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This document is a compilation of Philosophy and Human Existence (GST 112)

Questions that have been repeated by Examiners over a period of Ten years in
the University of Uyo. What may change is the construction of the questions but
the idea and meaning of the questions are not different. The questions have
been arranged accordingly to aid proper reading . This document was
compiled by , +2348149489250; .
If you are able to get 120 questions here right, then you can be sure of Grade A
in this course.
Chapter 1: Introducing Philosophy

1. Philosophers view philosophy in the following perspective except?

(a) Emotions (b) personal views (C) conclusions (d) prescriptions

2. Philosophy comes from two Greek words which are ......................

(A)Sophie and phina (B) Sophai and Philien (C) Sophia and philein (D) Suffer and

3. Who defines philosophy as the " irresistible desire to search for the foundational
or universal nature of things.
(A) Plato (B) Aristotle (C) Christian (D) Udoidem

4. "Philosophy is a human enterprise to be inquired into rather than a mere term to

be defined" , who is receives credit for the quoted statement?
(A) Christian Grey (B) Stoics (C) Jeremy Bentham (D)Herman Randall

5. According to Harold Titus, philosophy can be understood through one of the

following ways?
(A) The study of Plato and Aristotle (B) Understanding fallacious
reasoning (C)Reflected thinking and seasoned enquiry (d) Dogmatic arguments in
what you believe in

6. According to Russel, philosophy is something intermediate to ............... and

(A) Science and technology (B) science and Engineering (C) science and Math (D)
science and Theology

7. Ethics and ................ are the branches of Axiology ?

(A) Metaphysics (B) Logic (C) aesthetics (D) epistemology

8. While logic is concerned with reasoning, epistemology is concerned with..............?

(A)reliability of claims to knowledge (B) morality (C) understanding of the
(D) love

9. Philosophy and science could have been brought forth in?

(A) 585 B.C (B) 586 B.C. (C) 587 B.C. (D) 588 B.C

10. Thales , Anaximenes and Anaximander were .............?

(A) stoics (b) Milesian philosophers (c). Ethical thinkers. (D) scientists

11. According to Pythagoras, all things consist of ..........?

(A) radius (b) circumference (C) numbers (D) algebra

12. In philosophy, idealism is traceable to ........?

(A) Aristotle (B) Plato (C) Randall. (D)Christian
13. "Fides procidit intellectum " means ..........?
(A) faith must exist before one can understand (B) faith proceeds intelligence (C)
intelligence proceeds faith (D) Fidelity proceeds intelligence

14. "Credo ut intelligam " can be interpreted as............?

(A) every creation is intelligent. (B) I believe in order to understand. (C) credibility
is intelligence. (D) cradle to intelligence

15. ................ Was the foremost realist ?

(A) Plato. (B) Aristotle. (C) Harold. (D) Randall

16. Who emphasized the cash value of an idea ?

(A) John Dewey. (B) Jeremy Bentham (C) Plato (D) Aristotle

17. The primary aim of education for the existentialist is to enable ........?
(A) man exist happily. (B) man live an authentic life. (C) preserve humanity (D) a
moral free society.

18. Who is regarded as the father of political science?

(A) Aristotle. (B) Plato (c) Karl Marx. (D) Thomas Hobbes

19. According to John Locke, ............. Is the basis of government?

(A) Law. (B) Force (c) rights (d) the bible

20. Karl Marx explained the historical process in ..........?

(A) Marxian terms. (B) proletariat terms (c) economic terms. (D) bourgeois terms
Chapter 2: Knowledge: Types , nature and problems.
1. One of the following philosophers is the author of " The problems of philosophy"?
(A) Jeremy Bentham. (B) Bertrand Russell. (C) Thomas Hobbes. (D) John Locke

2. Epistemology asserts that knowledge is ..........?

(A) A true belief. (B) a justified belief. (C) a justified true belief (d) a dogmatic

