators in other
the dramatic responses of organizations overseeing hydroxy- countries, he adds, “I think they all bent under the intense politi-
chloroquine research. Within hours of its publication on May cal pressure and the natural media hype.”
22, the head of MHRA’s clinical trials unit, Martin O’Kane, MHRA defended its decisions in a statement to The Scientist.
wrote to organizers of COPCOV—a large international trial “When presented with a body of evidence—even after retraction
investigating hydroxychloroquine and the related mole- of the Lancet paper—that represented a fine balance between the
cule chloroquine as a preventive therapy for health work- potential risks and potential benefits of hydroxychloroquine, MHRA
ers exposed to COVID-19—saying that trial organizers were rightly made regulatory decisions [with participant protection] as
expected to “immediately cease recruitment.” Three days later, our prime concern.” It added that “the situation surrounding the pub-
the WHO publicly announced it was suspending the hydroxy- lication and subsequent retraction of the Lancet study . . . is unfor-
chloroquine arm of its Solidarity Trial, which was testing sev- tunate, and there will be lessons learnt across the research system.”
eral potential treatments for hospitalized COVID-19 patients, It did not provide further detail about what those lessons were or
in light of the safety concerns. whether the agency would be implementing any new measures.
Although both organizations responded quickly to the
Lancet study’s publication, the WHO was swifter to react as Not the end
concerns about the paper were raised. On June 3, after The Many questions about Surgisphere have yet to be answered,
Lancet issued an expression of concern but before the paper’s such as how the company’s data were assembled and what
retraction, the agency reinstated recruitment to the hydroxy- motivated Desai, who has not admitted to wrongdoing, to
chloroquine arm after finding “no reasons to modify the trial produce the studies in the first place. Now that public inter-
protocol,” the WHO’s director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghe- est in the company has subsided, with debates on other scien-
breyesus told reporters at the time. The study would subse- tific and political issues taking center stage, those questions
quently conclude that the drug was ineffective in hospitalized may never be answered. Some scientists have since argued that
COVID-19 patients; citing interim data, the WHO dropped some amount of flawed research is an inevitable, even accept-
the hydroxychloroquine arm for good on June 17. By then, able, price to pay for the accelerated pace of science during the
another large study, the UK RECOVERY trial—which had con- pandemic. Others have argued the opposite, saying that what’s
tinued testing hydroxychloroquine in late May and early June— needed right now is more-rigorous science and science-based
had reported similar findings. The WHO did not respond to decision making—an opinion echoed in a July editorial in The
repeated requests for comment. Lancet Global Health.
The COPCOV trial was plagued by greater delays, despite For the people directly affected by Surgisphere’s actions,
pleas from the research community. Scientists running COP- the discussion is far from academic. In July, Lee Wallis of the
COV had responded to MHRA’s May 22 communication with African Federation for Emergency Medicine, the nonprofit that
pages of documents explaining why the trial shouldn’t be sus- partnered with Surgisphere to develop COVID-19 diagnostic
pended, why the Lancet study was flawed, and how organiz- aids for clinicians in low-resource settings, told The Scientist
ers could implement additional safety precautions. Neverthe- the organization’s work had been delayed by at least six months,
less, MHRA proceeded with a formal suspension of the trial a cost that would be felt by African patients. Meanwhile, Patri-
on June 8, days after the Lancet paper had been retracted. It cia García, a Solidarity Trial investigator and the former health
wasn’t until June 26, more than a week after MHRA received minister of Peru—one of the countries in which the ivermec-
the trial organizers’ formal response to the June 8 suspen- tin preprint has been widely cited in recommendations for
sion, that the agency allowed COPCOV to resume. By then, COVID-19 treatment—expressed anger that Surgisphere had
other studies had been published on the issue, including a been able to damage public trust in scientists at a time when
small trial from researchers at the University of Minnesota scientific expertise is needed most.
that reported on June 3 that hydroxychloroquine was ineffec- “Now people are so confused about what science can give you—
tive as postexposure prophylaxis, although it hadn’t detected whether hydroxychloroquine works, it doesn’t work, it’s fake, it’s
any safety issues. not fake—that it’s going to be very difficult for us scientists then to
COPCOV organizers note that the five-week delay—not use any type of article or publication,” says García. “Now that they
to mention the decrease in active cases and the negative pub- know scientists can lie, who will believe us again?” g

1 0. 2020 | T H E S C IE N T IST 41
The Structure and Functions of the p53 Pathway:
ONDEMAND Information Acquisition, Redundancy, and Connectivity
Since its discovery by Arnold Levine in 1979, the tumor protein p53 has transformed the field of cancer research. p53 signaling plays a key role in regulating the
cell cycle, maintaining genome stability, and preventing mutations caused by stress or DNA damage. In fact, more than 50% of human cancers have a mutation
in the p53 gene. Today, scientists continue to make new discoveries regarding p53 signaling and its role in cancer.
In this webinar brought to you by The Scientist and sponsored by IsoPlexis, Arnold Levine from the Institute for Advanced Study will discuss his groundbreaking
discovery of p53 and the evolution of the field since then. Jon Chen from IsoPlexis will discuss the use of single-cell phosphoproteomics in identifying changes in
key signaling networks including p53, and how signaling alterations can affect treatment resistance in glioblastoma.

