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Dilemma: A Case of Ovarian Sertoliform Endometrioid Carcinoma

Arasse Dino G. Martinez, Harriza M.Haron-Gangco, Humphrey C. Bitun, John A. Coloma

Department of Pathology and Laboratories, Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center, Manila

Date of Submission: November 20, 2018


Sertoliform Endometrioid Carcinoma is a rare variant of Endometrioid Carcinoma which

commonly occurs in women with an average age of 25 years and has histologic resemblance to
sex cord–stromal tumors such as Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors (SLTs). This report aims to present a
case of Ovarian Sertoliform Endometrioid Carcinoma, its clinical presentation, histomorphologic
and immunohistochemical features. A 52 year old menopausal woman G2P2(2002) came in for
consult with complaint of abnormal uterine bleeding. The patient underwent Total
Hysterectomy with Bilateral Salpingooophorectomy, and Bilateral Lymph Node Dissection
Infracolic Omentectomy and Random Peritoneal Sampling. On morphological evaluation, the
case was signed out as a case of Sertoli Leydig Cell Tumor, Intermediate Type with Retiform
Pattern, cannot totally rule out Carcinosarcoma, Ovary, Left. With the varied morphologic
features seen, the role of Immunohistochemistry is deemed essential.

Key words: Sertoliform Endometrioid Carcinoma, SEC, Ovary, Immunohistochemistry, Epithelial

Membrane Antigen, Calretinin, Estrogen, Progesterone, CD99, Inhibin, Carcinoembryonic
Antigen, S100
presentation, histomorphologic features
Introduction and immunohistochemical features.

Sertoliform Endometrioid Carcinoma was Case Summary:

first described separately by Young et. al.
and Roth in 1982. Roth decribed A 52 year old menopausal woman
four cases of an unusual variant of well G2P2(2002) came to consult with complaint
differentiated endometrioid carcinoma that of abnormal uterine bleeding. No endocrine
was predominantly composed of tubules, symptoms such as hirsutism or deepening
solid or hollow, as well as cord-like areas of voice was noted. Consult was done.
histologically mimicking Sertoli and Sertoli- Ultrasound revealed unilateral complex
Leydig cell tumors. ovarian mass. The patient underwent Total
Hysterectomy with Bilateral
This case report aims to present a case of Salpingooophorectomy, and Bilateral Lymph
Ovarian Sertoliform Endometrioid Node Dissection Infracolic Omentectomy
Carcinoma and to describe its clinical and Random Peritoneal Sampling.
The specimen submitted for frozen and and eosinophilic with irregular borders
permanent section labeled as “left ovary” (Figure 2).
consists of a previously opened, tan-red,
irregularly-shaped, rubbery tissue
measuring 26.0 x 4.0 x 3.0 cm comprising of
a solid area measuring 8.0 x 4.0 x 3.0 cm
and two (2) cystic areas measuring 10.0 x
5.0 x 0.7 cm and 13.0 x 10.5 x 3.0 cm. Cut
section of the solid mass shows tan-white
to tan-red rough surface. Cut section of the
larger cystic area shows hollow cavity filled
with serous fluid lined by tan-red walls. Cut
section of the smaller cystic area shows
hollow cavity with tan-red walls lined by
tan-brown necrotic material. The attached
left fallopian tube consists of a tan-red
tubular, rubbery tissue measuring 5.0 x 0.8
x 0.8 cm.

Microscopic sections of specimen

labeled “left ovary” show confluent,
crowded vague glands that merge with loss
of the intervening stroma and back to back
cribriform glands (Figure 1).

Some areas show hypercellularity of

the stroma with spindle shaped cells having
nuclear pleomorphism and few
mitoses(Figure 3).

The cells show mild to moderate

atypia, hyperchromatic nuclei and
prominent nucleoli. The cytoplasm is scanty
There are also solid tubules seen that
are round to elongated containing
S columnar epithelial cells with round to
oblong nuclei without prominent nucleoli
1. (Figure 5).


Other areas show nodular arrangement The cells lining the hollow and solid
of tumor cells with fibrous bands separating tubules have moderate to abundant pale
lobules composed of hollow tubules that cytoplasm (Figure 6).
are round to oval, some are small and some
are cystically dilated with eosinophilic
secretions (Figure 4).


