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1st Image Problems:

1. The image reflects the increased possibility and danger of accident.

2. There are extra people seated than expected on the vehicle.

3. The driver’s control and operating space in the overloaded vehicle is diminished,
escalating the chances for an accident.

4. Overloaded vehicles can cause the tyre’s to overheat and wear off rapidly which
increases the chance of premature, dangerous and expensive failure or blowout.

5. No Road safety rules are followed


1. First and foremost Road safety rules should be followed strictly.

2. No overloading of vehicles should be allowed, there should be traffic police to analyse

and to keep in control every area.

3. Public transport should be made available with reasonable prices so people can afford
the same.

4. Cars have more seating area as compared to two wheelers, hence affordable cars should
be launched.
2nd Image Problems:

1. The picture shows that the hospital is unhygienic.

2. No proper facilities and treatments as can be seen the Saline bottle is hanged to the

3. Unavailability of proper amenities as no proper bed is provided.

4. Doctors not following hygienic rules and regulations.


1. Hospital is a place where ill people are treated to get better. However, if no hygiene
factors are maintained, patients might get infected instead of getting treated.

2. Proper facilities should be provided by the hospitals, there are various schemes
provided by the Government for the same, these should be used for the benefits of

3. Areas and rooms of the hospitals should be cleaned every now and then to avoid

4. Doctors should follow all the rules and regulations regarding the safety and hygienic
matters of the patients by wearing proper gowns, gloves and masks as required.

5. The saline bottle which is tied to a rope should be on hanger pole.

3rd Image Problems:

1. The image shows that women are carrying water in a pot which means there is scarcity
of water in that area or village.

2. In such type of area women go far to fetch water.

3. Doing this every day their leg strain.

4. Ladies drawing water away from the house.


1. The solution of these problems is they can try for water drilling or boring in their area
so that they don’t have go far from house to fetch water.

2. Villagers can collect some amount of money and they can build a water tank in their
village so that they can have water in easy way.

3. Doing this women will not have to go far to fetch water also they will not have pain in
their legs.

4. Also, everyone will get clean water and rain water will also accumulate in the water

4th Image Problems:

1. The lady in the picture seems to be uncomfortable using the cell phone.

2. Looks like she is facing difficulty communicating over the phone as unaware of how to
use and hold the cell phone.

3. Rural areas are less in contact with technologies unlike the Urban areas.


1. We can educate rural people about the basic technologies.

2. We can conduct seminars or workshops on basic use of technologies which can ease the
way of living of rural people.

3. As communication gap is the core reason of any problem, we can educate them on at
least the basic use of cell phones.

4. The basics can be incoming and outgoing calls, banking transactions, keeping memos,
Calculators, etc.
5th Image Problems:

1. In many parts of our country, there is no electricity. People at evening/night light up the
kerosene lamp.

2. The picture shows there is a lack of electricity.

3. The man is working on the kerosene lamp without electricity.

4. Because of this the man cannot do his work properly during night time.

5. In rural India many households, especially the poor ones have no access or unreliable
access to electricity for lighting and other energy-related needs. Instead, they have to rely
on kerosene lamps and other energy sources that are more expensive and insufficient for
their needs.


1. We can help him by installing solar panels; this will be helpful for him to live life

2. Construction of biogas digester can be done.

3. Electricity will be produced from the biogas digester using cow-dung, etc.

4. After this they won’t have to worry about lighting kerosene lamp.

6th Image Problem:

1. The picture shows that the lady is cooking on the earth stove for which she needs woods
stick to cook food.

2. Earth stove causes air pollution.

3. Because of air pollution the women can be affected by disease like T.B, lung cancer and


1. We can provide them a subsidy on gas cylinder and other services.

2. Because of using cylinder the chances of being affected by disease has been less.

7th Image Problem:

1. The picture shows that the school does not have the proper facilities for student while
having food.

2. They are also not providing proper hygienic food.

3. This will make them sick.


1. They need to build schools at village level, provide education and proper food.

2. They should look after the cleanliness for eating food.

8th Image Problem:

1. The major cause leading to traffic congestion is the high number of vehicles which is
caused by the population and the development of economy.
2. The traffic jam is leading to vehicles crowd, so close together that movement becomes
impossible for some time.

3. Also Stressed and frustrated motorists, encouraging road rage and reduced health of


1. The government should encourage people to use public transport long distance and
small size vehicles such as bicycles for short distances.

2. Add separate bus lanes to avoid traffic.

3. Carpooling reduces the number of vehicles on the road, which helps to reduce traffic
issues. It also has the benefits of reducing emissions and wear and tear on city streets.

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