Professor Emeritus
TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 2020
Simons Center for Systems Biology
Institute for Advanced Study WATCH NOW!

• The foundational discovery of p53 and its recent advances
• How changes in MDM2-p53 signaling affect the timing
Technology Co-Inventor
and development of tumors
• The effect of signaling networks on cancer
therapy resistance
• Using single-cell phosphoproteomics to identify
key signaling events in glioblastoma
• Altering signaling coordination to mitigate
adaptive resistance

A Little Help From My Friends:

ONDEMAND Lessons Learned From Microbiome Metagenomics
Metagenomic analyses of the human microbiome reveal novel functions of our constant companions, from genes for antibiotic resistance to cancer risk and
susceptibility to treatment. These novel functions play an important role in human health and disease. In this webinar brought to you by The Scientist and
sponsored by Bio-Techne, Heather Jordan and Jennifer Wargo will discuss how metagenomics studies help uncover new and medically relevant functions
of the human microbiome.

Associate Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Mississippi State University WATCH NOW!


Professor, Surgical Oncology & Genomic Medicine • Autopsy sampling to uncover human resistome diversity
Program Director for PRIME TR • The role of the microbiome in cancer therapy
MD Anderson Cancer Center

ONDEMAND RNAi Mechanisms in Neurodegenerative Disease Therapy
The overexpression of certain proteins leads to neurotoxicity in diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and Huntington’s. While scientists do not fully
understand the mechanisms for these disorders, knocking down gene expression using RNA interference (RNAi) has become a promising area of therapeutic
research. In this webinar brought to you by The Scientist and sponsored by 10x Genomics, Nandakumar Narayanan will discuss how RNAi modulates gene new
RNAi methods for treating neurodegenerative diseases.


Juanita J. Bartlett Professor in Neurology Research
Associate Professor and Vice Chair for Basic and Translational WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 2020
Research, Neurology
Associate Director, Iowa Neuroscience Institute WATCH NOW!
Assistant Director, Clinical Neuroscience Training Program
Carver College of Medicine at The University of Iowa

• Advancing viral-based RNAi as a therapy
for neurological disease


Direct Capture of Guide RNAs Enables Scalable

ONDEMAND and Combinatorial Single-Cell CRISPR Screens
Single-cell CRISPR screens enable the exploration of mammalian gene function and genetic regulatory networks. Recently, multiple techniques have emerged
that pair CRISPR screens with high-throughput single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq), resulting in high resolution, information-rich readouts.
In this webinar brought to you by The Scientist and sponsored by 10x Genomics, Dina Finan will introduce the 10x Genomics product portfolio, including new
targeted gene expression panels. Joining Dina will be Joseph Replogle who will discuss how this technology helped him and his colleagues to develop direct
capture Perturb-seq, a new single cell CRISPR screening technique that greatly expands accessibility, scalability, and flexibility of single cell CRISPR experiments.

Weissman lab

• Streamlining pooled single-cell CRISPR screens with
DINA FINAN, PhD combinatorial perturbation libraries
Product Manager
• Improving efficacy of CRISPR interference and activation
10x Genomics
by targeting individual genes with multiple sgRNAs
• Applying direct capture Perturb-seq to study the genetic
interactions (GIs) between cholesterol biosynthesis and
DNA repair genes
• Leveraging hybridization-based target enrichment gene
panels to decrease sequencing costs by up to 90%

The Literature

Buff Neurons tracts

I.S. Glover, S.N. Baker, “Cortical, cortico-
spinal, and reticulospinal contributions to
Spinal cord
strength training,” J Neurosci, 40:5820–
32, 2020.

Of the two major neural highways that carry

messages about movement down the spinal
cord, one—the reticulospinal tract—is decid-
edly less fashionable, according to neurosci- Reticulospinal
entist Stuart Baker of Newcastle University tracts