3. Gorgias was a .........?

(A) moralist (b) realist. (C) sophist. (D) idealist

4. "If knowledge is possible , it must be able to be thoroughly grounded. But

knowledge is not able to be thoroughly grounded therefore knowledge is impossible
" the quoted argument is the position of.........?
(A) ethics (B) metaphysics. ( c) locus. (D) skepticism

5. According to Karl Popper ,the following procedures lead to knowledge

(A)observation -- problem --- testing --- theory ------ problem. (B) problem ----
testing ---experimentation --- theory --- problem (C) problem --- observation ---
experimentation --- theory --- problem ( D) testing --- experimentation --- theory --
6. Mills define induction as ...............?
(A) seeking of wisdom (B) dogmatic expression. (C) generalization of
knowledge (D)introduction of a theory

7. ..................... Such as Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz were of the opinion that reason
or intellect is the primary source for the acquisition of ideas.
(A) idealists (B)rationalists. (C) naturalists. (D) scientists

8. The following philosophers were notable classical empiricist except ?

(A) Immanuel Kant. (B) David Hume. (C) George Berkeley. (D) John Locke

(9) One of the following philosophers opined that both the intellect and senses were
necessary for the acquisition of knowledge?
(A) Immanuel Kant. (B) David Hume (C) George Berkeley. (D) John Locke

(10) .................... Is credited with highlighting the problem of belief as a condition of

(A) Edmund Gettier. (B) Colin Radford. (C) Charles Popper. (D) Tih Spinoza

11. One of the following scholars reject the notions of justification but rather see
science or knowledge generally in terms of context of discovery?
(A) Gettier. (B) Radford. (C) Popper. (D) Spinoza

12. One of the following scholars belief that truth should be seen as an ideal on
which only approximations can be made,
(A) Edmund Gettier. (B) Colin Radford (C) Karl Popper. (D) Spinoza

13. ............,,, means that we should suspend our judgement rather than affirm or deny
any knowledge claim?
(A) skepticism (B) rationalism. (C) realism. (D) idealism

14. Inductivists believe that during knowledge enquiry................. comes

(A) collection of data , observation. (B) observation, collection of data. (C) theory,
formulation of hypothesis (D) theory, experimentation

15. Any society that fails to identify the problem of knowledge will find itself
(A) abyss of frustration. (B) at the mercy of vagaries of nature. (C) a road of no
return (D) a kingdom of no ruler

16. Human senses are .....................?

(A) infallible and strong. (B) perfect and dominant (C)optimistic and hopeful (D)
fallible and prone to error

17. .................. believes that there is no knowledge beyond doubt?

(A) Rationalism. (B) empiricism. (C) Axiology. (D) skepticism

18. According to Mautner , people can know different things but cannot know
(A) similar things. (B) variable things. (C) incompatible things. (D) synonymous

19. Modern philosophers believe that.................... and .................... are both necessary in
the acquisition of knowledge.
(A) inductive and deductive reasoning. (B) positive and negative reasoning. (C)
optimistic and pessimistic reasoning. (D) legal and illegal reasoning
20. Bertrand Russell believed that definite knowledge belongs to ...................... and not
(A) religion. (B) Angels. (C) science. (D) metaphysics

Chapter 3: Logic
1. Logic is derived from a Greek word "logos" which may mean any of the following
(A) argument. (B) reason. (C) word. (D) speech

2. The study of................ is the effort to determine the conditions under which one is
justified in moving from propositions or statements called premises to a conclusion
that is claimed to follow from them.
(A) fallacy. (B) argument. (C) logic. (D) human existence

3. Who gave logic a fundamental place in philosophy?

(A) Plato. (B) Aristotle. (C) Descartes. (D) Russell

4. Logic deals with .................. and .................. arguments and aims to distinguish good
reasoning from bad reasoning .
(A) inductive and deductive argument (B) positive and negative argument (C)
optimistic and pessimistic argument (D) legal and illegal argument

5. What division of logic examines argument forms in order to determine their

validity and invalidity?
(A) informal logic. (B) metaphysical logic. (C) formal logic. (D) argumentative

(6) A logical calculus in its symbol and method of expression can be ................?
(A) an argument. (B) a command (c) a language. (D) a drawing
7. ................... is a statement which can be appraised as either true or false?
(A) argument (B) premise. (C) conclusion. (D) proposition

8. ................ is the proposition arrived at or affirmed on the basis of the premises?

