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India was under British for an almost a century in August 1947. India had received and are
following certain features of the colonial era. From few of my researches British rule did little
for India and gained a lot. Today even when the nation is independent colonization still
affected nations correspondence. The Indian political system has few legacies from the
British colonial some of the legacies were western education etc. Colonialism has few effects
such as environmental degradation and spread of diseases, ethnic rivalry etc.

Britishers ruled India for about 200 years. The Indian political system has inherited few
legacies from the British colonial system. The constitution has included a large number of
provisions of government of India act that was passed in British era on 1935 with 321
sections and 10 schedules. It is said that the constitution of India is a byproduct of the
government of India act 1935. Independence was not an end of the empires with colonialist.
India learned to use British ways and institutions to transform their lives and to create their
new nations. According to the liberalization one could not say British taught it to Indians, but
in 19th century British took many decisions such as education English language and made
changes. The zamindari system was introduced by British relating to agriculture system on
1793, it was introduced in almost all states by Britishers to ease the revenue collection Even
after Independence after launching so many land reform policies the zamindari system is still
prevalent in some parts of India like UP, Bihar.
From the 1600 Britain had developed trade relations with India the trading points were on the
borders of coast of Mughal empires.  Mughal Dynasty, which had ruled India for more than
three hundred year During 1750 the British began a war to get some parts of Bengal. In the
18th century India had a struggle the most as the Mughal empire was losing its power. The
British colonial I India allowed the British to introduce and implement to their government
system. The newly introduced British political and economic polices was a advantage to have
control all over. India economy had a huge economic change. The British after occupying
India utilized the natural resources and raw materials for their benefit. Also, British began to
bring monopolization of trade in India and purchased Indian goods at the lowest price. Indian
handicraft was taxed excess while export but the British industrial goods were allowed to
export without any tax. The monopolization led to destruction of Indian industry. After the
British left India, the state still remains underdeveloped due to the economic hardships they
faced during colonial occupation. Their status as a periphery state was established by the

systematic British extraction of resources and raw materials, out of India, through unequal
trade relations and the destruction of native industries.
The impacts of British colonial rule affected the political, economic and social facets of
Indian society, changing the nature of their future development. The implementation of
British political power structures allowed colonizers to effectively further their imperialistic
ideologies and plans of economic extraction.
The colonial legacy is prevalent in the judiciary system of India too. The judge centric death
penalty was drafted by British in the IPC, In India still the death penalty has been expanded
considerably over years. And it is still given as a punishment for serious criminal offences
that are rarest of the rare cases like terrorism death penalty is given as a punishment. India s
criminal justice also reflects the colonial rule
The effect of colonial legacy is prevalent in Indian economy as a whole. As a
whole within all of the bad things happened in India and Indians during the colonial
regime there are factors like industrial booms, the creation and implications of certain
rules and regulations that we does are adopted or are taken from the colonial era.


CAREY, Simon. The Legacy of British Colonialism in India Post 1947. The

New Zealand Review of Economics and Finance, [S.l.], v. 2, may 2013. ISSN
2324-478X. Available at: <>. 

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Meera Emmanuel|

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