in the UK. In contrast to the corticospinal

tract (CST), which evolved more recently LIFT, AND LOWER: Over the course of two months, researchers trained macaque monkeys to lift more
and helps control complex, uniquely human and more weight, until they were able to do the equivalent of a one-armed pull-up. When the researchers
movements such as playing the piano, the stimulated a bundle of nerves in the spinal cord known as the reticulospinal tract (RST), they saw increases
in the resulting neuronal electrical signals in the monkeys’ arm muscles as training progressed, while they did
reticulospinal tract (RST) is associated with
not see the same consistent upward trend in the muscles’ responses to stimulation of the corticospinal tract
“boring” functions such as posture and walk- (CST). The results suggest that RST connectivity may play a critical role in muscle strengthening.
ing, Baker says. But he suspects that the RST
plays a bigger role in our movements than
researchers currently appreciate. training continued. By the end of training, sity of Queensland in Australia who was
To test for the RST’s possible contribu- responses had increased by about 50 percent. not involved in the research. “It’s a level of
tion to strength training, Baker’s PhD stu- The team continued to track the strength of analysis that just hasn’t been attempted for
dent Isabel Glover, now a postdoc at Uni- the neural connections for two weeks after this type of exercise before.” He agrees with
versity College London, taught two macaque training was complete and found that the Baker that the RST is “underappreciated,”
monkeys to grasp and pull a handle attached increased connectivity persisted. The mus- noting that “there is a really strong overem-
to a pulley with their right paws. Feeding the cles’ responses to CST stimulation did not phasis on the cortex in controlling move-
monkeys fruit, nuts, or bits of chocolate as show the same steady increase during train- ment.” The new study, he adds, “is a nice
rewards for successful reps, she gradually ing, however, and in one monkey, CST con- example that there’s probably a lot going on
increased the weight on the other end of the nectivity appeared to decrease. After the in the brain stem and probably the spinal
pulley. After a couple of months, the animals training, the monkeys were killed, and look- cord” during movement.
were able to pull their own body weight. ing inside their spinal cords, Baker and In the future, Baker is interested in
Prior to the weight training, the research- Glover found further evidence of the RST’s understanding how increased connectivity
ers had implanted electrodes in the monkeys’ role in weight training: the connections on of the RST relates to how the body heals after
brain stems and arm muscles. This allowed the trained (right) side were stronger than injury and how to help accelerate the pro-
the scientists to stimulate the CST or the on the untrained (left) side, as evidenced by cess. For example, a study he published with
RST and measure the electrical response greater electrical responses of neurons in the colleagues earlier this year found that non-
in the muscles. Glover did this as the mon- spinal cord to stimulation of the brain stem. invasive brain stimulation could speed the
keys pulled an unweighted lever each morn- “It’s as if the volume was turned up on the recovery of hand function in stroke patients
ing before training began. Then she and trained side,” Baker says. There was no differ- (Neurorehabil Neural Repair, 34:600–608,

Baker looked at how the neural connections ence between the two sides for the CST. 2020). “We’re very interested in using tar-
changed over the course of the experiment. “The most interesting [part] to me geted stimulation of the RST to improve
They found a marked uptick in the mus- was the spinal cord result,” says Timothy recovery after damage,” he says.
cles’ response to RST stimulation as weight Carroll, a neuroscientist at the Univer- —Jef Akst

COMING TOGETHER: Functional MRI scans show higher connectivity in BRAIN WAVES: Patterns of neural activity known as alpha waves, often
the brains of rugby players in the off-season (top row) compared with non- recorded via electroencephalography, may stem from the visual cortex.
contact athletes (bottom row).


Non-Concussive Alpha Wave Origins

Microdamage THE PAPER
R.D. Traub et al., “Layer 4 pyramidal neuron dendritic bursting underlies a
THE PAPER post-stimulus visual cortical alpha rhythm,” Commun Biol, 3:230, 2020.
K.Y. Manning et al., “Longitudinal changes of brain microstructure
and function in nonconcussed female rugby players,” Neurology, Groups of neurons firing in sync produce predictable and
95:e402–12, 2020. measurable brainwave patterns, including the alpha rhythm,
which dominates when we’re relaxed and our eyes are closed.
Conversations about injuries in high-impact sports, such as football, While researchers have long suspected the alphas originate in
hockey, and rugby, typically center around concussions, brain injuries a brain region called the thalamus, the waves’ definitive source
that can affect memory, cognition, and balance. But not every collision and function remain elusive, says Roger Traub, a mathematical
yields a concussion, and even repeated, seemingly harmless impacts neurologist with IBM.
can alter the microstructure of white matter, myelinated neurons Experimenting with slices of rat brain tissue, Traub’s
located deep in the brain, researchers reported in Neurology in July. colleagues inserted electrodes into a piece of visual cortex and
The study followed 104 female collegiate athletes in rugby, swimming, used drugs to chemically induce a stable alpha rhythm. This
and rowing. Athletes wore headband sensors to measure the force of rhythm, the team found, emanated from pyramidal neurons in
collisions during practices and games. None of the hits experienced the fourth layer of the visual cortex. People think that because
by any athlete caused a concussion. Still, MRI and other imaging there aren’t many pyramidal neurons in that fourth layer, they
techniques showed differences in the white matter of rugby players aren’t important, but those neurons appear to generate alpha

who suffered low-impact collisions compared with the white matter waves, Traub says.
of swimmers and rowers who didn’t suffer head hits. The differences Comparing a model of neurons’ electrical firing to the team’s
were most noticeable in the corpus callosum, a nerve bundle that facilitates experimental data, he confirmed the cortex as the source of
communication between the brain hemispheres, says study coauthor Ravi the alpha waves. The waves form when pyramidal neurons
Menon, a neuroscientist at Robarts Research Institute in Canada. fire in sync, and the model suggested that the period of the
Specifically, imaging during and after the athletes’ competitive resulting oscillation (the time it takes to complete one cycle) was
seasons showed altered axon placement and increased functional determined by synaptic excitation, as opposed to the synaptic
connectivity among white matter neurons in the brains of the rugby inhibition common in other brain waves. When excited, pyramidal
players. Such neural rewiring, previous research suggests, could be a cell activity oscillates at a different frequency (the number
way for the brain to compensate for an injury. of waves per second) than nearby sensory neurons, possibly
Following athletes in the off-season is novel, says Pashtun interrupting the flow of information throughout the cortex.
Shahim, a physician at the National Institutes of Health Clinical The findings are “very convincing,” says University of Salzburg
Center who was not involved with the work. But, he cautions, neuroscientist Wolfgang Klimesch, who was not involved in the
“whether these changes in functional connectivity or white matter study. He questions, however, whether the result will translate into
integrity are transient or persist over a long time is unclear.” Blood humans. The alpha frequency in a rodent, for example, may be
biomarkers that can be tracked noninvasively over longer periods different than in a human. “It’s a very questionable assumption” that
of time, Shahim suggests, would be a more practical way to identify the frequencies in different animals are the same, Klimesch says.
potential axon disruption in college athletes. —Lisa Winter —Amanda Heidt