(A) argument (B) premise. (C) conclusion. (D) proposition

9. The premises of a .................... argument necessitate its conclusion?

(A) deductive (B) inductive. (C) descriptive. (D) analytical

10. The validity of an argument is dependent on ?

(A) the truth of the premise. (B) the truth of the conclusion. (C) the falsity of the
conclusion. (D) the logical form

11. .................... argument can be valid yet unsound?

(A) deductive (B) inductive. (C) descriptive. (D) analytical

12. Inductive arguments can be described in the following ways except?

(A) better or worse. (B) valid or invalid. (C) stronger or weaker

13. An inference could be ................ or ....................?

(A) mediate or immediate (B)better or worse. (C)valid or invalid. (D)stronger or

14. An inference is .................. when more than one premise is involved?

(A) mediate. (B) immediate. (C) strong. (D) weak
15. There is a logical movement from premises to conclusion in ?
(A) inductive inference. (B) deductive inference. (C) valid inference. (D) invalid

16. ................... is a mediate inference by which from truths already known, we

advance to knowledge of other truths necessarily implied in the former?
(A) inductive inference. (B) deductive inference. (C) valid inference. (D) invalid

17. ................. Logic attempts to analyze arguments that occur in natural language?
(A) informal logic. (B) metaphysical logic. (C) formal logic. (D) argumentative

18. Who is the author of the book "organon" ?

(A) Plato. (B) Aristotle. (C) Descartes. (D) Russell

19. " Okon is dark" is a ?

(A) argument (B) premise. (C) conclusion. (D) proposition

20. "Do you love her?" is not a proposition because

(A) it is to short (B) it lacks supporting details. (C) it is not topic sentence. (D) it
lacks truth value
Chapter 4: Fallacious reasoning

1. A fallacy is a deficiency in an argument that consists of something other than a

(A) premise. (B) induction. (C) language. (D) inference

2. The following are types of formal fallacies except?

(A) fallacy of affirming a disjunction. (B) fallacy of affirming the consequent (C)
fallacy of denying the antecedent. (D) argumentum ad Baculum

3. " I deserve to be the SuG president because everyone knows I would win you in a
boxing ring if we fight now " is ?
(A) fallacy of affirming a disjunction. (B) fallacy of affirming the consequent (C)
fallacy of denying the antecedent. (D) argumentum ad Baculum

4. Which fallacy is committed when it is claimed that the antecedent in a conditional

statement is true because the consequent is true?
(A) fallacy of affirming a disjunction. (B) fallacy of affirming the consequent (C)
fallacy of denying the antecedent. (D) argumentum ad Baculum

5. Which fallacy is committed when a categorical syllogism has a positive or

affirmative conclusion, but at least one negative premise ?
(A) fallacy of illicit negative. (B) fallacy of exclusive premise. (C) existential
fallacy. (D) quantificational fallacy

6. " since all dogs are animals and all goats are animals , it follows, that all goats are
dogs" commits the fallacy of ?
(A) illicit negative. (B) undistributed middle term. (C) four terms (D)
argumentum ad popullum

7. " Buy an Airtel sim because beautiful people use Airtel" commits the fallacy of ?
(A) illicit negative. (B) undistributed middle term. (C) four terms (D)
argumentum ad popullum

8. " I admit I fought in school and that is wrong but if you rusticate me from school,
my poor parents in the village will be sad and sorrowful" commits the fallacy of ?
(A) argumentum ad popullum. (B) argumentum ad hominem. (C) argumentum ad
misericodiam (D) straw man fallacy

9. Fela advocated for legalization of prostitution but is arguments are nothing but
trash because Fela was a marijuana smoking patron of prostitutes" commits the
fallacy of ?
(A) argumentum ad popullum. (B) argumentum ad hominem. (C) argumentum ad
misericodiam (D) straw man fallacy

