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Zambia and Alcoholism 

Alcoholism has been one of the biggest issues currently facing our society.
According to a report by the RFI 76% of all Zambian men and 33 % of all women
consume more alcohol than the global average of 6.4 litres per person per year. 
According to our world data Lithuania currently holds the record for the highest
alcohol consumption per person with 15 litres annually. The shutdown of the supply
chain in 2020 resulted in an increase in demand for home brewed alcohol
alternatives such as the notorious Tujilijili. The drink consists of 90% ethanol and is
heavily linked to an increase in cases of mental health illness amongst consumers. It
is estimated 80% of cases of deteriorating mental health in the country are linked to
substance abuse but at a cost of K15 per sachet it is more affordable. In 2018 the
government took the step to ban Tujijili and in 2019 the Zambia Revenue Authority
(ZRA) launched attempts to limit the smuggling of ethanol into the  country. 

In addition, reluctance by Local Councils to enforce Statutory Instrument No. 72 of 2012 –

the Liquor Licensing Regulation, which bans the production, transport and sale of alcohol in
bulk containers made it very difficult in the competitive environment. However, the chairman
is confident that their $30million modern Lusaka plant (the largest Chibuku investment in
Africa) with bring good value for shareholder

. Home brewed alcohol which is

may account for a significant
percent of total alcohol
consumption in Zambia. One
survey reported 29% of
those surveyed indicated
consuming illicit alcohol
. Home brewed alcohol which is
may account for a significant
percent of total alcohol
consumption in Zambia. One
survey reported 29% of
those surveyed indicated
consuming illicit alcohol
Standard Beer size 375 ml

Spirits is 30 ml

Medium size wine is 120 ml at clubs and all

The recent Global status report on alcohol and health published by the World
Health Organisation (WHO) does not place Zambia among the ten biggest alcohol
drinking nations in Africa.
The report places Nigeria in the first position with Uganda being second, Kenya as
the third, Rwanda is in the fourth position.
The rest are Namibia in the fifth position, Burundi is sixth followed by South
Africa, with Gabon holding the eighth positions, Botswana is ninth and Tanzania is

Market Predictions: -

The whisky market in Zambia was equal to 12.00 million USD (calculated in retail
prices) in 2015. Until 2025, the whisky market in Zambia is forecast to reach
40.41 million USD (in retail prices), thus increasing at a CAGR of 9.22% per
annum for the period 2020-2025. This is a decrease, compared to the growth of
about 17.66% per year, registered in 2015-2019.

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