1 0. 202 0 | T H E S C IE N T IST 4 5
The Scientist’s annual
Top 10 Innovations Competition
We showcase the best of this year’s cutting-edge, life-science technology, as determined by a panel of expert
judges. The winners will be the subject of a feature article in the December 2020 issue of The Scientist.
• An “innovation” is defined as any product that life-science researchers use in a lab: machines, instruments,
tools, cell lines, custom-made molecular probes and labels, software, apps, etc.
• Products released on or after October 1, 2019 are eligible.
• Tune in to The Scientist to see which products won!
For further information, email:

Michelle Gray: Huntington’s Disease Detective

Associate Professor of Neurology and Neurobiology, University of Alabama at Birmingham


ichelle Gray says her mother knew full-length mutant human huntingtin gene along can answer, Pouladi says, “the limitation is only
never to tell her a story unless she with a molecular switch to reduce the expres- our imagination.”
could account for every detail. “If you sion of the gene in individual cell types. That Using the model, Gray and her colleagues
told me one sentence, I was going to ask you was important because no one knew which cells showed that reducing huntingtin expression in
another question,” Gray says. “I was always in were most important to the disease, Gray says. cortical neurons led to a partial improvement
pursuit of more knowledge.” After the model was made, it fell to Gray to in the animals’ motor and behavioral deficits.
Gray grew up in Alabama and attended characterize BACHD by detailing the behavioral, Reducing gene expression in both the cortex
Alabama State University, earning her bachelor’s cognitive, and muscular changes the mice expe- and the striatum, however, provided even
degree in biology in 1997. She then headed to rience when expressing the human form of hun- more dramatic results; it led to a reversal of
Ohio State University for her PhD and chose to tingtin (J Neurosci, 28:6182–95, 2008). Because every symptom afflicting the diseased mice,
work alongside neurobiologist Christine Beattie it takes more than a year for the animals to prevented brain atrophy, and bolstered the
on the startle response of zebrafish. Gray and show a full suite of symptoms, the work could repair of neuronal connections linking the
Beattie’s experiments showed that the neural be frustratingly slow, she says, but her diligence two brain regions (Nat Med, 20:536–41,
circuits involved in the response are malleable, paid off: BACHD mice are now widely used in 2014). The results, Yang says, informed cur-
which might have been essential in the evolu- Huntington’s disease research. rent efforts to develop treatments for Hun-
tion of predator avoidance (J Neurosci, 23:8159– “For cell type–specific effects, the BACHD is tington’s disease, including a drug now in a
66, 2003). really the best model out there,” Mahmoud Pou- Phase 3 clinical trial that reduces levels of the
Having studied the development of neu- ladi, a neurogeneticist at the National Univer- mutant protein.
rons, Gray realized that she wanted to apply sity of Singapore, tells The Scientist. Pouladi uses After wrapping up her postdoc, Gray
her knowledge to study the other end of the cell BACHD to study the disease’s effect on neuro- started her own lab at the University of Ala-
cycle: neurodegeneration. The topic was quite a nal support cells called oligodendrocytes. When bama at Birmingham in 2008. There, she
pivot from developmental biology, she explains, it comes to the types of questions this model decided, she’d study the role of neuronal
so much so that she didn’t know any researchers support cells called astrocytes in Hunting-
to contact. Before she finished her PhD in 2003, ton’s. When Gray first mentioned the line
she began attending neurology conferences and of research to Yang, he says he remembers
emailing neuroscientists. thinking it was risky, “because at the time
One of the researchers she contacted was very few people thought astrocytes could be
neuroscientist X. William Yang. He had just important.”
started his own lab at the University of California, Taking the risk paid off. Gray and other
Los Angeles, after helping to pioneer the devel- biologists at the university’s Center for Glial
opment of the bacterial artificial chromosome Biology in Medicine showed that BACHD
(BAC), a molecular tool used to clone chunks mice with reduced human huntingtin expres-

of DNA up to 300,000 base pairs long. Yang sion in their astrocytes don’t decline as
planned to use BACs to create transgenic mice quickly as BACHD mice with normal expres-
for the study of neurodegeneration in Hunting- sion levels, suggesting that astrocytes play
ton’s disease, a fatal brain disorder. He agreed some role in the disease’s progression.
to take Gray on as a postdoc to help develop the Through her work with the Huntington’s Dis-
Huntington’s mouse model. “I give her a lot of ease Society of America, Gray has witnessed
credit . . . for being very bold,” Yang says. “I that progression in human patients,
was proposing to do things that hadn’t she says. That’s when “you fully
actually been done before.” appreciate that [your
Huntington’s disease is caused research] is really going
by a dominant mutation in the hun- to be instrumental in
tingtin gene. Together, Yang and people’s lives.” g
Gray created a mouse model,
called BACHD, which included the