10. Which fallacy is committed when an arguer attacks a misrepresentation of his

opponent's view?
(A) argumentum ad popullum. (B) argumentum ad hominem. (C) argumentum ad
misericodiam (D) straw man fallacy

11. " Uniuyo does not produce sound students because my sister graduated unsound
" is a fallacy of?
(A) argumentum ad verecundiam. (B) argumentum ad ignoratiam. (C) false
cause (D) converse accident

12. ....because the prosecutor has not proven its case to establish the guilt of my
client, my client is not proven guilty" is a fallacy of ?
(A) argumentum ad verecundiam. (B) argumentum ad ignoratiam. (C) false
cause (D) converse accident

13. "Drinking Pepsi makes one a balon d'or winner because Lionel Messi drank
Pepsi and won balon D'or" is a fallacy of?
(A) argumentum ad verecundiam. (B) argumentum ad ignoratiam. (C) false
cause (D) converse accident

14. When the premise of an argument supports one particular conclusion which is a
different conclusion and is vaguely related to the correct conclusion , which fallacy
is committed?
(A) ignoratio elenchi. (B) petitio pricipii. (C) false dichotomy. (D) amphiboly

15. When an arguer misinterprets an ambiguous statement to be understood in two

clearly distinguished ways; the arguer selects the unintended interpretation and
goes ahead to draw a conclusion based on it, he commits the fallacy of ................?
(A) ignoratio elenchi. (B) petitio pricipii. (C) false dichotomy. (D) amphiboly

16. Another name for the fallacy of begging the question is?
(A) ignoratio elenchi. (B) petitio pricipii. (C) false dichotomy. (D) amphiboly

17. Which fallacy presumes that an " either ... Or ..." statement presents a jointly
exhaustive alternative when in actual fact , it does not do so?
(A) ignoratio elenchi. (B) petitio pricipii. (C) false dichotomy. (D) amphiboly

18. The fallacy ............. occurs when the conclusion of an argument depends on the
fact that a word or phrase , is used in two different senses in the argument ?
(A) equivocation (B) division. (C) composition. (D) suppressed evidence
19. The statement "salt is a non poisonous compound. So, sodium and chlorine, its
components, are non poisonous " commits the fallacy of?
(A) equivocation (B) division. (C) composition. (D) suppressed evidence

20. Which branch of philosophy reflects on the nature of thinking?

(A)epistemology. (B) ethics. (C) Axiology. (D) logic

Chapter 5: Value Theories

1. The word "value" could best convey the meaning of .......?

(A) circumstance. (B) love. (C) price-tag (D) knowledge

2. In philosophy , value theory is also known as ......?

(A) Cost. (B) price (C) epistemology. (D) Axiology

3, Values can be ................ Or .............

(A) intrinsic or extrinsic. (B) internal or external. (C) excess or moderate (D)
optimistic or pessimistic

4. Which branch of philosophy is know as moral philosophy?

(A) aesthetics. (B) ethics. (C) rationalism. (D) skepticism

5. Which of the following philosophers opined that "virtue is knowledge"?

(A) Aristotle. (B) Socrates. (C)Plato. (D) Stoics
6. The sophists who held that moral judgement must be supported by reason and
that rules of conduct must be rationally justified were professional teachers of?
(A) 3rd century BC. (B) 10th century BC (C) 5th Century BC. (D) 13th century BC

7. According to ................, the good life for man is the life of happiness?
(A) Aristotle. (B) Socrates. (C)Plato. (D) Stoics

8. Diogenes and Antisthenes were ?

(A) Cyrenaics. (B) Cynics. (C) sophists. (D) stoics

9. One of the following groups held that the goal of life is pleasure ?
(A) Cyrenaics. (B) Cynics. (C) sophists. (D) stoics