Lymphovascular space invasion was not
Some of the stromal fibrous band demonstrated.
separating the lobules are slightly
edematous containing cells with large Considering morphological features, the
eosinophilic cytoplasm with large round case was signed out as a case of Seroli
nucleus that may be eccentric in location Leydig Cell Tumor, Intermediate Type with
(Figure 7). Retiform Pattern, cannot totally rule out
Carcinosarcoma, Ovary, Left. To further
strengthen the histopathologic diagnosis,
immunohistochemistry panel was deemed

The following Immunohistochemical

stains are requested: Carcinoembryonic
Antigen with Inhibin, Epithelial Membrane
Antigen (EMA), Carcinoembryonic Antigen
(CEA), S100, Calretinin, Estrogen (ER),
Progesterone (PR), and CD99. The EMA is
diffusely positive. The Calretinin, ER, PR,
and CD 99 yield are likewise positive.
Inhibin, CEA and S100 yield negative (Figure
Discussion: in the age group of 50–70 years in contrast
to SLTs which are common in younger
Sertoliform Endometrioid Carcinoma (SEC) females. In a study of 13 cases of SEC ovary,
is a rare variant of Endometrioid Carcinoma the age of 41 years was found to be the
which commonly occurs in women with an youngest age affected while others
average age of 25 years. The mean age reported this entity in a 55-year-old
group for this tumor has been reported as
60 years. It affects postmenopausal females
female.1To date, there are nearly 80 cases torsion secondary to a gradually enlarging
in the ovary and 20 cases in endometrium ovarian cyst as a presenting symptom.5
that have been reported in literature.2
According to studies done by Young et. Al.,
As stated in Blaustein’s Pathology of the Ordi et. Al and Remadi et. Al, Sertoliform
Female Genital Tract, patients with Endometrioid Carcinoma tumors vary
Endometrioid Carcinoma commonly present considerably in size, with reported cases
with abdominal distention and pelvic or ranging from 4 to 43 cm and weighing from
abdominal pain. Abnormal vaginal bleeding 49 to 1650 grams.Preference for laterality
is also a frequently associated symptom. was not noted, though bilateral tumors
This was said to be partly related to the were said to occur approximately 10% of
association of endometrioid ovarian the time. Most are predominantly solid,
carcinoma with endometrial hyperplasia with foci of hemorrhage and necrosis
and carcinoma. Most patients have an present in some cases.6
adnexal mass on pelvic examination.3In a
study by Ordi et. Al., they noted abdominal As mentioned in Blaustein, Sertoliform
enlargement secondary to a unilateral endometrioid carcinoma is characterized to
ovarian mass as the most frequent clinical have a predominant pattern resembling a
presentation. Additionally, they noted that sex cord–stromal tumor (Sertoli–Leydig Cell
up to 50% of SLT patients may exhibit Tumor), characterized by small tubular
endocrine manifestations.Patients with an glands lined by cuboidal or low columnar
SEC tumor may, however, present with epithelium with a paired cell arrangement
virilizing signs that may lead to an incorrect resembling well- differentiated Sertoli cell
clinical diagnosis.4In a study by Pai et al, tumor. Anastomosing solid tubules are
they noted tenderness associated with often said to be present. Cellular fibrous
stroma resembling the spindle cell
component of stromal tumors may also be
present.1In addition, Young et. al noted that
Pallavi BD, Maithili KM, Sinai Khandeparkar SG, microscopically, typical glands of
Jadhav AB. Sertoliform endometrioid carcinoma of the
ovary in a young female. Indian J PatholMicrobiol endometrioid carcinoma, squamous
2018;61:459-60 differentiation, or an adenofibroma
component are each present in 75% of
Kankaya D, Kahraman K, Ortaç F, Ensari A. Ovarian
SECs, facilitating their recognition as an
sertoliform endometrioid adenocarcinoma: A rare
variant which causes diagnostic pitfalls. Ankara endometrioid carcinoma.7Furthermore,
ÜnivTıpFakMecmuası 2015;68:133-6.
Pai P, Jadhav MN, Patil RK, Kittur SK. Sertoliform
Seidman JD, Russel P, Kurman RJ. Surface endometrioid tumor of ovary presenting as torsion. J
epithelial tumors of the ovary. In: Kurman R, editor. Lab Physicians 2016;8:112-5
Blaustein′s Pathology of the Female Genital Tract.
6 th ed. New York: Springer-Verlag Inc.; 2011. p. 751- 6
Misir A, Sur M. Sertoliform endometrioid carcinoma
758.  of the ovary: A potential diagnostic pitfall. Arch Pathol
Lab Med 2007;131:979-81.
Ordi J, Schammel DP, Rasekh L, Tavassoli FA.
Sertoliform endometrioid carcinomas of the ovary: A 7
Young RH, Prat J, Scully RE. Ovarian endometrioid
clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical study of carcinomas resembling sex cord-stromal tumors: A
13 cases. Mod Pathol 1999;12:933-40.  clinicopathological analysis of 13 cases. Am J
SurgPathol 1982;6:513-22. 
Ordi et al., reported that SEC typically endometrioid carcinomas.
demonstrates (1) the presence of areas with Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA), a
usual pattern of endometrioid carcinoma cytoplasmic stain, stains positive for ovarian
and(2) presence of mucin at the apical mucinous tumors.The
borders of the tumor cells which are not immunohistochemical stain CD99, which
seen in Sertoli Leydig Cell Tumor.2 stains the membrane, stains positive for
both Ovarian surface epithelial tumors and
According to Dabbs, Sertoliform ovarian sex-cord stromal tumors.
endometrioid carcinomas stain not only for
CK but also for Conclusion:
EMA, and they are usually negative for
Inhibin and Calretinin. 8 Seroliform Endometrioid Carcinoma is a
rare variant of Endometrioid Carcinoma
which presents a diagnostic dilemma on
Epithelial Membrane Antigen (EMA), along morphological evaluation due to its
with cytokeratins stain positive in the resemblance to sex cord stromal tumors
cytoplasm and membrane of cells in such as Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumor. The
endometrioid carcinoma. Inhibin, a diagnosis of such involves
cytoplasmic stain, is a sensitive and immunohistochemistry with an antibody
relatively specific marker of sex cord– panel composed of epithelial cell markers
stromal tumors of the ovary, and its main such as Epithelial Membrane Antigen
use in gynecologic pathology is in the (EMA), sex cord markers (Inhibin and
differential diagnosis of such tumors. Calretinin), hormone receptors (Estrogen
Calretinin, a cytoplasmic and nuclear stain, and Progesterone). CD99, Carcino-embronic
stains a broader range of sex cord–stromal Antigen (CEA), and S100. In addition to
tumors than inhibin, and it is a more which, the demographics and the clinical
sensitive but less specific marker of such presentation must be taken into
tumors.It is typically used in an IHC panel consideration and carefully correlated with
that also includes inhibin, steroidogenic histopathological and immunohistochemical
factor 1 (SF-1), and FOXL2. findings to arrive at a specific diagnosis.