1 0. 202 0 | T H E S C IE N T IST 47

Reading Minds
A nascent but growing consumer market is driving the development
of sleek new tools for decoding brain activity.


onor Russomanno hadn’t stopped
wondering about the effects of the
multiple concussions he’d suffered
playing football and rugby at Columbia
University. In 2011, less than a year after
his last severe hit, he had passed a neurol-
ogist’s standardized test of cognition, but
he still wasn’t himself, at least not all the
time. “My mind [was] definitely different
than it was before,” he says. “I was really,
really amped and self-motivated and con-
fident on certain days, and then I would hit
these extreme lows on other days.”
The following year, as Russomanno
was pursuing a master’s degree in design in
New York City, a friend offered to sell him a
MindFlex—a cutting-edge toy from Mattel
that allowed users to make a ball hovering
on an air jet rise and fall by concentrating
on it—and pointed him to an online tutorial
on how he could hack the toy to create
a brain-computer interface (BCI). Rus-
somanno jumped at the opportunity to fig-
ure out what was going on inside his brain.
He deconstructed the toy and fitted
it to a baseball cap with its single electro-
encephalogram (EEG) electrode resting on
his forehead. He added a Bluetooth trans- a rare form of dementia, and a close friend NEXT-GEN MIND READER: Neurosity’s Notion
mitter on the brim that allowed the device to suffered a temporarily paralyzing neck headset, released in 2019, is one of a handful of
consumer brain-computer interface devices that
communicate with his smartphone and built injury. Russomanno realized that por-
scientists are adapting for their EEG research.
an app into which he could enter his activ- table EEG devices that feed information
ities and moods. Then Russomanno wore about brain activity into a computer, if
the hat one day while walking around New done well, could have all sorts of applica-
York City. “I wanted to start seeing if I [could] tions, including monitoring brain health ing EEG-based consumer BCI appli-
quantitatively track my habits and routines and assisting people with disabilities; the cations. Accordingly, companies sell-
and stitch them to my emotions and internal technology could “be applied in so many ing the devices typically fell into one of
states,” he explains. ways beyond my personal curiosity.” two groups: those targeting research-
Russomanno’s device was just a proto- There were already a handful of ers, with high-quality but extremely
type, and one day’s worth of data was not mobile EEG devices on the market and expensive equipment, and those target-
enough to answer the questions he had several more on the way, driven partly by ing tech developers with low-cost hard-
about his own mind. But his tinkering neuroscientists’ desire to make the tech- ware, usually with only a few electrodes

opened his eyes to the potential of BCI and nology more practical for use in health- and sometimes with fees to access the
the technology it’s based on. Around that care and other settings, and partly by raw data. Russomanno saw an opportu-
time, his grandmother was diagnosed with the tech industry’s interest in develop- nity to democratize a technology that, at

the time, was largely limited to big com- nology and researchers are slowly figur- The consumer market is
panies and well-funded labs. ing out the things you can do with it.” creating these devices that
In December 2013, he and Joel Mur- didn’t exist . . . devices that
phy, his physical computing professor EEG goes mobile
open doors for researchers.
at Parsons School of Design, launched Although EEG took a back seat in neuro-
—Olav Krigolson, University of Victoria
a Kickstarter campaign that promised science with the advent of magnetic res-
to deliver an open-source, reasonably onance imaging (MRI) in the 1970s and
priced BCI device that could amplify ’80s, the technology has been making a
and convert analog EEG signals into dig- comeback in recent years, says Krigolson,
ital data to be streamed wirelessly to a thanks in no small part to the fact that it With four electrodes and a price of $150, it
computer. In less than two months, 947 can be taken on the go. The first “mobile” became the first consumer product to make
backers pledged more than $215,000. EEG setups involved packing traditional real inroads into research.
In early 2014, Russomanno and Mur- equipment into backpacks, an approach Researchers were initially skeptical
phy founded a company, OpenBCI; they that was cumbersome and produced noisy about the quality of the EEG data that
started shipping their first product—a data. In the late 2000s and early 2010s, at Muse and other low-cost devices could
small box that amplified the analog brain least half a dozen companies sprang up to yield. Krigolson, for example, worried that
signals from up to eight EEG electrodes offer more-practical setups. These prod- the noise generated from muscle move-
and sent the translated digital data to a ucts were expensive, with price points in ments and other sources would wash out
computer—by the end of the year. the thousands or tens of thousands of dol- any signal that the device recorded from
The timing couldn’t have been bet- lars. The equipment was designed with the brain. “Picking up muscle activity is
ter. The consumer BCI industry was just researchers, not consumers, in mind. very easy; it’s orders of magnitude bigger”
beginning to blossom. In September 2014, But soon, the first low-cost devices began than the neural signal, he notes. But when
Toronto-based InteraXon launched Muse, to hit the market. In 2009, San Francisco– Krigolson and his colleagues, who have no
one of the first EEG-based devices truly based EMOTIV launched its first headset, financial ties to InteraXon, put it to the
targeted at consumers: a headband with which had 14 electrodes—still far fewer than test a few years ago, they found that Muse
four electrodes that communicated with the 32 or 64 of a traditional EEG cap—and did yield data of sufficient quality to detect
smartphone or computer apps, designed cost researchers just $750. That same year, event-related potentials (ERPs)—patterns
to improve mindfulness and meditation NeuroSky released MindSet, a pair of con- of neural activity in response to a stimulus.
by giving users auditory feedback on their sumer-targeted headphones with an arm Enthused, Krigolson and his col-
cognitive state. A few years later, Paris that positioned a single electrode on the leagues designed a protocol to detect
and San Francisco–based Rythm (now forehead—for $199. (MindFlex and another cognitive fatigue and successfully tested
called Dreem) launched the Dreem head- EEG-based toy—Uncle Milton’s Force it first on hospital workers and miners,
band with six electrodes and apps to help Trainer, which similarly allowed users to and then on themselves during a week-
consumers sleep. Since then, several new control a ball by concentrating while hearing long expedition to the Mars Habitat at
electrode headsets—and the hardware and instructions from Yoda—were also released the Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and
software needed to process their recorded in 2009 and used chips sold by NeuroSky.) Simulation. Other researchers also started
neural activity—have come on the market. And in 2014, InteraXon launched Muse. using Muse; on its website, InteraXon lists
(See table on page 50.)
From health and wellness to gaming
and virtual reality, the BCI market—which
Brandessence Market Research valued in
2019 at $980 million and predicted would
double in value in the next 15 years—is
mainly driven by consumer demand. But
the BCI industry also has an eye toward
research, and with neuroscientists striving