10. Aristippus led the.................

(A) Cyrenaics. (B) Cynics. (C) sophists. (D) stoics

11. Seneca and Marcus Aurelius were notable ?

(A) Cyrenaics. (B) Cynics. (C) sophists. (D) stoics

12. Epicurus believed that ............... is the beginning and end of a blessed life?
(A) wisdom. (B) knowledge. (C) generosity. (D). Pleasure

13. Which of these philosophers saw natural law as the eternal of God which is the "
reason and will of God"?
(A) St. Augustine. (B) St. Anselm. (C) St. Thomas Aquinas. (D) St. Patrick

14. Which of the following ethical theories advocate for selfless service?
(A) egoism. (B) situationism. (C) altruism. (D) utilitarianism

15. Jeremy Bentham and John Mill introduced..........?

(A) egoism. (B) situationism. (C) altruism. (D) utilitarianism

16. "Of sense of perception" means what in Greek?

(A) aesthetics. (B) asthetikos. (C) asthetitos. (D) asthethos

17. One of the following defines art as "an imitator of an imitation "?
(A) Aristotle. (B) Socrates. (C)Plato. (D) Stoics

18. Leo Tolstoy was ...................... Philosopher?

(A) English. (B) Greek. (C) Russian (D) French

19. Which of these theories of Art state that the aesthetic value of a work is relative?
(A) objective theory. (B) instrumentalist theory. (C) subjective theory. (D) for

20. Another name for imitation theory of art is ?

(A) objective theory. (B) instrumentalist theory. (C) subjective theory. (D) for

Chapter 6: Basic Notions in Social and Political Philosophy

1. Political philosophy is ..........?
(A) descriptive. (B) normative. (C) expository. (D) productive

2. The ................. defined justice as the interest of the stronger?

(A) Cyrenaics. (B) Cynics. (C) sophists. (D) stoics

3. According to Thyrasymachus .............?

(A) might is right. (B) right is might. (C) right is not might. (D) might is not right

4. According to Plato, the soul has rational, spirited and .................... Parts?
(A) emotional. (B) lovable. (C) appetitive. (D) comprehensive

5. According to Aristotle, the polis exists for ..........?

(A) the sale goods. (B) the sake of life. (C) the rationalization of man . (D)the
expression of love

6. The following philosophers except one believe in absolute of the state?

(A) Aristotle. (B) Plato. (C) Socrates (D) Thomas Hobbes

7. According to ...................., equals should be treated as equals and unequals as

(A) Aristotle. (B) Plato. (C) Socrates (D) Thomas Hobbes

8. According to................. the state should provide equality of opportunity.

(A) Aristotle. (B) Plato. (C) Socrates (D) Thomas Hobbes

9. The following are types of equality except?

(A) civil equality. (B) social equality. (C) Marxian equality. (D) economic equality

10. .................. taught that uniform law uniformly administered was the mark of a
good state .
(A) Aristotle. (B) Plato. (C) Socrates (D) Thomas Hobbes

11. John Austin defines law as ................?

(A) divine will. (B) norms and values. (C) a command. (D) request

12. According to Raphael, power in a social context is ...........?

(A) perception. (B) knowledge. (C) legality. (D) ability

13. Legitimate power is called ..........?

(A) influence. (B) authority. (C) sovereignty. (D) orthodox

14. .................... Is the absence of restraints?

(A) freedom. (B) authority. (C) power. (D) influence

15. Baran ............ Political obligations.

(A) invented. (B) translated. (C) democratized. (D) experimented

16. The following are fundamental human rights except?

(A) right to life. (B) right to freedom of expression (C) right to freedom of
worship (D) right to beat ones' children

17, Political philosophy is ..........?

(A) descriptive. (B) prescriptive (C) expository. (D) productive
18. ................. involves practical problems and search for an ideal political life and
(A) political philosophy. (B) political science. (C) political ethics. (D) political

19. Who defined state as " a numerous society united by a common sense of right
and a mutual participation in advantages "?
(A) Burges. (B) Phillimore. (C) Cicero (D) Bodin

20. ................. defines the state as "an association of families and their common
possession governed by supreme power and reason".
(A) Burges. (B) Phillimore. (C) Cicero (D) Bodin

Chapter Seven: Science, Technology and the future of man.