Sex cord–stromal tumors—including References:

granulosa cell tumors,Sertoli cell tumors,
and tumors in the fibroma-thecoma group David J. Dabbs, Diagnostic
—occasionally show positive staining for S- Immunohistochemistry Theranostic and
100, a cytoplasmic stain. ER and PR Genomic Applications, 4th edition, Saunders
expression is seen in a wide range of 2014. pp 653-709
nonuterine tissues and in both benign and
malignant. ER and PR expression is Kankaya D, Kahraman K, Ortaç F, Ensari A.
moderate to strong in the nuclei of cells in Ovarian sertoliform endometrioid
adenocarcinoma: A rare variant which
causes diagnostic pitfalls. Ankara
David J. Dabbs, Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry
ÜnivTıpFakMecmuası 2015;68:133-6.
Theranostic and Genomic Applications, 4th edition,
Saunders 2014. pp 653-709
Misir A, Sur M. Sertoliform endometrioid Pai P, Jadhav MN, Patil RK, Kittur SK.
carcinoma of the ovary: A potential Sertoliform endometrioid tumor of ovary
diagnostic pitfall. Arch Pathol Lab Med presenting as torsion. J Lab Physicians
2007;131:979-81. 2016;8:112-5

Ordi J, Schammel DP, Rasekh L, Tavassoli

FA. Sertoliform endometrioid carcinomas of
the ovary: A clinicopathologic and
immunohistochemical study of 13 cases.
Mod Pathol 1999;12:933-40. 

Pallavi BD, Maithili KM, Sinai Khandeparkar

SG, Jadhav AB. Sertoliform endometrioid
carcinoma of the ovary in a young female.
Indian J PatholMicrobiol 2018;61:459-60

Seidman JD, Russel P, Kurman RJ. Surface

epithelial tumors of the ovary. In: Kurman R,
editor. Blaustein′s Pathology of the Female
Genital Tract. 6 th ed. New York: Springer-
Verlag Inc.; 2011. p. 751-758. 

Young RH, Prat J, Scully RE. Ovarian

endometrioid carcinomas resembling sex
cord-stromal tumors: A clinicopathological
analysis of 13 cases. Am J SurgPathol

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