to make EEG mobile, consumer BCI wear-

ables may be just what the field needs.
“The consumer market is creating
these devices that didn’t exist . . . devices
nal Muse headset, released in
that open doors for researchers,” says 2014, was one of the first con-
Olav Krigolson, a University of Victoria sumer devices to make inroads
neuroscientist. “It’s a new emerging tech- into the research community.

nearly 200 publications on diverse topics notes Anthony Ries, a research psychologist produce messier data and limit researchers’
including pain and post-traumatic stress at the US Army Research Laboratory who ability to triangulate the source of the elec-
disorder (PTSD) that have used data col- was part of a team that compared research- trical activity being recorded.
lected by the headband. “People have been targeted mobile EEG technologies with con- But for many applications, just one
using Muse for research for a long time ventional EEG systems. “Generally, there is or a few electrodes may be sufficient.
now, as a recording device, as a therapeu- a tradeoff between data quality and mobil- Strong, brain-wide responses, for exam-
tic device, and everything in between,” says ity,” he tells The Scientist by email. Thea ple, are “pretty easy to record with one
Subash Padmanaban, a research engineer Radüntz of the Federal Institute for Occupa- of these mobile systems,” says Scott Bur-
at the company. tional Safety and Health in Berlin, Germany, well, a neuroscientist currently wrapping
Still, the data from Muse and other agrees. She has compared devices from up a postdoc at the University of Minne-
mobile devices are not as pristine as data EMOTIV, NeuroSky, and others, and found sota who has used Muse and an EMO-
retrieved from research-grade equipment, that EEG setups with fewer electrodes often TIV headset for his research. “And in


In addition to several companies that offer mobile electroencephalography (EEG) equipment specifically designed for researchers, a number
are developing EEG-based brain-computer interface (BCI) devices for the consumer market. Here are a few:

company Primary
Company Headquarters Latest Product(s) Cost to raw
launched application
first product

San Jose, MindWave Mobile 2 headband Gaming and

NeuroSky 2009 $99 Free
California with a single electrode development

Various BCI components sold a la Broadly Ultracortex

OpenBCI New York City 2014 carte or as kits for creating simple accessible BCI headset sells Free
wearables technology for $350
Muse 2 and Muse S headbands $4/month
with four electrodes, plus sensors Meditation and (but can
InteraXon Toronto 2014 $250–$350
to measure heart rate, movement, mindfulness be hacked
and breathing for free)
$499 for
version; $599
Dreem Dreem 2 headband with six elec- Free with
Paris, New York Sleep for research
(formerly 2017 trodes, plus sensors to measure research
City, and Taiwan improvement version,
Rythm) heart rate, movement, and breathing version
which gives
access to the
raw data
Notion 2 headset with eight elec- Decode motor
Free; pro-
trodes, plus a sensor to measure intention; pro-
cessed on
Neurosity New York City 2019 movement and breathing and two ductivity, flow $899
device for
haptic motors to generate vibra- for software
tional feedback developers
Decode visual
NextMind headset with eight Not
NextMind Paris 2020 attentional focus; $399
electrodes available
gaming, AR/VR