1....................... is the aim of science?

(A) subjectivity. (B)communality. (C) objectivity. (D) theology

(2) Technology is derived from two Greek words ................. and ................?
(A) Techne and logos. (B)tecnos and logos. (C) Teknos and Logos. (D) teckni and
3. The following are products of science except ?
(A) hospitals (B) airplanes. (C) perfumes. (D) religion

(4). The invention of................ Saw the beginning of the use of fire arms in war?
(A) arrow (B) gun powder. (C) canon bolt. (D) fire spear

(5) The invention of the Mariners compass directly facilitated ...............?

(A) commerce. (B) transportation. (C) politics. (D) government

(6) The industrial revolution that increased the spread of science and technology
took place when?
(A) 13th century. (B) 15th century. (C) 18th century. (D) 21st century

(7) Lack of electricity is a major concern at one of the following places?

(A) Western Europe. (B) Eastern Europe. (C) Africa. (D) North America

(8) Which of the following scientific inventions have helped barren women to bear
children ?
(A) miracles. (B) chemotherapy. (C) psychotherapy. (D) in vitro fertilization

(9) Genetic technology has helped man in one of the following fields ?
(A) agriculture. (B) space travel. (C) automobile manufacturing. (D) aviation

(10) world powers still dominate the economy of African nations through ?
(A) apathy. (B) pan Africanism. (C) annexation. (D) neo colonialism
(11). Which of the Ancient Greek philosophers is credited for saying " man know
thyself "?
(A) Plato (B) Aristotle. (C) Socrates. (D) Descartes

(12) First World War began in ........... and the Second World War ended in ...........?
(A) 1914, 1930. (B)1915, 1944 (C) 1914, 1945. (D)1916, 1947

(13) Which of the following rulers executed six million Jews in a gas chamber?
(A) Adolf Hitler. (B) Benito Mussolini. (C) Stalin (D) Donald Trump

(14) Karl Marx sees modern techno-production system in its present persuasion as
essentially being reduced to.................?
(A) proletariat. (B) bourgeois. (C) automation. (D) socialism

(15) Atomic bombs were used in world war 2 at ?

(A) Neveda. (B) Tokyo. (C) Shanghai. (D) Hiroshima

(16). Who described the work of medical professionals as " treating humans as a
means to an end"?
(A) Kant. (B) Marx. (C) Engels. (D) Aquinas

(17) Prenatal sex identification is possible through?

(A) chemotherapy. (B) psychotherapy. (C) dialysis. (D) sonogram

(18). Amniocentesis technology helps to prevent...................... abnormalities?

(A) chromosomal . (B) fractured. (C) psychological. (D) emotional
(19) An offspring inside the womb of its mother called?
(A) baby. (B) placenta. (C) foetus. (D) umbilical cord

(20.......................,is concerned with the use of scientific knowledge to develop things?

(A) development. (B) strategy. (C) mining. (D) technology

Chapter 8&9: Thematic Issues in Metaphysics ; Contemporary Movements in


(1) The question of being was first put forward by

(A) Socrates. (B) Anthenthos. (C) Thenos. (D) Parmenides

(2) Claims that the things we see round us are not beings because they are
"transient" and " temporal" ?
(A) Socrates. (B) Anthenthos. (C) Thenos. (D) Parmenides

(3). Who claimed that the ultimate source of all forms is the form of good?
(A) Plato. (B) Aristotle. (C) Socrates. (D) Descartes

(4) ............... identified pure being as the foundation and unity of all things?
(A) Plato. (B) Aristotle. (C) Socrates. (D) Descartes

(5) One of the following philosophers disagreed with Thomas Aquinas ?

(A) Plato. (B) Aristotle. (C) Duns Scotus (D) Descartes

(6) Hegel was .................................. Philosopher?

(A) an English. (B) A French. (C) a German (D) a Roman
(7) Satre was .................................. Philosopher?
(A) an English. (B) A French. (C) a German (D) a Roman

(8) One of the following philosophers took the stand of dualism?

