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Di re Daw a Unversty

Di re Daw a In stitute o f Techn ology

Sc hoo l o f Chemi ca l &Bio Eng in eeri ng
Depa rtmen t o f Ch emica l En gin eerin g

ChEg-2081:- Chemical Engineering Thermodynamic-I

Worksheet 1
1. A non-conducting container filled with 25 kg of water at 293.15 K (20 ºC) is fitted with a stirrer,
which is made to turn by gravity acting on a weight of mass 35 kg. The weight falls slowly through a
distance of 5 m in driving the stirrer. Assuming that all work done on the weight is transferred to the
water and that the local acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2, determine:
(a) The amount of work done on the water.
(b) The internal-energy change of the water.
(c) The final temperature of the water, for which Cp = 4.18 kJ/kg.ºC.
(d) The amount of heat that must be removed from the water to return it to its initial
2. One mole of gas in a closed system undergoes a four-step thermodynamic cycle. Use the data given
in the following table to determine numerical values for the missing quantities, i.e., "fill in the

3. A tank containing 20 kg of water at 293.15 K (20 ºC) is fitted with a stirrer that delivers work to the
water at the rate of 0.25 kW. How long does it take for the temperature of the water to rise to 303.15
K (30 ºC) if no heat is lost from the water? For water, Cp = 4.18 kJ/kg.ºC.

4. One kg of liquid water at 298.15 K (25°C):

(a) Experiences a temperature increase of 1 K. What is Ut, in kJ?
(b) Experiences a change in elevation z. The change in potential energy Ep is the same as
Ut for part (a). What is z, in meters?
(c) Is accelerated from rest to final velocity u. The change in kinetic energy Ek is the same
as Ut for part (a). What is u, in m/s?
5. Liquid water at 453.15 K (180 °C) and 1002.7 kPa has an internal energy (on an arbitrary scale) of
762.0 kJ/kg and a specific volume of 1.128 cm3/g.
(a) What is its enthalpy?
(b) The water is brought to the vapor state at 573.15 K (300 °C) and 1500 kPa, where its
internal energy is 2784.4 kJ/kg and its specific volume is 169.7 cm3/g. Calculate U and
h for the process.
6. A list of common unit operations follows:
(a) Single-pipe heat exchanger; (b) Double-pipe heat exchanger; (c) Pump; (d) Gas
compressor: (e) Gas turbine; (f) Throttle valve: (g) Nozzle.
Develop a simplified form of the general steady-state energy balance appropriate for each
operation. State carefully, and justify, any assumptions you make.
7. A stream of warm water is produced in a steady-flow mixing process by combining 1.0 kg/s of cool
water at 298.15 K (25 °C) with 0.8 kg/s of hot water at 348.15 K (75 °C). During mixing, heat is lost
to the surroundings at the rate of 30 kW. What is the temperature of the warm-water stream? Assume
the specific heat of water constant at 4.18 kJ/kg.K.
8. Gas is bled from a tank. Neglecting heat transfer between the gas and the tank, show that mass and
energy balances produce the differential equation:

Here, U and m refer to the gas remaining in the tank; H' is the specific enthalpy of the gas leaving
the tank. Under what conditions can one assume H' = H?
9. Water at 301.15 K (28 °C) flows in a straight horizontal pipe in which there is no exchange of either
heat or work with the surroundings. Its velocity is 14 m/s in a pipe with an internal diameter of 2.5
cm until it flows into a section where the pipe diameter abruptly increases. What is the temperature
change of the water if the downstream diameter is 3.8 cm? If it is 7.5 cm? What is the maximum
temperature change for an enlargement in the pipe?
10. In the following take Cv = 21 and Cp = 29.3 KJ/kmol.K for nitrogen gas:
(a) 1.5 kmol of nitrogen at 294.15 K(21 °C) contained in a rigid vessel, is heated to 450.15
K(177 °C). How much heat is required if the vessel has a negligible heat capacity? If it
weighs 90.7 kg and has a heat capacity of 0.5 KJ/kg.K, how much heat is required?

(b) 2 kmol of nitrogen at 447.15 K(174 °C) is contained in a piston/cylinder arrangement.
How much heat must be extracted from this system, which is kept at constant pressure,
to cool it to 338.15 K(65 °C) if the heat capacity of the piston and cylinder is neglected?
11. Steam at 14 bar and 588.15 K (315 °C) [state 1]enters a turbine through a 75 mm-diameter pipe with
a velocity of 3 m/s. The exhaust from the turbine is carried through a 250 mm-diameter pipe and is at
0.35 bar and 366.15 K(93 °C) [state 2]. What is the power output of the turbine?
h1 = 3074.5 kJ/kg ; Vl = 0.1909 m3/kg ; h2 = 2871.6 kJ/kg; and V2 = 4.878 m3/kg
12. One kilogram of air is heated reversibly at constant pressure from an initial state of 300 K and 1 bar
until its volume triples. Calculate W, Q, AU, and AH for the process. Assume for air that P V/ T =
83.14 bar cm3/mol.K and Cp = 29 J/mol.K.
13. The conditions of a gas change in a steady-flow process from 293.15 K (20°C) and 1000 kPa to
333.15 K (60°C) and 100 kPa. Devise a reversible nonflow process (any number of steps) for
accomplishing this change of state, and calculate AU and AH for the process on the basis of 1 mol of
gas. Assume for the gas that PV/T is constant, Cv = (5/2)R, and Cp = (7/2)R.
14. An ideal gas initially at 600 K and 10 bar undergoes a four-step mechanically reversible cycle in a
closed system. In step 12, pressure decreases isothermally to 3 bar; in step 23, pressure decreases at
constant volume to 2 bar; in step 34, volume decreases at constant pressure; and in step 41, the gas
returns adiabatically to its initial state.
(a) Sketch the cycle on a PV diagram.
(b) Determine (where unknown) both T and P for states 1, 2, 3, and 4.
(c) Calculate Q, W, AU, and AH for each step of the cycle.
Data: Cp = (7/2)R and Cv = (5/2)R.
15. One cubic meter of an ideal gas at 600 K and 1000 kPa expands to five times its initial volume as
(a) By a mechanically reversible, isothermal process.
(b) By a mechanically reversible, adiabatic process.
(c) By an adiabatic, irreversible process in which expansion is against a restraining pressure
of 100 kPa.
For each case, calculate the final temperature, pressure, and the work done by the gas.
Cp = 21 J/mol.K.


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