5 0 T H E SC I EN TIST |
SINGULAR ELECTRODE: NeuroSky’s Mind- able to build on top of it,” says NextMind
Set headset, released in 2009, was one of the founder Sid Kouider. NextMind does
first consumer BCI products on the market. Its
not currently offer access to raw data,
underlying technology was used in two toys that
year that allowed users to hover a ball over but Kouider says the team would con-
a stream of air by concentrating. sider doing so in the future. “By address-
ing this broader market we expand the
potential of neuro-technology,” he writes
in an email, adding that it “should help
with an app that can learn to interpret us to reach a scale never achieved so far”
the user’s imagined motor commands, for and thereby benefit research.
applications in gaming and artificial real- While these latest devices have yet
ity/virtual reality (AR/VR). to undergo stringent tests by indepen-
Castillo says that Notion’s poten- dent labs, they’re already being adopted
tial in health and wellness applications by researchers. Kouider says that most
is never far from his mind. His brother buyers so far are developers, but some
has epilepsy, and at the end of 2019, are academic researchers or consum-
researchers published a study that sug- ers. And the University of Minnesota’s
gested it may be possible to predict an Burwell was all too happy to try out
epileptic seizure up to one hour before Notion after Neurosity cofounder and
it starts using EEG data and machine CEO AJ Keller, formerly of OpenBCI,
learning. “Maybe people who suffer reached out to him.
from epilepsy can use this technology Burwell is launching a company
and predict this is going to happen and based on software he’s developing to
the clinical setting especially, people are maybe not go for a drive,” he speculates. detect neural biomarkers of drug crav-
just interested in registering that brain “Our device, it is for consumers, but it is ing, and had been using Muse to moni-
response, and you can do that with rela- clinical grade. We made it so you can use tor patients’ brain activity. But now he
tively few channels.” it for research, because we’re also look- says he’s leaning toward taking his work
ing to the future and this new genera- forward with Notion. He says Muse has
Open for tinkering tion of neuroscientists [who] are going done well for him, but it has some limi-
The consumer BCI industry continues to use it to develop their own research.” tations—if wearers move their heads or
to grow, with established companies scrunch their foreheads, for example,
launching upgraded and novel products the electrical activity of the facial mus-
and a handful of new competitors enter- cles can “swamp out the EEG signals.”
ing the market with low-priced devices. For many applications, Notion sits on the crown of the head,
While the BCI-enabling products pri- where there are fewer muscles to inter-
just one or a few electrodes
marily focus on consumer applications, fere. Burwell is now on the list to receive
may be sufficient. the Notion 2 headset, which began ship-
these companies are also paying mind to
research applications of the technology. ping this summer, and Neurosity has
In 2019, Neurosity launched Notion, written support letters for Burwell’s
a headset with eight electrodes that sells grant applications for research using
for $899, with raw data freely available This July, another new competitor, their equipment.
to users. Like Muse, Notion comes with NextMind, began presales of its $399 “Up until maybe five years ago, this
neurofeedback software, but instead of headset. This device also uses eight elec- stuff wasn’t ready for prime time yet,”
encouraging a meditative state, it’s used trodes but specifically targets the visual says Burwell. Even now, many neurosci-
to maximize focus and productivity, with cortex, located at the back of the brain. entists remain cautious, largely sticking
the primary market so far being software The company has developed software it to EEG setups designed for research-
coders, says Neurosity cofounder Alex calls the NextMind engine, which ascer- ers. But consumer-oriented technology
Castillo. Notion has an on-board com- tains visual attention and translates that is starting to prove itself, and Burwell
puter so that the data can be stored and into digital commands, allowing devel- says he expects that as it continues to

later retrieved directly, and thus does opers, particularly in the gaming and improve, the research community will
not have to be streamed, something Cas- AR/VR industries, to get creative. “We come to accept at least some of these
tillo argues is critical for data fidelity and are basically offering the platform to the devices as valid research tools. “We’re
security. The device also comes preloaded industry such that the industry will be kind of at a really critical period here.” g

1 0. 202 0 | T H E S C IE N T IST 51
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Lessons About Fear from Our Deep Past

By studying the diversity of antipredator traits in nonhumans, we can
learn to better manage the tradeoffs between caution and reward.


umans have many unique behaviors others at will, perhaps it’s OK to be a bit
among animals. For instance, we more cautious.
have a formal language that permits My students and I have spent more
unparalleled communication about things than 35 years studying the antipredator
that exist in the past, present, and future. and social behavior in giant clams, fishes,
We can be especially jealous and can feel skinks and other lizards, as well as in
schadenfreude. Yet we share at least one fun- several species of birds and mammals.
damental emotion with many other species: I’ve studied and researched antipredator
fear. That primordial emotion, as I describe behavior in marmots and wallabies in
in my latest book, The Nature of Fear, binds depth. We’ve even explored antipredator
us to our past. We are the descendants of a behavior in plant species that rapidly close
long lineage of successful individuals who their leaves when threatened.
got their risk assessments right. One of the main lessons I’ve learned
While many evolutionary psychologists is that risk is ubiquitous, and that it’s
focus solely on our hominin ancestors to impossible to completely eliminate it.
understand why we act as we do, I suggest Fear is a natural emotion and a potent Harvard University Press, September 2020
that we go much farther back in time and motivator. Indeed, humans share with
beyond our branch on the tree of life. All many animals a tendency to overestimate
animals, past and present, must assess risk (it’s better to be safe than sorry!). these fear-induced modifications can have a
life-threatening predation risks and make This makes us vulnerable to politicians profound influence on both the environment
decisions to avoid or otherwise manage with malevolent intentions who make and the distribution and abundance of many
those risks. It’s a delicate balance: being compelling advertisements that efficiently species. Fear, it turns out, is an essential
too fearful is costly if caution means that tap into our well-honed neurophysiological ingredient in healthy ecosystems and helps
you miss out on acquiring food, mates, or fear systems. Once they stoke our fear, maintain biodiversity.
other important resources. Being too brazen they tell us that their proposed policies I find it comforting to know that my
could end very poorly indeed. Successful will guarantee our safety. But think for a fear comes from a long line of my ances-
individuals are those that get these trade- moment before you support such fearmon- tors, both human and nonhuman. It is
offs right, and because of this, leave rela- gers. Ultimately, we must learn to manage an inherited treasure, a powerful ally.
tively more offspring. our risks. Trustworthy politicians lead us Yet, it is also an annoying and sometimes
Despite some differences in the pre- down a path of efficient risk management intolerable companion. It is a compass
cise neurochemicals that modulate fear, and recognize that uncertainty is both nat- that, when calibrated properly, guides us
the neurophysiological mechanisms asso- ural and ubiquitous. away from danger and toward opportu-
ciated with fear in humans are readily In The Nature of Fear, I describe how nity. Coopted and mutated, it can lead us
seen across vertebrates. Controlled lab- natural expressions of this emotion influence down destructive paths that often endan-
oratory studies in rodents and humans the structure of ecological communities, and ger our own humanity. g
have identified identical regions of the I review studies that show how the removal
brain and “fear circuits.” of predators changes entire ecosystems. We Daniel T. Blumstein is an ethologist
But to really understand our fears we know this, in part, because of remarkable and conservation biologist. He is a
have to get outside to study how animals experiments where we restore predators to professor in the Department of Ecology
assess and manage predation risk in the locations where they have been extirpated. and Evolutionary Biology, as well as a
wild. This is because context influences To manage predatory risks, animals modify professor in the Institute of the Environment
all decisions. If you’re hungry, it’s wise to their activity patterns, habitat selection, and and Sustainability, at the University of
take more risks lest you starve. And, if their diet. Fear of predators can also reduce California, Los Angeles. Read an excerpt of
you’re dominant and can steal food from an individual’s reproductive success. All of The Nature of Fear at