(A) Plato. (B) Aristotle. (C) Duns Scotus (D) Descartes

(9) ................. Is the view that man is composed of one ultimate dominant constituent
or substance which is either the mind or body?
(A) dualism. (B) monism (C) monotheism. (D) polytheism

10. According to epiphemonenalists the mind is a function of ?

(A) spirits. (B) supernatural. (C) brain. (D) conscience

11. Who first raised the question whether universals were realities outside the
mind or simply ideas in the mind?
(A) Boethius. (B) Erigena. (C) William of Ockham. (D) Abelard

12. One of the following philosophers belong to the ultra realist school of thought?
(A) Boethius. (B) Erigena. (C) William of Ockham. (D) Abelard

No13. The following are moderate realists except?

(A) Boethius. (B) Erigena. (C) Aquinas . (D) Abelard

14. Nominalism was championed by one of the following philosophers?

(A) Boethius. (B) Erigena. (C) William of Ockham. (D) Abelard
15. The particularist school is the brain child of ?
(A) Okonkwo. (B) Uduigwomen. (C) Bodurin. (D) Iweala

16. One of the following philosophers belong to the universalist school?

(A) Okonkwo. (B) Uduigwomen. (C) Bodurin. (D) Iweala

17. Pragmatism is ...................,, philosophy?

(A) a Russian. (B) an American. (C) An Asian. (D) a French

18. Pragmatism was developed in what century AD

(A)17th. (B). 18th. (C) 19th. (D) 20th

19. Humanism is an .................... Philosophy?

(A) American. (B) Italian. (C) English. (D) Asian

20. The following philosophers are leading figures in existentialism except?

(A) Jean Paul Satre. (B) Frederick Nietzsihe. (C) Martin Heideggar. (D) Thomas

Chapter 1:
1. A. 2. C. 3.D. 4. D. 5. C. 6. D. 7. C. 8. A. 9. A. 10. B. 11. C 12. B. 13. A. 14. B. 15.
B. 16. A. 17. B. 18. A. 19. A. 20. C.
Chapter 2:
1. B. 2. C. 3. C 4. D. 5. C 6. C. 7. B 8. A. 9. A. 10. A. 11. C. 12. C 13. A. 14. B 15.
B 16. D. 17. D. 18. C. 19. A. 20. C

Chapter 3:
1. A. 2. C. 3. B. 4. A. 5. C. 6. C. 7. D. 8. C. 9. A. 10. D. 11. A. 12. B. 13.
A. 14. A
15. A. 16. B. 17. A. 18. A 19. D. 20. D

Chapter 4:
1. A. 2. D 3. D. 4. B. 5. A. 6. B. 7. D. 8. C. 9. B. 10. D. 11. D. 12. B 13. A. 14.
A. 15. D. 16. B. 17. C 18. A. 19. B. 20. D

Chapter 5:
1. C. 2. D. 3. A. 4. B. 5. B. 6. C. 7. A. 8. B. 9. A. 10. A. 11. D 12. D. 13.
A. 14. C. 15. D. 16. B. 17. C. 18. C. 19. C. 20. D

Chapter 7:
1. C. 2. C. 3. D. 4. B. 5. B. 6.C. 7. C. 8. D. 9. A. 10. D. 11. C. 12. C. 13. A.
14. C. 15. D. 16. A. 17. D. 18. A. 19. C. 20. D

Chapter 8&9
1. D. 2. D. 3. A. 4. B. 5. C. 6. C. 7. B. 8. D. 9. B. 10. C. 11. A. 12. B 13. B.
14. C. 15. B. 16. C. 17. B. 18. C. 19. B. 20. D
Chapter 6:
1. B. 2. D. 3. A. 4. C. 5. B. 6. A. 7. A. 8. B. 9. C. 10. A. 11. C. 12. D. 13.
B. 14. A 15. C. 16. D. 17. B. 18. A. 19. C 20. D

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