1 0. 202 0 | T H E S C IE N T IST 53
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Scientist as Subject

ong before there were rumors
of COVID parties, there were
“filth parties,” and the guest lists
were exclusive. Joseph Goldberger,
an infectious disease expert in the US
Public Health Service, was tasked in
1914 with determining the cause of WHAT’S OLD IS NEW:
pellagra, a deadly systemic disease. Tasked with finding a
Many physicians of the time believed cure for malaria in the
early 1970s, Institute of
pellagra stemmed from an unknown Chinese Materia Medica
microbe, but Goldberger felt strongly, researcher Tu Youyou
and correctly, that it was the result scoured texts spanning
of a nutritional deficiency. To prove thousands of years for
it, he and his wife Mary held small traditional remedies. Tu
successfully derived a drug
gatherings in multiple cities during called artemisinin from
which they and a few brave volunteers sweet wormwood and
injected themselves with the blood of tested it in animals. She
pellagra victims and ingested capsules and two colleagues then
filled with the scabs, nasal secretions, tested the treatment on
themselves to make sure
feces, and urine of living patients. it wasn’t toxic before they
History is spattered with began clinical trials. The
sometimes-gruesome examples of work earned her a Nobel
medical self-experimentation, some Prize in 2015.
of which have netted notoriety and
awards. Self-experimentation “has end of the 19th century during the who subject themselves and their
certainly been a well-recognized Spanish-American war to study the families to unregulated treatments.
tradition,” says Susan Lederer, a disease, which killed 13 soldiers for As Allen Weisse, a retired cardiologist
professor of the history of medicine every one killed in battle. To establish and medical historian, explains in
and bioethics at the University of how the virus was transmitted, three a 2012 article, “The trend in recent
Wisconsin–Madison. “I would argue . . . of Reed’s colleagues intentionally years toward collaborative studies,
it was almost required. The fact that exposed themselves and a handful of often on a massive scale, makes self-
you would risk it on your own body, volunteer soldiers to mosquitoes that experimentation by a single individual,
or on your own children, was a sign had previously fed on victims of yellow tucked away in his laboratory, seem
of your good faith.” fever. Three of the volunteers got sick, almost quaint, a relic of the past.”
In one of the more famous and one, Jesse Lazear, subsequently Still, the last Nobel Prize awarded
examples, Jonas Salk, a virologist died. In 1930, Max Theiler, a virologist for work involving self-experimentation
at the University of Pittsburgh, first with the Rockefeller Foundation, began was only five years ago, when Tu
tested his polio vaccine on himself developing a yellow fever vaccine that he Youyou was honored for developing an

and his children in 1952. Four years first tested on himself. For his discovery, anti-malaria drug that she first tested
earlier, virologist Hilary Koprowski he was awarded the 1951 Nobel Prize in on herself in the 1970s. Lederer says it’s
and his assistant had tested their own Physiology or Medicine. likely that self-experimentation more
rudimentary polio vaccine—this one Nowadays, in the US, self- often goes unreported nowadays, even
made of liquefied rat brain and spinal experimentation isn’t explicitly as it still happens—including in pursuit
cord—by drinking it themselves. forbidden, and researchers can put of a vaccine to prevent COVID-19. g
Research into yellow fever  inspired themselves forward as candidates for
greater personal sacrifice. A research treatments just as anyone else might. A longer version of this article appears on
team led by US Army physician However, Lederer notes that many The Scientist’s website under the title “Self-
Walter Reed arrived in Cuba at the people now “look askance” at scientists Experimentation in the Time of COVID-19”

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